/** ******************************************************************************* * @file parserSVG/Base.cpp * @brief basic Element parsing (Sources) * @author Edouard DUPIN * @date 20/03/2012 * @par Project * parserSVG * * @par Copyright * Copyright 2011 Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY. * * Licence summary : * You can modify and redistribute the sources code and binaries. * You can send me the bug-fix * * Term of the licence in in the file licence.txt. * ******************************************************************************* */ #include #include #include svg::Base::Base(PaintState parentPaintState) { // copy the parent painting properties ... m_paint = parentPaintState; } /** * @brief Parse the transform balise C String. * @param[in] inputString String data inside the transform attribute * @param[in,out] baseMatrice matrice that must be update * @return --- */ void svg::Base::ParseTransform(TiXmlNode *node) { SVG_CHECK_INOUT(node); const char * inputString = (char*)node->ToElement()->Attribute("transform"); if (NULL == inputString) { return; } SVG_VERBOSE("find transform : \"" << inputString << "\""); char tmpData[2048]; for (int32_t iii=0; inputString[iii]!='\0' && iii<2047; iii++) { if (inputString[iii] == ',') { tmpData[iii] = ' '; } else { tmpData[iii] = inputString[iii]; } // end of the string ... tmpData[iii+1] = '\0'; } SVG_VERBOSE("find transform : \"" << tmpData << "\""); double matrix[6]; float angle, xxx, yyy; int32_t n; char * pointerOnData = tmpData; while (*pointerOnData) { if (sscanf(pointerOnData, "matrix (%lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf) %n", &matrix[0], &matrix[1], &matrix[2], &matrix[3], &matrix[4], &matrix[5], &n) == 6) { m_transformMatrix.load_from(matrix); } else if (sscanf(pointerOnData, "translate (%f %f) %n", &xxx, &yyy, &n) == 2) { m_transformMatrix *= agg::trans_affine_translation(xxx, yyy); SVG_VERBOSE("Translate : " << xxx << ", " << yyy); } else if (sscanf(pointerOnData, "translate (%f) %n", &xxx, &n) == 1) { m_transformMatrix *= agg::trans_affine_translation(xxx, 0); SVG_VERBOSE("Translate : " << xxx << ", " << 0); } else if (sscanf(pointerOnData, "scale (%f %f) %n", &xxx, &yyy, &n) == 2) { m_transformMatrix *= agg::trans_affine_scaling(xxx, yyy); SVG_VERBOSE("Scale : " << xxx << ", " << yyy); } else if (sscanf(pointerOnData, "scale (%f) %n", &xxx, &n) == 1) { m_transformMatrix *= agg::trans_affine_scaling(xxx, xxx); SVG_VERBOSE("Scale : " << xxx << ", " << xxx); } else if (sscanf(pointerOnData, "rotate (%f %f %f) %n", &angle, &xxx, &yyy, &n) == 3) { angle = angle / 180 * M_PI; m_transformMatrix *= agg::trans_affine_translation(-xxx, -yyy); m_transformMatrix *= agg::trans_affine_rotation(angle); m_transformMatrix *= agg::trans_affine_translation(xxx, yyy); } else if (sscanf(pointerOnData, "rotate (%f) %n", &angle, &n) == 1) { angle = angle / 180 * M_PI; SVG_VERBOSE("rotate : " << angle << "rad, " << (angle/M_PI*180) << "°"); m_transformMatrix *= agg::trans_affine_rotation(angle); } else if (sscanf(pointerOnData, "skewX (%f) %n", &angle, &n) == 1) { angle = angle / 180 * M_PI; SVG_VERBOSE("skewX : " << angle << "rad, " << (angle/M_PI*180) << "\Uffffffff"); m_transformMatrix *= agg::trans_affine_skewing(angle, 0.0); } else if (sscanf(pointerOnData, "skewY (%f) %n", &angle, &n) == 1) { angle = angle / 180 * M_PI; SVG_VERBOSE("skewY : " << angle << "rad, " << (angle/M_PI*180) << "\Uffffffff"); m_transformMatrix *= agg::trans_affine_skewing(0.0, angle); } else { break; } pointerOnData += n; } } /** * @brief Parse x, y, width, height attribute of the xml node * @param[in] node XML node * @param[out] pos parsed position * @param[out] size parsed dimention * @return --- */ void svg::Base::ParsePosition(const TiXmlNode *node, coord2D_ts &pos, coord2D_ts &size) { pos.x = 0; pos.y = 0; size.x = 0; size.y = 0; const char * content = node->ToElement()->Attribute("x"); if (NULL != content) { pos.x = ParseLength(content); } content = node->ToElement()->Attribute("y"); if (NULL != content) { pos.y = ParseLength(content); } content = node->ToElement()->Attribute("width"); if (NULL != content) { size.x = ParseLength(content); } content = node->ToElement()->Attribute("height"); if (NULL != content) { size.y = ParseLength(content); } } /** * @brief Parse a lenght of the xml element * @param[in] dataInput Data C String with the printed lenght * @return standart number of pixels */ etkFloat_t svg::Base::ParseLength(const char *dataInput) { int32_t numLength = strspn(dataInput, "0123456789+-."); const char *unit = dataInput + numLength; //SVG_INFO(" ==> \"" << dataInput << "\""); etkFloat_t n = atof(dataInput); //SVG_INFO(" ==> ?? = " << n ); etkFloat_t font_size = 20.0; // note : ";" is for the parsing of the style elements ... if (unit[0] == '\0' || unit[0] == ';' ) { return n; } else if (unit[0] == '%') { // xxx % return n / 100.0 * m_paint.viewPort.x; } else if (unit[0] == 'e' && unit[1] == 'm') { // xxx em return n * font_size; } else if (unit[0] == 'e' && unit[1] == 'x') { // xxx ex return n / 2.0 * font_size; } else if (unit[0] == 'p' && unit[1] == 'x') { // xxx px return n; } else if (unit[0] == 'p' && unit[1] == 't') { // xxx pt return n * 1.25; } else if (unit[0] == 'p' && unit[1] == 'c') { // xxx pc return n * 15.0; } else if (unit[0] == 'm' && unit[1] == 'm') { // xxx mm return n * 3.543307; } else if (unit[0] == 'c' && unit[1] == 'm') { // xxx cm return n * 35.43307; } else if (unit[0] == 'i' && unit[1] == 'n') { // xxx in return n * 90; } return 0; } // return the next char position ... (after ';' or NULL) const char * extractPartOfStyle(const char * input, char * outputType, char * outputData, int32_t maxLen) { if (*input == '\0') { return NULL; } int32_t jjj = 0; const char * outputPointer = NULL; outputType[maxLen-1] = '\0'; outputType[0] = '\0'; outputData[maxLen-1] = '\0'; outputData[0] = '\0'; char * output = outputType; for( int32_t iii=0; iiiToElement()->Attribute("fill"); if (NULL != content) { m_paint.fill = ParseColor(content); if (m_paint.fill.alpha == 0) { fillNone = true; } } content = node->ToElement()->Attribute("stroke"); if (NULL != content) { m_paint.stroke = ParseColor(content); if (m_paint.stroke.alpha == 0) { strokeNone = true; } } content = node->ToElement()->Attribute("stroke-width"); if (NULL != content) { m_paint.strokeWidth = ParseLength(content); } content = node->ToElement()->Attribute("opacity"); if (NULL != content) { etkFloat_t opacity = ParseLength(content); opacity = etk_max(0.0, etk_min(1.0, opacity)); m_paint.fill.alpha = opacity*0xFF; m_paint.stroke.alpha = opacity*0xFF; } content = node->ToElement()->Attribute("fill-opacity"); if (NULL != content) { etkFloat_t opacity = ParseLength(content); opacity = etk_max(0.0, etk_min(1.0, opacity)); m_paint.fill.alpha = opacity*0xFF; } content = node->ToElement()->Attribute("stroke-opacity"); if (NULL != content) { etkFloat_t opacity = ParseLength(content); opacity = etk_max(0.0, etk_min(1.0, opacity)); m_paint.stroke.alpha = opacity*0xFF; } content = node->ToElement()->Attribute("fill-rule"); if (NULL != content) { if (0 == strcmp(content, "nonzero") ) { m_paint.flagEvenOdd = false; } else if (0 == strcmp(content, "evenodd") ) { m_paint.flagEvenOdd = true; } else { SVG_ERROR("not know fill-rule value : \"" << content << "\", not in [nonzero,evenodd]"); } } content = node->ToElement()->Attribute("stroke-linecap"); if (NULL != content) { if (0 == strcmp(content, "butt") ) { m_paint.lineCap = svg::LINECAP_BUTT; } else if (0 == strcmp(content, "round") ) { m_paint.lineCap = svg::LINECAP_ROUND; } else if (0 == strcmp(content, "square") ) { m_paint.lineCap = svg::LINECAP_SQUARE; } else { m_paint.lineCap = svg::LINECAP_BUTT; SVG_ERROR("not know stroke-linecap value : \"" << content << "\", not in [butt,round,square]"); } } content = node->ToElement()->Attribute("stroke-linejoin"); if (NULL != content) { if (0 == strcmp(content, "miter") ) { m_paint.lineJoin = svg::LINEJOIN_MITER; } else if (0 == strcmp(content, "round") ) { m_paint.lineJoin = svg::LINEJOIN_ROUND; } else if (0 == strcmp(content, "bevel") ) { m_paint.lineJoin = svg::LINEJOIN_BEVEL; } else { m_paint.lineJoin = svg::LINEJOIN_MITER; SVG_ERROR("not know stroke-linejoin value : \"" << content << "\", not in [miter,round,bevel]"); } } content = node->ToElement()->Attribute("style"); if (NULL != content) { char outputType[1024] = ""; char outputValue[1024] = ""; for( const char *sss=extractPartOfStyle(content, outputType, outputValue, 1024); NULL != sss; sss=extractPartOfStyle(sss, outputType, outputValue, 1024) ) { SVG_VERBOSE(" style parse : \"" << outputType << "\" with value : \"" << outputValue << "\""); if (0 == strcmp(outputType, "fill") ) { m_paint.fill = ParseColor(outputValue); SVG_VERBOSE(" input : \"" << outputValue << "\" ==> " << m_paint.fill); if (m_paint.fill.alpha == 0) { fillNone = true; } } else if (0 == strcmp(outputType, "stroke") ) { m_paint.stroke = ParseColor(outputValue); SVG_VERBOSE(" input : \"" << outputValue << "\" ==> " << m_paint.stroke); if (m_paint.stroke.alpha == 0) { strokeNone = true; } } else if (0 == strcmp(outputType, "stroke-width") ) { m_paint.strokeWidth = ParseLength(outputValue); SVG_VERBOSE(" input : \"" << outputValue << "\" ==> " << m_paint.strokeWidth); } else if (0 == strcmp(outputType, "opacity") ) { etkFloat_t opacity = ParseLength(outputValue); opacity = etk_max(0.0, etk_min(1.0, opacity)); m_paint.fill.alpha = opacity*0xFF; m_paint.stroke.alpha = opacity*0xFF; SVG_VERBOSE(" input : \"" << outputValue << "\" ==> " << m_paint.fill); } else if (0 == strcmp(outputType, "fill-opacity") ) { etkFloat_t opacity = ParseLength(outputValue); opacity = etk_max(0.0, etk_min(1.0, opacity)); m_paint.fill.alpha = opacity*0xFF; SVG_VERBOSE(" input : \"" << outputValue << "\" ==> " << m_paint.fill); } else if (0 == strcmp(outputType, "stroke-opacity") ) { etkFloat_t opacity = ParseLength(outputValue); opacity = etk_max(0.0, etk_min(1.0, opacity)); m_paint.stroke.alpha = opacity*0xFF; SVG_VERBOSE(" input : \"" << outputValue << "\" ==> " << m_paint.stroke); } else if (0 == strcmp(outputType, "fill-rule") ) { if (0 == strcmp(outputValue, "nonzero") ) { m_paint.flagEvenOdd = false; } else if (0 == strcmp(outputValue, "evenodd") ) { m_paint.flagEvenOdd = true; } else { SVG_ERROR("not know " << outputType << " value : \"" << outputValue << "\", not in [nonzero,evenodd]"); } } else if (0 == strcmp(outputType, "stroke-linecap") ) { if (0 == strcmp(outputValue, "butt") ) { m_paint.lineCap = svg::LINECAP_BUTT; } else if (0 == strcmp(outputValue, "round") ) { m_paint.lineCap = svg::LINECAP_ROUND; } else if (0 == strcmp(outputValue, "square") ) { m_paint.lineCap = svg::LINECAP_SQUARE; } else { m_paint.lineCap = svg::LINECAP_BUTT; SVG_ERROR("not know " << outputType << " value : \"" << outputValue << "\", not in [butt,round,square]"); } } else if (0 == strcmp(outputType, "stroke-linejoin") ) { if (0 == strcmp(outputValue, "miter") ) { m_paint.lineJoin = svg::LINEJOIN_MITER; } else if (0 == strcmp(outputValue, "round") ) { m_paint.lineJoin = svg::LINEJOIN_ROUND; } else if (0 == strcmp(outputValue, "bevel") ) { m_paint.lineJoin = svg::LINEJOIN_BEVEL; } else { m_paint.lineJoin = svg::LINEJOIN_MITER; SVG_ERROR("not know " << outputType << " value : \"" << outputValue << "\", not in [miter,round,bevel]"); } } else if (0 == strcmp(outputType, "marker-start") ) { // TODO : ... } else { SVG_ERROR("not know painting element in style balise : \"" << outputType << "\" with value : \"" << outputValue << "\""); } } } // check if somewere none is set to the filling: if (true == fillNone) { m_paint.fill.alpha = 0; } if (true == strokeNone) { m_paint.stroke.alpha = 0; } } bool strnCmpNoCase(const char * input1, const char * input2, int32_t maxLen) { int32_t iii=0; while ('\0' != *input1 && '\0' != *input2 && iii < maxLen) { char in1 = *input1; char in2 = *input2; if (in1 != in2) { if (in1 <= 'Z' && in1 >= 'A') { in1 = in1 - 'A' + 'a'; } if (in2 <= 'Z' && in2 >= 'A') { in2 = in2 - 'A' + 'a'; } if (in1 != in2) { return false; } } iii++; input1++; input2++; } return true; } /** * @brief Parse a color specification from the svg file * @param[in] inputData Data C String with the xml definition * @return the parsed color */ color_ts svg::Base::ParseColor(const char *inputData) { color_ts localColor = etk::color::color_White;; size_t len = strlen(inputData); if( 4 < len && inputData[0] == 'u' && inputData[1] == 'r' && inputData[2] == 'l' && inputData[3] == '(') { if (inputData[4] == '#') { // TODO : parse gradient ... } SVG_ERROR(" pb in parsing the color : \"" << inputData << "\" ==> url(XXX) is not supported now ..."); } else { localColor = etk::color::Parse(inputData); } SVG_VERBOSE("Parse color : \"" << inputData << "\" ==> " << localColor); return localColor; } /** * @brief Parse all the element needed in the basic node * @param[in] node standart XML node * @return true if no problem arrived */ bool svg::Base::Parse(TiXmlNode * node, agg::trans_affine& parentTrans, coord2D_ts& sizeMax) { SVG_ERROR("NOT IMPLEMENTED"); sizeMax.x = 0; sizeMax.y = 0; return false; } const char * svg::Base::SpacingDist(int32_t spacing) { static const char *tmpValue = " "; if (spacing>20) { spacing = 20; } return tmpValue + 20*4 - spacing*4; } /* void svg::Base::AggCheckChange(agg::path_storage& path, etk::VectorType &colors, etk::VectorType &pathIdx, PaintState &curentPaintProp) { if (curentPaintProp != m_paint) { SVG_INFO("add path color = " << m_paint.fill); // New color. Every new color creates new path in the path object. colors.PushBack(agg::rgba8(m_paint.fill.red, m_paint.fill.green, m_paint.fill.blue, m_paint.fill.alpha)); uint32_t tmpPathNew = path.start_new_path(); pathIdx.PushBack(tmpPathNew); curentPaintProp = m_paint; } } */