/** ******************************************************************************* * @file etkFile.cpp * @brief Ewol Tool Kit : File folder and name abstraction (Sources) * @author Edouard DUPIN * @date 16/07/2011 * @par Project * Ewol TK * * @par Copyright * Copyright 2011 Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY. * * Licence summary : * You can modify and redistribute the sources code and binaries. * You can send me the bug-fix * * Term of the licence in in the file licence.txt. * ******************************************************************************* */ #include #include #undef __class__ #define __class__ "etk::File" std::ostream& etk::operator <<(std::ostream &os, const etk::File &obj) { os << obj.m_folder; os << "/"; os << obj.m_shortFilename; return os; } etk::File::File(etk::String &filename, int32_t LineNumber) { m_lineNumberOpen = LineNumber; SetCompleateName(filename); } etk::File::File(const char *filename, int32_t LineNumber) { etk::String tmpString = filename; m_lineNumberOpen = LineNumber; SetCompleateName(tmpString); } etk::File::File(etk::String &filename, etk::String &folder, int32_t lineNumber) { etk::String tmpString = folder; tmpString += '/'; tmpString += filename; SetCompleateName(tmpString); m_lineNumberOpen = lineNumber; } etk::File::~File(void) { // nothing to do ... } etk::String etk::File::GetFolder(void) const { return m_folder; } etk::String etk::File::GetShortFilename(void) const { return m_shortFilename; } etk::String etk::File::GetCompleateName(void) const { etk::String out; out = m_folder; out += '/'; out += m_shortFilename; return out; } const etk::File& etk::File::operator= (const etk::File &etkF ) { if( this != &etkF ) // avoid copy to itself { m_folder = etkF.m_folder; m_shortFilename = etkF.m_shortFilename; m_lineNumberOpen = etkF.m_lineNumberOpen; } return *this; } /** * @brief * * @param[in,out] * * @return * */ bool etk::File::operator== (const etk::File &etkF) const { if( this != &etkF ) { if (etkF.GetCompleateName() == GetCompleateName() ) { return true; } else { return false; } return true; } return true; } /** * @brief * * @param[in,out] * * @return * */ bool etk::File::operator!= (const etk::File &etkF) const { return !(*this == etkF); } void etk::File::SetCompleateName(etk::String &newFilename) { char buf[MAX_FILE_NAME]; memset(buf, 0, MAX_FILE_NAME); char * ok; // Reset ALL DATA : m_folder = ""; m_shortFilename = ""; m_lineNumberOpen = 0; TK_DEBUG("1 :Set Name : " << newFilename ); etk::String destFilename; if (newFilename.Size() == 0) { destFilename = "no-name"; } else { destFilename = newFilename; } TK_DEBUG("2 : Get file Name : " << destFilename ); if ('/' != *destFilename.c_str()) { // Get the command came from the running of the program : char cCurrentPath[FILENAME_MAX]; if (!getcwd(cCurrentPath, FILENAME_MAX)) { return; } cCurrentPath[FILENAME_MAX - 1] = '\0'; etk::String tmpFilename = destFilename; destFilename = cCurrentPath; destFilename += '/'; destFilename += tmpFilename; } TK_DEBUG("3 : Get file Name : " << destFilename ); // Get the real Path of the current File ok = realpath(destFilename.c_str(), buf); if (!ok) { int32_t lastPos = destFilename.FindBack('/'); if (-1 != lastPos) { // Get the FileName etk::String tmpFilename = destFilename.Extract(lastPos+1); destFilename.Remove(lastPos, destFilename.Size() - lastPos); TK_DEBUG("try to find :\"" << destFilename << "\" / \"" << tmpFilename << "\" "); ok = realpath(destFilename.c_str(), buf); if (!ok) { TK_ERROR("Can not find real Path name of \"" << destFilename << "\""); m_shortFilename = tmpFilename; m_folder = destFilename; } else { // ALL is OK ... m_shortFilename = tmpFilename; m_folder = destFilename; } } else { TK_WARNING("file : \"" << destFilename << "\" ==> No data???"); // Basic ERROR ... m_shortFilename = destFilename; } } else { destFilename = buf; int32_t lastPos = destFilename.FindBack('/'); if (-1 != lastPos) { m_shortFilename = destFilename.Extract(lastPos+1); m_folder = destFilename.Extract(0, lastPos); } else { // Basic ERROR ... TK_WARNING("file : \"" << destFilename << "\" ==> No data???"); m_shortFilename = destFilename; } } TK_DEBUG("Set FileName :\"" << m_folder << "\" / \"" << m_shortFilename << "\" "); } int32_t etk::File::GetLineNumber(void) { return m_lineNumberOpen; } void etk::File::SetLineNumber(int32_t newline) { m_lineNumberOpen = newline; } bool etk::File::HasExtention(void) { int32_t lastPos = m_shortFilename.FindBack('.'); if( -1 != lastPos // not find the . && 0 != lastPos // Find a . at the fist position .jdlskjdfklj ==> hiden file && m_shortFilename.Size() != lastPos ) // Remove file ended with . { return true; } else { return false; } } etk::String etk::File::GetExtention(void) { etk::String tmpExt = ""; int32_t lastPos = m_shortFilename.FindBack('.'); if( -1 != lastPos // not find the . && 0 != lastPos // Find a . at the fist position .jdlskjdfklj ==> hiden file && m_shortFilename.Size() != lastPos ) // Remove file ended with . { // Get the FileName tmpExt = m_shortFilename.Extract(lastPos+1); } return tmpExt; }