[DEV] uri provider work correctly
This commit is contained in:
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ etk::archive::Zip::Zip(const etk::Path& _fileName, uint64_t _offset) :
if(tmpFileName[strlen(tmpFileName) - 1] == '/' ) {
// find directory ...
} else {
TK_INFO("find file : " << tmpFileName);
TK_VERBOSE("find file : " << tmpFileName);
m_content.set(etk::Path(tmpFileName), ememory::makeShared<etk::ArchiveContent>(tmpFileInfo.uncompressed_size));
/* Go the the next entry listed in the zip file. */
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ etk::archive::Zip::Zip(const etk::Uri& _uri) :
if(tmpFileName[strlen(tmpFileName) - 1] == '/' ) {
// find directory ...
} else {
TK_INFO("find file : " << tmpFileName);
TK_VERBOSE("find file : " << tmpFileName);
m_content.set(etk::Path(tmpFileName), ememory::makeShared<etk::ArchiveContent>(tmpFileInfo.uncompressed_size));
/* Go the the next entry listed in the zip file. */
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ etk::io::ZipFile::ZipFile(const etk::Path& _path, ememory::SharedPtr<etk::Archiv
bool etk::io::ZipFile::open(etk::io::OpenMode _mode) {
if (m_content != null) {
TK_CRITICAL("File Already open : " << m_path);
TK_CRITICAL("File Already open: " << m_path);
return true;
if (m_archive == null) {
@ -32,11 +32,11 @@ bool etk::io::ZipFile::open(etk::io::OpenMode _mode) {
return false;
m_content = m_archive->getContent(m_path);
if (m_content != null) {
return true;
if (m_content == null) {
return false;
return false;
return true;
case etk::io::OpenMode::Write:
return false;
case etk::io::OpenMode::Append:
@ -161,6 +161,14 @@ bool etk::uri::Query::operator< (const etk::uri::Query& _obj) const {
return getEncoded() < _obj.getEncoded();
bool etk::uri::Query::operator<= (const etk::uri::Query& _obj) const {
return getEncoded() <= _obj.getEncoded();
bool etk::uri::Query::operator> (const etk::uri::Query& _obj) const {
return getEncoded() > _obj.getEncoded();
bool etk::uri::Query::operator>= (const etk::uri::Query& _obj) const {
return getEncoded() >= _obj.getEncoded();
@ -91,17 +91,29 @@ namespace etk {
bool operator!= (const etk::uri::Query& _obj) const;
* @brief check if this elemnt is greater than the other.
* @brief check if this elemnt is lesser than the other.
* @param[in] _obj Query to compare.
* @return true : less Query, false otherwise.
bool operator< (const etk::uri::Query& _obj) const;
* @brief check if this elemnt is lesser or equal than the other.
* @param[in] _obj Query to compare.
* @return true : less Query, false otherwise.
bool operator<= (const etk::uri::Query& _obj) const;
* @brief Check if this elemnt is greater than the other.
* @param[in] _obj Query to compare.
* @return false : Greater Query, true otherwise.
bool operator> (const etk::uri::Query& _obj) const;
* @brief Check if this elemnt is greater or equal than the other.
* @param[in] _obj Query to compare.
* @return false : Greater Query, true otherwise.
bool operator>= (const etk::uri::Query& _obj) const;
//! @not_in_doc
@ -75,6 +75,16 @@ bool etk::Uri::operator!= (const etk::Uri& _obj) const {
|| m_fragment != _obj.m_fragment;
bool etk::Uri::operator< (const etk::Uri& _obj) const {
TK_WARNING("compare m_scheme =" << m_scheme << " " << ( m_scheme < _obj.m_scheme?"<":">=") << " " << _obj.m_scheme);
TK_WARNING("compare m_user =" << m_user << " " << ( m_user < _obj.m_user?"<":">=") << " " << _obj.m_user);
TK_WARNING("compare m_password =" << m_password << " " << ( m_password < _obj.m_password?"<":">=") << " " << _obj.m_password);
TK_WARNING("compare m_server =" << m_server << " " << ( m_server < _obj.m_server?"<":">=") << " " << _obj.m_server);
TK_WARNING("compare m_port =" << m_port << " " << ( m_port < _obj.m_port?"<":">=") << " " << _obj.m_port);
TK_WARNING("compare m_path =" << m_path << " " << ( m_path < _obj.m_path?"<":">=") << " " << _obj.m_path);
TK_WARNING("compare m_query =" << m_query << " " << ( m_query < _obj.m_query?"<":">=") << " " << _obj.m_query);
TK_WARNING("compare m_fragment =" << m_fragment << " " << ( m_fragment < _obj.m_fragment?"<":">=") << " " << _obj.m_fragment);
return m_scheme < _obj.m_scheme
&& m_user < _obj.m_user
&& m_password < _obj.m_password
@ -84,6 +94,18 @@ bool etk::Uri::operator< (const etk::Uri& _obj) const {
&& m_query < _obj.m_query
&& m_fragment < _obj.m_fragment;
bool etk::Uri::operator<= (const etk::Uri& _obj) const {
return m_scheme <= _obj.m_scheme
&& m_user <= _obj.m_user
&& m_password <= _obj.m_password
&& m_server <= _obj.m_server
&& m_port <= _obj.m_port
&& m_path <= _obj.m_path
&& m_query <= _obj.m_query
&& m_fragment <= _obj.m_fragment;
bool etk::Uri::operator> (const etk::Uri& _obj) const {
return m_scheme > _obj.m_scheme
&& m_user > _obj.m_user
@ -95,6 +117,17 @@ bool etk::Uri::operator> (const etk::Uri& _obj) const {
&& m_fragment > _obj.m_fragment;
bool etk::Uri::operator>= (const etk::Uri& _obj) const {
return m_scheme >= _obj.m_scheme
&& m_user >= _obj.m_user
&& m_password >= _obj.m_password
&& m_server >= _obj.m_server
&& m_port >= _obj.m_port
&& m_path >= _obj.m_path
&& m_query >= _obj.m_query
&& m_fragment >= _obj.m_fragment;
void etk::Uri::set(etk::String _value) {
TK_VERBOSE("parse: '" << _value << "'");
size_t pos = _value.find("://");
@ -252,3 +285,16 @@ const etk::String& etk::Uri::getFragment() const {
void etk::Uri::setFragment(const etk::String& _value) {
m_fragment = _value;
void etk::Uri::display() const {
TK_PRINT("Display of an URI:");
TK_PRINT(" m_scheme = '" << m_scheme << "'");
TK_PRINT(" m_user = '" << m_user << "'");
TK_PRINT(" m_password = '" << m_password << "'");
TK_PRINT(" m_server = '" << m_server << "'");
TK_PRINT(" m_port = '" << m_port << "'");
TK_PRINT(" m_path = '" << m_path << "'");
TK_PRINT(" m_query = '" << m_query << "'");
TK_PRINT(" m_fragment = '" << m_fragment << "'");
@ -167,17 +167,33 @@ namespace etk {
bool operator!= (const etk::Uri& _obj) const;
* @brief check if this elemnt is greater than the other.
* @brief check if this elemnt is lower than the other.
* @param[in] _obj Uri to compare.
* @return true : less Uri, false otherwise.
bool operator< (const etk::Uri& _obj) const;
* @brief check if this elemnt is lower or equal than the other.
* @param[in] _obj Uri to compare.
* @return true : less Uri, false otherwise.
bool operator<= (const etk::Uri& _obj) const;
* @brief Check if this elemnt is greater than the other.
* @param[in] _obj Uri to compare.
* @return false : Greater Uri, true otherwise.
bool operator> (const etk::Uri& _obj) const;
* @brief Check if this elemnt is greater or equal than the other.
* @param[in] _obj Uri to compare.
* @return false : Greater Uri, true otherwise.
bool operator>= (const etk::Uri& _obj) const;
* @brief Detail display of this element
void display() const;
//! @not_in_doc
etk::Stream& operator <<(etk::Stream& _os, const etk::Uri& _obj);
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ etk::Vector<etk::Uri> etk::uri::provider::ProviderFile::list(const etk::Uri& _ur
return out;
TK_ERROR("list path: " << m_offset / _uri.getPath());
TK_VERBOSE("list path: " << m_offset / _uri.getPath());
tmp = etk::fs::list(m_offset / _uri.getPath());
int32_t offset = m_offset.getString().size()+1;
for (auto& elem: tmp) {
@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ void etk::uri::provider::ProviderFileZip::loadZipFile(const etk::Uri& _zipFile)
m_archive = etk::Archive::load(_zipFile);
TK_ASSERT(m_archive != null, "Error loading APK ... '" << _zipFile << "'");
#ifdef DEBUG
//Just for debug, print APK contents
@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ def configure(target, my_module):
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
#include <etk/uri/provider/ProviderFile.hpp>
#include <etk/uri/provider/ProviderFileZip.hpp>
#include <etk/fs/fileSystem.hpp>
#include <etk/algorithm.hpp>
@ -86,43 +87,15 @@ TEST(TestUriProvider, checkPlouf) {
etk::Vector<etk::Uri> listDirect = {
/* This function takes last element as pivot, places
the pivot element at its correct position in sorted
array, and places all smaller (smaller than pivot)
to left of pivot and all greater elements to right
of pivot */
int_t partition (etk::Vector<etk::Uri>& _data, int _low, int _high) {
int_t iii = (_low - 1); // Index of smaller element
for (int_t jjj = _low; jjj < _high; ++jjj) {
// If current element is smaller than or equal to pivot
if (_data[jjj] < _data[_high]) {
iii++; // increment index of smaller element
etk::swap(_data[iii], _data[jjj]);
etk::swap(_data[iii + 1], _data[_high]);
return (iii + 1);
/* The main function that implements QuickSort
arr[] --> Array to be sorted,
low --> Starting index,
high --> Ending index */
void quickSort(etk::Vector<etk::Uri>& _data, int _low, int _high) {
if (_low >= _high) {
// pi is partitioning index, arr[p] is now at right place
int_t pi = partition(_data, _low, _high);
// Separately sort elements before partition and after partition
quickSort(_data, _low, pi - 1);
quickSort(_data, pi + 1, _high);
bool uriSortCallback(const etk::Uri& _left, const etk::Uri& _right) {
TEST_VERBOSE("compare " << _left << " " << (_left <= _right?"<=":">") << " " << _right);
return _left <= _right;
TEST(TestUriProvider, checkDirectAccess) {
@ -134,27 +107,21 @@ TEST(TestUriProvider, checkDirectAccess) {
EXPECT_NE(provider, null);
etk::Uri searchBase("DATA:///");
auto elems = provider->list(searchBase);
TEST_WARNING("List DATA path: (A)");
TEST_VERBOSE("List DATA path: (A)");
for (auto& it: elems) {
TEST_WARNING(" " << it);
TEST_VERBOSE(" " << it);
elems.sort(0, elems.size(), [] (const etk::Uri& _left, const etk::Uri& _right) {
TEST_WARNING("compare " << _left << " " << (_left < _right?"<":">=") << " " << _right);
return _left < _right;
TEST_WARNING("List DATA path: (B)");
etk::algorithm::quickSort(elems, uriSortCallback);
TEST_VERBOSE("List DATA path: (C)");
for (auto& it: elems) {
TEST_WARNING(" " << it);
TEST_VERBOSE(" " << it);
quickSort(elems, 0, elems.size()-1);
TEST_WARNING("List DATA path: (C)");
for (auto& it: elems) {
TEST_WARNING(" " << it);
TEST_VERBOSE("List corect order:");
for (auto& it: listDirect) {
TEST_VERBOSE(" " << it);
EXPECT_EQ(elems, listDirect);
etk::Vector<etk::Uri> listDirect2 = {
@ -174,20 +141,50 @@ TEST(TestUriProvider, checkDirectAccess2) {
etk::Uri searchBase("DATA:///data");
auto elems = provider->list(searchBase);
TEST_WARNING("List DATA path: (A)");
TEST_VERBOSE("List DATA path: (A)");
for (auto& it: elems) {
TEST_WARNING(" " << it);
TEST_VERBOSE(" " << it);
elems.sort(0, elems.size(), [] (const etk::Uri& _left, const etk::Uri& _right) {
return _left < _right;
TEST_WARNING("List DATA path: (B)");
etk::algorithm::quickSort(elems, uriSortCallback);
TEST_VERBOSE("List DATA path: (B)");
for (auto& it: elems) {
TEST_WARNING(" " << it);
TEST_VERBOSE(" " << it);
EXPECT_EQ(elems, listDirect2);
TEST(TestUriProvider, directExistFile) {
TEST_VERBOSE("data path: " << etk::fs::getDataPath());
etk::uri::provider::add("DATA", ememory::makeShared<etk::uri::provider::ProviderFile>(etk::fs::getDataPath()));
EXPECT_EQ(etk::uri::provider::exist("DATA"), true);
ememory::SharedPtr<etk::uri::provider::Interface> provider = etk::uri::provider::getProvider("DATA");
EXPECT_NE(provider, null);
etk::Uri element("DATA:///data/dir_B/file_B_1.txt");
EXPECT_EQ(provider->exist(element), true);
etk::Uri element("DATA:///data/dir_B/file_B_1_qsldkjfqlksjd.txt");
EXPECT_EQ(provider->exist(element), false);
TEST(TestUriProvider, directReadFile) {
TEST_VERBOSE("data path: " << etk::fs::getDataPath());
etk::uri::provider::add("DATA", ememory::makeShared<etk::uri::provider::ProviderFile>(etk::fs::getDataPath()));
EXPECT_EQ(etk::uri::provider::exist("DATA"), true);
etk::Uri element("DATA:///data/dir_B/file_B_1.txt");
ememory::SharedPtr<etk::io::Interface> ioElement = etk::uri::provider::get(element);
EXPECT_EQ(ioElement->open(etk::io::OpenMode::Read), true);
etk::String data = ioElement->readAllString();
EXPECT_EQ(ioElement->close(), true);
EXPECT_EQ(data, "file_B_1.txt");
etk::Vector<etk::Uri> listZip = {
@ -204,11 +201,11 @@ TEST(TestUriProvider, checkZipAccess) {
EXPECT_EQ(etk::uri::provider::exist("DATA"), true);
ememory::SharedPtr<etk::uri::provider::Interface> provider = etk::uri::provider::getProvider("DATA");
EXPECT_NE(provider, null);
TEST_WARNING("List DATA path:");
TEST_VERBOSE("List DATA path:");
etk::Uri searchBase("DATA://");
auto elems = provider->list(searchBase);
for (auto& it: elems) {
TEST_WARNING(" " << it);
TEST_VERBOSE(" " << it);
EXPECT_EQ(elems, listZip);
@ -227,12 +224,43 @@ TEST(TestUriProvider, checkZipAccess2) {
EXPECT_EQ(etk::uri::provider::exist("DATA"), true);
ememory::SharedPtr<etk::uri::provider::Interface> provider = etk::uri::provider::getProvider("DATA");
EXPECT_NE(provider, null);
TEST_WARNING("List DATA path:");
TEST_VERBOSE("List DATA path:");
etk::Uri searchBase("DATA:///dir_B");
auto elems = provider->list(searchBase);
for (auto& it: elems) {
TEST_WARNING(" " << it);
TEST_VERBOSE(" " << it);
EXPECT_EQ(elems, listZip2);
TEST(TestUriProvider, zipExistFile) {
TEST_VERBOSE("data path: " << etk::fs::getDataPath());
etk::uri::provider::add("DATA", ememory::makeShared<etk::uri::provider::ProviderFileZip>(etk::fs::getDataPath() / "data_sample.zip", "data"));
EXPECT_EQ(etk::uri::provider::exist("DATA"), true);
ememory::SharedPtr<etk::uri::provider::Interface> provider = etk::uri::provider::getProvider("DATA");
EXPECT_NE(provider, null);
etk::Uri element("DATA:///dir_B/file_B_1.txt");
EXPECT_EQ(provider->exist(element), true);
etk::Uri element("DATA:///dir_B/file_B_1_qsldkjfqlksjd.txt");
EXPECT_EQ(provider->exist(element), false);
TEST(TestUriProvider, zipReadFile) {
TEST_VERBOSE("data path: " << etk::fs::getDataPath());
etk::uri::provider::add("DATA", ememory::makeShared<etk::uri::provider::ProviderFileZip>(etk::fs::getDataPath() / "data_sample.zip", "data"));
EXPECT_EQ(etk::uri::provider::exist("DATA"), true);
etk::Uri element("DATA:///dir_B/file_B_1.txt");
ememory::SharedPtr<etk::io::Interface> ioElement = etk::uri::provider::get(element);
EXPECT_EQ(ioElement->open(etk::io::OpenMode::Read), true);
etk::String data = ioElement->readAllString();
EXPECT_EQ(ioElement->close(), true);
EXPECT_EQ(data, "file_B_1.txt");
Reference in New Issue
Block a user