[DEV] some dev for audio
This commit is contained in:
@ -50,7 +50,6 @@ import java.io.IOException;
//import activityRootView
import org.ewol.Ewol;
import org.musicdsp.orchestra.Manager;
@ -61,7 +60,6 @@ public abstract class EwolActivity extends Activity implements EwolCallback, Ewo
private static Context mContext;
protected EwolSurfaceViewGL mGLView = null;
private Ewol EWOL;
private Manager MANAGER;
// clipboard section
private String tmpClipBoard; // TODO : Remove this ==> clipboard acces does not work
// Audio section :
@ -74,7 +72,6 @@ public abstract class EwolActivity extends Activity implements EwolCallback, Ewo
public EwolActivity() {
MANAGER = new Manager();
// set the java evironement in the C sources :
tmpClipBoard = "";
@ -218,14 +218,9 @@ def create(target):
elif target.name=="Android":
myModule.add_module_depend(["SDK", "jvm-basics"])
myModule.add_export_flag('link', "-lGLESv2")
myModule.add_export_flag('link', "-ldl")
myModule.add_export_flag('link', "-llog")
myModule.add_export_flag('link', "-landroid")
# TODO : Remove this: for simple test only :
# add tre creator of the basic java class ...
target.add_action("PACKAGE", tool_generate_main_java_class)
target.add_action("PACKAGE", 50, "ewol-auto-wrapper", tool_generate_main_java_class)
# TODO : Add the same for BINARY to create a console interface ?
elif target.name=="Windows":
elif target.name=="MacOs":
@ -256,7 +251,7 @@ def tool_generate_main_java_class(target, module, package_name):
file_list = []
debug.info("Generate android wrapping for '" + package_name + "'")
debug.debug("Generate android wrapping for '" + package_name + "'")
application_name = package_name
if target.config["mode"] == "debug":
@ -271,143 +266,99 @@ def tool_generate_main_java_class(target, module, package_name):
android_package_name = module.package_prop["COMPAGNY_TYPE"]+"."+module.package_prop["COMPAGNY_NAME2"]+"." + application_name
if "ADMOD_ID" in module.package_prop:
debug.print_element("pkg", "absractionFile", "<==", "dynamic file")
# Create folder :
debug.info("create file : '" + java_file_wrapper + "'")
debug.debug("create file : '" + java_file_wrapper + "'")
# Create file :
tmpFile = open(java_file_wrapper + "_tmp", 'w')
tmpFile.write( "/**\n")
tmpFile.write( " * @author Edouard DUPIN, Kevin BILLONNEAU\n")
tmpFile.write( " * @copyright 2011, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved\n")
tmpFile.write( " * @license APACHE v2.0 (see license file)\n")
tmpFile.write( " * @note This file is autogenerate ==> see documantation to generate your own\n")
tmpFile.write( " */\n")
tmpFile.write( "package "+ android_package_name + ";\n")
tmpFile.write( "import android.util.Log;\n")
if module.package_prop["ANDROID_APPL_TYPE"]=="APPL":
tmpFile.write( "/**\n")
tmpFile.write( " * @author Edouard DUPIN, Kevin BILLONNEAU\n")
tmpFile.write( " * @copyright 2011, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved\n")
tmpFile.write( " * @license APACHE v2.0 (see license file)\n")
tmpFile.write( " * @note This file is autogenerate ==> see documantation to generate your own\n")
tmpFile.write( " */\n")
tmpFile.write( "package "+ android_package_name + ";\n")
tmpFile.write( "import android.util.Log;\n")
tmpFile.write( "import org.ewol.EwolActivity;\n")
if "ADMOD_ID" in module.package_prop:
tmpFile.write( "import com.google.android.gms.ads.AdRequest;\n")
tmpFile.write( "import com.google.android.gms.ads.AdSize;\n")
tmpFile.write( "import com.google.android.gms.ads.AdView;\n")
tmpFile.write( "import android.widget.LinearLayout;\n")
tmpFile.write( "import android.widget.Button;\n")
tmpFile.write( "public class " + application_name + " extends EwolActivity {\n")
if "ADMOD_ID" in module.package_prop:
tmpFile.write( " /** The view to show the ad. */\n")
tmpFile.write( " private AdView adView;\n")
tmpFile.write( " private LinearLayout mLayout = null;\n")
tmpFile.write( " \n")
tmpFile.write( " static {\n")
tmpFile.write( " try {\n")
tmpFile.write( " System.loadLibrary(\"" + package_name + "\");\n")
tmpFile.write( " } catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) {\n")
tmpFile.write( " Log.e(\"" + application_name + "\", \"error getting lib(): \" + e);\n")
tmpFile.write( " }\n")
tmpFile.write( " }\n")
tmpFile.write( " \n")
tmpFile.write( " public void onCreate(android.os.Bundle savedInstanceState) {\n")
tmpFile.write( " super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);\n")
tmpFile.write( " initApkPath(\"" + module.package_prop["COMPAGNY_TYPE"]+"\", \""+module.package_prop["COMPAGNY_NAME2"]+"\", \"" + application_name + "\");\n")
if "ADMOD_ID" in module.package_prop:
tmpFile.write( " mLayout = new LinearLayout(this);\n")
tmpFile.write( " mLayout.setOrientation(android.widget.LinearLayout.VERTICAL);\n")
tmpFile.write( " LinearLayout.LayoutParams paramsWindows = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(\n")
tmpFile.write( " LinearLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT,\n")
tmpFile.write( " LinearLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT);\n")
tmpFile.write( " \n")
tmpFile.write( " setContentView(mLayout, paramsWindows);\n")
tmpFile.write( " \n")
tmpFile.write( " LinearLayout.LayoutParams paramsAdds = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(\n")
tmpFile.write( " LinearLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT,\n")
tmpFile.write( " LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);\n")
tmpFile.write( " paramsAdds.weight = 0;\n")
tmpFile.write( " \n")
tmpFile.write( " LinearLayout.LayoutParams paramsGLView = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(\n")
tmpFile.write( " LinearLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT,\n")
tmpFile.write( " LinearLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT);\n")
tmpFile.write( " paramsGLView.weight = 1;\n")
tmpFile.write( " paramsGLView.height = 0;\n")
tmpFile.write( " \n")
tmpFile.write( " mLayout.setGravity(android.view.Gravity.TOP);\n")
tmpFile.write( " \n")
tmpFile.write( " // Create an adds.\n")
tmpFile.write( " adView = new AdView(this);\n")
tmpFile.write( " adView.setAdSize(AdSize.SMART_BANNER);\n")
tmpFile.write( " adView.setAdUnitId(\"" + module.package_prop["ADMOD_ID"] + "\");\n")
tmpFile.write( " \n")
tmpFile.write( " // Create an ad request. Check logcat output for the hashed device ID to get test ads on a physical device.\n")
tmpFile.write( " AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder()\n")
tmpFile.write( " .addTestDevice(AdRequest.DEVICE_ID_EMULATOR)\n")
tmpFile.write( " .build();\n")
tmpFile.write( " \n")
tmpFile.write( " // Add the AdView to the view hierarchy. The view will have no size until the ad is loaded.\n")
if "ADMOD_POSITION" in module.package_prop.keys() \
and module.package_prop["ADMOD_POSITION"] == "top":
tmpFile.write( " mLayout.addView(adView, paramsAdds);\n")
tmpFile.write( " mLayout.addView(mGLView, paramsGLView);\n")
tmpFile.write( " mLayout.addView(mGLView, paramsGLView);\n")
tmpFile.write( " mLayout.addView(adView, paramsAdds);\n")
tmpFile.write( " \n")
tmpFile.write( " // Start loading the ad in the background.\n")
tmpFile.write( " adView.loadAd(adRequest);\n")
tmpFile.write( " }\n")
if "ADMOD_ID" in module.package_prop:
tmpFile.write( " @Override protected void onResume() {\n")
tmpFile.write( " super.onResume();\n")
tmpFile.write( " if (adView != null) {\n")
tmpFile.write( " adView.resume();\n")
tmpFile.write( " }\n")
tmpFile.write( " }\n")
tmpFile.write( " @Override protected void onPause() {\n")
tmpFile.write( " if (adView != null) {\n")
tmpFile.write( " adView.pause();\n")
tmpFile.write( " }\n")
tmpFile.write( " super.onPause();\n")
tmpFile.write( " }\n")
tmpFile.write( " @Override protected void onDestroy() {\n")
tmpFile.write( " // Destroy the AdView.\n")
tmpFile.write( " if (adView != null) {\n")
tmpFile.write( " adView.destroy();\n")
tmpFile.write( " }\n")
tmpFile.write( " super.onDestroy();\n")
tmpFile.write( " }\n")
tmpFile.write( "}\n")
else :
# wallpaper mode ...
tmpFile.write( "/**\n")
tmpFile.write( " * @author Edouard DUPIN, Kevin BILLONNEAU\n")
tmpFile.write( " * @copyright 2011, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved\n")
tmpFile.write( " * @license APACHE v2.0 (see license file)\n")
tmpFile.write( " * @note This file is autogenerate ==> see documantation to generate your own\n")
tmpFile.write( " */\n")
tmpFile.write( "package "+ android_package_name + ";\n")
tmpFile.write( "import android.util.Log;\n")
tmpFile.write( "import org.ewol.EwolWallpaper;\n")
tmpFile.write( "\n")
if "GENERATE_SECTION__IMPORT" in module.package_prop:
for elem in module.package_prop["GENERATE_SECTION__IMPORT"]:
for line in elem:
tmpFile.write( line + "\n")
if module.package_prop["ANDROID_APPL_TYPE"]=="APPL":
tmpFile.write( "public class " + application_name + " extends EwolActivity {\n")
tmpFile.write( "public class " + application_name + " extends EwolWallpaper {\n")
tmpFile.write( " public static final String SHARED_PREFS_NAME = \"" + application_name + "settings\";\n")
tmpFile.write( " \n")
tmpFile.write( " static {\n")
tmpFile.write( " try {\n")
tmpFile.write( " System.loadLibrary(\"" + package_name + "\");\n")
tmpFile.write( " } catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) {\n")
tmpFile.write( " Log.e(\"" + application_name + "\", \"error getting lib(): \" + e);\n")
tmpFile.write( " }\n")
tmpFile.write( " }\n")
tmpFile.write( " \n")
if "GENERATE_SECTION__DECLARE" in module.package_prop:
for elem in module.package_prop["GENERATE_SECTION__DECLARE"]:
for line in elem:
tmpFile.write( " " + line + "\n")
tmpFile.write( " \n")
tmpFile.write( " static {\n")
tmpFile.write( " try {\n")
tmpFile.write( " System.loadLibrary(\"" + package_name + "\");\n")
tmpFile.write( " } catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) {\n")
tmpFile.write( " Log.e(\"" + application_name + "\", \"error getting lib(): \" + e);\n")
tmpFile.write( " }\n")
tmpFile.write( " }\n")
tmpFile.write( " \n")
if module.package_prop["ANDROID_APPL_TYPE"]!="APPL":
tmpFile.write( " public Engine onCreateEngine() {\n")
tmpFile.write( " Engine tmpEngine = super.onCreateEngine();\n")
tmpFile.write( " initApkPath(\"" + module.package_prop["COMPAGNY_TYPE"]+"\", \""+module.package_prop["COMPAGNY_NAME2"]+"\", \"" + application_name + "\");\n")
tmpFile.write( " return tmpEngine;\n")
tmpFile.write( " }\n")
tmpFile.write( "}\n")
tmpFile.write( " public " + application_name + "() {\n")
if "GENERATE_SECTION__CONSTRUCTOR" in module.package_prop:
for elem in module.package_prop["GENERATE_SECTION__CONSTRUCTOR"]:
for line in elem:
tmpFile.write( " " + line + "\n")
tmpFile.write( " }\n")
tmpFile.write( " public void onCreate(android.os.Bundle savedInstanceState) {\n")
tmpFile.write( " super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);\n")
tmpFile.write( " initApkPath(\"" + module.package_prop["COMPAGNY_TYPE"]+"\", \""+module.package_prop["COMPAGNY_NAME2"]+"\", \"" + application_name + "\");\n")
if "GENERATE_SECTION__ON_CREATE" in module.package_prop:
for elem in module.package_prop["GENERATE_SECTION__ON_CREATE"]:
for line in elem:
tmpFile.write( " " + line + "\n")
tmpFile.write( " }\n")
tmpFile.write( " @Override protected void onResume() {\n")
tmpFile.write( " super.onResume();\n")
if "GENERATE_SECTION__ON_RESUME" in module.package_prop:
for elem in module.package_prop["GENERATE_SECTION__ON_RESUME"]:
for line in elem:
tmpFile.write( " " + line + "\n")
tmpFile.write( " }\n")
tmpFile.write( " @Override protected void onPause() {\n")
if "GENERATE_SECTION__ON_PAUSE" in module.package_prop:
for elem in module.package_prop["GENERATE_SECTION__ON_PAUSE"]:
for line in elem:
tmpFile.write( " " + line + "\n")
tmpFile.write( " super.onPause();\n")
tmpFile.write( " }\n")
tmpFile.write( " @Override protected void onDestroy() {\n")
if "GENERATE_SECTION__ON_DESTROY" in module.package_prop:
for elem in module.package_prop["GENERATE_SECTION__ON_DESTROY"]:
for line in elem:
tmpFile.write( " " + line + "\n")
tmpFile.write( " super.onDestroy();\n")
tmpFile.write( " }\n")
tmpFile.write( "}\n")
@ -432,7 +383,7 @@ def tool_generate_main_java_class(target, module, package_name):
if module.package_prop["ANDROID_MANIFEST"] == "":
# force manifest file:
module.package_prop["ANDROID_MANIFEST"] = target.get_build_folder(package_name) + "/AndroidManifest.xml";
debug.info(" create file: '" + module.package_prop["ANDROID_MANIFEST"] + "'")
debug.debug(" create file: '" + module.package_prop["ANDROID_MANIFEST"] + "'")
if "VERSION_CODE" not in module.package_prop:
module.package_prop["VERSION_CODE"] = "1"
debug.print_element("pkg", "AndroidManifest.xml", "<==", "package configurations")
Reference in New Issue
Block a user