last update:02/10/2013

==  Ewol coding style  ==

We need to use the same coding style in c and c++ to simplify inter-reading code.

--  1: Comment  --
	- One line comment: (never in #define xxx ==> too dangerous)
	- Multiple line comment
		 * xxxx yyyy
		 * zzzz
	- Documentation : doxygen (do not set un-nneded field)
		 * @brief my summery
		 * @param[in,out] _xxxx Comment on the variable
		 * @return my return explanation
	- one line documlentation:
		xxxxx, //!< my comment

--  2: number of colomn  --
	I do not linit the number of colomn, but it could be good to limit at 
	150 char. Many screen have the main display like this

--  3: Indentation & braces  --
	Tab size is a personal choice then, when you write code, you might be
	tab proof. If someone want to have the golden number for theire tabs,
	he will be able to do it.
	When you set a brace '{' you need to add a brace, and when you set a
	stop brace '}' you need to remove a tab
	To be simple : (tab stop at the 'if' start)
			if (    xxx == yyy
			     && xxx == kkk) {
				your action ...;
			switch (suffix) {
				case 'G':
				case 'g':
					mem <<= 30;
				case 'M':
				case 'm':
					mem <<= 20;
				case 'K':
				case 'k':
					mem <<= 10;
					// fall through
			void myFunction(void) {
				actions ...;
			class MyClass {
					const char* getName(void);
			namespace appl {
				void get(void);
	For special element like : you might add a tabulation too
		case xxx:
			definition ...
	An exception for the inline function inside c++ header:
		class Plop {
				int32_t m_value; //!< my value of money gain
				int32_t getValue(void) const { return m_value; };

--  4: types  --
	the element 'typedef' must not be use, like this it is not needed to add
	special element like '_te' or '_ts' to say respectively 'tpedef enum' and
	'typedef struct'
	Structure is not availlable in c++, just use normal class, this is the same.

--  5: star position  --
	The star will be near the type :
		void* myVariableName;

--  6: C and c++  --
	All C header files might have :
		#ifdef __cplusplus
		extern "C" {
		#ifdef __cplusplus

--  7: Naming  --
	- Fonction/Methods:
		Camel case with first letter in lower case.
			void myExampleFontionName(void);
	- Valiable:
		Camel case with first letter in lower case.
			int32_t myVariableExample;
	- namespace:
		one world in lower case
			namspace ewol {
	- Class:
		Camel case with first letter in upper case.
			class MyClass;
	- Members fields :
		put a 'm' prefix and then a normal Variable name
			int32_t m_memberField;
	- enum:
		Camel case with first letter in lower case.
			enum myEnum {
	- structure (C only)
		use naming like Classes (and for mamber too)
	- minimum size : Do not use variable with size <3, the for a iterator 
	for a 'for' :
		for (int32_t iii=0; iii<xxx; ++iii) {
			actions ...

--  8: types  --
	Une stanndard Type :
		int8_t / uint8_t
		int16_t / uint16_t
		int32_t / uint32_t
		int64_t / uint64_t
		int (some case needed)
		float / double
		float_t to automatic match whith the compilation choice between float or double

--  9: return value  --
	use the best simple way to check the return value :
	use 'int' type and return 0 whenall is ok, or -errno if an error
	occured, note thet the >0 value, you can set what you want.

--  9: C++ specificity  --
	- STL
		You can use the Stl, but the porting and the result can be
		different depending on the board you are.
	- Heritage:
		Simple Heritage is a good use of the C++, multiple heritage is
		not really supported in every compilators.
	- const:
		Set the parameter and fonction const all time you can, this
		permit to avaoid re-copy.
	- exception:
		They are not manage in all platforms, then by restriction, do
		not use it.
	- -rtti & cast
		Runtime type information : not available on all systems
		(android), so don't use dynamic_cast. (only one availlable :
		static_cast<xxx>(****) )