334 lines
9.6 KiB
334 lines
9.6 KiB
* @file parserSVG/parserSVG.cpp
* @brief parserSVG : basic header of the SVG parser (Sources)
* @author Edouard DUPIN
* @date 18/03/2012
* @par Project
* parserSVG
* @par Copyright
* Copyright 2011 Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* Licence summary :
* You can modify and redistribute the sources code and binaries.
* You can send me the bug-fix
* Term of the licence in in the file licence.txt.
#include <parserSVG/Debug.h>
#include <parserSVG/parserSVG.h>
#include <tinyXML/tinyxml.h>
#include <parserSVG/Base.h>
#include <parserSVG/Circle.h>
#include <parserSVG/Ellipse.h>
#include <parserSVG/Line.h>
#include <parserSVG/Path.h>
#include <parserSVG/Polygon.h>
#include <parserSVG/Polyline.h>
#include <parserSVG/Rectangle.h>
#include <parserSVG/Text.h>
#include <parserSVG/Group.h>
#include <agg/agg_basics.h>
#include <agg/agg_rendering_buffer.h>
#include <agg/agg_rasterizer_scanline_aa.h>
#include <agg/agg_scanline_p.h>
#include <agg/agg_renderer_scanline.h>
#include <agg/agg_path_storage.h>
#include <agg/agg_conv_transform.h>
#include <agg/agg_bounding_rect.h>
#include <agg/agg_color_rgba.h>
#include <agg/agg_pixfmt_rgba.h>
svg::Parser::Parser(etk::FSNode fileName) : m_renderedElement(NULL)
m_fileName = fileName;
m_version = "0.0";
m_loadOK = true;
m_paint.fill = (int32_t)0xFF0000FF;
m_paint.stroke = (int32_t)0xFFFFFF00;
m_paint.strokeWidth = 1.0;
m_paint.viewPort.x = 255;
m_paint.viewPort.y = 255;
m_paint.flagEvenOdd = false;
m_paint.lineJoin = svg::LINEJOIN_MITER;
m_paint.lineCap = svg::LINECAP_BUTT;
m_size.x = 0.0;
m_size.y = 0.0;
// Start loading the XML :
SVG_DEBUG("open file (SVG) \"" << m_fileName << "\"");
// allocate the document in the stack
TiXmlDocument XmlDocument;
if (false == m_fileName.Exist()) {
SVG_ERROR("File Does not exist : " << m_fileName);
m_loadOK = false;
int32_t fileSize = m_fileName.FileSize();
if (0==fileSize) {
SVG_ERROR("This file is empty : " << m_fileName);
m_loadOK = false;
if (false == m_fileName.FileOpenRead()) {
SVG_ERROR("Can not open the file : " << m_fileName);
m_loadOK = false;
// allocate data
char * fileBuffer = new char[fileSize+5];
if (NULL == fileBuffer) {
SVG_ERROR("Error Memory allocation size=" << fileSize);
m_loadOK = false;
memset(fileBuffer, 0, (fileSize+5)*sizeof(char));
// load data from the file :
m_fileName.FileRead(fileBuffer, 1, fileSize);
// close the file:
// load the XML from the memory
XmlDocument.Parse((const char*)fileBuffer, 0, TIXML_ENCODING_UTF8);
TiXmlElement* root = XmlDocument.FirstChildElement( "svg" );
if (NULL == root ) {
SVG_ERROR("(l ?) main node not find: \"svg\" in \"" << m_fileName << "\"");
m_loadOK = false;
} else {
// get the svg version :
const char *version = root->ToElement()->Attribute("version");
if (NULL != version) {
m_version = version;
// parse ...
etk::Vector2D<float> pos;
ParsePosition(root, pos, m_size);
SVG_VERBOSE("parsed .ROOT trans : (" << m_transformMatrix.sx << "," << m_transformMatrix.shy << "," << m_transformMatrix.shx << "," << m_transformMatrix.sy << "," << m_transformMatrix.tx << "," << m_transformMatrix.ty << ")");
etk::Vector2D<float> maxSize;
maxSize.x = 0.0;
maxSize.y = 0.0;
etk::Vector2D<float> size;
// parse all sub node :
for(TiXmlNode * child = root->FirstChild(); NULL != child; child = child->NextSibling() ) {
svg::Base *elementParser = NULL;
if (child->Type()==TiXmlNode::TINYXML_COMMENT) {
// nothing to do, just proceed to next step
} else {
etk::UString localValue = child->Value();
bool normalNoElement = false;
if (localValue == "g") {
elementParser = new svg::Group(m_paint);
} else if (localValue == "a") {
SVG_INFO("Note : 'a' balise is parsed like a g balise ...");
elementParser = new svg::Group(m_paint);
} else if (localValue == "title") {
m_title = "TODO : set the title here ...";
normalNoElement = true;
} else if (localValue == "path") {
elementParser = new svg::Path(m_paint);
} else if (localValue == "rect") {
elementParser = new svg::Rectangle(m_paint);
} else if (localValue == "circle") {
elementParser = new svg::Circle(m_paint);
} else if (localValue == "ellipse") {
elementParser = new svg::Ellipse(m_paint);
} else if (localValue == "line") {
elementParser = new svg::Line(m_paint);
} else if (localValue == "polyline") {
elementParser = new svg::Polyline(m_paint);
} else if (localValue == "polygon") {
elementParser = new svg::Polygon(m_paint);
} else if (localValue == "text") {
elementParser = new svg::Text(m_paint);
} else if (localValue == "metadata") {
// nothing to do : generaly inkscape data
normalNoElement = true;
} else {
SVG_ERROR("(l "<<child->Row()<<") node not suported : \""<<localValue<<"\" must be [title,g,a,path,rect,circle,ellipse,line,polyline,polygon,text,metadata]");
if (false == normalNoElement) {
if (NULL == elementParser) {
SVG_ERROR("(l "<<child->Row()<<") error on node: \""<<localValue<<"\" allocation error or not supported ...");
} else {
if (false == elementParser->Parse(child, m_transformMatrix, size)) {
SVG_ERROR("(l "<<child->Row()<<") error on node: \""<<localValue<<"\" Sub Parsing ERROR");
elementParser = NULL;
} else {
if (maxSize.x<size.x) {
if (maxSize.y<size.y) {
// add element in the system
if (m_size.x==0 || m_size.y==0) {
} else {
if (NULL != fileBuffer) {
delete[] fileBuffer;
if(NULL != m_renderedElement) {
m_renderedElement = NULL;
void svg::Parser::DisplayDebug(void)
SVG_DEBUG("Main SVG node : size=" << m_size);
for (int32_t iii=0; iii<m_subElementList.Size(); iii++) {
if (NULL != m_subElementList[iii]) {
void svg::Parser::AggDraw(svg::Renderer& myRenderer, agg::trans_affine& basicTrans)
for (int32_t iii=0; iii<m_subElementList.Size(); iii++) {
if (NULL != m_subElementList[iii]) {
m_subElementList[iii]->AggDraw(myRenderer, basicTrans);
void svg::Parser::GenerateTestFile(void)
int32_t SizeX = m_size.x;
if (SizeX == 0) {
SizeX = 64;
int32_t SizeY = m_size.y;
if (SizeY == 0) {
SizeY = 64;
if(NULL != m_renderedElement) {
m_renderedElement = NULL;
m_renderedElement = new svg::Renderer(SizeX, SizeY);
// create the first element matrix modification ...
agg::trans_affine basicTrans;
//basicTrans *= agg::trans_affine_translation(-g_base_dx, -g_base_dy);
//basicTrans *= agg::trans_affine_scaling(2, 2);
//basicTrans *= agg::trans_affine_rotation(g_angle);// + agg::pi);
//basicTrans *= agg::trans_affine_skewing(2.0, 5.0);
//basicTrans *= agg::trans_affine_translation(width*0.3, height/2);
//basicTrans *= agg::trans_affine_translation(width/3, height/3);
AggDraw(*m_renderedElement, basicTrans);
etk::UString tmpFileOut = "yyy_out_";
tmpFileOut += m_fileName.GetNameFile();
tmpFileOut += ".ppm";
void svg::Parser::GenerateAnImage(int32_t sizeX, int32_t sizeY)
int32_t SizeX = sizeX;
if (SizeX == 0) {
SVG_ERROR("SizeX == 0 ==> set 64");
SizeX = 64;
int32_t SizeY = sizeY;
if (SizeY == 0) {
SVG_ERROR("SizeY == 0 ==> set 64");
SizeY = 64;
SVG_INFO("Generate size (" << SizeX << "," << SizeY << ")");
if(NULL != m_renderedElement) {
m_renderedElement = NULL;
m_renderedElement = new svg::Renderer(SizeX, SizeY);
// create the first element matrix modification ...
agg::trans_affine basicTrans;
//basicTrans *= agg::trans_affine_translation(-g_base_dx, -g_base_dy);
basicTrans *= agg::trans_affine_scaling(SizeX/m_size.x, SizeY/m_size.y);
//basicTrans *= agg::trans_affine_rotation(g_angle);// + agg::pi);
//basicTrans *= agg::trans_affine_skewing(2.0, 5.0);
//basicTrans *= agg::trans_affine_translation(width*0.3, height/2);
//basicTrans *= agg::trans_affine_translation(width/3, height/3);
AggDraw(*m_renderedElement, basicTrans);
etk::UString tmpFileOut = "zzz_out_test.ppm";
void svg::Parser::GenerateAnImage(etk::Vector2D<int32_t> size, draw::Image& output)
GenerateAnImage(size.x, size.y);
draw::Color tmpp(0,0,0,0);
if(NULL != m_renderedElement) {
uint8_t* pointerOnData = m_renderedElement->GetDataPointer();
int32_t sizeData = m_renderedElement->GetDataSize();
uint8_t* tmpOut = (uint8_t*)output.GetTextureDataPointer();
memcpy(tmpOut, pointerOnData, sizeData);
uint8_t* svg::Parser::GetPointerOnData(void)
if(NULL == m_renderedElement) {
return NULL;
return m_renderedElement->GetDataPointer();
uint32_t svg::Parser::GetSizeOnData(void)
if(NULL == m_renderedElement) {
return 0;
return m_renderedElement->GetDataSize();