############################################################################### ## @file clearvars.mk ## @author Y.M. Morgan ## @date 2011/05/14 ## ## Clear out values of all variables used by rule templates. ############################################################################### # Do NOT clear LOCAL_PATH, it is set BEFORE including this makefile # Name of what's supposed to be generated LOCAL_MODULE := # Source files to compile LOCAL_SRC_FILES := # Files to copy verbatim LOCAL_COPY_FILES := # Static libraries that you want to include in your module LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES := # Libraries you directly link against # Specify the name without the suffix LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := # Additional directories to instruct the C/C++ compilers to look for header files in. # Format : -I LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := # Additional flags to pass into the C or C++ compiler LOCAL_CFLAGS := # Additional flags to pass into only the C++ compiler LOCAL_CPPFLAGS := # Additional flags to pass into the static library generator LOCAL_ARFLAGS := # Additional flags to pass into the resource compiler (Windows only) LOCAL_RCFLAGS := # Additional flags to pass into the linker LOCAL_LDFLAGS := # Additional libraries to pass into the linker # Format : -l LOCAL_LDLIBS := # Resource list file LOCAL_RESLIST := # Xrc file LOCAL_XRC := # Additionnal dependecies for rc files LOCAL_RC_DEPS := # Precompiled file LOCAL_PRECOMPILED_FILE := # Other variables used internally LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE := LOCAL_INSTALLED_MODULE := LOCAL_INTERMEDIATE_TARGETS := LOCAL_MODULE_SUFFIX := LOCAL_BUILDING_STATIC_LIBRARY := LOCAL_BUILDING_SHARED_LIBRARY := LOCAL_BUILDING_EXECUTABLE := # Trim MAKEFILE_LIST so that $(call my-dir) doesn't need to # iterate over thousands of entries every time. # Leave the current makefile to make sure we don't break anything # that expects to be able to find the name of the current makefile. MAKEFILE_LIST := $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))