
319 lines
10 KiB

/** @file
* @author Edouard DUPIN
* @copyright 2011, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
* @license MPL v2.0 (see license file)
#pragma once
#include <etk/types.hpp>
#include <etk/String.hpp>
#include <etest/debug.hpp>
#define TEST_CLASS_NAME(groupName, localName) \
template <typename T>
class hasEtkStreamExporter {
typedef char one;
typedef long two;
//template <typename C> static one test( decltype(T::toString()) );
template <typename C> static one test( decltype(&etk::operator<<(etk::Stream&,const T&)) );
template <typename C> static two test(...);
enum { value = sizeof(test<T>(0)) == sizeof(char) };
template <typename T>
class hasMemberToString {
typedef char one;
typedef long two;
template <typename C> static one test( decltype(T::toString()) );
template <typename C> static two test(...);
enum { value = sizeof(test<T>(0)) == sizeof(char) };
template<typename T>
struct hasEtkStreamExporter {
typedef char yes[1];
typedef char no[2];
template<typename U> static yes& test( U& );
template<typename U> static no& test(...);
static etk::Stream &s;
static T const &t;
static bool const value = sizeof( test( s << t ) ) == sizeof( yes ); // line 48
namespace has_insertion_operator_impl {
typedef char no;
typedef char yes[2];
struct any_t {
template<typename T> any_t( T const& );
no operator<<( etk::Stream&, any_t const& );
yes& test( etk::Stream& );
no test( no );
template<typename T>
struct has_insertion_operator {
static etk::Stream &s;
static T const &t;
static bool const value = sizeof( test(s << t) ) == sizeof( yes );
template<typename T>
struct has_insertion_operator :
has_insertion_operator_impl::has_insertion_operator<T> {
namespace etest {
template<class ETEST_TYPE,
typename etk::EnableIf<etk::IsSame<ETEST_TYPE,etk::NullPtr>::value, int>::type = 0 >
etk::String exportResultToString(const ETEST_TYPE& _element) {
return "null";
template<class ETEST_TYPE,
typename etk::EnableIf< !etk::IsSame<ETEST_TYPE,etk::NullPtr>::value
&& has_insertion_operator<ETEST_TYPE>::value, int>::type = 0 >
etk::String exportResultToString(const ETEST_TYPE& _element) {
etk::Stream tmp;
tmp << _element;
return tmp.str();
template<class ETEST_TYPE,
typename etk::EnableIf< !etk::IsSame<ETEST_TYPE,etk::NullPtr>::value
&& !has_insertion_operator<ETEST_TYPE>::value, int>::type = 0 >
etk::String exportResultToString(const ETEST_TYPE& _element) {
return "---";
class GenericTest {
etk::String m_file;
uint32_t m_line;
etk::String m_testGroup;
etk::String m_testName;
bool m_haveError;
uint32_t m_numberCheck;
uint32_t m_numberCheckFail;
GenericTest(const char* _file,
uint32_t _line,
const char* _testGroup,
const char* _testName);
virtual ~GenericTest() = default;
const etk::String& getFileName() const;
uint32_t getFileLine() const;
const etk::String& getTestGroup() const;
const etk::String& getTestName() const;
* @brief Get if an error occured during the test
* @return true an error occured, false otherwise
bool getError() const;
* @brief Get the number of check done in the test
* @return simple count of test done
uint32_t getNumberCheck() const;
* @brief Get the number of check done in the test
* @return simple count of test done with error
uint32_t getNumberCheckError() const;
void addCheck() {
void testResult(bool _result,
const etk::String& _test1Value,
const etk::String& _test1,
const etk::String& _test2Value,
const etk::String& _test2,
uint32_t _line);
void testCatchThrow(const etk::Exception& exeption, uint32_t _line);
void testCatchThrow(uint32_t _line);
void clearLocal();
virtual void run() = 0;
void unInit();
void init(int32_t _argc, const char *_argv[]);
int32_t runAllTest();
uint32_t registerTest(etest::GenericTest* _element);
extern GenericTest* g_currentTest;
#define TEST(groupName,localName) \
class TEST_CLASS_NAME(groupName, localName) : public etest::GenericTest { \
protected: \
static uint32_t registerElement; \
public: \
TEST_CLASS_NAME(groupName, localName)(): \
etest::GenericTest(__FILE__, __LINE__, #groupName, #localName) { \
} \
void run() override; \
}; \
uint32_t TEST_CLASS_NAME(groupName, localName)::registerElement = etest::registerTest(\
etk::memory::allocatorNewFull<TEST_CLASS_NAME(groupName, localName)>("etest_test_class", null, __LINE__, __FILE__)); \
void TEST_CLASS_NAME(groupName, localName)::run()
// This all is to be compatible with the gtest API (in main lines).
#define RUN_ALL_TESTS etest::runAllTest
#define EXPECT_EQ(element, result) \
do { \
try { \
etest::g_currentTest->addCheck(); \
ETEST_DEBUG(" [ SUB-RUN ] EXPECT_EQ(" << #element << ", " << #result << ");"); \
bool ETEST_VARIABLE_TMP_res = ((element) == (result)); \
if (etest::g_currentTest == null) { \
ETEST_CRITICAL("Not in a test"); \
} else { \
etest::g_currentTest->testResult(ETEST_VARIABLE_TMP_res, \
etest::exportResultToString(element), \
#element, \
etest::exportResultToString(result), \
#result, \
__LINE__); \
} \
} catch ( etk::Exception e ) { \
testCatchThrow(e, __LINE__); \
} catch ( ... ) {\
testCatchThrow(__LINE__); \
} \
} while (false)
#define EXPECT_NE(element, result) \
do { \
try { \
etest::g_currentTest->addCheck(); \
ETEST_DEBUG(" [ SUB-RUN ] EXPECT_NE(" << #element << ", " << #result << ");"); \
bool ETEST_VARIABLE_TMP_res = ((element) != (result)); \
if (etest::g_currentTest == null) { \
ETEST_CRITICAL("Not in a test"); \
} else { \
etest::g_currentTest->testResult(ETEST_VARIABLE_TMP_res, \
etest::exportResultToString(element), \
#element, \
etest::exportResultToString(result), \
#result, \
__LINE__); \
} \
} catch ( etk::Exception e ) { \
testCatchThrow(e, __LINE__); \
} catch ( ... ) {\
testCatchThrow(__LINE__); \
} \
} while (false)
#define ASSERT_NE(element, result) \
do { \
try { \
etest::g_currentTest->addCheck(); \
ETEST_DEBUG(" [ SUB-RUN ] ASSERT_NE(" << #element << ", " << #result << ");"); \
bool ETEST_VARIABLE_TMP_res = ((element) != (result)); \
if (etest::g_currentTest == null) { \
ETEST_CRITICAL("Not in a test"); \
} else { \
etest::g_currentTest->testResult(ETEST_VARIABLE_TMP_res, \
etest::exportResultToString(element), \
#element, \
etest::exportResultToString(result), \
#result, \
__LINE__); \
} \
if (ETEST_VARIABLE_TMP_res == true) { \
return; \
} \
} catch ( etk::Exception e ) { \
testCatchThrow(e, __LINE__); \
} catch ( ... ) {\
testCatchThrow(__LINE__); \
} \
} while (false)
#define EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ_DELTA(element, result, delta) \
do { \
try { \
etest::g_currentTest->addCheck(); \
ETEST_DEBUG(" [ SUB-RUN ] EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(" << #element << ", " << #result << ");"); \
float ETEST_VARIABLE_TMP_res2 = (element) - (result); \
bool ETEST_VARIABLE_TMP_res = false; \
if (ETEST_VARIABLE_TMP_res2 < delta && ETEST_VARIABLE_TMP_res2 > -delta) { \
ETEST_VARIABLE_TMP_res = true; \
} \
if (etest::g_currentTest == null) { \
ETEST_CRITICAL("Not in a test"); \
} else { \
etest::g_currentTest->testResult(ETEST_VARIABLE_TMP_res, \
etest::exportResultToString(element), \
#element, \
etest::exportResultToString(result), \
#result, \
__LINE__); \
} \
} catch ( etk::Exception e ) { \
testCatchThrow(e, __LINE__); \
} catch ( ... ) {\
testCatchThrow(__LINE__); \
} \
} while (false)
#define EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(element, result) \
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ_DELTA(element, result, 0.00001f)
#define EXPECT_THROW(element, typeThrow) \
do { \
try { \
etest::g_currentTest->addCheck(); \
ETEST_DEBUG(" [ SUB-RUN ] EXPECT_THROW(" << #element << ", " << #typeThrow << ");"); \
element; \
if (etest::g_currentTest == null) { \
ETEST_CRITICAL("Not in a test"); \
} else { \
etest::g_currentTest->testResult(false, \
"", \
#element, \
"--- Not throw ---", \
#typeThrow, \
__LINE__); \
} \
} catch ( typeThrow e ) { \
/*Normale Case ...*/ \
if (etest::g_currentTest == null) { \
ETEST_CRITICAL("Not in a test"); \
} else { \
etest::g_currentTest->testResult(true, \
"", \
#element, \
"--- Have Throw ---", \
#typeThrow, \
__LINE__); \
} \
} catch ( etk::Exception e ) { \
testCatchThrow(e, __LINE__); \
} catch ( ... ) {\
testCatchThrow(__LINE__); \
} \
} while (false)