179 lines
5.1 KiB
179 lines
5.1 KiB
* @author Edouard DUPIN
* @copyright 2011, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
* @license BSD v3 (see license file)
#ifndef __EWOL_KEY_H__
#define __EWOL_KEY_H__
#include <etk/types.h>
#include <etk/Stream.h>
namespace ewol
namespace keyEvent
* @brief type of input : Note that the keyboard is not prevent due to the fact that data is too different
typedef enum {
typeUnknow = 0, //!< Unknow input Type
typeMouse, //!< Mouse type
typeFinger, //!< Finger type
typeStylet, //!< Stylet type
typeCount //!< number of types
} type_te;
* @brief Debug operator To display the curent element in a Human redeable information
etk::CCout& operator <<(etk::CCout &os, const ewol::keyEvent::type_te obj);
* @brief Keybord event or joyestick event
typedef enum {
statusUnknow = 0,
statusDown, // availlable on Keyboard too
statusUp, // availlable on Keyboard too
statusAbort, // Appeare when an event is tranfert betwwen widgets (the widget which receive this has lost the events)
statusTransfert, // Appeare when an event is tranfert betwwen widgets (the widget which receive this has receive the transfert of the event)
statusCount, // number max of imput possible
} status_te;
* @brief Debug operator To display the curent element in a Human redeable information
etk::CCout& operator <<(etk::CCout &os, const ewol::keyEvent::status_te obj);
* @brief Keybord event or joyestick event
typedef enum {
keyboardUnknow = 0, //!< Unknown keyboard key
keyboardLeft, //!< Left key <--
keyboardRight, //!< Right key -->
keyboardUp, //!< Up key ^
keyboardDown, //!< Down key \/
keyboardPageUp, //!< Page Up key
keyboardPageDown, //!< page down key
keyboardStart, //!< Start key
keyboardEnd, //!< End key
keyboardPrint, //!< Print screen key.
keyboardStopDefil, //!< Stop display key.
keyboardWait, //!< Wait key.
keyboardInsert, //!< Insert key.
keyboardF1, //!< F1 key.
keyboardF2, //!< F2 key.
keyboardF3, //!< F3 key.
keyboardF4, //!< F4 key.
keyboardF5, //!< F5 key.
keyboardF6, //!< F6 key.
keyboardF7, //!< F7 key.
keyboardF8, //!< F8 key.
keyboardF9, //!< F9 key.
keyboardF10, //!< F10 key.
keyboardF11, //!< F11 key.
keyboardF12, //!< F12 key.
keyboardCapLock, //!< Capital Letter Lock key.
keyboardShiftLeft, //!< Shift left key.
keyboardShiftRight, //!< Shift right key.
keyboardCtrlLeft, //!< Control left key.
keyboardCtrlRight, //!< Control right key.
keyboardMetaLeft, //!< Meta left key (apple key or windows key).
keyboardMetaRight, //!< Meta right key (apple key or windows key).
keyboardAlt, //!< Alt key.
keyboardAltGr, //!< Alt ground key.
keyboardContextMenu, //!< Contextual menu key.
keyboardNumLock, //!< Numerical Lock key.
keyboardCount //!< number of posible key
} keyboard_te;
* @brief Debug operator To display the curent element in a Human redeable information
etk::CCout& operator <<(etk::CCout &os, const ewol::keyEvent::keyboard_te obj);
class SpecialKey {
union {
uint32_t value;
struct {
unsigned capLock : 1;
unsigned shift : 1;
unsigned ctrl : 1;
unsigned meta : 1;
unsigned alt : 1;
unsigned altGr : 1;
unsigned numLock : 1;
unsigned insert : 1;
* @brief Main constructor
* @brief Get the current CapLock Status
* @return The status value
bool IsSetCapsLock(void);
* @brief Get the current Shift key status
* @return The status value
bool IsSetShift(void);
* @brief Get the Current Control key status
* @return The status value
bool IsSetCtrl(void);
* @brief Get the current Meta key status (also named windows or apple key)
* @return The status value
bool IsSetMeta(void);
* @brief Get the current Alt key status
* @return The status value
bool IsSetAlt(void);
* @brief Get the current Alt-Gr key status
* @return The status value
bool IsSetAltGr(void);
* @brief Get the current Ver-num key status
* @return The status value
bool IsSetNumLock(void);
* @brief Get the current Intert key status
* @return The status value
bool IsSetInsert(void);
* @brief Debug operator To display the curent element in a Human redeable information
etk::CCout& operator <<(etk::CCout &os, const ewol::SpecialKey obj);
SpecialKey& GetCurrentSpecialKeyStatus(void);