[DEV] first read of the png file ==> ok / no write function

This commit is contained in:
Edouard DUPIN 2012-11-11 20:38:20 +01:00
parent 59e59142ed
commit 63b742b737
3 changed files with 162 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
#include <ewol/texture/TextureBMP.h>
#include <parserSVG/parserSVG.h>
//#include <ewol/texture/TexturePNG.h>
#include <ewol/texture/TexturePNG.h>
ewol::TextureFile::TextureFile(etk::UString genName, etk::UString tmpfileName, etk::Vector2D<int32_t> size) :
@ -40,7 +40,10 @@ ewol::TextureFile::TextureFile(etk::UString genName, etk::UString tmpfileName, e
m_element.GenerateAnImage(size, m_data);
} else if (true == tmpName.EndWith(".png") ) {
EWOL_ERROR("Extention not supported now, but soon " << tmpName );
// generate the texture
if (false == ewol::imagePNG::GenerateImage(tmpName, m_data)) {
EWOL_ERROR("Error To load PNG file " << tmpName );
} else {
EWOL_ERROR("Extention not managed " << tmpName << " Sopported extention : .bmp / .svg / .png");

View File

@ -5,3 +5,141 @@
* @license BSD v3 (see license file)
#include <etk/Types.h>
#include <draw/Image.h>
#include <ewol/texture/TexturePNG.h>
#include <etk/os/FSNode.h>
#include <png/png.h>
#undef __class__
#define __class__ "texture::TextureBMP"
// we must change the access of the IO of the png lib :
static void local_ReadData(png_structp png_ptr, png_bytep data, png_size_t length)
etk::FSNode* fileNode = static_cast<etk::FSNode*>(png_get_io_ptr(png_ptr));
if (NULL!=fileNode) {
fileNode->FileRead(data, 1, length);
static void LocalWriteData(png_structp png_ptr, png_bytep data, png_size_t length)
etk::FSNode* fileNode = static_cast<etk::FSNode*>(png_get_io_ptr(png_ptr));
if (NULL!=fileNode) {
fileNode->FileWrite(data, 1, length);
static void localFlushData(png_structp png_ptr)
etk::FSNode* fileNode = static_cast<etk::FSNode*>(png_get_io_ptr(png_ptr));
if (NULL!=fileNode) {
bool ewol::imagePNG::GenerateImage(etk::UString & inputFile, draw::Image & ouputImage)
int32_t m_width = 0;
int32_t m_height = 0;
etk::FSNode fileName(inputFile);
if (false==fileName.Exist()) {
EWOL_ERROR("File does not existed=\"" << fileName << "\"");
return false;
if(false == fileName.FileOpenRead() ) {
EWOL_ERROR("Can not find the file name=\"" << fileName << "\"");
return false;
// Vars
int x, y, address = 0;
int rowbytes;
unsigned char header[8];
png_infop info_ptr;
png_structp png_ptr;
png_bytep * row_pointers;
if (fileName.FileRead(header,1,8) != 8) {
EWOL_ERROR("error loading file header");
return false;
if (png_sig_cmp(header, 0, 8))
EWOL_ERROR("Invalid file :" << fileName);
// PNG read setup
png_ptr = png_create_read_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL);
info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr);
// overwrite the read and write function :
#if 1
png_init_io(png_ptr, fp);
png_set_sig_bytes(png_ptr, 8);
png_read_info(png_ptr, info_ptr);
int32_t width = png_get_image_width(png_ptr, info_ptr);
int32_t height = png_get_image_height(png_ptr, info_ptr);
// reallocate the image
int32_t bit_depth = png_get_bit_depth(png_ptr, info_ptr);
png_read_update_info(png_ptr, info_ptr);
row_pointers = (png_bytep*) malloc(sizeof(png_bytep) * height);
rowbytes = width * ((bit_depth == 16) ? 8 : 4);
// File read
for (y = 0; y < height; y++)
row_pointers[y] = (png_byte*) malloc(rowbytes);
png_read_image(png_ptr, row_pointers);
if (png_get_color_type(png_ptr, info_ptr) != PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGBA) {
draw::Color tmpColor(0,0,0,0);
// Conversion to OpenGL texture
//texture = (GLubyte*)malloc (width * height * 4 * sizeof(GLubyte));
for (y = 0; y < height; y++)
png_byte* row = row_pointers[y];
for (x = 0; x < width; x++)
png_byte* ptr = &(row[x*4]);
tmpColor.r = ptr[0];
tmpColor.g = ptr[1];
tmpColor.b = ptr[2];
tmpColor.a = ptr[3];
ouputImage.Set(etk::Vector2D<int32_t>(x,y), tmpColor);
delete row_pointers[y];
return true;

View File

@ -5,3 +5,22 @@
* @license BSD v3 (see license file)
#ifndef __EWOL_TEXTURE_PNG_H__
#define __EWOL_TEXTURE_PNG_H__
#include <etk/Types.h>
#include <ewol/Debug.h>
#include <draw/Image.h>
#include <etk/os/FSNode.h>
namespace ewol
namespace imagePNG
bool GenerateImage(etk::UString & inputFile, draw::Image & ouputImage);