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=?= Tutorial 4: Object Message =?=
[left][tutorial[011_ObjectConfig | Previous: Object config]][/left] [right][tutorial[020_FileAccess | Next: File Access]][/right]
=== Objectif ===
:** Understand ewol::Object Messaging system
:** Create extern message and receive Object message
== Message system ==
The message system is a simple message sending between Object.
This is composed with a pointer (const char* const) that represent the mesage ID (pointer, then unique)
and a value (std::string)
The message are broadcast or multicast on object watcher.
== Receive Message from other object ==
=== Register on message ===
We will se an example on the widget : [class[ewol::widget::Button]]
By default the messageID is the event generated, But to overwrite this message Id just create a new one:
[code style=c++]
// on the global on the file or in private class member:
static const char* const g_backMessage = "local-event-button-pressed";
static const char* const g_backMessageValue = "local-event-button-value";
static const char* const g_backMessageDataOverWritte = "local-event-button-data";
Register with his name:
[code style=c++]
registerOnEvent(this, "pressed", g_backMessage);
Register with his direct name:
[code style=c++]
registerOnEvent(this, ewol::widget::Button::eventValue, g_backMessageValue);
It is possible to overwrote the data send by the Object :
[code style=c++]
registerOnEvent(this, ewol::widget::Button::eventPressed, g_backMessageDataOverWritte, "Data we want to receive");
=== Receive message ===
To receive message from other widget, just implement this function:
[code style=c++]
void appl::ObjectName::onReceiveMessage(const ewol::object::Message& _msg) {
APPL_INFO("Receive Event : " << _msg);
if (_msg.getMessage() == g_backMessage) {
// process here
if (_msg.getMessage() == g_backMessageValue) {
APPL_INFO("message value: '" << _msg.getData() << "'");
if (_msg.getMessage() == g_backMessageDataOverWritte) {
APPL_INFO("Overwrite message data: '" << _msg.getData() << "'");
== Declare Extern Message ==
=== Declare Message ===
In the header file:
[code style=c++]
#include <ewol/object/Object.h>
namespace appl {
class MyObj : public ewol::Object {
// Event list of properties
static const char* const eventValue;
//! @brief Constructor
//! @brief Destructor
virtual ~MyObj(void);
By convention declare events started with "eventXXXXXX"
In the source file:
[code style=c++]
// Declare the configuration Name:
const char* const appl::MyObj::eventValue = "value";
appl::MyObj::MyObj(void) {
// declare Event generated on this object:
appl::MyObj::~MyObj(void) {
// nothing to do ...
Now an extern Object can register event on this object, otherwise, they will be rejected!!!
=== Generate Message ===
Now we have register object message, We need to have generated it, This is really simple :
[code style=c++]
// with no data:
// With a custom data:
generateEventId(eventValue, "My sring custom data ...");
== Conclusion ==
You will now able to generate event between objects...