Add joystick and remove e2d element (deprecated since SVG coded)

This commit is contained in:
Edouard Dupin 2012-03-30 18:11:39 +02:00
parent 979c103743
commit 6cd8f3fa2a
5 changed files with 264 additions and 152 deletions

View File

@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ namespace ewol {
// TODO : Remove bool ==> deprecated ...
// TODO : Rename in SetSize()
virtual bool CalculateSize(etkFloat_t availlableX, etkFloat_t availlableY); // this generate the current size ...
virtual bool CalculateSize(etkFloat_t availlableX, etkFloat_t availlableY);
//update the min Size ... and the expend parameters for the sizer
* @brief Calculate the minimum size of the widget that is needed to display or the user requested)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
* @file ewol/widget/Joystick.cpp
* @brief ewol Joystick widget system (Sources)
* @author Edouard DUPIN
* @date 30/03/2012
* @par Project
* ewol
* @par Copyright
* Copyright 2011 Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* Licence summary :
* You can modify and redistribute the sources code and binaries.
* You can send me the bug-fix
* Term of the licence in in the file licence.txt.
#include <ewol/widget/Joystick.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <ewol/OObject.h>
#include <ewol/WidgetManager.h>
extern const char * const ewolEventJoystickEnable = "ewol-joystick-enable";
extern const char * const ewolEventJoystickDisable = "ewol-joystick-disable";
extern const char * const ewolEventJoystickMove = "ewol-joystick-move";
#undef __class__
#define __class__ "Joystick"
// by default the joy does not lock when free out
m_lock = false;
m_displayMode = ewol::JOYSTICK_NORMAL_MODE; = 1.0; = 0.0; = 0.0;
m_colorFg.alpha = 1.0; = 0.0; = 0.0; = 0.0;
m_colorBg.alpha = 0.25;
m_displayPos.x = 0.0;
m_displayPos.y = 0.0;
m_distance = 0.0;
m_angle = -0.1;
//!< EObject name :
extern const char * const ewol::TYPE_EOBJECT_WIDGET_JOYSTICK = "Joystick";
* @brief Check if the object has the specific type.
* @note In Embended platforme, it is many time no -rtti flag, then it is not possible to use dynamic cast ==> this will replace it
* @param[in] objectType type of the object we want to check
* @return true if the object is compatible, otherwise false
bool ewol::Joystick::CheckObjectType(const char * const objectType)
if (NULL == objectType) {
EWOL_ERROR("check error : \"" << ewol::TYPE_EOBJECT_WIDGET_JOYSTICK << "\" != NULL(pointer) ");
return false;
if (objectType == ewol::TYPE_EOBJECT_WIDGET_JOYSTICK) {
return true;
} else {
if(true == ewol::Drawable::CheckObjectType(objectType)) {
return true;
EWOL_ERROR("check error : \"" << ewol::TYPE_EOBJECT_WIDGET_JOYSTICK << "\" != \"" << objectType << "\"");
return false;
* @brief Get the current Object type of the EObject
* @note In Embended platforme, it is many time no -rtti flag, then it is not possible to use dynamic cast ==> this will replace it
* @param[in] objectType type description
* @return true if the object is compatible, otherwise false
const char * const ewol::Joystick::GetObjectType(void)
* @brief Parrent set the possible diplay size of the current widget whith his own possibilities
* By default this save the widget availlable size in the widget size
* @param[in] availlableX Availlable horisantal pixel size
* @param[in] availlableY Availlable vertical pixel size
* @return ---
bool ewol::Joystick::CalculateSize(etkFloat_t availlableX, etkFloat_t availlableY)
etkFloat_t minimumSize = etk_min(availlableX, availlableY);
m_size.x = minimumSize;
m_size.y = minimumSize;
return true;
void ewol::Joystick::OnRegenerateDisplay(void)
if (true == NeedRedraw()) {
// clean the object list ...
ewol::OObject2DColored * tmpOObjects = new ewol::OObject2DColored;
// set background
if (true) { //(ewol::JOYSTICK_CIRCLE_MODE==m_displayMode) {
tmpOObjects->Disc( m_size.x/2, m_size.y/2, m_size.x/2-1);
} else {
tmpOObjects->Rectangle( 2, 2, m_size.x-4, m_size.y-4);
// set cursor point
etkFloat_t sizeElement = m_size.x/INTERNAL_ELEMENT_RATIO;
if (true) { //(ewol::JOYSTICK_CIRCLE_MODE==m_displayMode) {
tmpOObjects->Disc( ((m_displayPos.x+1.0)/2.0)*m_size.x, ((m_displayPos.y+1.0)/2.0)*m_size.y, sizeElement);
} else {
tmpOObjects->Rectangle( ((m_displayPos.x+1.0)/2.0)*m_size.x-sizeElement/2.0, ((m_displayPos.y+1.0)/2.0)*m_size.y-sizeElement/2.0, sizeElement, sizeElement);
// add all needed objects ...
if (NULL != tmpOObjects) {
Sine Function: sin(teta) = Opposite / Hypotenuse
Cosine Function: cos(teta) = Adjacent / Hypotenuse
Tangent Function: tan(teta) = Opposite / Adjacent
* @brief Event on an input of this Widget
* @param[in] IdInput Id of the current Input (PC : left=1, right=2, middle=3, none=0 / Tactil : first finger=1 , second=2 (only on this widget, no knowledge at ouside finger))
* @param[in] pos Absolute position of the event
* @return true the event is used
* @return false the event is not used
bool ewol::Joystick::OnEventInput(int32_t IdInput, eventInputType_te typeEvent, coord2D_ts pos)
if (1 == IdInput) {
if( ewol::EVENT_INPUT_TYPE_DOWN == typeEvent
|| ewol::EVENT_INPUT_TYPE_MOVE == typeEvent) {
// get local relative position
coord2D_ts relativePos = RelativePosition(pos);
// Calculate the position of the cursor...
m_displayPos.x = relativePos.x/m_size.x*2.0 - 1.0;
m_displayPos.y = relativePos.y/m_size.y*2.0 - 1.0;
// distance :
m_distance = m_displayPos.y*m_displayPos.y + m_displayPos.x * m_displayPos.x;
m_distance = sqrt(m_distance);
// angle :
m_angle = atan(m_displayPos.y/m_displayPos.x);
if (m_displayPos.x < 0) {
m_angle += M_PI;
// clip if needed ...
if (m_distance > 1.0) {
m_distance = 1.0;
// regenerate new display position :
m_displayPos.x = cos(m_angle)*m_distance;
m_displayPos.y = sin(m_angle)*m_distance;
if(ewol::EVENT_INPUT_TYPE_DOWN == typeEvent) {
} else {
//teta += M_PI/2;
//EWOL_DEBUG("TETA = " << (m_angle*180/M_PI) << " deg distance = " << m_distance);
return true;
} else if( ewol::EVENT_INPUT_TYPE_UP == typeEvent) {
if( true == m_lock
&& m_distance == 1) {
// nothing to do ...
} else {
m_displayPos.x = 0.0;
m_displayPos.y = 0.0;
m_angle = -0.1;
m_distance = 0;
return true;
return false;
return false;

View File

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
* @file ewol/widget/widgetE2D.h
* @brief ewol file e2d widget system (header)
* @file ewol/widget/Joystick.h
* @brief ewol Joystick widget system (header)
* @author Edouard DUPIN
* @date 13/03/2012
* @date 30/03/2012
* @par Project
* ewol
@ -22,23 +22,35 @@
#ifndef __EWOL_WIDGET_E2D_H__
#define __EWOL_WIDGET_E2D_H__
#ifndef __EWOL_JOYSTICK_H__
#define __EWOL_JOYSTICK_H__
#include <etk/Types.h>
#include <ewol/Debug.h>
#include <ewol/widget/Drawable.h>
extern const char * const ewolEventE2DPressed;
extern const char * const ewolEventJoystickEnable;
extern const char * const ewolEventJoystickDisable;
extern const char * const ewolEventJoystickMove;
namespace ewol {
class widgetE2D : public ewol::Drawable
typedef enum {
} joystickMode_te;
class Joystick :public ewol::Drawable
etk::File m_fileName;
color_ts m_colorFg; //!< Forground color
color_ts m_colorBg; //!< Background color
coord2D_ts m_displayPos; //!< direction of the cursor ...
etkFloat_t m_distance; //!< dintance from the center
etkFloat_t m_angle; //!< angle of the arraw (if < 0 : No arraw...) 0 is the TOP ...
bool m_lock; //!< flag to mark the lock when the cursor is free when we are outside the circle
joystickMode_te m_displayMode; //!< Type of fonctionnal mode of the joystick
virtual ~widgetE2D(void);
virtual ~Joystick(void);
* @brief Check if the object has the specific type.
* @note In Embended platforme, it is many time no -rtti flag, then it is not possible to use dynamic cast ==> this will replace it
@ -54,7 +66,14 @@ namespace ewol {
* @return true if the object is compatible, otherwise false
virtual const char * const GetObjectType(void);
void SetElement(etk::File filename);
* @brief Parrent set the possible diplay size of the current widget whith his own possibilities
* By default this save the widget availlable size in the widget size
* @param[in] availlableX Availlable horisantal pixel size
* @param[in] availlableY Availlable vertical pixel size
* @return ---
virtual bool CalculateSize(etkFloat_t availlableX, etkFloat_t availlableY);
virtual void OnRegenerateDisplay(void);
* @brief Event on an input of this Widget
@ -65,11 +84,13 @@ namespace ewol {
* @return false the event is not used
virtual bool OnEventInput(int32_t IdInput, eventInputType_te typeEvent, coord2D_ts pos);
void SetLockMode(bool lockWhenOut) { m_lock = lockWhenOut; };
void SetDisplayMode(joystickMode_te newMode) { m_displayMode = newMode; };
extern const char * const TYPE_EOBJECT_WIDGET_E2D;
extern const char * const TYPE_EOBJECT_WIDGET_JOYSTICK;
#define EWOL_CAST_WIDGET_E2D(curentPointer) EWOL_CAST(ewol::TYPE_EOBJECT_WIDGET_E2D,ewol::widgetE2D,curentPointer)
#define EWOL_CAST_WIDGET_JOYSTICK(curentPointer) EWOL_CAST(ewol::TYPE_EOBJECT_WIDGET_JOYSTICK,ewol::Button,curentPointer)

View File

@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
* @file ewol/widget/widgetE2D.cpp
* @brief ewol file e2d widget system (Sources)
* @author Edouard DUPIN
* @date 13/03/2012
* @par Project
* ewol
* @par Copyright
* Copyright 2011 Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* Licence summary :
* You can modify and redistribute the sources code and binaries.
* You can send me the bug-fix
* Term of the licence in in the file licence.txt.
#include <ewol/widget/widgetE2D.h>
#include <ewol/OObject.h>
#include <ewol/WidgetManager.h>
#include <ewol/OObject/e2d.h>
extern const char * const ewolEventE2DPressed = "ewol widget e2d Pressed";
#undef __class__
#define __class__ "widgetE2D"
m_fileName = "";
//!< EObject name :
extern const char * const ewol::TYPE_EOBJECT_WIDGET_E2D = "widgetE2D";
* @brief Check if the object has the specific type.
* @note In Embended platforme, it is many time no -rtti flag, then it is not possible to use dynamic cast ==> this will replace it
* @param[in] objectType type of the object we want to check
* @return true if the object is compatible, otherwise false
bool ewol::widgetE2D::CheckObjectType(const char * const objectType)
if (NULL == objectType) {
EWOL_ERROR("check error : \"" << ewol::TYPE_EOBJECT_WIDGET_E2D << "\" != NULL(pointer) ");
return false;
if (objectType == ewol::TYPE_EOBJECT_WIDGET_E2D) {
return true;
} else {
if(true == ewol::Drawable::CheckObjectType(objectType)) {
return true;
EWOL_ERROR("check error : \"" << ewol::TYPE_EOBJECT_WIDGET_E2D << "\" != \"" << objectType << "\"");
return false;
* @brief Get the current Object type of the EObject
* @note In Embended platforme, it is many time no -rtti flag, then it is not possible to use dynamic cast ==> this will replace it
* @param[in] objectType type description
* @return true if the object is compatible, otherwise false
const char * const ewol::widgetE2D::GetObjectType(void)
void ewol::widgetE2D::SetElement(etk::File fileName)
m_fileName = fileName;
void ewol::widgetE2D::OnRegenerateDisplay(void)
if (true == NeedRedraw()) {
// clean the object list ...
if (m_fileName != "") {
ewol::oobject::e2d * tmpE2D = new ewol::oobject::e2d(m_fileName);
* @brief Event on an input of this Widget
* @param[in] IdInput Id of the current Input (PC : left=1, right=2, middle=3, none=0 / Tactil : first finger=1 , second=2 (only on this widget, no knowledge at ouside finger))
* @param[in] pos Absolute position of the event
* @return true the event is used
* @return false the event is not used
bool ewol::widgetE2D::OnEventInput(int32_t IdInput, eventInputType_te typeEvent, coord2D_ts pos)
//EWOL_DEBUG("Event on e2d object ...");
if (1 == IdInput) {
if( ewol::EVENT_INPUT_TYPE_SINGLE == typeEvent
|| ewol::EVENT_INPUT_TYPE_DOUBLE == typeEvent
|| ewol::EVENT_INPUT_TYPE_TRIPLE == typeEvent) {
// nothing to do ...
//EWOL_DEBUG(" ==> generate event : " << ewolEventE2DPressed);
return true;
return false;

View File

@ -23,23 +23,23 @@ FILE_LIST = ewol/ewol.cpp \
ewol/WidgetManager.cpp \
ewol/Windows.cpp \
ewol/ShortCutManager.cpp \
ewol/widget/WidgetScrolled.cpp \
ewol/widget/Drawable.cpp \
ewol/widget/Button.cpp \
ewol/widget/ButtonColor.cpp \
ewol/widget/Label.cpp \
ewol/widget/CheckBox.cpp \
ewol/widget/ColorBar.cpp \
ewol/widget/ContextMenu.cpp \
ewol/widget/Drawable.cpp \
ewol/widget/Entry.cpp \
ewol/widget/Joystick.cpp \
ewol/widget/Label.cpp \
ewol/widget/List.cpp \
ewol/widget/Menu.cpp \
ewol/widget/ContextMenu.cpp \
ewol/widget/ColorBar.cpp \
ewol/widget/PopUp.cpp \
ewol/widget/SizerHori.cpp \
ewol/widget/SizerVert.cpp \
ewol/widget/Slider.cpp \
ewol/widget/Spacer.cpp \
ewol/widget/widgetE2D.cpp \
ewol/widget/WidgetScrolled.cpp \
ewol/widgetMeta/FileChooser.cpp \
ewol/widgetMeta/ColorChooser.cpp \
ewol/widgetMeta/Keyboard.cpp \