Go to the documentation of this file.
6 #pragma once
8 #include <etk/types.hpp>
9 #include <ewol/debug.hpp>
12 namespace ewol {
13  namespace widget {
14  class Composer;
15  using ComposerShared = ememory::SharedPtr<ewol::widget::Composer>;
16  using ComposerWeak = ememory::WeakPtr<ewol::widget::Composer>;
22  public:
24  protected:
28  Composer();
29  public:
30  DECLARE_WIDGET_FACTORY(Composer, "Composer");
34  virtual ~Composer();
41  bool loadFromFile(const std::string& _fileName);
48  bool loadFromString(const std::string& _composerXmlString);
49  private:
50  void requestDestroyFromChild(const ewol::ObjectShared& _child) override;
51  };
52  ewol::WidgetShared composerGenerateString(const std::string& _data = "");
53  ewol::WidgetShared composerGenerateFile(const std::string& _data = "");
54  };
55 };
the Cotainer widget is a widget that have an only one subWidget
Definition: Container.hpp:21
Definition: Area.hpp:16
bool loadFromFile(const std::string &_fileName)
load a composition with a file
bool loadFromString(const std::string &_composerXmlString)
load a composition with a file
virtual ~Composer()
eproperty::Value< bool > propertyRemoveIfUnderRemove
Remove the composer if sub element request a remove.
Definition: Composer.hpp:23
the composer widget is a widget that create a link on a string.file to parse the data and generate so...
Definition: Composer.hpp:21