
138 lines
3.9 KiB

* @author Edouard DUPIN
* @copyright 2010, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
* @license GPL v3 (see license file)
#include <etk/types.h>
#include <ewol/ewol.h>
#include <ewol/object/Object.h>
#include <ewol/widget/Manager.h>
#include <appl/debug.h>
#include <appl/global.h>
#include <etk/os/FSNode.h>
#include <etk/tool.h>
#include <unistd.h>
//#include <ewol/config.h>
#include <ewol/context/commandLine.h>
//#include <ewol/UserConfig.h>
#include <ewol/context/Context.h>
#include <appl/TextPluginManager.h>
#include <appl/BufferManager.h>
#include <appl/HighlightManager.h>
#include <appl/Gui/MainWindows.h>
#include <appl/Gui/Search.h>
#include <appl/ctags/readtags.h>
#include <appl/globalMsg.h>
class MainApplication : public ewol::context::Application {
std::shared_ptr<appl::BufferManager> m_bufferManager;
std::shared_ptr<appl::textPluginManager> m_pluginManager;
bool init(ewol::Context& _context, size_t _initId) {
APPL_INFO(" == > init APPL v" << APPL_VERSION << " (START) [" << ewol::getBoardType() << "] (" << ewol::getCompilationMode() << ")");
etk::theme::setName("COLOR", "color/black/");
// TODO : remove this : Move if in the windows properties
_context.setSize(vec2(800, 600));
// select internal data for font ...
#ifdef __TARGET_OS__Android
_context.getFontDefault().set("FreeSerif", 19);
// set the application icon ...
// init internal global value
// init ALL Singleton :
m_bufferManager = appl::BufferManager::create();
m_pluginManager = appl::textPluginManager::create();
// Request load of the user configuration ...
char cCurrentPath[FILENAME_MAX];
// get the curent program folder
if (!getcwd(cCurrentPath, FILENAME_MAX)) {
return false;
cCurrentPath[FILENAME_MAX - 1] = '\0';
//APPL_INFO("The current working directory is " << cCurrentPath);
std::shared_ptr<MainWindows> basicWindows = MainWindows::create();
if (basicWindows == nullptr) {
APPL_ERROR("Can not allocate the basic windows");
return false;
// create the specific windows
// need to add default plugin, because they depend on the Menu widget wich might be named : "appl-menu-interface"
// add files
APPL_INFO("show list of files : ");
bool ctagDetected = false;
for( int32_t iii=0 ; iii<_context.getCmd().size(); iii++) {
std::string tmpppp = _context.getCmd().get(iii);
if (tmpppp == "-t") {
ctagDetected = true;
} else if (true == ctagDetected) {
etk::FSNode file(tmpppp);
std::string name = file.getName();
APPL_INFO("Load ctag file : \"" << name << "\"" );
ctagDetected = false;
//_context.getEObjectManager().multiCast().anonymousSend(ednMsgCtagsLoadFile, name);
} else {
etk::FSNode file(tmpppp);
std::string name = file.getName();
APPL_INFO("need load file : \"" << name << "\"" );
APPL_INFO(" == > init " PROJECT_NAME " (END)");
return true;
void unInit(ewol::Context& _context) {
APPL_INFO(" == > Un-Init " PROJECT_NAME " (START)");
APPL_INFO("Stop Hightlight");
//Kill all singleton
APPL_INFO(" == > Un-Init " PROJECT_NAME " (END)");
* @brief Main of the program (This can be set in every case, but it is not used in Andoid...).
* @param std IO
* @return std IO
int main(int _argc, const char *_argv[]) {
// second possibility
return ewol::run(new MainApplication(), _argc, _argv);