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* @file etk/String.h
* @brief Ewol Tool Kit : normal sting management... (header)
* @author Edouard DUPIN
* @date 26/01/2011
* @par Project
* Ewol TK
* @par Copyright
* Copyright 2011 Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* Licence summary :
* You can modify and redistribute the sources code and binaries.
* You can send me the bug-fix
* Term of the licence in in the file licence.txt.
#ifndef __ETK_USTRING_H__
#define __ETK_USTRING_H__
#include <etk/Stream.h>
#include <etk/VectorType.h>
namespace etk
class UString
// Constructeurs
UString(const uniChar_t* inputData, int32_t len = -1);
UString(const char* inputData, int32_t len = -1);
void Set(const uniChar_t* inputData, int32_t len=-1);
void Set(const char* inputData, int32_t len=-1);
// basic convertion integer en string
UString(int inputData);
UString(unsigned int inputData);
UString(const etk::UString &etkS);
// destructor :
* = assigment
const etk::UString& operator= (const etk::UString &etkS );
const etk::UString& operator= (const char * inputData);
const etk::UString& operator= (const uniChar_t * inputData);
const etk::UString& operator= (etk::VectorType<char> inputData);
const etk::UString& operator= (etk::VectorType<uniChar_t> inputData);
* == operator
bool operator== (const etk::UString& etkS) const;
bool operator== (const uniChar_t * inputData) const;
bool operator== (const char * inputData) const;
* != operator
bool operator!= (const etk::UString& etkS) const;
bool operator!= (const uniChar_t * inputData) const;
bool operator!= (const char * inputData) const;
* += operator
const etk::UString& operator+= (const etk::UString &etkS);
const etk::UString& operator+= (const char * inputData);
const etk::UString& operator+= (const uniChar_t * inputData);
* + operator
etk::UString operator+ (const etk::UString &etkS);
etk::UString operator+ (const char * inputData);
etk::UString operator+ (const uniChar_t * inputData);
* * operator
friend etk::CCout& operator <<( etk::CCout &os,const etk::UString &obj);
bool IsEmpty(void) const;
int32_t Size(void) const;
void Add(int32_t currentID, const char* inputData);
void Add(int32_t currentID, const uniChar_t* inputData);
void Remove(int32_t currentID, int32_t len);
void Clear(void);
etk::VectorType<uniChar_t> GetVector(void);
uniChar_t * pointer(void) { return &m_data[0]; };
// Sting operation :
int32_t FindForward(const uniChar_t element, int32_t startPos=0);
int32_t FindBack(const uniChar_t element, int32_t startPos=0x7FFFFFFF);
etk::UString Extract(int32_t posStart=0, int32_t posEnd=0x7FFFFFFF);
private :
etk::VectorType<uniChar_t> m_data;
etk::CCout& operator <<(etk::CCout &os, const etk::UString &obj);
int32_t strlen(const uniChar_t * data);