the freType texture generation is obstract in the textured text (maybe need to create the imageFont)
This commit is contained in:
@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit b000e558d0025cb35ef3950f46f722c4167ed0ec
Subproject commit 63cab9e476494878fa3e946734334e2522816a6e
@ -34,15 +34,47 @@
namespace ewol
// show :
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
Y | | | |
^ |------------| |------------|
m_advance.y:/-> |
| |
| |
m_sizeTex.x/-> | | |------------| |------------|
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | A | | G |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
\-> | | |------------| |------------|
/--> | |
\--> \-> |
m_bearing.y |
|____*________________________*____________>> X
<------------------------> : m_advance.x
<------------> : m_sizeTexture.x
<---> : m_bearing.x
typedef struct {
uniChar_t unicodeCharVal;
texCoord_ts posStart;
texCoord_ts posStop;
Vector2D<float> bearing;
Vector2D<float> size;
int32_t advance;
uniChar_t m_UVal; // Unicode value
int32_t m_glyphIndex; // Glyph index in the system
Vector2D<int32_t> m_sizeTexture; // size of the element to display
Vector2D<int32_t> m_bearing; // offset to display the data (can be negatif id the texture sise is bigger than the théoric places in the string)
Vector2D<int32_t> m_advance; // space use in the display for this specific char
} GlyphProperty;
class Font {
@ -69,7 +101,12 @@ namespace ewol
Vector2D<float> textPos,
const uniChar_t unicodeChar,
draw::Color& textColor) = 0;
virtual bool GenerateBitmapFont(int32_t size, int32_t& height, ewol::Texture& texture, etk::Vector<freeTypeFontElement_ts>& listElement) = 0;
virtual bool GetGlyphProperty(int32_t fontSize,
ewol::GlyphProperty& property) = 0;
virtual bool DrawGlyph(draw::Image& imageOut,
int32_t fontSize,
Vector2D<int32_t> glyphPosition,
ewol::GlyphProperty& property) = 0;
virtual Vector2D<float> GetSize(int32_t fontSize, const etk::UString & unicodeString) = 0;
virtual int32_t GetHeight(int32_t fontSize) = 0;
@ -41,33 +41,6 @@ extern "C" {
// free Font hnadle of librairies ... entry for acces ...
static FT_Library library;
static int32_t nextP2(int32_t value)
int32_t val=1;
for (int32_t iii=1; iii<31; iii++) {
if (value <= val) {
return val;
val *=2;
EWOL_CRITICAL("impossible CASE....");
return val;
static int32_t simpleSQRT(int32_t value)
int32_t val=1;
for (int32_t iii=1; iii<1000; iii++) {
val =iii*iii;
if (value <= val) {
return iii;
EWOL_CRITICAL("impossible CASE....");
return val;
void ewol::FreeTypeInit(void)
EWOL_DEBUG("==> Init Font-Manager");
@ -155,6 +128,7 @@ int32_t ewol::FontFreeType::Draw(draw::Image& imageOut,
if(false==m_init) {
return 0;
// TODO : ...
return 0;
@ -167,6 +141,7 @@ int32_t ewol::FontFreeType::Draw(draw::Image& imageOut,
if(false==m_init) {
return 0;
// TODO : ...
return 0;
@ -175,156 +150,106 @@ Vector2D<float> ewol::FontFreeType::GetSize(int32_t fontSize, const etk::UString
if(false==m_init) {
return Vector2D<float>(0,0);
// TODO : ...
Vector2D<float> outputSize(0,0);
return outputSize;
int32_t ewol::FontFreeType::GetHeight(int32_t fontSize)
return 0;
return fontSize*1.43f; // this is a really "magic" number ...
bool ewol::FontFreeType::GenerateBitmapFont(int32_t size, int32_t &height, ewol::Texture & texture, etk::Vector<freeTypeFontElement_ts> & listElement)
bool ewol::FontFreeType::GetGlyphProperty(int32_t fontSize,
ewol::GlyphProperty& property)
if(false==m_init) {
return false;
// get the pointer on the image :
draw::Image& myImage = texture.Get();
// 300dpi (hight quality) 96 dpi (normal quality)
int32_t fontQuality = 96;
//int32_t fontQuality = 150;
//int32_t fontQuality = 300;
// Select Size ...
// note tha <<6==*64 corespond with the 1/64th of points calculation of freetype
int32_t error = FT_Set_Char_Size(m_fftFace, size<<6, size<<6, fontQuality, fontQuality);
// the line height to have a correct display
height = size*1.43f;
int32_t error = FT_Set_Char_Size(m_fftFace, fontSize<<6, fontSize<<6, fontQuality, fontQuality);
if (0!=error ) {
EWOL_ERROR("FT_Set_Char_Size ==> error in settings ...");
return false;
// a small shortcut
FT_GlyphSlot slot = m_fftFace->glyph;
EWOL_DEBUG("Max size for ths glyph size=" << size <<
" is (" << m_fftFace->max_advance_width << "," << m_fftFace->max_advance_height << ")" <<
"?=(" << (m_fftFace->max_advance_width>>6) << "," << (m_fftFace->max_advance_height>>6) << ")");
// retrieve glyph index from character code
int32_t glyph_index = FT_Get_Char_Index(m_fftFace, 'A' );
int32_t glyph_index = FT_Get_Char_Index(m_fftFace, property.m_UVal);
// load glyph image into the slot (erase previous one)
error = FT_Load_Glyph(m_fftFace, // handle to face object
glyph_index, // glyph index
if ( error ) {
if (0!=error ) {
EWOL_ERROR("FT_Load_Glyph specify Glyph");
return false;
EWOL_DEBUG("linearHoriAdvance=" << (slot->linearHoriAdvance >> 6));
EWOL_DEBUG("linearVertAdvance=" << (slot->linearVertAdvance >> 6));
EWOL_DEBUG("metrics.horiAdvance=" << (slot->metrics.horiAdvance >> 6));
EWOL_DEBUG("metrics.vertAdvance=" << (slot->metrics.vertAdvance >> 6));
// convert to an anti-aliased bitmap
error = FT_Render_Glyph(slot, FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL );
if (0!=error) {
return false;
// set properties :
property.m_glyphIndex = glyph_index;
property.m_sizeTexture.x = slot->bitmap.width;
property.m_sizeTexture.y = slot->bitmap.rows;
property.m_bearing.x = slot->metrics.horiBearingX>>6;
property.m_bearing.y = slot->metrics.horiBearingY>>6;
property.m_advance.x = slot->metrics.horiAdvance>>6;
property.m_advance.y = slot->metrics.vertAdvance>>6;
int32_t nbElement = listElement.Size();
int32_t coter = simpleSQRT(nbElement);
// note : +1 is for the overlapping of the glyph (Part 1)
int32_t glyphMaxWidth = /*(m_fftFace->max_advance_width>>6); */(slot->metrics.horiAdvance>>6) +1;
int32_t glyphMaxHeight = /*(m_fftFace->max_advance_height>>6); */(slot->metrics.vertAdvance>>6) +1;
int32_t textureWidth = nextP2(coter*glyphMaxWidth);
int32_t nbRaws = textureWidth / glyphMaxWidth;
if (nbRaws <= 0) {
EWOL_ERROR("devide by 0");
nbRaws = 1;
int32_t nbLine = (nbElement / nbRaws) + 1;
int32_t textureHeight = nextP2(nbLine*glyphMaxHeight);
EWOL_DEBUG("Generate a text texture for char(" << nbRaws << "," << nbLine << ") with size=(" << textureWidth << "," << textureHeight << ")");
// resize must be done on the texture ...
// now we can acces directly on the image
int32_t tmpRowStartPos = 0;
int32_t tmpLineStartPos = 0;
int32_t CurrentLineHigh = 0;
// Generate for All Elements :
for (int32_t iii=0; iii<listElement.Size(); iii++) {
// increment the position of the texture
if (iii!=0) {
if (tmpRowId>=nbRaws) {
tmpRowId = 0;
// retrieve glyph index from character code
glyph_index = FT_Get_Char_Index(m_fftFace, listElement[iii].unicodeCharVal );
if (glyph_index < 1) {
EWOL_WARNING("Can not load Glyph : " << listElement[iii].unicodeCharVal);
// load glyph image into the slot (erase previous one)
error = FT_Load_Glyph(m_fftFace, // handle to face object
glyph_index, // glyph index
if ( error ) {
// convert to an anti-aliased bitmap
error = FT_Render_Glyph(slot, FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL );
if ( error ) {
int32_t tmpWidth=slot->bitmap.width;
int32_t tmpHeight=slot->bitmap.rows;
// check if we have enought place on the bitmap to add the current element :
if (tmpRowStartPos+tmpWidth >= textureWidth) {
tmpRowStartPos = 0;
tmpLineStartPos += CurrentLineHigh;
CurrentLineHigh = 0;
EWOL_ASSERT(tmpLineStartPos+tmpHeight < textureHeight, "Texture dimention estimatiuon error for the current Font");
EWOL_VERBOSE("elem=" << listElement[iii].unicodeCharVal
<<" size=(" << tmpWidth << "," << tmpHeight << ")"
<< " for bitmap (left=" << slot->bitmap_left << ",top=" << slot->bitmap_top << ")");
EWOL_VERBOSE(" BEARING=(" << (slot->metrics.horiBearingX>>6) << "," << (slot->metrics.vertBearingY>>6) << ")" );
for(int32_t j=0; j < tmpHeight;j++) {
for(int32_t i=0; i < tmpWidth; i++){
draw::Color tlpppp(0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,slot->bitmap.buffer[i + tmpWidth*j]);
//EWOL_DEBUG(" plop : " << tlpppp);
myImage.Set(Vector2D<int32_t>(tmpRowStartPos+i, tmpLineStartPos+j), tlpppp );
listElement[iii].bearing.x = slot->metrics.horiBearingX>>6;
listElement[iii].bearing.y = slot->metrics.horiBearingY>>6;
listElement[iii].size.x = tmpWidth;
listElement[iii].size.y = tmpHeight;
listElement[iii].advance = slot->metrics.horiAdvance>>6;
listElement[iii].posStart.u = (float)(tmpRowStartPos) / (float)textureWidth;
listElement[iii].posStart.v = (float)(tmpLineStartPos) / (float)textureHeight;
listElement[iii].posStop.u = (float)(tmpRowStartPos + tmpWidth) / (float)textureWidth;
listElement[iii].posStop.v = (float)(tmpLineStartPos + tmpHeight) / (float)textureHeight;
// update the maximum of the line hight :
if (CurrentLineHigh<tmpHeight) {
// note : +1 is for the overlapping of the glyph (Part 2)
CurrentLineHigh = tmpHeight+1;
// note : +1 is for the overlapping of the glyph (Part 3)
// update the Bitmap position drawing :
tmpRowStartPos += tmpWidth+1;
EWOL_DEBUG("End generation of the Fond bitmap, start adding texture");
EWOL_DEBUG("end load remode tmp data");
return true;
return false;
bool ewol::FontFreeType::DrawGlyph(draw::Image& imageOut,
int32_t fontSize,
Vector2D<int32_t> glyphPosition,
ewol::GlyphProperty& property)
if(false==m_init) {
return false;
// 300dpi (hight quality) 96 dpi (normal quality)
int32_t fontQuality = 96;
// Select Size ...
// note tha <<6==*64 corespond with the 1/64th of points calculation of freetype
int32_t error = FT_Set_Char_Size(m_fftFace, fontSize<<6, fontSize<<6, fontQuality, fontQuality);
if (0!=error ) {
EWOL_ERROR("FT_Set_Char_Size ==> error in settings ...");
return false;
// a small shortcut
FT_GlyphSlot slot = m_fftFace->glyph;
// load glyph image into the slot (erase previous one)
error = FT_Load_Glyph(m_fftFace, // handle to face object
property.m_glyphIndex, // glyph index
if (0!=error ) {
EWOL_ERROR("FT_Load_Glyph specify Glyph");
return false;
// convert to an anti-aliased bitmap
error = FT_Render_Glyph(slot, FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL );
if (0!=error) {
return false;
// draw it on the output Image :
draw::Color tlpppp(0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0x00);
for(int32_t jjj=0; jjj < slot->bitmap.rows;jjj++) {
for(int32_t iii=0; iii < slot->bitmap.width; iii++){
// set only alpha :
tlpppp.a = slot->bitmap.buffer[iii + slot->bitmap.width*jjj];
// real set of color
imageOut.Set(Vector2D<int32_t>(glyphPosition.x+iii, glyphPosition.y+jjj), tlpppp );
return true;
void ewol::FontFreeType::Display(void)
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ extern "C" {
namespace ewol
// show :
class FontFreeType : public ewol::Font
@ -55,7 +56,12 @@ namespace ewol
Vector2D<float> textPos,
const uniChar_t unicodeChar,
draw::Color& textColor);
bool GenerateBitmapFont(int32_t size, int32_t& height, ewol::Texture& texture, etk::Vector<freeTypeFontElement_ts>& listElement);
bool GetGlyphProperty(int32_t fontSize,
ewol::GlyphProperty& property);
bool DrawGlyph(draw::Image& imageOut,
int32_t fontSize,
Vector2D<int32_t> glyphPosition,
ewol::GlyphProperty& property);
Vector2D<float> GetSize(int32_t fontSize, const etk::UString & unicodeString);
int32_t GetHeight(int32_t fontSize);
@ -28,9 +28,38 @@
#include <ewol/font/FontManager.h>
static int32_t nextP2(int32_t value)
int32_t val=1;
for (int32_t iii=1; iii<31; iii++) {
if (value <= val) {
return val;
val *=2;
EWOL_CRITICAL("impossible CASE....");
return val;
static int32_t simpleSQRT(int32_t value)
int32_t val=1;
for (int32_t iii=1; iii<1000; iii++) {
val =iii*iii;
if (value <= val) {
return iii;
EWOL_CRITICAL("impossible CASE....");
return val;
ewol::TexturedFont::TexturedFont(etk::UString fontName, int32_t size) :
m_size = size;
m_font = ewol::font::Keep(fontName);
@ -41,21 +70,115 @@ ewol::TexturedFont::TexturedFont(etk::UString fontName, int32_t size) :
// set the bassic charset:
freeTypeFontElement_ts tmpchar1;
tmpchar1.unicodeCharVal = 0;
|||| = 0;
// TODO : dynamic generation of this : expected minimum of 0x20 => 0x7F ....
for (int32_t iii=0x20; iii<0xFF; iii++) {
freeTypeFontElement_ts tmpchar;
tmpchar.unicodeCharVal = iii;
|||| = iii;
if (0x7F == iii) {
iii = 0x9F;
// get the pointer on the image :
draw::Image& myImage = m_texture.Get();
/* this is a bad code for now ... */
// ==> determine the texture Size
GlyphProperty tmpproperty;
tmpproperty.m_UVal = 'A';
m_font->GetGlyphProperty(m_size, tmpproperty);
int32_t nbElement = 0xFF - 0x20 + 1;
int32_t coter = simpleSQRT(nbElement);
// note : +1 is for the overlapping of the glyph (Part 1)
int32_t glyphMaxWidth = tmpproperty.m_advance.x +1;
int32_t glyphMaxHeight = tmpproperty.m_advance.y +1;
int32_t textureWidth = nextP2(coter*glyphMaxWidth);
int32_t nbRaws = textureWidth / glyphMaxWidth;
if (nbRaws <= 0) {
EWOL_ERROR("devide by 0");
nbRaws = 1;
int32_t nbLine = (nbElement / nbRaws) + 1;
int32_t textureHeight = nextP2(nbLine*glyphMaxHeight);
EWOL_DEBUG("Generate a text texture for char(" << nbRaws << "," << nbLine << ") with size=(" << textureWidth << "," << textureHeight << ")");
// resize must be done on the texture ...
// now we can acces directly on the image
m_height = m_font->GetHeight(m_size);
int32_t CurrentLineHigh = 0;
Vector2D<int32_t> glyphPosition(1,1);
for (int32_t iii=0; iii<m_listElement.Size(); iii++) {
if (true == m_font->GetGlyphProperty(m_size, m_listElement[iii].property)) {
// check internal property:
// enought in the texture :
//if (myImage.GetWidth() < m_lastGlyphPos.x + m_listElement[iii].property.m_sizeTexture.x
// resize if needed ...
// line size :
// draw
// move the curent pointer of drawing:
// change line if needed ...
if (glyphPosition.x+m_listElement[iii].property.m_sizeTexture.x > textureWidth) {
glyphPosition.x = 0;
glyphPosition.y += CurrentLineHigh;
CurrentLineHigh = 0;
// draw the glyph
m_font->DrawGlyph(myImage, m_size, glyphPosition, m_listElement[iii].property);
// set video position
m_listElement[iii].posStart.u = (float)(glyphPosition.x) / (float)textureWidth;
m_listElement[iii].posStart.v = (float)(glyphPosition.y) / (float)textureHeight;
m_listElement[iii].posStop.u = (float)(glyphPosition.x + m_listElement[iii].property.m_sizeTexture.x) / (float)textureWidth;
m_listElement[iii].posStop.v = (float)(glyphPosition.y + m_listElement[iii].property.m_sizeTexture.y) / (float)textureHeight;
EWOL_DEBUG("generate '" << (char)m_listElement[iii].property.m_UVal << "'");
EWOL_DEBUG(" in tex : " << glyphPosition << " ==> " << m_listElement[iii].posStart.u<< "," << m_listElement[iii].posStart.v );
EWOL_DEBUG(" m_sizeTexture =" << m_listElement[iii].property.m_sizeTexture );
EWOL_DEBUG(" m_bearing =" << m_listElement[iii].property.m_bearing );
EWOL_DEBUG(" m_advance =" << m_listElement[iii].property.m_advance );
// update the maximum of the line hight :
if (CurrentLineHigh<m_listElement[iii].property.m_sizeTexture.y) {
// note : +1 is for the overlapping of the glyph (Part 2)
CurrentLineHigh = m_listElement[iii].property.m_sizeTexture.y+1;
// note : +1 is for the overlapping of the glyph (Part 3)
// update the Bitmap position drawing :
glyphPosition.x += m_listElement[iii].property.m_sizeTexture.x+1;
// For testing cheree the box are set)
#if 0
draw::Color tlpppp(0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0x00);
for(int32_t jjj=0; jjj < textureHeight;jjj++) {
for(int32_t iii=0; iii < textureWidth; iii++){
tlpppp = myImage.Get(Vector2D<int32_t>(iii, jjj) );
// set only alpha :
tlpppp.a = etk_min( tlpppp.a+0x60, 0xFF);
// real set of color
myImage.Set(Vector2D<int32_t>(iii, jjj), tlpppp );
EWOL_DEBUG("End generation of the Fond bitmap, start adding texture");
// initilize the texture ...
// TODO : Do a better methode that not initialize with a stupid language ... like now ...
m_font->GenerateBitmapFont(m_size, m_height, m_texture, m_listElement);
//m_font->GenerateBitmapFont(m_size, m_height, m_texture, m_listElement);
@ -75,7 +198,6 @@ int32_t ewol::TexturedFont::Draw(Vector2D<float> textPos,
tmpPos.x += ret;
totalSize += ret;
return totalSize;
#if 0
// To display the texture ...
@ -92,10 +214,10 @@ int32_t ewol::TexturedFont::Draw(Vector2D<float> textPos,
bitmapDrawPos[2].x = 400;
bitmapDrawPos[3].x = 10;
bitmapDrawPos[0].y = 10;
bitmapDrawPos[1].y = 10;
bitmapDrawPos[2].y = 400;
bitmapDrawPos[3].y = 400;
bitmapDrawPos[0].y = 400;
bitmapDrawPos[1].y = 400;
bitmapDrawPos[2].y = 10;
bitmapDrawPos[3].y = 10;
/* texture Position :
* 0------1
* | |
@ -147,6 +269,7 @@ int32_t ewol::TexturedFont::Draw(Vector2D<float> textPos,
return totalSize;
int32_t ewol::TexturedFont::Draw(Vector2D<float> textPos,
@ -164,7 +287,7 @@ int32_t ewol::TexturedFont::Draw(Vector2D<float> textPos,
} else {
charIndex = 0;
for (int32_t iii=0x80-0x20; iii < m_listElement.Size(); iii++) {
if (m_listElement[iii].unicodeCharVal == unicodeChar) {
if (m_listElement[iii].property.m_UVal == unicodeChar) {
charIndex = iii;
@ -179,10 +302,10 @@ int32_t ewol::TexturedFont::Draw(Vector2D<float> textPos,
* | |
* yD *------*
float dxA = posDrawX + m_listElement[charIndex].bearing.x;
float dxB = posDrawX + m_listElement[charIndex].bearing.x + m_listElement[charIndex].size.x;
float dyC = textPos.y + m_listElement[charIndex].bearing.y + m_height - m_size;
float dyD = dyC - m_listElement[charIndex].size.y;
float dxA = posDrawX + m_listElement[charIndex].property.m_bearing.x;
float dxB = posDrawX + m_listElement[charIndex].property.m_bearing.x + m_listElement[charIndex].property.m_sizeTexture.x;
float dyC = textPos.y + m_listElement[charIndex].property.m_bearing.y + m_height - m_size;
float dyD = dyC - m_listElement[charIndex].property.m_sizeTexture.y;
float tuA = m_listElement[charIndex].posStart.u;
float tuB = m_listElement[charIndex].posStop.u;
@ -263,7 +386,7 @@ int32_t ewol::TexturedFont::Draw(Vector2D<float> textPos,
posDrawX += m_listElement[charIndex].advance;
posDrawX += m_listElement[charIndex].property.m_advance.x;
int32_t sizeOut = posDrawX - textPos.x;
textPos.x = posDrawX;
return sizeOut;
@ -292,7 +415,7 @@ Vector2D<float> ewol::TexturedFont::GetSize(const uniChar_t unicodeChar)
charIndex = unicodeChar - 0x1F;
} else {
for (int32_t iii=0x80-0x20; iii < m_listElement.Size(); iii++) {
if (m_listElement[iii].unicodeCharVal == unicodeChar) {
if (m_listElement[iii].property.m_UVal == unicodeChar) {
charIndex = iii;
@ -300,7 +423,7 @@ Vector2D<float> ewol::TexturedFont::GetSize(const uniChar_t unicodeChar)
// TODO : Update if possible the mapping
charIndex = 0;
outputSize.x = m_listElement[charIndex].advance;
outputSize.x = m_listElement[charIndex].property.m_advance.x;
return outputSize;
@ -33,6 +33,12 @@
namespace ewol
class TexturedFont {
typedef struct {
GlyphProperty property;
texCoord_ts posStart;
texCoord_ts posStop;
int32_t m_size;
int32_t m_height;
@ -40,6 +46,9 @@ namespace ewol
ewol::Texture m_texture;
uint32_t m_counter;
etk::Vector<freeTypeFontElement_ts> m_listElement;
// for the texture generation :
Vector2D<int32_t> m_lastGlyphPos;
int32_t m_lastRawHeigh;
TexturedFont(etk::UString fontName, int32_t size);
@ -56,6 +65,7 @@ namespace ewol
etk::Vector<texCoord_ts> & coordTex);
Vector2D<float> GetSize(const etk::UString & unicodeString);
Vector2D<float> GetSize(const uniChar_t unicodeChar);
// TODO : Remove this element, it is stupid ...
int32_t GetHeight(void) { return m_height; };
int32_t GetFontSize(void) { return m_size; };
ewol::Texture& GetTex(void) { return m_texture; };
@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ void ewol::Button::OnRegenerateDisplay(void)
drawClipping.y = m_padding.y;
drawClipping.w = m_size.x - 2*m_padding.x;
drawClipping.h = m_size.y - 2*m_padding.y;
EWOL_DEBUG("draw tex at pos : " <<textPos << "in element size:" << m_size);
//EWOL_DEBUG("draw tex at pos : " <<textPos << "in element size:" << m_size);
m_oObjectText.Text(textPos/*, drawClipping*/, m_label);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user