192 lines
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192 lines
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* @file etk/Color.h
* @brief Ewol Tool Kit : basic colors
* @author Edouard DUPIN
* @date 23/04/2012
* @par Project
* Ewol TK
* @par Copyright
* Copyright 2011 Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* Licence summary :
* You can modify and redistribute the sources code and binaries.
* You can send me the bug-fix
* Term of the licence in in the file licence.txt.
#ifndef __ETK_COLOR_H__
#define __ETK_COLOR_H__
namespace etk {
namespace color {
extern const color_ts color_none;
extern const color_ts color_AliceBlue;
extern const color_ts color_AntiqueWhite;
extern const color_ts color_Aqua;
extern const color_ts color_Aquamarine;
extern const color_ts color_Azure;
extern const color_ts color_Beige;
extern const color_ts color_Bisque;
extern const color_ts color_Black;
extern const color_ts color_BlanchedAlmond;
extern const color_ts color_Blue;
extern const color_ts color_BlueViolet;
extern const color_ts color_Brown;
extern const color_ts color_BurlyWood;
extern const color_ts color_CadetBlue;
extern const color_ts color_Chartreuse;
extern const color_ts color_Chocolate;
extern const color_ts color_Coral;
extern const color_ts color_CornflowerBlue;
extern const color_ts color_Cornsilk;
extern const color_ts color_Crimson;
extern const color_ts color_Cyan;
extern const color_ts color_DarkBlue;
extern const color_ts color_DarkCyan;
extern const color_ts color_DarkGoldenRod;
extern const color_ts color_DarkGray;
extern const color_ts color_DarkGrey;
extern const color_ts color_DarkGreen;
extern const color_ts color_DarkKhaki;
extern const color_ts color_DarkMagenta;
extern const color_ts color_DarkOliveGreen;
extern const color_ts color_Darkorange;
extern const color_ts color_DarkOrchid;
extern const color_ts color_DarkRed;
extern const color_ts color_DarkSalmon;
extern const color_ts color_DarkSeaGreen;
extern const color_ts color_DarkSlateBlue;
extern const color_ts color_DarkSlateGray;
extern const color_ts color_DarkSlateGrey;
extern const color_ts color_DarkTurquoise;
extern const color_ts color_DarkViolet;
extern const color_ts color_DeepPink;
extern const color_ts color_DeepSkyBlue;
extern const color_ts color_DimGray;
extern const color_ts color_DimGrey;
extern const color_ts color_DodgerBlue;
extern const color_ts color_FireBrick;
extern const color_ts color_FloralWhite;
extern const color_ts color_ForestGreen;
extern const color_ts color_Fuchsia;
extern const color_ts color_Gainsboro;
extern const color_ts color_GhostWhite;
extern const color_ts color_Gold;
extern const color_ts color_GoldenRod;
extern const color_ts color_Gray;
extern const color_ts color_Grey;
extern const color_ts color_Green;
extern const color_ts color_GreenYellow;
extern const color_ts color_HoneyDew;
extern const color_ts color_HotPink;
extern const color_ts color_IndianRed;
extern const color_ts color_Indigo;
extern const color_ts color_Ivory;
extern const color_ts color_Khaki;
extern const color_ts color_Lavender;
extern const color_ts color_LavenderBlush;
extern const color_ts color_LawnGreen;
extern const color_ts color_LemonChiffon;
extern const color_ts color_LightBlue;
extern const color_ts color_LightCoral;
extern const color_ts color_LightCyan;
extern const color_ts color_LightGoldenRodYellow;
extern const color_ts color_LightGray;
extern const color_ts color_LightGrey;
extern const color_ts color_LightGreen;
extern const color_ts color_LightPink;
extern const color_ts color_LightSalmon;
extern const color_ts color_LightSeaGreen;
extern const color_ts color_LightSkyBlue;
extern const color_ts color_LightSlateGray;
extern const color_ts color_LightSlateGrey;
extern const color_ts color_LightSteelBlue;
extern const color_ts color_LightYellow;
extern const color_ts color_Lime;
extern const color_ts color_LimeGreen;
extern const color_ts color_Linen;
extern const color_ts color_Magenta;
extern const color_ts color_Maroon;
extern const color_ts color_MediumAquaMarine;
extern const color_ts color_MediumBlue;
extern const color_ts color_MediumOrchid;
extern const color_ts color_MediumPurple;
extern const color_ts color_MediumSeaGreen;
extern const color_ts color_MediumSlateBlue;
extern const color_ts color_MediumSpringGreen;
extern const color_ts color_MediumTurquoise;
extern const color_ts color_MediumVioletRed;
extern const color_ts color_MidnightBlue;
extern const color_ts color_MintCream;
extern const color_ts color_MistyRose;
extern const color_ts color_Moccasin;
extern const color_ts color_NavajoWhite;
extern const color_ts color_Navy;
extern const color_ts color_OldLace;
extern const color_ts color_Olive;
extern const color_ts color_OliveDrab;
extern const color_ts color_Orange;
extern const color_ts color_OrangeRed;
extern const color_ts color_Orchid;
extern const color_ts color_PaleGoldenRod;
extern const color_ts color_PaleGreen;
extern const color_ts color_PaleTurquoise;
extern const color_ts color_PaleVioletRed;
extern const color_ts color_PapayaWhip;
extern const color_ts color_PeachPuff;
extern const color_ts color_Peru;
extern const color_ts color_Pink;
extern const color_ts color_Plum;
extern const color_ts color_PowderBlue;
extern const color_ts color_Purple;
extern const color_ts color_Red;
extern const color_ts color_RosyBrown;
extern const color_ts color_RoyalBlue;
extern const color_ts color_SaddleBrown;
extern const color_ts color_Salmon;
extern const color_ts color_SandyBrown;
extern const color_ts color_SeaGreen;
extern const color_ts color_SeaShell;
extern const color_ts color_Sienna;
extern const color_ts color_Silver;
extern const color_ts color_SkyBlue;
extern const color_ts color_SlateBlue;
extern const color_ts color_SlateGray;
extern const color_ts color_SlateGrey;
extern const color_ts color_Snow;
extern const color_ts color_SpringGreen;
extern const color_ts color_SteelBlue;
extern const color_ts color_Tan;
extern const color_ts color_Teal;
extern const color_ts color_Thistle;
extern const color_ts color_Tomato;
extern const color_ts color_Turquoise;
extern const color_ts color_Violet;
extern const color_ts color_Wheat;
extern const color_ts color_White;
extern const color_ts color_WhiteSmoke;
extern const color_ts color_Yellow;
extern const color_ts color_YellowGreen;
color_ts Parse(const char *inputData);
color_ts Create(uint32_t val);
color_ts Create( uint8_t _red, uint8_t _green, uint8_t _blue, uint8_t _alpha=255);
color_ts Create(float _red, float _green, float _blue, float _alpha=1.0);