/** @file * @author Edouard DUPIN * @copyright 2017, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved * @license MPL v2.0 (see license file) */ #pragma once #include // it is define bu generic "include " ==> no double define of placement new #ifndef _NEW // Default placement versions of operator new (use char* instead of void* to permit no multiple definition). inline void* operator new(size_t, char* _p) throw() { return _p; } inline void operator delete (void*, char*) throw() { } #endif //#define ETK_MEMORY_CHECKER 0 #ifndef ETK_MEMORY_CHECKER #define ETK_MEMORY_CHECKER 0 #endif #if ETK_MEMORY_CHECKER > 0 namespace etk { namespace memory { /** * @brief Create an allocation memory and set start and stop header. Log in the curent structure. * If no more free element in the basic structure, the system allocate without saving information and header start and stop * @param[in] _num number of alament needed to allocate * @param[in] _size Size of one element to allocate * @param[in] _variableName Variable name to allocate (must be a real static cont never removed) * @param[in] _functionName Fonction Name where allocation is done (must be a real static cont never removed) * @param[in] _line Line where allocation is done. * @param[in] _fileName File where allocation is done. (must be a real static cont never removed) * @return pointer on the current memory allocation. (or NULL if an error occured) */ void* allocate(size_t _num, size_t _size, const char* _variableName, const char* _functionName, int32_t _line, const char* _fileName); /** * @brief Free Memory with the dedicate pointer * If the memory is not saved the current pointer is free, else we get the real pointer and free it * @param[in,out] _pointerData User pointer Data. * @param[in] _variableName Variable name where free is done. (must be a real static cont never removed) * @param[in] _functionName Fonction name where free is done. (must be a real static cont never removed) * @param[in] _line line where free is done. * @param[in] _fileName file where free is done. (must be a real static cont never removed) */ void remove(void* _pointerData, const char* _variableName, const char* _functionName, int32_t _line, const char* _fileName); /** * @brief Display all memory not free by this system. * @param[in] _statusOnly Display only the memory allocation status. */ void display(bool _statusOnly=true); /** * @brief Check if memory have not write out of the range. */ bool check(); /** * @brief Check if the pointer is already register in the allocator (can not predist the size, but permti to know where the error came from in debug mode * @param[in] _pointerPointer on the data to check * @return true the pointer is set * @return false the pointer is not set */ bool checkPointer(void* _pointer); /** * @brief Create a snapshoot of the memory * @return handle on the snapshoot */ uint64_t* createSnapshoot(); /** * @brief Check if a snapshoot is correct (no change) * @param[in] _handle Handle on the snapshoot * @return true the memory is identical */ bool checkSnapshoot(uint64_t* _handle); /** * @brief Free the snapshoot handle * @param[in] _handle Handle on the snapshoot */ void clearSnapshoot(uint64_t* _handle); /** * @brief When reallocate data and permit to the allocator to not warning when check the the snapshoot */ void flipID(void* _pointer1, void* _pointer2); template ETK_TYPE* allocatorNew(ETK_MEMORY_ARGS&& ... _args) { char* tmp = (char*)etk::memory::allocate(1, sizeof(ETK_TYPE), "new", __func__, __LINE__, __FILE__); return new (tmp) ETK_TYPE(etk::forward(_args)...); } template ETK_TYPE* allocatorNewSize(size_t _size, ETK_MEMORY_ARGS&& ... _args) { char* tmp = (char*)etk::memory::allocate(_size, sizeof(ETK_TYPE), "new", __func__, __LINE__, __FILE__); return new (tmp) ETK_TYPE(etk::forward(_args)...); } template ETK_TYPE* allocatorNewFull(const char* _variableName, const char* _functionName, int32_t _line, const char* _fileName, ETK_MEMORY_ARGS&& ... _args) { char* tmp = (char*)etk::memory::allocate(1, sizeof(ETK_TYPE), _variableName, _functionName, _line, _fileName); return new (tmp) ETK_TYPE(etk::forward(_args)...); } template void allocatorDelete(ETK_TYPE* _element, const char* _variableName = "", const char* _functionName = "", int32_t _line = __LINE__, const char* _fileName = __FILE__) { if (_element == null) { return; } _element->~ETK_TYPE(); etk::memory::remove((void*)_element, _variableName, _functionName, _line, _fileName); _element = null; } } } #define ETK_NEW(type, ...) \ new ((char*)etk::memory::allocate(1, sizeof(type), #type, __func__, __LINE__, __FILE__)) type(__VA_ARGS__) #define ETK_DELETE(type, pointerData) \ etk::memory::allocatorDelete((type*)(pointerData), #type, __func__, __LINE__, __FILE__) #define ETK_MALLOC(type, nbElements) \ ((type *)etk::memory::allocate( (nbElements), sizeof(type), #type, __func__, __LINE__, __FILE__)) #define ETK_FREE(type, pointerData) \ etk::memory::remove( (pointerData), #type, __func__, __LINE__, __FILE__) #define ETK_MEM_SHOW_LOG(...) \ etk::memory::display(__VA_ARGS__) #define ETK_MEM_CHECK() \ etk::memory::check() #define ETK_MEM_CHECK_POINTER(pointer) \ etk::memory::checkPointer(pointer) #define ETK_MEM_FLIP_ID(pointer1, pointer2) \ etk::memory::flipID((void*)pointer1, (void*)pointer2) #else namespace etk { namespace memory { template ETK_TYPE* allocatorNew(ETK_MEMORY_ARGS&& ... _args) { return new ETK_TYPE(etk::forward(_args)...); } template ETK_TYPE* allocatorNewFull(const char* _variableName, const char* _functionName, int32_t _line, const char* _fileName, ETK_MEMORY_ARGS&& ... _args) { return new ETK_TYPE(etk::forward(_args)...); } template void allocatorDelete(ETK_TYPE* _element, const char* _variableName = "", const char* _functionName = "", int32_t _line = __LINE__, const char* _fileName = __FILE__) { delete _element; } } } #define ETK_NEW(type, ...) \ new type(__VA_ARGS__) #define ETK_DELETE(type, pointerData) \ delete ((type*)(pointerData)) #define ETK_MALLOC(dataType, nbElements) \ (dataType *)new dataType[nbElements] #define ETK_FREE(type, pointerData) \ delete[] (type*)pointerData #define ETK_MEM_SHOW_LOG(...) \ do { } while(false) #define ETK_MEM_CHECK() \ do {} while(false) #define ETK_MEM_CHECK_POINTER(pointer) \ do {} while(false) #define ETK_MEM_FLIP_ID(pointer1, pointer2) \ do {} while(false) #endif