/** * @author Edouard DUPIN * * @copyright 2011, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved * * @license BSD v3 (see license file) */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #undef __class__ #define __class__ "etktest" void testVector() { } void testUChar() { } void testHash() { TK_INFO("==> Start test of Hach table"); etk::Hash testData; testData.add("TEST", "testData"); testData.add("TEST", "testData333"); testData.add("TEST2", "22222222222222222"); testData.add("TEST4", "4444444444444444444"); testData.add("TEST3", "3333333333"); testData.add("TEST1", "11111111111"); testData.add("TEST55", "555555555555555((((5555"); TK_INFO(" count =" << testData.size()); for (int32_t iii=0; iii< testData.size(); iii++) { TK_INFO(" id=" << iii << " key='" << testData.getKey(iii) << "' val='" << testData.getValue(iii) << "'"); } TK_INFO(" direct acces at the key key='TEST4' val='" << testData["TEST4"] << "'"); TK_INFO("==> End test of Hach table"); } void testFSNode() { TK_INFO("==> Start test of FSNode"); std::string fileName("USERDATA:myFileTest.txt"); etk::FSNode myNodeTest1(fileName); TK_INFO("********************************************"); TK_INFO("** Filename=\"" << fileName << "\""); TK_INFO("********************************************"); TK_INFO(" GetNameFolder() ='" << myNodeTest1.getNameFolder() << "'"); TK_INFO(" GetName() ='" << myNodeTest1.getName() << "'"); TK_INFO(" GetNameFile() ='" << myNodeTest1.getNameFile() << "'"); TK_INFO(" GetRelativeFolder() ='" << myNodeTest1.getRelativeFolder() << "'"); TK_INFO(" getFileSystemName() ='" << myNodeTest1.getFileSystemName() << "'"); TK_INFO(" exist =" << myNodeTest1.exist()); if (true==myNodeTest1.exist()) { TK_ERROR(" ==> remove the file ==> bad for the test"); } else { TK_INFO(" Display time when file does not exist :"); TK_INFO(" TimeCreatedString() ='" << myNodeTest1.timeCreatedString() << "'"); TK_INFO(" TimeModifiedString() ='" << myNodeTest1.timeModifiedString() << "'"); TK_INFO(" TimeAccessedString() ='" << myNodeTest1.timeAccessedString() << "'"); } myNodeTest1.touch(); if (false==myNodeTest1.exist()) { TK_ERROR(" ==> Error, can not create the file ...."); } else { TK_INFO(" Display time when file does exist :"); TK_INFO(" TimeCreatedString() ='" << myNodeTest1.timeCreatedString() << "'"); TK_INFO(" TimeModifiedString() ='" << myNodeTest1.timeModifiedString() << "'"); TK_INFO(" TimeAccessedString() ='" << myNodeTest1.timeAccessedString() << "'"); } etk::FSNode myNodeTest2(fileName); TK_INFO("********************************************"); TK_INFO("** Filename2=\"" << myNodeTest2<< "\""); TK_INFO("********************************************"); TK_INFO(" GetNameFolder() ='" << myNodeTest2.getNameFolder() << "'"); TK_INFO(" GetName() ='" << myNodeTest2.getName() << "'"); TK_INFO(" GetNameFile() ='" << myNodeTest2.getNameFile() << "'"); TK_INFO(" GetRelativeFolder() ='" << myNodeTest2.getRelativeFolder() << "'"); TK_INFO(" getFileSystemName() ='" << myNodeTest2.getFileSystemName() << "'"); TK_INFO(" exist =" << myNodeTest2.exist()); if (false==myNodeTest1.exist()) { TK_ERROR(" ==> Error, can not create the file ...."); } else { TK_INFO(" Display time when file does exist :"); TK_INFO(" TimeCreatedString() ='" << myNodeTest2.timeCreatedString() << "'"); TK_INFO(" TimeModifiedString() ='" << myNodeTest2.timeModifiedString() << "'"); TK_INFO(" TimeAccessedString() ='" << myNodeTest2.timeAccessedString() << "'"); } // Try remove the file : myNodeTest1.remove(); if (true==myNodeTest1.exist()) { TK_ERROR(" ==> The file might be removed ==> but it is not the case ..."); } else { TK_INFO(" ==> The file is removed"); } TK_INFO("********************************************"); TK_INFO("==> Stop test of FSNode"); } void testArchive() { TK_INFO("==> Start test of archive"); etk::Archive* tmpArchive = etk::Archive::load("testzip.zip"); tmpArchive->display(); TK_INFO("==> End test of archive"); } /* void testDimension() { TK_INFO("==> test of Dimension (START)"); ewol::Dimension myDimention(vec2(5,5), ewol::Dimension::Centimeter); TK_INFO(" set dimension at : " << myDimention); TK_INFO(" set dimension at : " << myDimention.GetCentimeter() << " cm"); TK_INFO(" set dimension at : " << myDimention.GetMillimeter() << " mm"); TK_INFO(" set dimension at : " << myDimention.GetKilometer() << " km"); TK_INFO(" set dimension at : " << myDimention.GetMeter() << " m"); TK_INFO(" set dimension at : " << myDimention.GetInch() << " Inch"); TK_INFO(" set dimension at : " << myDimention.GetFoot() << " ft"); TK_INFO(" set dimension at : " << myDimention.GetPourcent() << " %"); TK_INFO(" set dimension at : " << myDimention.GetPixel() << " px"); TK_INFO("==> test of Dimension (STOP)"); exit(0); } */ void testColor() { TK_INFO("==> test of COLOR (START)"); etk::Color colorRGBA8(0x52,0x0F, 0x65, 0x44); etk::Color colorRGBA16(0x52,0x0F, 0x65, 0x44); etk::Color colorRGBA32(0x52,0x0F, 0x65, 0x44); etk::Color colorRGBAF(0.1,0.2, 0.8, 1.0); etk::Color colorRGB8(0x52,0x0F, 0x65); etk::Color colorRGB16(0x52,0x0F, 0x65); etk::Color colorRGB32(0x52,0x0F, 0x65); etk::Color colorRGBF(0.1,0.2, 0.8); etk::Color colorMono8(0x52); etk::Color colorMono16(0x52); etk::Color colorMono32(0x52); etk::Color colorMonoF(5200.22); etk::Color colorMonoD(520000.22); /* etk::Color colorRGBA8__("#520F6544"); etk::Color colorRGBA16__("rgba(0x52, 0x0F, 0x65, 0x44)"); etk::Color colorRGBA32__("rgba(0x52,0x0F, 0x65, 0x44)"); etk::Color colorRGBAF__("rgba(0.1,0.2, 0.8, 1.0)"); etk::Color colorRGB8__("rgba(0x52,0x0F, 0x65)"); etk::Color colorRGB16__("rgba(0x52,0x0F, 0x65)"); etk::Color colorRGB32__("rgba(0x52,0x0F, 0x65)"); etk::Color colorRGBF__("rgba(0.1,0.2, 0.8)"); etk::Color colorMono8__("mono(0x52)"); etk::Color colorMono16__("mono(0x52)"); etk::Color colorMono32__("mono(0x52)"); etk::Color colorMonoF__("mono(5200.22)"); etk::Color colorMonoD__("mono(520000.22)"); */ etk::Color colorRGBAf__(colorRGBA8); etk::Color colorXX332__(colorRGBA8); TK_INFO("Create a color : RGBA 8 : " << colorRGBA8); TK_INFO("Create a color : RGBA 8 : " << colorRGBAf__ << " (converted)"); TK_INFO("Create a color : XX 32 : " << colorXX332__ << " (converted)"); TK_INFO("Create a color : RGBA 16 : " << colorRGBA16); TK_INFO("Create a color : RGBA 32 : " << colorRGBA32); TK_INFO("Create a color : RGBA float : " << colorRGBAF); TK_INFO("Create a color : RGB 8 : " << colorRGB8); TK_INFO("Create a color : RGB 16 : " << colorRGB16); TK_INFO("Create a color : RGB 32 : " << colorRGB32); TK_INFO("Create a color : RGB float : " << colorRGBF); TK_INFO("Create a color : MONO 8 : " << colorMono8); TK_INFO("Create a color : MONO 16 : " << colorMono16); TK_INFO("Create a color : MONO 32 : " << colorMono32); TK_INFO("Create a color : MONO float : " << colorMonoF); TK_INFO("Create a color : MONO double : " << colorMonoD); TK_INFO("==> test of Color (STOP)"); exit(0); } void testRegExpSingle(const std::string& _expression, const std::string& _search) { etk::RegExp expression(_expression); TK_INFO("Parse RegEx : " << expression.getRegExDecorated()); if (expression.parse(_search, 0, _search.size()) == true) { TK_INFO(" match [" << expression.start() << ".." << expression.stop() << "] "); TK_INFO(" ==> '" << std::string(_search, expression.start(), expression.stop() - expression.start()) << "'"); } } void testRegExp() { //std::string data = " a /* plop */ \n int eee = 22; // error value \nint main(void) {\n return 0;\n}\n"; //std::string data = "alpha /* plop */ test"; //std::string data = "pp \n // qdfqdfsdf \nde"; //testRegExpSingle("/\\*.*\\*/", data); //testRegExpSingle("//.*$", data); //testRegExpSingle("/\\*.*", data); //testRegExpSingle("[a-z]", data); //std::string data = " eesd a lzzml plophzzzzzhhhhhrlkmlkml"; //testRegExpSingle("a.*plop(z{2,3}|h+)+r", data); //std::string data = "pp \n# plop // qdfqdfsdf \nde"; std::string data = "pp \n# plop //\\\n qdfqdfsdf \nde"; testRegExpSingle("#(\\\\\\\\|\\\\\\n|.)*$", data); } int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { // the only one init for etk: etk::log::setLevel(etk::log::logLevelDebug); etk::setArgZero(argv[0]); etk::initDefaultFolder("ewolApplNoName"); //testVector(); //testUChar(); //testUString(); //testHash(); //testFSNode(); //testDimension(); //testArchive(); //testColor(); testRegExp(); return 0; }