regenerate the bitmap Font

This commit is contained in:
Edouard Dupin 2011-12-05 10:12:08 +01:00
parent 7595fbf424
commit eb20828922
6 changed files with 287 additions and 356 deletions

View File

@ -99,14 +99,14 @@ X11FLAGS+= -lX11 -DEWOL_X11_MODE__XF86V -lXxf86vm
#X11FLAGS+= -lX11 -DEWOL_X11_MODE__XRENDER -lXrandr
ifeq ($(shell if `pkg-config --exists freetype2` ; then echo "yes"; else echo "no"; fi), yes)
FREETYPE_CFLAGS= `pkg-config --cflags freetype2` -DEWOL_USE_FREE_TYPE
FREETYPE_LDFLAGS= `pkg-config --libs freetype2` -DEWOL_USE_FREE_TYPE
#ifeq ($(shell if `pkg-config --exists freetype2` ; then echo "yes"; else echo "no"; fi), yes)
# FREETYPE_CFLAGS= `pkg-config --cflags freetype2` -DEWOL_USE_FREE_TYPE
# FREETYPE_LDFLAGS= `pkg-config --libs freetype2` -DEWOL_USE_FREE_TYPE
$(Info libFreeType-dev is not installed)

View File

@ -101,7 +101,8 @@ void APP_Init(int argc, char *argv[])
ewol::SetDefaultFont("freefont/FreeMono", 14);
//ewol::SetDefaultFont("freefont/FreeMono", 14);
ewol::SetDefaultFont("ebtfont/Monospace", 14);
myWindowsExample = new Plop();

View File

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#define WINDOW_BPP 16
// The simple framework expects the application code to define these functions.
extern void appInit();
extern void appDeinit();
extern void appRender(long tick, int width, int height);
extern void appMove(double x, double y);
/* Value is non-zero when application is alive, and 0 when it is closing.
* Defined by the application framework.
extern int gAppAlive;
#ifdef __cplusplus

View File

@ -38,9 +38,6 @@
#include <importgl.h>
#include <app.h>
#undef __class__
#define __class__ "AndroidJNI"

View File

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
#include <etk/Types.h>
#include <etk/DebugInternal.h>
#include <etk/File.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#undef __class__
#define __class__ "etk::File"
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ void etk::File::SetCompleateName(etk::String &newFilename)
if ('/' != *destFilename.c_str()) {
// Get the command came from the running of the program :
char cCurrentPath[FILENAME_MAX];
#if __PLATFORM__ == Android
#ifdef __PLATFORM__Android
strcpy(cCurrentPath, "/data/" PACKAGE_NAME "/raw/");
if (!getcwd(cCurrentPath, FILENAME_MAX)) {

View File

@ -31,11 +31,12 @@
#undef __class__
#define __class__ "ewol::FontBitmap"
#if 0
extern "C"
typedef struct {
uniChar_t unicodeCharVal;
int32_t width;
texCoord_ts posStart;
texCoord_ts posStop;
etkFloat_t ratio;
@ -45,26 +46,27 @@ extern "C"
namespace ewol
class Font
class EbtFont
Font(etk::File newFile)
EbtFont(etk::File newFile, etk::String fontName, int32_t size)
m_loadedOK = false;
m_filename = newFile;
for (int32_t iii=0; iii<FONT_MODE_NUMBER; iii++) {
m_textureId[iii] = 0;
m_textureLoaded[iii] = false;
m_fontName = fontName;
m_size = size;
for (int32_t iii=0x0; iii<0x81; iii++) {
UTF8Element_ts tmpchar;
tmpchar.unicodeCharVal = iii;
tmpchar.width = 0;
tmpchar.posStart.u = 0;
tmpchar.posStart.v = 0;
tmpchar.posStop.u = 0;
tmpchar.posStop.v = 0;
tmpchar.ratio = 0;
if (m_filename.GetExtention() != "ebt") {
EWOL_ERROR("Not the coorect extention of the file" << m_filename);
if (false == m_filename.Exist()) {
EWOL_ERROR("File does not Exist ... " << m_filename);
FILE* File=fopen(m_filename.GetCompleateName().c_str(),"r");
if(NULL == File) {
EWOL_ERROR("Can not find the file name=\"" << m_filename << "\"");
@ -85,23 +87,10 @@ namespace ewol
sscanf(elementLine, "name:%s", extractString);
m_fontName = extractString;
EWOL_INFO("Find font named : \"" << m_fontName << "\"");
} else if (0 == strncmp("normal:", elementLine, 7)) {
} else if (0 == strncmp("source:", elementLine, 7)) {
char extractString[256] = "";
sscanf(elementLine, "normal:%s", extractString);
SetModeFile(FONT_MODE_NORMAL, extractString);
} else if (0 == strncmp("bold-italic:", elementLine, 12)) {
char extractString[256] = "";
sscanf(elementLine, "bold-italic:%s", extractString);
SetModeFile(FONT_MODE_BOLD_ITALIC, extractString);
} else if (0 == strncmp("bold:", elementLine, 5)) {
char extractString[256] = "";
sscanf(elementLine, "bold:%s", extractString);
SetModeFile(FONT_MODE_BOLD, extractString);
} else if (0 == strncmp("italic:", elementLine, 7)) {
char extractString[256] = "";
sscanf(elementLine, "italic:%s", extractString);
SetModeFile(FONT_MODE_ITALIC, extractString);
sscanf(elementLine, "source:%s", extractString);
m_bitmapName = extractString;
} else if (0 == strncmp("0x00", elementLine, 4)) {
int32_t GlyphPositionX;
int32_t GlyphPositionY;
@ -125,72 +114,53 @@ namespace ewol
// close the file at end of reading...
// Load Bitmap :
etk::String bitmapRealFile = m_filename.GetFolder() + "/" + m_bitmapName;
EWOL_INFO("load text font image : \"" << bitmapRealFile << "\"");
m_textureId = ewol::LoadTexture(bitmapRealFile);
m_textureLoaded = true;
m_loadedOK = true;
for(int32_t iii=0; iii<FONT_MODE_NUMBER; iii++) {
if (true == m_textureLoaded[iii]) {
if (true == m_textureLoaded) {
bool loadedOK(void) { return m_loadedOK; };
bool loadedOK(void)
return m_loadedOK;
void ClearAll(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t w, int32_t h)
//EWOL_DEBUG("Find default font glyph : (" << x << "," << y << ") (" << w << "," << h << ") ");
EWOL_DEBUG("Find default font glyph : (" << x << "," << y << ") (" << w << "," << h << ") ");
for (int32_t iii=0; iii< 0x80; iii++) {
m_listOfElement[iii].posStart.u = (etkFloat_t)x / 512.0;
m_listOfElement[iii].posStart.v = (etkFloat_t)y / 512.0;
m_listOfElement[iii].posStop.u = (etkFloat_t)(x+w) / 512.0;
m_listOfElement[iii].posStop.v = (etkFloat_t)(y+h) / 512.0;
m_listOfElement[iii].ratio = (etkFloat_t)w/(etkFloat_t)h;
m_elements[iii].posStart.u = (etkFloat_t)x / 512.0;
m_elements[iii].posStart.v = (etkFloat_t)y / 512.0;
m_elements[iii].posStop.u = (etkFloat_t)(x+w) / 512.0;
m_elements[iii].posStop.v = (etkFloat_t)(y+h) / 512.0;
m_elements[iii].ratio = (etkFloat_t)w/(etkFloat_t)h;
m_elements[iii].width = m_size * 1.48 * m_elements[iii].ratio;
void SetGlyphID(int32_t utf8Value, int32_t lineID, int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t w, int32_t h)
//EWOL_DEBUG("Add font glyph : "<< utf8Value << " (" << x << "," << y << ") (" << w << "," << h << ") ");
EWOL_DEBUG("Add font glyph : "<< utf8Value << " (" << x << "," << y << ") (" << w << "," << h << ") ");
if (utf8Value < 0x80) {
m_listOfElement[utf8Value].posStart.u = (etkFloat_t)x / 512.0;
m_listOfElement[utf8Value].posStart.v = (etkFloat_t)y / 512.0;
m_listOfElement[utf8Value].posStop.u = (etkFloat_t)(x+w) / 512.0;
m_listOfElement[utf8Value].posStop.v = (etkFloat_t)(y+h) / 512.0;
m_listOfElement[utf8Value].ratio = (etkFloat_t)w/(etkFloat_t)h;
m_elements[utf8Value].posStart.u = (etkFloat_t)x / 512.0;
m_elements[utf8Value].posStart.v = (etkFloat_t)y / 512.0;
m_elements[utf8Value].posStop.u = (etkFloat_t)(x+w) / 512.0;
m_elements[utf8Value].posStop.v = (etkFloat_t)(y+h) / 512.0;
m_elements[utf8Value].ratio = (etkFloat_t)w/(etkFloat_t)h;
m_elements[utf8Value].width = m_size * 1.48 * m_elements[utf8Value].ratio;
} else {
EWOL_ERROR("not manage glyph with ID > 0x7F line : " << lineID);
void SetModeFile(ewol::fontMode_te displayMode, etk::String newFile)
if (displayMode < FONT_MODE_NUMBER) {
m_bitmapName[displayMode] = newFile;
void LoadMode(ewol::fontMode_te displayMode)
if (displayMode < FONT_MODE_NUMBER) {
if (m_bitmapName[displayMode] == "") {
EWOL_ERROR("Can not load en empty file for the Font : " << m_filename );
if (m_textureLoaded[displayMode] == true) {
EWOL_WARNING("Mode of font is alredy loaded : " << m_filename );
etk::String elementName = m_filename.GetFolder();
elementName += '/';
elementName += m_bitmapName[displayMode];
EWOL_INFO("load text font image : \"" << elementName << "\"");
m_textureId[displayMode] = ewol::LoadTexture(elementName);
m_textureLoaded[displayMode] = true;
etk::File GetFileName(void)
return m_filename;
@ -199,208 +169,155 @@ namespace ewol
return m_fontName;
bool IsLoaded(ewol::fontMode_te displayMode)
bool IsLoaded(void)
return m_textureLoaded[displayMode];
return m_textureLoaded;
bool Check(etk::String fontName, int32_t size)
if (m_loadedOK == -1) {
return false;
if( m_fontName == fontName
&& m_size == size)
return true;
return false;
etk::File m_filename;
bool m_loadedOK;
etk::String m_fontName;
uint32_t m_textureId[FONT_MODE_NUMBER];
bool m_textureLoaded[FONT_MODE_NUMBER];
etk::String m_bitmapName[FONT_MODE_NUMBER];
UTF8Element_ts m_listOfElement[0x80];
int32_t m_size;
uint32_t m_textureId;
bool m_textureLoaded;
etk::String m_bitmapName;
etk::VectorType<UTF8Element_ts> m_elements; //
UTF8Element_ts * GetPointerOnElement(void)
etk::VectorType<UTF8Element_ts> & GetRefOnElement(void)
return m_listOfElement;
return m_elements;
uint32_t GetOglId(ewol::fontMode_te displayMode)
uint32_t GetOglId(void)
return m_textureId[displayMode];
return m_textureId;
int32_t GetHeight(void)
return m_size*1.42;
int32_t GetSize(void)
return m_size;
static etk::VectorType<ewol::Font*> listLoadedFonts;
static etk::VectorType<ewol::EbtFont*> s_listLoadedFonts;
static etk::String s_currentFolderName = "";
static etk::String s_currentDefaultFontName = "";
static int32_t s_currentDefaultFontId = -1;
void ewol::SetFontFolder(etk::String folderName)
if (s_currentFolderName != "") {
EWOL_WARNING("Change the FontFolder, old=\"" << s_currentFolderName << "\"");
EWOL_TODO("Check if folder exist");
s_currentFolderName = folderName;
EWOL_INFO("New default font folder name=\"" << s_currentFolderName << "\"");
void ewol::InitFont(void)
// nothing to do ...
void ewol::UnInitFont(void)
for (int32_t iii=0; iii<listLoadedFonts.Size(); iii++) {
listLoadedFonts[iii] = NULL;
// load a font in momory, can be done many time for a specific fontname, if you specify true the font will be loaded in memory, otherwise, font is loaded only when needed the first time
bool ewol::AddFont(etk::File fontFileName, bool bold, bool italic, bool boldItalic)
void ewol::SetDefaultFont(etk::String fontName, int32_t size)
for (int32_t iii=0; iii<listLoadedFonts.Size(); iii++) {
if (listLoadedFonts[iii]->GetFileName() == fontFileName) {
if (true == bold) {
if (true == italic) {
if (true == boldItalic) {
return true;
if (s_currentDefaultFontName != "") {
EWOL_WARNING("Change the default Ewol Font, old=\"" << s_currentDefaultFontName << "\"");
EWOL_INFO("New default Font Name=\"" << fontName << "\"");
int32_t tmpId = ewol::LoadFont(fontName, size);
if (-1 == tmpId) {
if (s_currentDefaultFontName == "") {
EWOL_ASSERT(-1 != tmpId, "Error to load the default Font\"" << fontName << "\"");
} else {
EWOL_CRITICAL("Unable to load the new default font:\"" << fontName << "\"");
if (fontFileName.GetExtention() != "ebt") {
EWOL_ERROR("Not the correct extention of the file" << fontFileName << "supported only *.ebt" );
return false;
ewol::Font * tmpFont = new ewol::Font(fontFileName);
if (false == tmpFont->loadedOK()) {
EWOL_ERROR("An error apear when loading Font file : " << fontFileName);
return false;
if (true == bold) {
if (true == italic) {
if (true == boldItalic) {
return true;
// get the name of the font
etk::String ewol::GetFontName(int32_t Id)
if(Id<listLoadedFonts.Size() && Id>=0) {
return listLoadedFonts[Id]->GetName();
return "No-Name";
int32_t ewol::GetFontIdWithFileName(etk::File fontFileName)
for (int32_t iii=0; iii<listLoadedFonts.Size(); iii++) {
if (listLoadedFonts[iii]->GetFileName() == fontFileName) {
return iii;
return -1;
int32_t ewol::GetFontIdWithName(etk::String fontName)
for (int32_t iii=0; iii<listLoadedFonts.Size(); iii++) {
if (listLoadedFonts[iii]->GetName() == fontName) {
return iii;
return -1;
// get the size of a long string in UTF8 (note that \n and \r represent unknown char...)
int32_t ewol::GetStringWidth(int32_t fontID, ewol::fontMode_te displayMode, int32_t size, const char * utf8String)
return 0;
// get the size of a specific char in UTF8
int32_t ewol::GetCharWidth(int32_t fontID, ewol::fontMode_te displayMode, int32_t size, const char * utf8String)
return 0;
// draw the text without background
void ewol::DrawText(int32_t fontID,
ewol::fontMode_te displayMode,
int32_t size,
coord3D_ts & drawPosition,
color_ts textColorFg,
const char * utf8String)
if(fontID>=listLoadedFonts.Size() || fontID < 0) {
EWOL_WARNING("try to display text with an fontID that does not existed " << fontID);
if (false == listLoadedFonts[fontID]->IsLoaded(displayMode)) {
if (false == listLoadedFonts[fontID]->IsLoaded(displayMode)) {
EWOL_ERROR("Can not load Font mode : " << displayMode << "of font " << listLoadedFonts[fontID]->GetName() );
UTF8Element_ts * listOfElement = listLoadedFonts[fontID]->GetPointerOnElement();
char * tmpVal = (char*)utf8String;
glColor4f(,,, textColorFg.alpha);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, listLoadedFonts[fontID]->GetOglId(displayMode));
etkFloat_t posDrawX = drawPosition.x;
while(*tmpVal != '\0') {
int32_t tmpChar = (int32_t)*tmpVal;
if (tmpChar >= 0x80) {
tmpChar = 0;
etkFloat_t sizeWidth = size * listOfElement[tmpChar].ratio;
if (tmpChar != 0x20) {
// TODO : this is really not availlable in the OpenGL ES ==> make with vertex system ...
//m_listOfElement[utf8Value].ratio = (etkFloat_t)w/(etkFloat_t)h;
glTexCoord2f(listOfElement[tmpChar].posStart.u, listOfElement[tmpChar].posStart.v); glVertex3f(posDrawX, drawPosition.y, 0.0);
glTexCoord2f(listOfElement[tmpChar].posStop.u, listOfElement[tmpChar].posStart.v); glVertex3f(posDrawX + sizeWidth, drawPosition.y, 0.0);
glTexCoord2f(listOfElement[tmpChar].posStop.u, listOfElement[tmpChar].posStop.v); glVertex3f(posDrawX + sizeWidth, drawPosition.y + size, 0.0);
glTexCoord2f(listOfElement[tmpChar].posStart.u, listOfElement[tmpChar].posStop.v); glVertex3f(posDrawX, drawPosition.y + size, 0.0);
posDrawX += sizeWidth;
drawPosition.x = posDrawX;
// save the default font parameters ...
s_currentDefaultFontName = fontName;
s_currentDefaultFontId = tmpId;
int32_t ewol::GetDefaultFontId(void)
return s_currentDefaultFontId;
int32_t ewol::LoadFont(etk::String fontName, int32_t size)
// check if folder file
etk::String tmpFileName = s_currentFolderName + "/" + fontName + ".ebt";
etk::File fileName(tmpFileName);
if (false == fileName.Exist()) {
EWOL_ERROR("Font does not exist: \"" << fileName.GetCompleateName() << "\"");
return -1;
for (int32_t iii=0; iii < s_listLoadedFonts.Size(); iii++) {
if (true == s_listLoadedFonts[iii]->Check(fontName, size)) {
return iii;
EbtFont * tmpFont = new EbtFont(fileName, fontName, size);
return s_listLoadedFonts.Size()-1;
void ewol::UnloadFont(int32_t id)
EWOL_TODO("I do not think it was a good idea... will be done later");
void ewol::DrawText(int32_t fontID,
ewol::fontMode_te displayMode,
int32_t size,
coord2D_ts & drawPosition,
const char * utf8String,
const uniChar_t * unicodeString,
uint32_t & fontTextureId,
etk::VectorType<coord2D_ts> & coord,
etk::VectorType<texCoord_ts> & coordTex)
if(fontID>=listLoadedFonts.Size() || fontID < 0) {
if(fontID>=s_listLoadedFonts.Size() || fontID < 0) {
EWOL_WARNING("try to display text with an fontID that does not existed " << fontID);
if (false == listLoadedFonts[fontID]->IsLoaded(displayMode)) {
if (false == listLoadedFonts[fontID]->IsLoaded(displayMode)) {
EWOL_ERROR("Can not load Font mode : " << displayMode << "of font " << listLoadedFonts[fontID]->GetName() );
UTF8Element_ts * listOfElement = listLoadedFonts[fontID]->GetPointerOnElement();
char * tmpVal = (char*)utf8String;
etk::VectorType<UTF8Element_ts> & listOfElement = s_listLoadedFonts[fontID]->GetRefOnElement();
// set id of texture ... (i kwnow it was a little dangerous, but this ID is never remove while the program is running...
fontTextureId = listLoadedFonts[fontID]->GetOglId(displayMode);
fontTextureId = s_listLoadedFonts[fontID]->GetOglId();
int32_t size = s_listLoadedFonts[fontID]->GetHeight();
etkFloat_t posDrawX = drawPosition.x;
while(*tmpVal != '\0') {
int32_t tmpChar = (int32_t)*tmpVal;
while(*unicodeString != 0) {
int32_t tmpChar = *unicodeString++;
if (tmpChar >= 0x80) {
tmpChar = 0;
etkFloat_t sizeWidth = size * listOfElement[tmpChar].ratio;
etkFloat_t sizeWidth = listOfElement[tmpChar].width;
if (tmpChar != 0x20) {
// set texture coordonates :
texCoord_ts tmpTex;
tmpTex.u = listOfElement[tmpChar].posStop.u;
@ -410,6 +327,7 @@ void ewol::DrawText(int32_t fontID,
tmpTex.u = listOfElement[tmpChar].posStart.u;
tmpTex.v = listOfElement[tmpChar].posStop.v;
// set display positions :
coord2D_ts tmpCoord;
tmpCoord.x = posDrawX;
tmpCoord.y = drawPosition.y;
@ -421,100 +339,148 @@ void ewol::DrawText(int32_t fontID,
tmpCoord.x = posDrawX;
posDrawX += sizeWidth;
drawPosition.x = posDrawX;
// set default folder name of the font :
void ewol::SetFontFolder(etk::String folderName)
void ewol::DrawText(int32_t fontID,
coord2D_ts & drawPosition,
const char * utf8String,
uint32_t & fontTextureId,
etk::VectorType<coord2D_ts> & coord,
etk::VectorType<texCoord_ts> & coordTex)
// TODO : This code des not work, why ????
int32_t tmpstringLen = strlen(utf8String);
int32_t * tmpUnicodeString = new int32_t(tmpstringLen+1);
// TODO : generate a better convertor...
for (int32_t iii=0; iii<tmpstringLen; iii++) {
tmpUnicodeString[iii] = utf8String[iii];
tmpUnicodeString[tmpstringLen] = 0;
// unicode display ...
//DrawText(fontID, drawPosition, tmpUnicodeString, fontTextureId, coord, coordTex);
// clean temporary data ..
delete [] tmpUnicodeString;
if(fontID>=s_listLoadedFonts.Size() || fontID < 0) {
EWOL_WARNING("try to display text with an fontID that does not existed " << fontID);
etk::VectorType<UTF8Element_ts> & listOfElement = s_listLoadedFonts[fontID]->GetRefOnElement();
char * tmpVal = (char*)utf8String;
fontTextureId = s_listLoadedFonts[fontID]->GetOglId();
int32_t size = s_listLoadedFonts[fontID]->GetHeight();
etkFloat_t posDrawX = drawPosition.x;
while(*tmpVal != 0) {
int32_t tmpChar = *tmpVal++;
int32_t charIndex;
if (tmpChar >= 0x80) {
charIndex = 0;
} else if (tmpChar < 0x20) {
charIndex = 0;
} else if (tmpChar < 0x80) {
charIndex = tmpChar; // - 0x1F;
} else {
for (int32_t iii=0x80/*-0x20*/; iii < listOfElement.Size(); iii++) {
if (listOfElement[iii].unicodeCharVal == tmpChar) {
charIndex = iii;
// TODO : Update if possible the mapping
charIndex = 0;
etkFloat_t sizeWidth = listOfElement[charIndex].width;
// 0x01 == 0x20 == ' ';
if (tmpChar != 0x01) {
// set texture coordonates :
texCoord_ts tmpTex;
tmpTex.u = listOfElement[charIndex].posStop.u;
tmpTex.v = listOfElement[charIndex].posStart.v;
tmpTex.u = listOfElement[charIndex].posStart.u;
tmpTex.v = listOfElement[charIndex].posStop.v;
// set display positions :
/*int32_t xxxx = posDrawX;
int32_t yyyy = drawPosition.y;*/
coord2D_ts tmpCoord;
tmpCoord.x = posDrawX;
tmpCoord.y = drawPosition.y;
tmpCoord.x = posDrawX + sizeWidth;
tmpCoord.y = drawPosition.y + size;
tmpCoord.x = posDrawX;
posDrawX += sizeWidth;
drawPosition.x = posDrawX;
void ewol::SetDefaultFont(etk::String fontName, int32_t size)
int32_t ewol::GetWidth(int32_t fontID, const char * utf8String)
if(fontID>=s_listLoadedFonts.Size() || fontID < 0) {
EWOL_WARNING("try to display text with an fontID that does not existed " << fontID);
return 0;
etk::VectorType<UTF8Element_ts> & listOfElement = s_listLoadedFonts[fontID]->GetRefOnElement();
char * tmpVal = (char*)utf8String;
// unload all font loaded
void ewol::InitFont(void)
void ewol::UnInitFont(void)
// load the fonts...
int32_t ewol::LoadFont(etk::String fontName, int32_t size)
return 0;
int32_t ewol::GetDefaultFontId(void)
return 0;
void ewol::UnloadFont(int32_t id)
// get the size of a long string in UTF8 (note that \n and \r represent unknown char...)
int32_t ewol::GetWidth(int32_t fontID, const uniChar_t * unicodeString)
return 20;
int32_t ewol::GetWidth(int32_t fontID, const char * utf8String)
return 20;
etkFloat_t posDrawX = 0.0;
while(*tmpVal != 0) {
int32_t tmpChar = *tmpVal++;
int32_t charIndex;
if (tmpChar >= 0x80) {
charIndex = 0;
} else if (tmpChar < 0x20) {
charIndex = 0;
} else if (tmpChar < 0x80) {
charIndex = tmpChar /*- 0x1F*/;
} else {
for (int32_t iii=0x80/*-0x20*/; iii < listOfElement.Size(); iii++) {
if (listOfElement[iii].unicodeCharVal == tmpChar) {
charIndex = iii;
// TODO : Update if possible the mapping
charIndex = 0;
posDrawX += listOfElement[charIndex].width;
return posDrawX;
int32_t ewol::GetHeight(int32_t fontID)
return 25;
void ewol::DrawText(int32_t fontID,
coord2D_ts & drawPosition,
const char * utf8String,
uint32_t & fontTextureId,
etk::VectorType<coord2D_ts> & coord,
etk::VectorType<texCoord_ts> & coordTex)
void ewol::DrawText(int32_t fontID,
coord2D_ts & drawPosition,
const uniChar_t * unicodeString,
uint32_t & fontTextureId,
etk::VectorType<coord2D_ts> & coord,
etk::VectorType<texCoord_ts> & coordTex)
int32_t ewol::LoadFont(etk::File fontFileName)
void ewol::DrawText(etkFloat_t x, etkFloat_t y, const char * myString)
if(fontID>=s_listLoadedFonts.Size() || fontID < 0) {
EWOL_WARNING("try to display text with an fontID that does not existed " << fontID);
return 10;
return s_listLoadedFonts[fontID]->GetHeight();