0) { switch (json_last_error()) { case JSON_ERROR_NONE: die("[ERROR] JSON parse: JSON_ERROR_NONE"); case JSON_ERROR_DEPTH: die("[ERROR] JSON parse: JSON_ERROR_DEPTH"); case JSON_ERROR_STATE_MISMATCH: die("[ERROR] JSON parse: JSON_ERROR_STATE_MISMATCH"); case JSON_ERROR_CTRL_CHAR: die("[ERROR] JSON parse: JSON_ERROR_CTRL_CHAR"); case JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX: die("[ERROR] JSON parse: JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX"); default: die("[ERROR] JSON parse: ???"); } die("[ERROR] JSON parse: ".json_last_error_msg()); } if (isset($val["warning"]) == FALSE) { die("[ERROR] Missing JSON data (root): 'warning'"); } if (isset($val["error"]) == FALSE) { die("[ERROR] Missing JSON data (root): 'error'"); } $newJsonData = array(); if (isset($val["list"]) == TRUE) { foreach ($val["list"] as $value) { if (isset($value['file']) == FALSE) { die("[ERROR] Missing JSON data (list): file"); } if (isset($value['warning']) == FALSE) { die("[ERROR] Missing JSON data (list): warning"); } if (isset($value['error']) == FALSE) { die("[ERROR] Missing JSON data (list): error"); } array_push($newJsonData, array("file" => $value['file'], "warning" => $value['warning'], "error" => $value['error'])); } } $dataJSON = json_encode($newJsonData); list($userName, $libName) = explode("/", $_POST['REPO'], 2); //die("[ERROR] test : ".$userName." ".$libName); if ($userName == "") { die("[ERROR] missing the user-name in '".$_POST['REPO']."'"); } if ($libName == "") { die("[ERROR] missing the lib-name in '".$_POST['REPO']."'"); } include_once("connect.php"); @include_once("connect_server.php"); $WARNING_bdd = mysqli_connect($sqlServer, $sqlLogin, $sqlPass, $sqlBDD); /* Check connection */ if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { die("[ERROR] my-SQL-connection ERROR: '".mysqli_connect_error()."'"); } $idGroup = -1; // first step : check if the group exist ... $sql = " SELECT * FROM `CI_group`" ." WHERE `CI_group`.`user-name` = '".$userName."'" ." AND `CI_group`.`lib-name` = '".$libName."'" ." AND `CI_group`.`lib-branch` = '".$_POST['LIB_BRANCH']."'" ." LIMIT 1"; $result = $WARNING_bdd->query($sql); $exist = TRUE; if ($result == NULL) { // no result ... $exist = FALSE; } //echo("find result : ".$result); if ($result->num_rows > 0) { $userGroup = $result->fetch_assoc(); $idGroup = $userGroup['id']; } else { $exist = FALSE; } if ($exist == FALSE) { // create a new one ... $sql = " INSERT INTO `CI_group` (`user-name`, `lib-name`, `lib-branch`)" ." VALUES ('".$userName."'," ." '".$libName."'," ." '".$_POST['LIB_BRANCH']."')"; $result = $WARNING_bdd->query($sql); if ($result == TRUE) { $exist == TRUE; $idGroup = $WARNING_bdd->insert_id; } else { echo "[ERROR] Can not CREATE new group ..."; } } if ($idGroup <= -1) { echo("[ERROR] can not create or find group"); } else { $sql = " INSERT INTO `WARNING_list` (`time`, `id-group`, `sha1`, `warning`, `error`)" ." VALUES ('".time()."'," ." '".$idGroup."'," ." '".$_POST['SHA1']."'," ." '".$val["warning"]."'," ." '".$val["error"]."')"; //echo $sql; $result = $WARNING_bdd->query($sql); if ($result == FALSE) { echo("[ERROR] Can not register in db ... (LIST)"); } else { // get the id inserted $idList = $WARNING_bdd->insert_id; // try to update the curent values: $sql = " UPDATE `WARNING_snapshot`" ." SET `WARNING_snapshot`.`id-list` = '".$idList."'" ." , `WARNING_snapshot`.`json` = '".$dataJSON."'" ." WHERE `WARNING_snapshot`.`id-group` = '".$idGroup."'"; $result = $WARNING_bdd->query($sql); if ($result == TRUE) { echo("[OK] registered done"); } else { $sql = " INSERT INTO `WARNING_snapshot` (`id-group`, `id-list`, `json`)" ." VALUES ('".$idGroup."'," ." '".$idList."'," ." '".$dataJSON."')"; $result = $WARNING_bdd->query($sql); if ($result == TRUE) { echo("[OK] registered done"); } else { echo("[ERROR] Can not register in db ... (snapshot)"); } } } } // simply close link with the DB... $WARNING_bdd->close(); ?>