
279 lines
7.9 KiB

/** @file
* @author Edouard DUPIN
* @copyright 2016, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
* @license MPL v2.0 (see license file)
#include <test-debug/debug.hpp>
//! [ejson_sample_include]
#include <ejson/ejson.hpp>
//! [ejson_sample_include]
#include "read.hpp"
static void readFromFile() {
//! [ejson_sample_declare_doc]
ejson::Document doc;
//! [ejson_sample_declare_doc]
//! [ejson_sample_read_file]
bool retParse = doc.load("DATA:read.json");
//! [ejson_sample_read_file]
TEST_INFO("parse ret = " << retParse);
TEST_INFO("Debug display of the tree:");
static void readFromString1() {
ejson::Document doc;
//! [ejson_sample_read_stream1]
etk::String stream = "{"
" \"object A\":\"bonjour\","
" \"object B\":null,"
" \"object C\":true,"
" \"object D\":123854.215,"
" \"object E\":["
" 1,2,3,54,false"
" ],"
" \"object F\":{"
" \"a\":1,"
" \"b\":2"
" }"
bool retParse = doc.parse(stream);
//! [ejson_sample_read_stream1]
TEST_INFO("parse ret = " << retParse);
TEST_INFO("Debug display of the tree:");
static void readFromString2() {
ejson::Document doc;
//! [ejson_sample_read_stream2]
etk::String stream = "{"
" objectA:'bonjour',"
" objectB:null,"
" objectC:true,"
" objectD:123854.215,"
" objectE:["
" #simple comment one Line"
" 1,2,3,54,false"
" ],"
" objectF:{"
" a:1,"
" b:2"
" }"
bool retParse = doc.parse(stream);
//! [ejson_sample_read_stream2]
TEST_INFO("parse ret = " << retParse);
TEST_INFO("Debug display of the tree:");
static void readFull() {
ejson::Document doc;
bool retParse = doc.load("DATA:read.json");
TEST_INFO("parse ret = " << retParse);
TEST_INFO("Debug display of the tree:");
TEST_INFO("list of Object:");
for (const auto it: doc) {
TEST_INFO(" " << it);
if (it.isObject() == true) {
ejson::Object obj = it.toObject();
// check if the convertion in ejson::Object has been done corectly
if (obj.exist() == false) {
TEST_INFO(" list of object:");
for (const auto itObj: obj) {
TEST_INFO(" " << itObj);
} else if (it.isArray() == true) {
ejson::Array array = it.toArray();
// check if the convertion in ejson::Array has been done corectly
if (array.exist() == false) {
TEST_INFO(" list of object:");
for (const auto itArray: array) {
TEST_INFO(" " << itArray);
} else if (it.isBoolean() == true) {
ejson::Boolean boolean = it.toBoolean();
// check if the convertion in ejson::Boolean has been done corectly
if (boolean.exist() == false) {
TEST_INFO(" boolean Value:" << boolean.get());
} else if (it.isString() == true) {
ejson::String str = it.toString();
// check if the convertion in ejson::String has been done corectly
if (str.exist() == false) {
TEST_INFO(" String Value:" << str.get());
} else if (it.isNumber() == true) {
ejson::Number num = it.toNumber();
// check if the convertion in ejson::Number has been done corectly
if (num.exist() == false) {
TEST_INFO(" Number Value:" << num.get());
for (size_t iii=0; iii<doc.size(); ++iii) {
switch (doc[iii].getType()) {
case ejson::valueType::object:
TEST_INFO(" Get an Object:" << doc.getKey(iii) );
case ejson::valueType::array:
TEST_INFO(" Get an Array:" << doc.getKey(iii) );
case ejson::valueType::boolean:
TEST_INFO(" Get an Boolean:" << doc.getKey(iii) );
case ejson::valueType::null:
TEST_INFO(" Get an Null:" << doc.getKey(iii) );
case ejson::valueType::number:
TEST_INFO(" Get an Number:" << doc.getKey(iii) );
case ejson::valueType::string:
TEST_INFO(" Get an String:" << doc.getKey(iii) );
TEST_INFO(" Inknow element:" << doc.getKey(iii) );
TEST_INFO(" Direct get node exml:");
//! [ejson_sample_read_get_element]
ejson::Value element = doc["object C"];
//! [ejson_sample_read_get_element]
//! [ejson_sample_read_check_element]
if (element.exist() == false) {
TEST_ERROR("The element does not exist");
//! [ejson_sample_read_check_element]
TEST_INFO("Read String:");
// you can simply change the type of the exml value if you know what it is:
//! [ejson_sample_read_convert_string]
ejson::String elem = doc["object A"].toString();
// Get the value:
etk::String value = elem.get();
//! [ejson_sample_read_convert_string]
TEST_INFO(" String Value:" << value);
// or simply:
// Get the value:
//! [ejson_sample_read_get_string]
etk::String value = doc["object A"].toString().get();
//! [ejson_sample_read_get_string]
TEST_INFO(" String Value:" << value);
TEST_INFO("Read Boolean:");
// Get a Boolean value:
// Get the value:
//! [ejson_sample_read_get_boolean]
bool value = doc["object C"].toBoolean().get();
//! [ejson_sample_read_get_boolean]
TEST_INFO(" Boolean Value:" << value);
TEST_INFO("Read Number:");
// Get a number value:
// Get the value:
//! [ejson_sample_read_get_number]
double value = doc["object D"].toNumber().get();
//! [ejson_sample_read_get_number]
//! [ejson_sample_read_get_number_64_bits]
uint64_t value = doc["object D"].toNumber().getU64();
//! [ejson_sample_read_get_number_64_bits]
TEST_INFO(" Number Value:" << value);
TEST_INFO("Read Array:");
//! [ejson_sample_read_get_array]
ejson::Array array = doc["object E"].toArray();
//! [ejson_sample_read_get_array]
// check if the convertion in ejson::Array has been done corectly
if (array.exist() == true) {
TEST_INFO(" list of Element in Array:");
//! [ejson_sample_read_move_threw_array]
for (const auto itArray: array) {
TEST_INFO(" " << itArray);
//! [ejson_sample_read_move_threw_array]
TEST_INFO(" list of Element in Array (C mode):");
//! [ejson_sample_read_move_threw_array_c]
for (size_t iii=0; iii<array.size(); ++iii) {
TEST_INFO(" " << array[iii]);
//! [ejson_sample_read_move_threw_array_c]
TEST_INFO("Read Object:");
//! [ejson_sample_read_get_object]
ejson::Object obj = doc["object F"].toObject();
//! [ejson_sample_read_get_object]
// check if the convertion in ejson::Object has been done corectly
if (obj.exist() == true) {
TEST_INFO(" list of Element in Object:");
//! [ejson_sample_read_move_threw_object]
for (const auto itObj: obj) {
TEST_INFO(" " << itObj);
//! [ejson_sample_read_move_threw_object]
TEST_INFO(" list of Element in Object (C mode):");
//! [ejson_sample_read_move_threw_object_c]
for (size_t iii=0; iii<obj.size(); ++iii) {
TEST_INFO(" " << obj[iii]);
//! [ejson_sample_read_move_threw_object_c]
TEST_INFO("Clone Object:");
// in the local system, All element get are not copied but referenced. the to have a copy of an object, you need to clone it :
// Clone object:
//! [ejson_sample_read_clone]
ejson::Value tmpClone = doc["object F"].clone();
//! [ejson_sample_read_clone]
ejson::Object obj = tmpClone.toObject();
// check if the clone and convertion in ejson::Object has been done corectly
if (obj.exist() == true) {
TEST_INFO(" list of Element in Object:");
for (const auto itObj: obj) {
TEST_INFO(" " << itObj);
void appl::read() {