/** ******************************************************************************* * @file ewolButton.h * @brief ewol Button widget system (header) * @author Edouard DUPIN * @date 07/11/2011 * @par Project * ewol * * @par Copyright * Copyright 2011 Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY. * * Licence summary : * You can modify and redistribute the sources code and binaries. * You can send me the bug-fix * * Term of the licence in in the file licence.txt. * ******************************************************************************* */ #ifndef __EWOL_BUTTON_H__ #define __EWOL_BUTTON_H__ #include #include #include namespace ewol { class Button :public ewol::Widget { public: Button(void); Button(etk::String newLabel); void Init(void); virtual ~Button(void); virtual bool CalculateMinSize(void); void SetLabel(etk::String newLabel); // TODO : //void SetSize(int32_t size); //void SetFont(etk::String fontName); //void ResetDefaultParameters(void); void SetValue(bool val); bool GetValue(void); private: etk::String m_label; color_ts m_textColorFg; //!< Text color color_ts m_textColorBg; //!< Background color public: virtual void OnRegenerateDisplay(void); public: //virtual bool OnEventInput(int32_t IdInput, eventInputType_te typeEvent, etkFloat_t x, etkFloat_t y); virtual bool OnEventArea(const char * generateEventId, etkFloat_t x, etkFloat_t y); }; }; #endif