EWOL, or Edn Widget OpenGl Layer, is a multi-platform library for creating graphical user interfaces in OpenGL. Offering a complete set of widgets.<br/>
<h2>Where can I use it?</h2>
Everywhere! EWOL is cross-platform devolopped to support bases OS:
EWOL is written in C++ and is not (for now) supported for other languages.<br/>
<h2>Are there any licensing restrictions?</h2>
EWOL is <spanstyle="font-weight: bold;">FREE software</span> and <spanstyle="font-style: italic;">all sub-library are FREE and staticly linkable !!!</span><br/>
That allow you to use it for every program you want, including those developing proprietary software, without any license fees or royalties.<br/>
<ul><li><spanstyle="font-weight: bold;"><ahref="../etk">e-tk</a></span> : Generic toolkit to acces on file, standardize acces on string (for Android and MacOs) ...</li><li><spanstyle="font-weight: bold;"><ahref="../earchive">e-Archive</a></span> : Generic access to a zip file (used to access on file on Android)</li><li><spanstyle="font-weight: bold;"><ahref="../eggami">e-gami</a></span> : generic image accessor for PNG, svg and bmp image (might add some other type ...)</li><li><spanstyle="font-weight: bold;"><ahref="../esvg">e-svg</a></span> : Generic SVG image parser and displayer</li><li><spanstyle="font-weight: bold;"><ahref="../ejson">e-json</a></span> : JSON file access (read and write)</li><li><spanstyle="font-weight: bold;"><ahref="../exml">e-xml</a></span> : XML file access (read and write)</li><li><spanstyle="font-weight: bold;"><ahref="../ege">e-ge</a></span> : (library in BSDv3) Ewol Game engine is a wrapper on the the bullet physical engine and ewol renderer engin. this is in developpement for now (the simple objective is to produce game to make profitable all my work)</li></ul>
<h4> External: </h4>
<ul><li><spanstyle="font-weight: bold;"><ahref="../linearmath">Linear-Math</a></span> : bullet mathamatical sub lib (for using same vec3).</li><li><spanstyle="font-weight: bold;"><ahref="../z">Z lib</a></span> : Clkassical zlib lib.</li><li><spanstyle="font-weight: bold;"><ahref="../agg">AGG</a></span> : A c++ drawing lib.</li><li><spanstyle="font-weight: bold;"><ahref="../png">libPNG</a></span> : the classical png display lib.</li><li><spanstyle="font-weight: bold;"><ahref="../portaudio">portaudio</a></span> : The classical audio wrapper lib.</li><li><spanstyle="font-weight: bold;"><ahref="../ogg">ogg</a></span> : The classical Ogg coder reader lib.</li><li><spanstyle="font-weight: bold;"><ahref="../freetype">Free-Type</a></span> : The classicle true-type reader lib.</li><li><spanstyle="font-weight: bold;"><ahref="../bullet">bullet</a></span> : the classical bullet library physical engine. (dependence by ege)</li></ul>
<h4> Program Using EWOL </h4>
<ul><li><spanstyle="font-weight: bold;"><ahref="../edn">edn</a></span> : (Application in GPLv3) Edn is the main application using this lib and designed for (in the first time). This is a "Code editor".</li></ul>