eol # Mode of reading file: "Text" / "Bin" Mode=Text # type of the file : "Single" / "Multiple" FileType=Single # Version : version=1.0 # Number of sub frame of the element (default 1) NbFrame=2 # Element display Ratio : ratio = x/y (default 1.0) Ratio=1.0 # Clipping mode of the element ClipX=false ClipY=false # Position of internal Elements ... (use only if clipping is enable internalElemXStart=0.25 internalElemXStop=0.75 internalElemYStart=0.25 internalElemYStop=0.75 # note we have 5 methode to reference a color : # - #RRGGBB ==> in hexa 0x00<=x<=0xFF # - #RRGGBBAA ==> in hexa 0x00<=x<=0xFF # - R.R;G.G;B.B ==> in double 0<=x<=1 # - R.R;G.G;B.B;A.A ==> in double 0<=x<=1 # - &NameColor ==> searche internal color of the element and after global color ... [Colors] colorName=1.0;1.0;1.0;1.0 Background=0.0;0.000512;1.0;0.755562535 Border=#536254FF [grp=basicRect] {Rect} color=#536254FF position=0.53;0.56 size=0.22;0.12 {Rect} color=&Background position=0.10;0.10 size=0.22;0.22 #decription of the object: [Frame=0=basic] {Circle} name=plop et plop thickness=0.01 # Start color=#51625351 point=0.2562;0.4532 # Stop color=#51625351 point=0.5245;0.5356 {Rect} color=#536254FF position=0.53;0.56 size=0.22;0.12 [Frame=1=clicked] {Circle} thickness=0.01 color=#51625351 point=0.2562;0.4532 color=#51625351 point=0.5245;0.5356 {Rect} color=&Border position=0.53;0.56 size=0.22;0.12 # load a generic group of the object or the theme {grp} name=basicRect