#!/usr/bin/python ## ## @author Edouard DUPIN ## ## @copyright 2012, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved ## ## @license APACHE v2.0 (see license file) ## import urllib, urllib2 import sys import os import argparse import time parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-u", "--url", help="server URL", default="http://atria-soft.com/ci/coverage/inject") parser.add_argument("-r", "--repo", help="Curent repositoty (generic github name (userName/repoName)", default="") parser.add_argument("-s", "--sha1", help="Sha1 on the commit (git) (256 char limited)", default="") parser.add_argument("-b", "--branch", help="branch of the repository (default master)", default="") ################### ## Choice 1 ## ################### parser.add_argument("-j", "--json", help="all data to send ... (json file NOT json data)", default="") ################### ## Choice 2 ## ################### parser.add_argument("--executed", help="if not use JSON file: simply generate the nb executed line in the lib/program", default=-1, type=int) parser.add_argument("--executable", help="if not use JSON file: simply generate the nb executable line in the lib/program", default=-1, type=int) ################### ## Choice 3 ## ################### parser.add_argument("--test", help="test value (local server ...)", action="store_true") args = parser.parse_args() if args.test == True: args.url = '' args.repo = 'HeeroYui/test' args.sha1 = '' args.branch = 'master' json_data = '{"executed":16,"executable":512,"list":[{"file":"test/plop.cpp","executed":57,"executable":75}]}' else: if args.json != "": if args.executed >= 0: print("[ERROR] (local) set 'executed' parameter with a json file") exit(-2) if args.executable >= 0: print("[ERROR] (local) set 'executable' parameter with a json file") exit(-2) if not os.path.isfile(args.json): print("[ERROR] (local) can not read json file" + args.json) exit(-2) file = open(args.json, "r") json_data = file.read() file.close() if len(json_data) <= 0: print("[ERROR] (local) json file is empty") exit(-2) else: if args.executed < 0: print("[ERROR] (local) missing 'executed' parameter with NO json file") exit(-2) if args.executable < 0: print("[ERROR] (local) missing 'executable' parameter with NO json file") exit(-2) # create the minimal json file: json_data = '{"executed":' + str(args.executed) + ',"executable":' + str(args.executable) + ',"list":[]}' print("json data: " + str(json_data)) # todo : check if repo is contituated wit a "/" ... # if repo, sha1 and branch is not set, we try to get it with travis global environement variable : if args.repo == "": args.repo = os.environ.get('TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG') if args.repo == None: print("[ERROR] (local) missing 'repo' parameter can not get travis env variable") exit(-2) if args.sha1 == "": args.sha1 = os.environ.get('TRAVIS_COMMIT') if args.sha1 == None: args.sha1 = "" if args.branch == "": args.branch = os.environ.get('TRAVIS_BRANCH') if args.branch == None: args.branch = "" print(" url = " + args.url) print(" repo = " + args.repo) print(" sha1 = " + args.sha1) print(" branch = " + args.branch) print(" json_data len = " + str(len(json_data))) data = urllib.urlencode({'REPO':args.repo, 'SHA1':args.sha1, 'LIB_BRANCH':args.branch, 'JSON_FILE':json_data}) # I do this because my server is sometime down and need time to restart (return 408) send_done = 5 while send_done >= 0: send_done = send_done - 1 try: req = urllib2.Request(args.url, data) response = urllib2.urlopen(req) send_done = -1 except urllib2.HTTPError: print("An error occured (maybe on server or network ... 'urllib2.HTTPError: HTTP Error 408: Request Timeout' ") if send_done >= 0: time.sleep(5) #print response.geturl() #print response.info() return_data = response.read() print return_data if return_data[:7] == "[ERROR]": exit(-1) exit(0)