
201 lines
6.8 KiB

* @file ewolFont.cpp
* @brief ewol Font system (sources)
* @author Edouard DUPIN
* @date 29/10/2011
* @par Project
* ewol
* @par Copyright
* Copyright 2011 Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* Licence summary :
* You can modify and redistribute the sources code and binaries.
* You can send me the bug-fix
* Term of the licence in in the file licence.txt.
#include <ewolFont.h>
#include <ewolTexture.h>
#include <etkVectorType.h>
extern "C"
typedef struct {
position_ts posStart;
position_ts posStop;
intSize_ts size;
static UTF8Element_ts listOfElement[0x80];
static int32_t TextureIdNormal = -1;
static int32_t TextureIdBold = -1;
static int32_t TextureIdBoldItalic = -1;
static int32_t TextureIdItalic = -1;
static bool isInit = false;
int32_t ewol::LoadFont(etk::File fontFileName)
if (true == isInit) {
EWOL_ERROR("Font is already loaded...");
return 0;
if (fontFileName.GetExtention() != "ebt") {
EWOL_ERROR("Not the coorect extention of the file" << fontFileName);
return 0;
if (false == fontFileName.Exist()) {
EWOL_ERROR("File does not Exist ... " << fontFileName);
return 0;
FILE* File=fopen(fontFileName.GetCompleateName().c_str(),"r");
if(NULL == File) {
EWOL_ERROR("Can not find the file name=\"" << fontFileName << "\"");
return 0;
char elementLine[2048];
int32_t lineID=1;
while (NULL != fgets(elementLine, 2048, File) )
if ( '\n' != elementLine[0] // EOL
&& '\0' != elementLine[0] // EOF
&& '#' != elementLine[0] // Comment line
if (0 == strncmp("name:", elementLine, 5)) {
char extractString[256] = "";
sscanf(elementLine, "name:%s", extractString);
EWOL_INFO("Find font name : \"" << extractString << "\"");
} else if (0 == strncmp("normal:", elementLine, 7)) {
char extractString[256] = "";
sscanf(elementLine, "normal:%s", extractString);
etk::String elementName = fontFileName.GetFolder();
elementName += '/';
elementName += extractString;
EWOL_INFO("Find normal font image : \"" << elementName << "\"");
TextureIdNormal = ewol::LoadTexture(elementName);
} else if (0 == strncmp("bold-italic:", elementLine, 12)) {
char extractString[256] = "";
sscanf(elementLine, "bold-italic:%s", extractString);
etk::String elementName = fontFileName.GetFolder();
elementName += '/';
elementName += extractString;
EWOL_INFO("Find bold-italic font image : \"" << elementName << "\"");
TextureIdBoldItalic = ewol::LoadTexture(elementName);
} else if (0 == strncmp("bold:", elementLine, 5)) {
char extractString[256] = "";
sscanf(elementLine, "bold:%s", extractString);
etk::String elementName = fontFileName.GetFolder();
elementName += '/';
elementName += extractString;
EWOL_INFO("Find bold font image : \"" << elementName << "\"");
TextureIdBold = ewol::LoadTexture(elementName);
} else if (0 == strncmp("italic:", elementLine, 7)) {
char extractString[256] = "";
sscanf(elementLine, "italic:%s", extractString);
etk::String elementName = fontFileName.GetFolder();
elementName += '/';
elementName += extractString;
EWOL_INFO("Find italic font image : \"" << elementName << "\"");
TextureIdItalic = ewol::LoadTexture(elementName);
} else if (0 == strncmp("0x00", elementLine, 4)) {
int32_t GlyphPositionX;
int32_t GlyphPositionY;
int32_t GlyphSizeX;
int32_t GlyphSizeY;
sscanf(elementLine, "0x00 (%d,%d) (%d,%d)", &GlyphPositionX, &GlyphPositionY, &GlyphSizeX, &GlyphSizeY);
EWOL_INFO("Find default font glyph : (" << GlyphPositionX << "," << GlyphPositionY << ") (" << GlyphSizeX << "," << GlyphSizeY << ") ");
for (int32_t iii=0; iii< 0x80; iii++) {
listOfElement[iii].posStart.x = (double)GlyphPositionX / 512.0;
listOfElement[iii].posStart.y = (double)GlyphPositionY / 512.0;
listOfElement[iii].posStop.x = (double)(GlyphPositionX+GlyphSizeX) / 512.0;
listOfElement[iii].posStop.y = (double)(GlyphPositionY+GlyphSizeY) / 512.0;
listOfElement[iii].size.x = GlyphSizeX;
listOfElement[iii].size.y = GlyphSizeY;
} else if (0 == strncmp("0x", elementLine, 2)) {
uint32_t utf8Value;
int32_t GlyphPositionX;
int32_t GlyphPositionY;
int32_t GlyphSizeX;
int32_t GlyphSizeY;
sscanf(elementLine, "0x%x (%d,%d) (%d,%d)", &utf8Value, &GlyphPositionX, &GlyphPositionY, &GlyphSizeX, &GlyphSizeY);
//EWOL_INFO("Find pos font glyph : " << utf8Value << " (" << GlyphPositionX << "," << GlyphPositionY << ") (" << GlyphSizeX << "," << GlyphSizeY << ") ");
if (utf8Value < 0x80) {
listOfElement[utf8Value].posStart.x = (double)GlyphPositionX / 512.0;
listOfElement[utf8Value].posStart.y = (double)GlyphPositionY / 512.0;
listOfElement[utf8Value].posStop.x = (double)(GlyphPositionX+GlyphSizeX) / 512.0;
listOfElement[utf8Value].posStop.y = (double)(GlyphPositionY+GlyphSizeY) / 512.0;
listOfElement[utf8Value].size.x = GlyphSizeX;
listOfElement[utf8Value].size.y = GlyphSizeY;
} else {
EWOL_ERROR("not manage glyph with ID > 0x7F line : " << lineID << "\"" << elementLine << "\"");
} else {
EWOL_ERROR("error when parsing the line : " << lineID << "\"" << elementLine << "\"");
isInit = true;
// return the font Id :
return 0;
#include <GL/gl.h>
#include <GL/glu.h>
#include <GL/glx.h>
#include <GL/glut.h>
#if defined(EWOL_X11_MODE__XF86V)
# include <X11/extensions/xf86vmode.h>
#elif defined(EWOL_X11_MODE__XRENDER)
# include <X11/extensions/Xrender.h>
void ewol::DrawText(double x, double y, const char * myString)
char * tmpVal = (char*)myString;
glColor4f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, TextureIdBold);
while(*tmpVal != '\0') {
char tmpChar = *tmpVal;
if (tmpChar >= 0x80) {
tmpChar = 0;
glTexCoord2f(listOfElement[tmpChar].posStart.x, listOfElement[tmpChar].posStart.y);
glVertex3f(x, y, 0.0);
glTexCoord2f(listOfElement[tmpChar].posStop.x, listOfElement[tmpChar].posStart.y);
glVertex3f(x + listOfElement[tmpChar].size.x, y, 0.0);
glTexCoord2f(listOfElement[tmpChar].posStop.x, listOfElement[tmpChar].posStop.y);
glVertex3f(x + listOfElement[tmpChar].size.x, y + listOfElement[tmpChar].size.y, 0.0);
glTexCoord2f(listOfElement[tmpChar].posStart.x, listOfElement[tmpChar].posStop.y);
glVertex3f(x , y + listOfElement[tmpChar].size.y, 0.0);
x += listOfElement[tmpChar].size.x;