- [**etk**](http://atria-soft.github.io/etk) : Generic toolkit to acces on file, standardize acces on string (for Android and MacOs) ...
- [**earchive**](http://atria-soft.github.io/earchive) : Generic access to a zip file (used to access on file on Android)
- [**egami**](http://atria-soft.github.io/egami) : generic image accessor for PNG, svg and bmp image (might add some other type ...)
- [**esvg**](http://atria-soft.github.io/esvg) : Generic SVG image parser and displayer
- [**e-json**](http://atria-soft.github.io/ejson) : JSON file access (read and write)
- [**e-xml**](http://atria-soft.github.io/exml) : XML file access (read and write)
- [**audio**](http://musicdsp.github.io/audio) : Basic audio format
- [**audio-orchestra**](http://musicdsp.github.io/audio-orchestra) : Low level wrapper of audio interface (Linux/Windows/MacOs/IOs/Android)
- [**audio-river**](http://musicdsp.github.io/audio-river) : High level audio abstraction
- [**ege**](http://musicdsp.github.io/ege) : Ewol Game engine is a wrapper on the the bullet physical engine and ewol renderer engin. This is in developpement for now (the simple objective is to produce game to make profitable all my work)
- [**edn**](http://musicdsp.github.io/edn): (Application in GPLv3) Edn is the main application using this lib and designed for (in the first time). This is a "Code editor".
- [**worddown**](http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.edouarddupin.worddown): (Proprietary) Worddown is a simple word game.