
444 lines
11 KiB

/** @file
* @author Edouard DUPIN
* @copyright 2011, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
* @license MPL v2.0 (see license file)
#pragma once
#include <etk/types.hpp>
#include <etk/String.hpp>
#include <etk/Vector.hpp>
#include <etk/stdTools.hpp>
namespace etk {
class UString;
* @brief Unicode simple wrapper interface
namespace u32char {
extern const char32_t Null; //!< Value '\\0'
extern const char32_t Return; //!< Value '\\n'
extern const char32_t CarrierReturn; //!< Value '\\r' CR
extern const char32_t Tabulation; //!< Value '\\t' TAB
extern const char32_t Suppress; //!< Value BS (SUPPRESS)
extern const char32_t Delete; //!< Value DEL
extern const char32_t Space; //!< Value ' ' SPACE
extern const char32_t Escape; //!< Value ESC Escape
* @brief check if the current element is white or not : '\\t' '\\n' '\\r' ' '
* @param[in] _val Value to interpret
* @return true if it is white char
* @return false otherwise
bool isWhiteChar(char32_t _val);
* @brief check if the current element is NOT [a-zA-Z0-9]
* @param[in] _val Value to interpret
* @return true Not in the previous list
* @return false otherwise
bool isSpecialChar(char32_t _val);
* @brief check if the current element is number or not [0-9]
* @param[in] _val Value to interpret
* @return true if it is a number char
* @return false otherwise
bool isInteger(char32_t _val);
* @brief Convert char32_t in an integer
* @param[in] _val Value to interpret
* @return The parsed Value or ...
int32_t toInt(char32_t _val);
* @brief Change order of the value to have an order of display with A->Z and after a->z and after 0->9 and after all the rest ....
* @param[in] _val Value in unicode
* @return A value usable in integer only ... to check order...
char32_t changeOrder(char32_t _val);
* @brief Convert unicode in UTF8 value
* @param[in] _val Value to convert
* @param[out] _output Char data converted
* @return Number of char in utf8
int8_t convertUtf8(char32_t _val, char _output[7]);
etk::String convertToUtf8(const etk::UString& _input);
char32_t toUpper(char32_t _input);
char32_t toLower(char32_t _input);
size_t strlen(const char32_t* _input);
* @brief UTF-8 simple wrapper interface
namespace utf8 {
* @brief Get the size of an utf8 char with his first char.
* @param[in] _input Char to parse
* @return number of char needed
int8_t length(const char _input);
* @brief When parsing a string in a reverse mode, we need to know if we get the first char
* @param[in] _input Char to parse.
* @return true if it was the first char.
bool first(const char _input);
* @brief Convert a char* in a unicode value
* @param[in] _input pointer on a string C (utf-8) to convert
* @return Converted Value
char32_t convertChar32(const char* _input);
etk::UString convertUnicode(const char* _input);
etk::UString convertUnicode(const etk::String& _input);
* @brief Iterator on a simple etk::String that contain utf8 value
class Iterator {
char32_t m_value; //!< store value to prevent multiple calculation of getting the data
etk::String* m_data; //!< Pointer on the current Buffer
int64_t m_current; //!< current Id in the Buffer
* @brief Basic constructor that is not link on a string
m_current(0) {
// nothing to do ...
* @brief Basic begin constructor link at the start of the string
* @param[in] _str reference on the string to inspect.
Iterator(etk::String& _str) :
m_current(0) {
// nothing to do ...
* @brief Basic position constructor link at the _pos position of the string
* @param[in] _str reference on the string to inspect.
* @param[in] _pos Iterator position on the string.
Iterator(etk::String& _str, const etk::String::Iterator& _pos) :
m_current(0) {
if (m_data != null) {
m_current = etk::distance(m_data->begin(), _pos);
* @brief Basic position constructor link at the _pos position of the string
* @param[in] _str reference on the string to inspect.
* @param[in] _pos Position on the string (in AINSI value).
Iterator(etk::String& _str, size_t _pos) :
m_current(0) {
if (m_data != null) {
if (_pos > m_data->size()) {
m_current = m_data->size();
} else {
m_current = _pos;
* @brief Basic position constructor link at the _pos position of the string
* @param[in] _str Pointer on the string to inspect.
* @param[in] _pos Iterator position on the string.
Iterator(etk::String* _str, const etk::String::Iterator& _pos) :
m_current(0) {
if (m_data != null) {
m_current = etk::distance(m_data->begin(), _pos);
* @brief Basic position constructor link at the _pos position of the string
* @param[in] _str Pointer on the string to inspect.
* @param[in] _pos Position on the string (in AINSI value).
Iterator(etk::String* _str, size_t _pos) :
m_current(0) {
if (m_data != null) {
if (_pos > m_data->size()) {
m_current = m_data->size();
} else {
m_current = _pos;
* @brief Recopy constructor.
* @param[in] _obj The Iterator that might be copy
Iterator(const Iterator& _obj):
m_current(_obj.m_current) {
// nothing to do ...
* @brief Assignation operator.
* @param[in] _obj The Iterator that might be copy
* @return reference on the current Iterator
Iterator& operator=(const Iterator & _obj) {
m_current = _obj.m_current;
m_data = _obj.m_data;
m_value = u32char::Null;
return *this;
* @brief Basic destructor
virtual ~Iterator() {
m_current = 0;
m_data = null;
m_value = u32char::Null;
* @brief basic boolean cast
* @return true if the element is present in buffer
operator size_t () const {
if (m_data == null) {
return 0;
if (m_current < 0) {
return 0;
if (m_current > (int64_t)m_data->size()) {
return m_data->size();
return (size_t)m_current;
* @brief Incremental operator
* @return Reference on the current Iterator increment
Iterator& operator++ ();
* @brief Decremental operator
* @return Reference on the current Iterator decrement
Iterator& operator-- ();
* @brief Incremental operator
* @return Reference on a new Iterator and increment the other one
Iterator operator++ (int32_t) {
Iterator it(*this);
return it;
* @brief Decremental operator
* @return Reference on a new Iterator and decrement the other one
Iterator operator-- (int32_t) {
Iterator it(*this);
return it;
* @brief equality Iterator
* @param[in] _obj Iterator to compare
* @return true if the Iterator is identical pos
bool operator== (const Iterator& _obj) const {
if ( m_current == _obj.m_current
&& m_data == _obj.m_data) {
return true;
return false;
* @brief equality Iterator
* @param[in] _obj Iterator to compare
* @return true if the Iterator is identical pos
bool operator!= (const Iterator& _obj) const {
if ( m_current != _obj.m_current
|| m_data != _obj.m_data) {
return true;
return false;
* @brief <= Iterator
* @param[in] _obj Iterator to compare
* @return true if the Iterator is identical pos
bool operator<= (const Iterator& _obj) const {
if (m_data != _obj.m_data) {
return false;
if (m_current <= _obj.m_current) {
return true;
return false;
* @brief >= Iterator
* @param[in] _obj Iterator to compare
* @return true if the Iterator is identical pos
bool operator>= (const Iterator& _obj) const {
if (m_data != _obj.m_data) {
return false;
if (m_current >= _obj.m_current) {
return true;
return false;
* @brief < Iterator
* @param[in] _obj Iterator to compare
* @return true if the Iterator is identical pos
bool operator< (const Iterator& _obj) const {
if (m_data != _obj.m_data) {
return false;
if (m_current < _obj.m_current) {
return true;
return false;
* @brief > Iterator
* @param[in] _obj Iterator to compare
* @return true if the Iterator is identical pos
bool operator> (const Iterator& _obj) const {
if (m_data != _obj.m_data) {
return false;
if (m_current > _obj.m_current) {
return true;
return false;
* @brief Get the value on the current element
* @return The request element value
char32_t operator* ();
* @brief Get the position in the buffer
* @return The requested position.
size_t getPos() const {
if (m_data == null) {
return 0;
if (m_current < 0) {
return 0;
if (m_current >= (int64_t)m_data->size()) {
return m_data->size()-1;
return (size_t)m_current;
* @brief move the element position
* @param[in] _val Value to add on the Iterator
* @return a new Iterator.
Iterator operator+ (const int64_t _val) const {
Iterator tmp(*this);
for (int64_t iii=0; iii<_val; ++iii) {
return tmp;
* @copydoc utf8::Iterator::operator+ (const int64_t)
Iterator operator+ (const int32_t _val) const {
Iterator tmp(*this);
for (int64_t iii=0; iii<_val; ++iii) {
return tmp;
* @copydoc utf8::Iterator::operator+ (const int64_t)
Iterator operator+ (const size_t _val) const {
Iterator tmp(*this);
for (int64_t iii=0; iii<(int64_t)_val; ++iii) {
return tmp;
* @brief move the element position
* @param[in] _val Value to remove on the Iterator
* @return a new Iterator.
Iterator operator- (const int64_t _val) const {
Iterator tmp(*this);
for (int64_t iii=0; iii<_val; ++iii) {
return tmp;
* @copydoc utf8::Iterator::operator- (const int64_t)
Iterator operator- (const int32_t _val) const {
Iterator tmp(*this);
for (int64_t iii=0; iii<_val; ++iii) {
return tmp;
* @copydoc utf8::Iterator::operator- (const int64_t)
Iterator operator- (const size_t _val) const {
Iterator tmp(*this);
for (int64_t iii=0; iii<(int64_t)_val; ++iii) {
return tmp;
Iterator begin() const {
return Iterator(m_data);
Iterator end() const {
return --Iterator(m_data, m_data.end());
* @brief Calculate the size of a string (unicode)
* @param[in] _data Data to parse to find the end of string
* @return The Number of char32_t before the '\\0' value
int32_t strlen(const char32_t* _data);