[DEV] update exporter but not the reader

This commit is contained in:
Edouard DUPIN 2017-03-19 22:51:12 +01:00
parent 7cb5880af2
commit 6fa74968b6
3 changed files with 356 additions and 308 deletions

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@ -22,6 +22,11 @@ create user addon directory: (replace 2.xx with the blender version)
- Select "Addons" tab
- Enable "Import-export: Ewol Mesh file format emf"
Some error classile with awesome and blender
- file -> user preferences -> system -> Windows draw methode: triple bufferings
License (MPL v2.0)

View File

@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ def out_quaternion_z_up( q ):
return "%g %g %g %g" % ( q.w, q.x, q.y, q.z )
def getPhysicsShape(obj, mainObjScale, use_y_up=False):
def get_physics_shape(obj, mainObjScale, use_y_up=False):
shape = ""
props = { }
name = obj.name.lower()
@ -114,10 +114,10 @@ def getPhysicsShape(obj, mainObjScale, use_y_up=False):
props["scale"] = out_scale3( scale )
# remove mesh
print(" shape type : '%s' from element name : '%s'" % (shape, obj.name))
print(" shape type: '" + str(shape) + "' from element name:'" + str(obj.name) + "'")
if obj.location != Vector((0,0,0)):
props["origin"] = out_point3( obj.location )
props["origin"] = out_point3(obj.location)
if obj.rotation_mode == 'QUATERNION':
qrot = obj.rotation_quaternion
@ -125,28 +125,31 @@ def getPhysicsShape(obj, mainObjScale, use_y_up=False):
qrot = obj.matrix_local.to_quaternion()
if qrot != Quaternion((1,0,0,0)):
props["rotate"] = out_quaternion( qrot )
props["rotate"] = out_quaternion(qrot)
return (shape, props)
def writeCollisionShape(object, file, mainObjScale):
def write_collision_shape(object, file, mainObjScale, offset):
if len(getChildren(object))==0:
# no phisical shape ...
fw = file.write
fw('\t\tPhysics : \n')
string_offset = ""
for iii in range(offset):
string_offset += "\t"
file.write(string_offset + 'Physics:\n')
for subObj in getChildren(object):
print(" element='%s' type '%s'" % (subObj.name,str(subObj.type)))
if subObj.type != 'MESH':
print(" element='" + subObj.name + "' type '" + str(subObj.type) + "'")
if subObj.type != 'MESH' \
and subObj.type != 'EMPTY':
(shape, props) = getPhysicsShape(subObj, mainObjScale)
(shape, props) = get_physics_shape(subObj, mainObjScale)
if shape=="":
print("error of shape detection type ...");
fw("\t\t\t" + shape + "\n" )
file.write(string_offset + "\t" + shape + "\n" )
for (k,v) in props.items():
fw("\t\t\t\t%s : %s\n" % (k, v) )
file.write(string_offset + "\t\t%s:%s\n" % (k, v) )
@ -175,47 +178,47 @@ def write_mtl(scene, file, filepath, path_mode, copy_set, mtl_dict):
world_amb = Color((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
source_dir = os.path.dirname(bpy.data.filepath)
dest_dir = os.path.dirname(filepath)
fw = file.write
fw('\nMaterials : %i\n' % len(mtl_dict))
#file.write('\nMaterials:%i\n' % len(mtl_dict))
mtl_dict_values = list(mtl_dict.values())
mtl_dict_values.sort(key=lambda m: m[0])
# Write material/image combinations we have used.
# Using mtl_dict.values() directly gives un-predictable order.
for mtl_mat_name, mat, face_img in mtl_dict_values:
# Get the Blender data for the material and the image.
# Having an image named None will make a bug, dont do it :)
fw('\t%s\n' % mtl_mat_name) # Define a new material: matname_imgname
# Having an image named None will make a bug, dont do it:)
file.write('Materials:%s\n' % mtl_mat_name) # Define a new material: matname_imgname
if mat:
# convert from blenders spec to 0 - 1000 range.
if mat.specular_shader == 'WARDISO':
tspec = (0.4 - mat.specular_slope) / 0.0004
tspec = (mat.specular_hardness - 1) * 1.9607843137254901
fw('\t\tNs %.6f\n' % tspec)
file.write('\tNs %.6f\n' % tspec)
del tspec
fw('\t\tKa %.6f %.6f %.6f\n' % (mat.ambient * world_amb)[:]) # Ambient, uses mirror color,
fw('\t\tKd %.6f %.6f %.6f\n' % (mat.diffuse_intensity * mat.diffuse_color)[:]) # Diffuse
fw('\t\tKs %.6f %.6f %.6f\n' % (mat.specular_intensity * mat.specular_color)[:]) # Specular
file.write('\tKa %.6f %.6f %.6f\n' % (mat.ambient * world_amb)[:]) # Ambient, uses mirror color,
file.write('\tKd %.6f %.6f %.6f\n' % (mat.diffuse_intensity * mat.diffuse_color)[:]) # Diffuse
file.write('\tKs %.6f %.6f %.6f\n' % (mat.specular_intensity * mat.specular_color)[:]) # Specular
if hasattr(mat, "ior"):
fw('\t\tNi %.6f\n' % mat.ior) # Refraction index
file.write('\tNi %.6f\n' % mat.ior) # Refraction index
fw('\t\tNi %.6f\n' % 1.0)
fw('\t\td %.6f\n' % mat.alpha) # Alpha (obj uses 'd' for dissolve)
file.write('\tNi %.6f\n' % 1.0)
file.write('\td %.6f\n' % mat.alpha) # Alpha (obj uses 'd' for dissolve)
# 0 to disable lighting, 1 for ambient & diffuse only (specular color set to black), 2 for full lighting.
if mat.use_shadeless:
fw('\t\tillum 0\n') # ignore lighting
file.write('\tillum 0\n') # ignore lighting
elif mat.specular_intensity == 0:
fw('\t\tillum 1\n') # no specular.
file.write('\tillum 1\n') # no specular.
fw('\t\tillum 2\n') # light normaly
file.write('\tillum 2\n') # light normaly
#write a dummy material here?
fw('\t\tNs 0\n')
fw('\t\tKa %.6f %.6f %.6f\n' % world_amb[:]) # Ambient, uses mirror color,
fw('\t\tKd 0.8 0.8 0.8\n')
fw('\t\tKs 0.8 0.8 0.8\n')
fw('\t\td 1\n') # No alpha
fw('\t\tillum 2\n') # light normaly
file.write('\tNs 0\n')
file.write('\tKa %.6f %.6f %.6f\n' % world_amb[:]) # Ambient, uses mirror color,
file.write('\tKd 0.8 0.8 0.8\n')
file.write('\tKs 0.8 0.8 0.8\n')
file.write('\td 1\n') # No alpha
file.write('\tillum 2\n') # light normaly
# Write images!
if face_img: # We have an image on the face!
filepath = face_img.filepath
@ -228,7 +231,7 @@ def write_mtl(scene, file, filepath, path_mode, copy_set, mtl_dict):
fw('\t\tmap_Kd %s\n' % filepath) # Diffuse mapping image
file.write('\tmap_Kd %s\n' % filepath) # Diffuse mapping image
del filepath
# so we write the materials image.
@ -274,7 +277,277 @@ def write_mtl(scene, file, filepath, path_mode, copy_set, mtl_dict):
fw('\t\t%s %s\n' % (key, repr(filepath)[1:-1]))
file.write('\t%s %s\n' % (key, repr(filepath)[1:-1]))
def veckey3d(v):
return round(v.x, 6), round(v.y, 6), round(v.z, 6)
def veckey2d(v):
return round(v[0], 6), round(v[1], 6)
def write_mesh(scene, file, object, EXPORT_GLOBAL_MATRIX, mtl_dict):
print("**************** '" + str(object.name) + "' *******************")
# Initialize totals, these are updated each object
totverts = 1
totuvco = 1
totno = 1
globalNormals = {}
face_vert_index = 1
# Used to reduce the usage of matname_texname materials, which can become annoying in case of
# repeated exports/imports, yet keeping unique mat names per keys!
# mtl_name: (material.name, image.name)
mtl_rev_dict = {}
if object.type != 'MESH':
print(object.name + 'is not a mesh type - ignoring type=' + object.type)
file.write('# can not export:"%s":type="%s"\n' % (object.name, str(object.type)))
#print("name:'%s'" % object.name)
#for plop in object.child:
# print(" child:'%s'" % plop.name)
# ignore dupli children
if object.parent and object.parent.dupli_type in {'VERTS', 'FACES'}:
print(object.name, 'is a dupli child - ignoring')
obs = []
if object.dupli_type != 'NONE':
print('creating dupli_list on', object.name)
obs = [(dob.object, dob.matrix) for dob in object.dupli_list]
# XXX debug print
print(object.name, 'has', len(obs), 'dupli children')
obs = [(object, object.matrix_world)]
for ob, ob_mat in obs:
# apply the mesh modifieur at the curent object:
me = ob.to_mesh(scene, True, 'PREVIEW', calc_tessface=False)
except RuntimeError:
me = None
if me is None:
me.transform(EXPORT_GLOBAL_MATRIX * ob_mat)
#print("ploppp:" + str(EXPORT_GLOBAL_MATRIX) )
#print("ploppp:" + str(ob_mat) )
# _must_ do this first since it re-allocs arrays
# triangulate all the mesh:
# calculated normals:
# export UV mapping:
faceuv = len(me.uv_textures) > 0
if faceuv:
uv_texture = me.uv_textures.active.data[:]
uv_layer = me.uv_layers.active.data[:]
me_verts = me.vertices[:]
# Make our own list so it can be sorted to reduce context switching
face_index_pairs = [(face, index) for index, face in enumerate(me.polygons)]
# faces = [ f for f in me.tessfaces ]
edges = me.edges
if not (len(face_index_pairs) + len(edges) + len(me.vertices)): # Make sure there is somthing to write
# clean up
continue # dont bother with this mesh.
materials = me.materials[:]
material_names = [m.name if m else None for m in materials]
# avoid bad index errors
if not materials:
materials = [None]
material_names = [name_compat(None)]
# Sort by Material, then images
# so we dont over context switch in the obj file.
if faceuv:
face_index_pairs.sort(key=lambda a: (a[0].material_index, hash(uv_texture[a[1]].image), a[0].use_smooth))
elif len(materials) > 1:
face_index_pairs.sort(key=lambda a: (a[0].material_index, a[0].use_smooth))
# no materials
face_index_pairs.sort(key=lambda a: a[0].use_smooth)
# Set the default mat to no material and no image.
contextMat = 0, 0 # Can never be this, so we will label a new material the first chance we get.
contextSmooth = None # Will either be true or false, set bad to force initialization switch.
# use:blen obs ??? what is this ....
name1 = ob.name
name2 = ob.data.name
if name1 == name2:
obnamestring = name_compat(name1)
obnamestring = '%s_%s' % (name_compat(name1), name_compat(name2))
file.write('Mesh:%s\n' % obnamestring) # Write Object name
## Vert
file.write('\tVertex:%d\n\t\t' % len(me_verts))
for v in me_verts:
file.write('%.6f %.6f %.6f|' % v.co[:])
## UV
if faceuv:
# in case removing some of these dont get defined.
uv = uvkey = uv_dict = f_index = uv_index = None
uv_face_mapping = [None] * len(face_index_pairs)
uv_dict = {} # could use a set() here
for f, f_index in face_index_pairs:
uv_ls = uv_face_mapping[f_index] = []
for uv_index, l_index in enumerate(f.loop_indices):
uv = uv_layer[l_index].uv
uvkey = veckey2d(uv)
uv_k = uv_dict[uvkey]
uv_k = uv_dict[uvkey] = len(uv_dict)
file.write('%.6f %.6f|' % uv[:])
uv_unique_count = len(uv_dict)
del uv, uvkey, uv_dict, f_index, uv_index, uv_ls, uv_k
# Only need uv_unique_count and uv_face_mapping
print("does not use UV-MAPPING")
if len(face_index_pairs) > 0:
if face_index_pairs[0][0].use_smooth:
localIsSmooth = 'vertex'
localIsSmooth = 'face'
localIsSmooth = 'face'
file.write('\tNormal(%s):%d\n\t\t' % (localIsSmooth, len(face_index_pairs)) )
for f, f_index in face_index_pairs:
if f.use_smooth:
for v_idx in f.vertices:
v = me_verts[v_idx]
noKey = veckey3d(v.normal)
if noKey not in globalNormals:
globalNormals[noKey] = totno
totno += 1
file.write('%.6f %.6f %.6f|' % noKey)
# Hard, 1 normal from the face.
noKey = veckey3d(f.normal)
if noKey not in globalNormals:
globalNormals[noKey] = totno
totno += 1
file.write('%.6f %.6f %.6f|' % noKey)
if not faceuv:
f_image = None
## faces
file.write('\tFace:%d' % len(face_index_pairs))
for f, f_index in face_index_pairs:
f_smooth = f.use_smooth
f_mat = min(f.material_index, len(materials) - 1)
if faceuv:
tface = uv_texture[f_index]
f_image = tface.image
if faceuv and f_image: # Object is always true.
key = material_names[f_mat], f_image.name
key = material_names[f_mat], None # No image, use None instead.
if key == contextMat:
pass # Context already switched, dont do anything
if key[0] is None and key[1] is None:
# inform the use of a material:
file.write("\n\t\t---:") # mat, image
mat_data = mtl_dict.get(key)
if not mat_data:
# First add to global dict so we can export to mtl
# Then write mtl
# Make a new names from the mat and image name,
# converting any spaces to underscores with name_compat.
# If none image dont bother adding it to the name
# Try to avoid as much as possible adding texname (or other things)
# to the mtl name (see [#32102])...
mtl_name = "%s" % name_compat(key[0])
if mtl_rev_dict.get(mtl_name, None) not in {key, None}:
if key[1] is None:
tmp_ext = "_NONE"
tmp_ext = "_%s" % name_compat(key[1])
i = 0
while mtl_rev_dict.get(mtl_name + tmp_ext, None) not in {key, None}:
i += 1
tmp_ext = "_%3d" % i
mtl_name += tmp_ext
mat_data = mtl_dict[key] = mtl_name, materials[f_mat], f_image
mtl_rev_dict[mtl_name] = key
# set the use of a material:
file.write("\n\t\t%s\n\t\t\t" % mat_data[0]) # can be mat_image or (null)
contextMat = key
f_v = [(vi, me_verts[v_idx]) for vi, v_idx in enumerate(f.vertices)]
if faceuv:
# export the normals:
if f_smooth: # Smoothed, use vertex normals
for vi, v in f_v:
file.write(" %d/%d/%d" %
(v.index + totverts-1,
totuvco + uv_face_mapping[f_index][vi]-1,
)) # vert, uv, normal
else: # No smoothing, face normals
no = globalNormals[veckey3d(f.normal)]
for vi, v in f_v:
file.write(" %d/%d/%d" %
(v.index + totverts-1,
totuvco + uv_face_mapping[f_index][vi]-1,
)) # vert, uv, normal
face_vert_index += len(f_v)
else: # No UV's
# export the normals:
if f_smooth: # Smoothed, use vertex normals
for vi, v in f_v:
file.write(" %d/%d" % (
v.index + totverts-1,
else: # No smoothing, face normals
no = globalNormals[veckey3d(f.normal)]
for vi, v in f_v:
file.write(" %d/%d" % (v.index + totverts-1, no-1))
# Write edges. ==> did not know what it is ...
#file.write('Faces:%d' % len(edges))
#for ed in edges:
# if ed.is_loose:
# file.write('%d %d\n' % (ed.vertices[0] + totverts, ed.vertices[1] + totverts))
# Make the indices global rather then per mesh
totverts += len(me_verts)
if faceuv:
totuvco += uv_unique_count
# clean up
if object.dupli_type != 'NONE':
## Save collision shapes (for one object:
for subObj in getChildren(object):
print(" child:'%s'" % (subObj.name))
if subObj.name.lower().startswith(EXPORT_COLLISION_NAME):
print(" find physics:'%s'" % (subObj.name))
write_collision_shape(subObj, file, object.scale, 1)
@ -291,12 +564,6 @@ def write_file(filepath,
EXPORT_GLOBAL_MATRIX = mathutils.Matrix()
def veckey3d(v):
return round(v.x, 6), round(v.y, 6), round(v.z, 6)
def veckey2d(v):
return round(v[0], 6), round(v[1], 6)
print('EMF Export path: %r' % filepath)
time1 = time.time()
@ -304,283 +571,58 @@ def write_file(filepath,
mtlfilepath = os.path.splitext(filepath)[0] + ".mtl"
file = open(filepath, "w", encoding="utf8", newline="\n")
fw = file.write
# Write Header
fw('EMF(STRING)\n') # if binary : fw('EMF(BINARY)\n')
fw('# Blender v%s EMF File: %r\n' % (bpy.app.version_string, os.path.basename(bpy.data.filepath)))
# Initialize totals, these are updated each object
totverts = totuvco = totno = 1
face_vert_index = 1
globalNormals = {}
file.write('EMF(STRING)\n') # if binary:file.write('EMF(BINARY)\n')
file.write('# Blender v%s EMF File: %r\n' % (bpy.app.version_string, os.path.basename(bpy.data.filepath)))
# A Dict of Materials
# (material.name, image.name):matname_imagename # matname_imagename has gaps removed.
mtl_dict = {}
# Used to reduce the usage of matname_texname materials, which can become annoying in case of
# repeated exports/imports, yet keeping unique mat names per keys!
# mtl_name: (material.name, image.name)
mtl_rev_dict = {}
copy_set = set()
nb_total_mesh = 0
nb_total_physic = 0
for ob_main in objects:
print("**************** '" + str(ob_main.name) + "' *******************")
if ob_main.type == 'EMPTY':
for sub_obj in getChildren(ob_main):
print(" child:'" + str(sub_obj.name) + "' type=" + sub_obj.type)
if sub_obj.type == 'MESH':
nb_total_mesh += 1
elif sub_obj.type == 'EMPTY' \
and sub_obj.name.lower().startswith("physic"):
nb_total_physic += 1
for sub_obj_2 in getChildren(sub_obj):
print(" child:'" + str(sub_obj_2.name) + "' type=" + sub_obj_2.type)
for sub_obj_3 in getChildren(sub_obj_2):
print(" child:'" + str(sub_obj_3.name) + "' type=" + sub_obj_3.type)
if ob_main.type == 'MESH':
nb_total_mesh += 1
print("nb_total_mesh: " + str(nb_total_mesh))
print("nb_total_physic: " + str(nb_total_physic))
# Get all meshes
for ob_main in objects:
print("**************** '%s' *******************" % str(ob_main.name))
if ob_main.type != 'MESH':
print(ob_main.name, 'is not a mesh type - ignoring')
fw('# can not export : "%s" : type="%s"\n' % (ob_main.name, str(ob_main.type)))
#print("name : '%s'" % ob_main.name)
#for plop in ob_main.child:
# print(" child : '%s'" % plop.name)
# ignore dupli children
if ob_main.parent and ob_main.parent.dupli_type in {'VERTS', 'FACES'}:
print(ob_main.name, 'is a dupli child - ignoring')
obs = []
if ob_main.dupli_type != 'NONE':
print('creating dupli_list on', ob_main.name)
obs = [(dob.object, dob.matrix) for dob in ob_main.dupli_list]
# XXX debug print
print(ob_main.name, 'has', len(obs), 'dupli children')
obs = [(ob_main, ob_main.matrix_world)]
for ob, ob_mat in obs:
# apply the mesh modifieur at the curent object :
me = ob.to_mesh(scene, True, 'PREVIEW', calc_tessface=False)
except RuntimeError:
me = None
if me is None:
idMesh = idMesh+1;
fw('Mesh : %d\n' % idMesh)
me.transform(EXPORT_GLOBAL_MATRIX * ob_mat)
#print("ploppp : " + str(EXPORT_GLOBAL_MATRIX) )
#print("ploppp : " + str(ob_mat) )
# _must_ do this first since it re-allocs arrays
# triangulate all the mesh :
# calculated normals:
# export UV mapping :
faceuv = len(me.uv_textures) > 0
if faceuv:
uv_texture = me.uv_textures.active.data[:]
uv_layer = me.uv_layers.active.data[:]
me_verts = me.vertices[:]
# Make our own list so it can be sorted to reduce context switching
face_index_pairs = [(face, index) for index, face in enumerate(me.polygons)]
# faces = [ f for f in me.tessfaces ]
edges = me.edges
if not (len(face_index_pairs) + len(edges) + len(me.vertices)): # Make sure there is somthing to write
# clean up
continue # dont bother with this mesh.
materials = me.materials[:]
material_names = [m.name if m else None for m in materials]
# avoid bad index errors
if not materials:
materials = [None]
material_names = [name_compat(None)]
# Sort by Material, then images
# so we dont over context switch in the obj file.
if faceuv:
face_index_pairs.sort(key=lambda a: (a[0].material_index, hash(uv_texture[a[1]].image), a[0].use_smooth))
elif len(materials) > 1:
face_index_pairs.sort(key=lambda a: (a[0].material_index, a[0].use_smooth))
# no materials
face_index_pairs.sort(key=lambda a: a[0].use_smooth)
# Set the default mat to no material and no image.
contextMat = 0, 0 # Can never be this, so we will label a new material the first chance we get.
contextSmooth = None # Will either be true or false, set bad to force initialization switch.
# use : blen obs ??? what is this ....
if True:
name1 = ob.name
name2 = ob.data.name
if name1 == name2:
obnamestring = name_compat(name1)
if ob_main.type == 'MESH':
write_mesh(scene, file, ob_main, EXPORT_GLOBAL_MATRIX, mtl_dict)
elif ob_main.type == 'EMPTY':
for sub_obj in getChildren(ob_main):
print(" child:'" + str(sub_obj.name) + "' type=" + sub_obj.type)
if sub_obj.type == 'MESH':
write_mesh(scene, file, sub_obj, EXPORT_GLOBAL_MATRIX, mtl_dict)
elif sub_obj.type == 'EMPTY' \
and sub_obj.name.lower().startswith("physic"):
print(" child:'" + str(sub_obj.name) + "' type=" + sub_obj.type)
## Save collision shapes (for one all):
write_collision_shape(sub_obj, file, sub_obj.scale, 0)
obnamestring = '%s_%s' % (name_compat(name1), name_compat(name2))
fw('\t%s\n' % obnamestring) # Write Object name
## Vert
fw('\t\tVertex : %d\n\t\t\t' % len(me_verts))
for v in me_verts:
fw('%.6f %.6f %.6f|' % v.co[:])
## UV
if faceuv:
fw('\t\tUV-mapping :\n\t\t\t')
# in case removing some of these dont get defined.
uv = uvkey = uv_dict = f_index = uv_index = None
uv_face_mapping = [None] * len(face_index_pairs)
uv_dict = {} # could use a set() here
for f, f_index in face_index_pairs:
uv_ls = uv_face_mapping[f_index] = []
for uv_index, l_index in enumerate(f.loop_indices):
uv = uv_layer[l_index].uv
uvkey = veckey2d(uv)
uv_k = uv_dict[uvkey]
uv_k = uv_dict[uvkey] = len(uv_dict)
fw('%.6f %.6f|' % uv[:])
uv_unique_count = len(uv_dict)
del uv, uvkey, uv_dict, f_index, uv_index, uv_ls, uv_k
# Only need uv_unique_count and uv_face_mapping
print("does not use UV-MAPPING")
if len(face_index_pairs) > 0:
if face_index_pairs[0][0].use_smooth:
localIsSmooth = 'vertex'
localIsSmooth = 'face'
localIsSmooth = 'face'
fw('\t\tNormal(%s) : %d\n\t\t\t' % (localIsSmooth, len(face_index_pairs)) )
for f, f_index in face_index_pairs:
if f.use_smooth:
for v_idx in f.vertices:
v = me_verts[v_idx]
noKey = veckey3d(v.normal)
if noKey not in globalNormals:
globalNormals[noKey] = totno
totno += 1
fw('%.6f %.6f %.6f|' % noKey)
# Hard, 1 normal from the face.
noKey = veckey3d(f.normal)
if noKey not in globalNormals:
globalNormals[noKey] = totno
totno += 1
fw('%.6f %.6f %.6f|' % noKey)
if not faceuv:
f_image = None
## faces
fw('\t\tFace : %d' % len(face_index_pairs))
for f, f_index in face_index_pairs:
f_smooth = f.use_smooth
f_mat = min(f.material_index, len(materials) - 1)
if faceuv:
tface = uv_texture[f_index]
f_image = tface.image
if faceuv and f_image: # Object is always true.
key = material_names[f_mat], f_image.name
key = material_names[f_mat], None # No image, use None instead.
if key == contextMat:
pass # Context already switched, dont do anything
if key[0] is None and key[1] is None:
# inform the use of a material :
fw("\n\t\t\t---:") # mat, image
mat_data = mtl_dict.get(key)
if not mat_data:
# First add to global dict so we can export to mtl
# Then write mtl
# Make a new names from the mat and image name,
# converting any spaces to underscores with name_compat.
# If none image dont bother adding it to the name
# Try to avoid as much as possible adding texname (or other things)
# to the mtl name (see [#32102])...
mtl_name = "%s" % name_compat(key[0])
if mtl_rev_dict.get(mtl_name, None) not in {key, None}:
if key[1] is None:
tmp_ext = "_NONE"
tmp_ext = "_%s" % name_compat(key[1])
i = 0
while mtl_rev_dict.get(mtl_name + tmp_ext, None) not in {key, None}:
i += 1
tmp_ext = "_%3d" % i
mtl_name += tmp_ext
mat_data = mtl_dict[key] = mtl_name, materials[f_mat], f_image
mtl_rev_dict[mtl_name] = key
# set the use of a material :
fw("\n\t\t\t%s\n\t\t\t\t" % mat_data[0]) # can be mat_image or (null)
contextMat = key
f_v = [(vi, me_verts[v_idx]) for vi, v_idx in enumerate(f.vertices)]
if faceuv:
# export the normals :
if f_smooth: # Smoothed, use vertex normals
for vi, v in f_v:
fw(" %d/%d/%d" %
(v.index + totverts-1,
totuvco + uv_face_mapping[f_index][vi]-1,
)) # vert, uv, normal
else: # No smoothing, face normals
no = globalNormals[veckey3d(f.normal)]
for vi, v in f_v:
fw(" %d/%d/%d" %
(v.index + totverts-1,
totuvco + uv_face_mapping[f_index][vi]-1,
)) # vert, uv, normal
face_vert_index += len(f_v)
else: # No UV's
# export the normals:
if f_smooth: # Smoothed, use vertex normals
for vi, v in f_v:
fw(" %d/%d" % (
v.index + totverts-1,
else: # No smoothing, face normals
no = globalNormals[veckey3d(f.normal)]
for vi, v in f_v:
fw(" %d/%d" % (v.index + totverts-1, no-1))
# Write edges. ==> did not know what it is ...
#fw('Faces : %d' % len(edges))
#for ed in edges:
# if ed.is_loose:
# fw('%d %d\n' % (ed.vertices[0] + totverts, ed.vertices[1] + totverts))
# Make the indices global rather then per mesh
totverts += len(me_verts)
if faceuv:
totuvco += uv_unique_count
# clean up
if ob_main.dupli_type != 'NONE':
## Save collision shapes (for one object :
for subObj in getChildren(ob_main):
print(" child : '%s'" % (subObj.name))
if subObj.name.lower().startswith(EXPORT_COLLISION_NAME):
print(" find physics : '%s'" % (subObj.name))
writeCollisionShape(subObj, file, ob_main.scale)
print(" child:'" + str(sub_obj.name) + "' type=" + sub_obj.type + " not parsed ...")
## Now we have all our materials, save them in the material section

View File

@ -183,17 +183,18 @@ bool ege::resource::Mesh::loadEMF(const std::string& _fileName) {
// reach end of file ...
if(strncmp(inputDataLine, "Mesh :", 6) == 0) {
if(strncmp(inputDataLine, "Mesh:", 5) == 0) {
currentMode = EMFModuleMesh;
EGE_VERBOSE("Parse Mesh :");
} else if(strncmp(inputDataLine, "Materials : ", 11) == 0) {
} else if(strncmp(inputDataLine, "Materials:", 9) == 0) {
currentMode = EMFModuleMaterial;
EGE_VERBOSE("Parse Material :");
} else {
currentMode = EMFModuleNone;
} else {
if (currentMode >= EMFModuleMesh && currentMode <= EMFModuleMesh_END) {
if ( currentMode >= EMFModuleMesh
&& currentMode <= EMFModuleMesh_END) {
if (level == 1) {
//Find mesh name ...
if (loadNextData(inputDataLine, 2048, fileName, true) == nullptr) {