/** * @author Edouard DUPIN * @copyright 2011, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved * @license MPL-2 (see license file) */ #pragma once #include //#include #include #include #include namespace etk { /** * @brief string class ... */ class UString { public: class Iterator { private: size_t m_current = 0; //!< current Id on the string UString* m_string = null; //!< Pointer on the current element of the stringBin public: /** * @brief Basic iterator constructor with no link with an etk::UString */ Iterator() { // nothing to do ... } /** * @brief Recopy constructor on a specific etk::UString. * @param[in] _obj The Iterator that might be copy */ Iterator(const Iterator & _obj): m_current(_obj.m_current), m_string(_obj.m_string) { // nothing to do ... } /** * @brief Assignation operator. * @param[in] _otherIterator The Iterator that might be copy * @return reference on the current Iterator */ Iterator& operator=(const Iterator & _otherIterator) { m_current = _otherIterator.m_current; m_string = _otherIterator.m_string; return *this; } /** * @brief Basic destructor */ ~Iterator() { m_current = 0; m_string = null; } /** * @brief basic boolean cast * @return true if the element is present in the etk::UString size */ operator bool () { return (m_current < m_string->size()); } /** * @brief Incremental operator * @return Reference on the current iterator increment */ Iterator& operator++ () { if ( m_string != null && m_current < m_string->size() ) { m_current++; } return *this; } /** * @brief Decremental operator * @return Reference on the current iterator decrement */ Iterator& operator-- () { if ( m_string != null && m_current > 0) { m_current--; } return *this; } /** * @brief Incremental operator * @return Reference on a new iterator and increment the other one */ Iterator operator++ (int) { Iterator it(*this); ++(*this); return it; } /** * @brief Decremental operator * @return Reference on a new iterator and decrement the other one */ Iterator operator-- (int) { Iterator it(*this); --(*this); return it; } Iterator& operator-= (size_t _offset) { m_current -= _offset; return *this; } Iterator operator- (size_t _offset) const { Iterator tmp(*this); tmp -= _offset; return tmp; } Iterator& operator-= (int _offset) { m_current -= _offset; return *this; } Iterator operator- (int _offset) const { Iterator tmp(*this); tmp -= _offset; return tmp; } Iterator& operator+= (size_t _offset) { m_current += _offset; return *this; } Iterator operator+ (size_t _offset) const { Iterator tmp(*this); tmp += _offset; return tmp; } Iterator& operator+= (int _offset) { m_current += _offset; return *this; } Iterator operator+ (int _offset) const { Iterator tmp(*this); tmp += _offset; return tmp; } /** * @brief Get reference on the current Element * @return the reference on the current Element */ char32_t operator* () const { //TK_ASSERT(m_current < m_string->size(), "out of range"); return m_string->get(m_current); } /** * @brief Get reference on the current Element * @return the reference on the current Element */ char32_t& operator* () { //TK_ASSERT(m_current < m_string->size(), "out of range"); return m_string->get(m_current); } /***************************************************** * == operator *****************************************************/ bool operator== (const Iterator& _obj) const { // check if it was the same pointer if( this == &_obj ) { return true; } if (m_current != _obj.m_current) { return false; } if (m_string != _obj.m_string) { return false; } return true; } /***************************************************** * != operator *****************************************************/ bool operator!= (const Iterator& _obj) const { // check if it was the same pointer if( this == &_obj ) { return false; } if (m_current != _obj.m_current) { return true; } if (m_string != _obj.m_string) { return true; } return false; } private: Iterator(const UString* _obj, int32_t _pos): m_current(_pos), m_string(const_cast(_obj)) { // nothing to do ... } size_t getCurrent() const { return m_current; } friend class UString; }; private: etk::Vector m_data; //!< pointer on the current data (contain all time 1 element '\0') public: static const size_t npos = size_t(-1); /** * @brief Create an empty string */ UString(); /** * @brief Copy constructor (copy all data) * @param[in] _obj String that might be copy */ UString(const etk::UString& _obj); /** * @brief Partial copy constructor (copy all needed data) * @param[in] _obj String that might be copy (part of it) * @param[in] _pos Start position to copy data * @param[in] _size Number of element to copy in the string */ UString(const etk::UString& _obj, size_t _pos, size_t _size = etk::UString::npos); /** * @brief Copy the null-terminated C string. * @param[in] _obj C string that might be copy (end by '\0') */ UString(const char32_t* _obj); /** * @brief Partial copy of the null-terminated C string. * @param[in] _obj String that might be copyC string that might be copy (end by '\0') * @param[in] _size Number of element to copy. */ UString(const char32_t* _obj, size_t _size); /** * @brief Fills the string with _size consecutive copies of character _val. * @param[in] _size Number of element in the string * @param[in] _val Value to set in the string */ UString(size_t _size, char32_t _val); /** * @brief Copy all element betewwen the 2 iterator of the new string. * @param[in] _start Start iterator of adding value. * @param[in] _stop Start iterator of adding value. */ UString(Iterator _start, Iterator _stop); /** * @brief Move constructor * @param[in] _obj String that might be move inside */ UString(etk::UString&& _obj) noexcept; /** * @brief Set constructor * @param[in] _value Char element to set in the string */ UString(char32_t _value); /** * @brief Destructor of the current Class */ ~UString(); /** * @brief Swap the data of 2 Strings * @param[in] _obj second string to swap data. */ void swap(etk::UString& _obj); /** * @brief Re-copy operator * @param[in] _obj String that might be copy * @return reference on the current re-copy string */ UString& operator=(const etk::UString& _obj); /** * @brief Re-copy operator * @param[in] _obj C string terminated with '\0' * @return reference on the current re-copy string */ UString& operator=(const char32_t* _obj); /** * @brief Re-copy operator * @param[in] _value char32_t value to set in the string * @return reference on the current re-copy string */ UString& operator=(char32_t _value); /** * @brief Add at the Last position of the String * @param[in] _obj Element to add at the end of string */ UString& operator+= (const etk::UString& _obj); /** * @brief Add at the Last position of the String * @param[in] _obj C string terminated with '\0' */ UString& operator+= (const char32_t* _obj); /** * @brief Add at the Last position of the String * @param[in] _value Simple character to add. */ UString& operator+= (char32_t _value); /** * @brief Get the number of element in the string * @return The number requested */ size_t size() const; /** * @brief Check if the container have some element * @return true The container is empty * @return famse The container have some element */ bool empty() const { return size() == 0; } /// @previous bool isEmpty() const { return empty(); } /** * @brief Get a current element in the string * @param[in] _pos Desired position read * @return Reference on the Element */ char32_t& get(size_t _pos) { return m_data[_pos]; } /** * @brief Get an copy Element an a special position * @param[in] _pos Position in the string that might be get [0..Size()] * @return An reference on the copy of selected element */ char32_t& operator[] (size_t _pos) { return m_data[_pos]; } /** * @brief Get an Element an a special position * @param[in] _pos Position in the string that might be get [0..Size()] * @return An reference on the selected element */ const char32_t& operator[] (size_t _pos) const { return m_data[_pos]; } /** * @brief Add at the First position of the String * @param[in] _item Element to add at the end of string */ void pushFront(char32_t _item); /** * @brief Add at the Last position of the String * @param[in] _item Pointer on a list of Element to add at the start of string * @param[in] _nbElement Number of element to add. */ void pushFront(const char32_t* _item, size_t _nbElement); /** * @brief Add at the Last position of the String * @param[in] _item Element to add at the end of string */ void pushBack(const char32_t _item); /** * @brief Add at the Last position of the String * @param[in] _item Pointer on a list of Element to add at the end of string * @param[in] _nbElement Number of element to add. */ void pushBack(const char32_t* _item, size_t _nbElement); /** * @brief Remove the last element of the string */ void popBack(); /** * @brief Force the container to have a minimum size in memory allocation * @param[in] _size Size in byte that is requested. */ void reserve(size_t _size); /** * @brief Remove all element in the current string */ void clear(); /** * @brief Insert N element in the String. * @param[in] _pos Position to add the elements. * @param[in] _item Pointer on a table of the elements to add. * @param[in] _nbElement Number of element to add in the String */ void insert(size_t _pos, const char32_t* _item, size_t _nbElement); //! @previous void insert(const Iterator& _pos, const char32_t* _item, size_t _nbElement) { insert(_pos.getCurrent(), _item, _nbElement); }; /** * @brief Insert one element in the String at a specific position * @param[in] _pos Position to add the elements. * @param[in] _item Element to add. */ void insert(size_t _pos, const char32_t _item); //! @previous void insert(const Iterator& _pos, const char32_t _item) { insert(_pos.getCurrent(), _item); } /** * @brief Insert one element in the String at a specific position * @param[in] _pos Position to add the elements. * @param[in] _item Element to add. */ void insert(size_t _pos, const etk::UString& _value); //! @previous void insert(const Iterator& _pos, const UString& _value) { insert(_pos.getCurrent(), _value); } /** * @brief Remove N element * @param[in] _pos Position to remove the data * @param[in] _nbElement number of element to remove */ void erase(size_t _pos, size_t _nbElement=1); //! @previous void erase(const Iterator& _pos) { erase(_pos.getCurrent(), 1); } /** * @brief Remove N elements * @param[in] _start Position to remove the data * @param[in] _stop Last position number */ void eraseRange(size_t _start, size_t _stop); //! @previous void erase(const Iterator& _start, const Iterator& _stop) { eraseRange(_start.getCurrent(), _stop.getCurrent()); } /** * @brief extract data between two point : * @param[in] _posStart start position to extract data * @param[in] _posEnd End position to extract data * @return the extracted string */ etk::UString extract(size_t _posStart = 0, size_t _posEnd=etk::UString::npos) const; //! @previous etk::UString extract(const Iterator& _start, const Iterator& _stop) const { return extract(_start.getCurrent(), _stop.getCurrent()); } /** * @brief Get the pointer on the data * @return pointer on the "C" string */ const char32_t* c_str() const; /** * @brief Get an iterator an an specific position * @param[in] _pos Requested position of the iterator in the string * @return The Iterator */ Iterator position(size_t _pos); const Iterator position(size_t _pos) const; /** * @brief Get an Iterator on the start position of the String * @return The Iterator */ Iterator begin(); const Iterator begin() const; /** * @brief Get an Iterator on the end position of the String * @return The Iterator */ Iterator end(); const Iterator end() const; /** * @brief Change the current size of the string * @param[in] _newSize New requested size of element in the string * @param[in] _value Value to set at the new element */ void resize(size_t _newSize, char32_t _value = '\0'); /***************************************************** * == operator *****************************************************/ bool operator== (const etk::UString& _obj) const; /***************************************************** * != operator *****************************************************/ bool operator!= (const etk::UString& _obj) const; size_t find(char32_t _value, size_t _pos=0) const; size_t find(const etk::UString& _value, size_t _pos=0) const; size_t rfind(char32_t _value, size_t _pos=etk::UString::npos) const; size_t rfind(const etk::UString& _value, size_t _pos=etk::UString::npos) const; etk::UString& replace(size_t _pos, size_t _len, char32_t _replace); etk::UString& replace(size_t _pos, size_t _len, const etk::UString& _replace); etk::UString& replace(char32_t _val, char32_t _replace); etk::UString& replace(const etk::UString& _val, const etk::UString& _replace); etk::UString getLine(int32_t _pos) const; etk::UString toLower() const; etk::UString& lower(); etk::UString toUpper() const; etk::UString& upper(); bool compare(const etk::UString& _val, bool _caseSensitive = true) const; bool endWith(const etk::UString& _val, bool _caseSensitive = true) const; bool startWith(const etk::UString& _val, bool _caseSensitive = true) const; etk::Vector split(char32_t _val) const; etk::Vector split(etk::UString _val) const; /** * @brief Template that permit to convert string in everythings you want * @param[in] ETK_STRING_TYPE Template type of the convertion output */ template ETK_STRING_TYPE to() const; }; bool operator> (const UString& _left, const UString& _right); bool operator>= (const UString& _left, const UString& _right); bool operator< (const UString& _left, const UString& _right); bool operator<= (const UString& _left, const UString& _right); UString operator+ (const UString& _left, const UString& _right); UString operator+ (const UString& _left, const char32_t* _right); UString operator+ (const char32_t* _left, const UString& _right); UString operator+ (const UString& _left, char32_t _right); UString operator+ (char32_t _left, const UString& _right); /** * @brief Template to declare conversion from anything in etk::UString * @param[in] _variable Variable to convert * @return String of the value */ template etk::UString toUString(const TYPE& _variable); //! @not_in_doc etk::Stream& operator <<(etk::Stream& _os, const etk::UString& _obj); /** * @brief Template to declare conversion from string to anything * @param[out] _variableRet Output value * @param[in] _value input property * @return true if the can be converted. */ template bool from_string(TYPE& _variableRet, const etk::UString& _value); void sort(etk::Vector& _list); void sort(etk::Vector& _list); // TODO: DEPRECATED function: long double string_to_long_double(const etk::UString& _obj); double string_to_double(const etk::UString& _obj); float string_to_float(const etk::UString& _obj); int8_t string_to_int8_t(const etk::UString& _obj); int16_t string_to_int16_t(const etk::UString& _obj); int32_t string_to_int32_t(const etk::UString& _obj); int64_t string_to_int64_t(const etk::UString& _obj); uint8_t string_to_uint8_t(const etk::UString& _obj); uint16_t string_to_uint16_t(const etk::UString& _obj); uint32_t string_to_uint32_t(const etk::UString& _obj); uint64_t string_to_uint64_t(const etk::UString& _obj); bool string_to_bool(const etk::UString& _obj); etk::UString toLower(etk::UString _obj); etk::UString toUpper(etk::UString _obj); bool compare_no_case(const etk::UString& _obj, const etk::UString& _val); bool end_with(const etk::UString& _obj, const etk::UString& _val, bool _caseSensitive = true); bool start_with(const etk::UString& _obj, const etk::UString& _val, bool _caseSensitive = true); etk::UString replace(const etk::UString& _obj, char32_t _val, char32_t _replace); etk::UString extract_line(const etk::UString& _obj, int32_t _pos); etk::Vector split(const etk::UString& _obj, char32_t _val); /** * @brief Template to declare conversion from etk::Vector in etk::String * @param[in] _list Variable to convert * @return String of the value: {...,...,...} */ template etk::UString toUString(const etk::Vector& _list) { etk::UString out = U"{"; for (size_t iii=0; iii<_list.size(); ++iii) { if (iii!=0) { out += U";"; } out+= etk::toUString(_list[iii]); } out += U"}"; return out; } }