=?=E-json extract and build examples=?= __________________________________________________ [right][tutorial[001_Read | Next: Read a file]][/right] All developpement software will start by getting the dependency and the sources. === Linux dependency packages === [code style=shell] sudo apt-get install g++ zlib1g-dev # if you want to compile with clang : sudo apt-get install clang [/code] === Download instructions === Download the software : [code style=shell] # create a working directory path mkdir your_workspace_path cd your_workspace_path # clone ewol and all sub-library git clone http://github.com/HeeroYui/ewol.git cd ewol git submodule init git submodule update cd .. # download examples git clone http://github.com/HeeroYui/example.git [/code] [note] The full build tool documentation is availlable here : [[http://heeroyui.github.io/lutin/ | lutin]] [/note] === Common build instructions === Compile software in debug for the curent platform : [code style=shell] ./ewol/build/lutin.py -mdebug ejson* [/code]