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< a href = "_std_pop_up_8hpp.html" > Go to the documentation of this file.< / a > < div class = "fragment" > < div class = "line" > < a name = "l00001" > < / a > < span class = "lineno" > 1< / span >   < / div > < div class = "line" > < a name = "l00006" > < / a > < span class = "lineno" > 6< / span >   < span class = "preprocessor" > #pragma once< / span > < / div > < div class = "line" > < a name = "l00007" > < / a > < span class = "lineno" > 7< / span >   < / div > < div class = "line" > < a name = "l00008" > < / a > < span class = "lineno" > 8< / span >   < span class = "preprocessor" > #include < < a class = "code" href = "_pop_up_8hpp.html" > ewol/widget/PopUp.hpp< / a > > < / span > < / div > < div class = "line" > < a name = "l00009" > < / a > < span class = "lineno" > 9< / span >   < span class = "preprocessor" > #include < < a class = "code" href = "_label_8hpp.html" > ewol/widget/Label.hpp< / a > > < / span > < / div > < div class = "line" > < a name = "l00010" > < / a > < span class = "lineno" > 10< / span >   < span class = "preprocessor" > #include < < a class = "code" href = "_button_8hpp.html" > ewol/widget/Button.hpp< / a > > < / span > < / div > < div class = "line" > < a name = "l00011" > < / a > < span class = "lineno" > 11< / span >   < span class = "preprocessor" > #include < < a class = "code" href = "_sizer_8hpp.html" > ewol/widget/Sizer.hpp< / a > > < / span > < / div > < div class = "line" > < a name = "l00012" > < / a > < span class = "lineno" > 12< / span >   < span class = "keyword" > namespace < / span > < a class = "code" href = "namespaceewol.html" > ewol< / a > {< / div > < div class = "line" > < a name = "l00013" > < / a > < span class = "lineno" > 13< / span >   < span class = "keyword" > namespace < / span > widget {< / div > < div class = "line" > < a name = "l00014" > < / a > < span class = "lineno" > 14< / span >   < span class = "keyword" > class < / span > StdPopUp;< / div > < div class = "line" > < a name = "l00015" > < / a > < span class = "lineno" > 15< / span >   < span class = "keyword" > using< / span > StdPopUpShared = < a class = "codeRef" doxygen = "/home/heero/dev/perso/out/doc/release/ememory.tag:http://atria-soft.github.io/ememory/" href = "http://atria-soft.github.io/ememory/classememory_1_1_shared_ptr.html" > ememory::SharedPtr< ewol::widget::StdPopUp> < / a > ;< / div > < div class = "line" > < a name = "l00016" > < / a > < span class = "lineno" > 16< / span >   < span class = "keyword" > using< / span > StdPopUpWeak = < a class = "codeRef" doxygen = "/home/heero/dev/perso/out/doc/release/ememory.tag:http://atria-soft.github.io/ememory/" href = "http://atria-soft.github.io/ememory/classememory_1_1_weak_ptr.html" > ememory::WeakPtr< ewol::widget::StdPopUp> < / a > ;< / div > < div class = "line" > < a name = "l00041" > < / a > < span class = "lineno" > < a class = "line" href = "classewol_1_1widget_1_1_std_pop_up.html" > 41< / a > < / span >   < span class = "keyword" > class < / span > < a class = "code" href = "classewol_1_1widget_1_1_std_pop_up.html" > StdPopUp< / a > : < span class = "keyword" > public< / span > < a class = "code" href = "classewol_1_1widget_1_1_pop_up.html" > ewol::widget::PopUp< / a > {< / div > < div class = "line" > < a name = "l00042" > < / a > < span class = "lineno" > 42< / span >   < span class = "keyword" > public< / span > : < span class = "comment" > // properties:< / span > < / div > < div class = "line" > < a name = "l00043" > < / a > < span class = "lineno" > < a class = "line" href = "classewol_1_1widget_1_1_std_pop_up.html#ad84bbb5d2b7737aa0ccdbbff2c264630" > 43< / a > < / span >   < a class = "codeRef" doxygen = "/home/heero/dev/perso/out/doc/release/eproperty.tag:http://atria-soft.github.io/eproperty/" href = "http://atria-soft.github.io/eproperty/classeproperty_1_1_value.html" > eproperty::Value< std::string> < / a > < a class = "code" href = "classewol_1_1widget_1_1_std_pop_up.html#ad84bbb5d2b7737aa0ccdbbff2c264630" > propertyTitle< / a > ; < / div > < div class = "line" > < a name = "l00044" > < / a > < span class = "lineno" > < a class = "line" href = "classewol_1_1widget_1_1_std_pop_up.html#ad0ad94e745fb8b8e6d3b420c4fc3ddf6" > 44< / a > < / span >   < a class = "codeRef" doxygen = "/home/heero/dev/perso/out/doc/release/eproperty.tag:http://atria-soft.github.io/eproperty/" href = "http://atria-soft.github.io/eproperty/classeproperty_1_1_value.html" > eproperty::Value< std::string> < / a > < a class = "code" href = "classewol_1_1widget_1_1_std_pop_up.html#ad0ad94e745fb8b8e6d3b420c4fc3ddf6" > propertyComment< / a > ; < / div > < div cl
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< div class = "ttc" id = "classewol_1_1widget_1_1_std_pop_up_html_a51484ea66e9d470a7693a0f306169243" > < div class = "ttname" > < a href = "classewol_1_1widget_1_1_std_pop_up.html#a51484ea66e9d470a7693a0f306169243" > ewol::widget::StdPopUp::m_comment< / a > < / div > < div class = "ttdeci" > ewol::widget::LabelShared m_comment< / div > < div class = "ttdoc" > Comment label widget. < / div > < div class = "ttdef" > < b > Definition:< / b > StdPopUp.hpp:63< / div > < / div >
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< div class = "ttc" id = "namespaceewol_html" > < div class = "ttname" > < a href = "namespaceewol.html" > ewol< / a > < / div > < div class = "ttdef" > < b > Definition:< / b > Area.hpp:16< / div > < / div >
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