188 lines
8.7 KiB

* @author Edouard DUPIN
* @copyright 2010, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
* @license GPL v3 (see license file)
#ifndef __EDN_BUF_H__
#define __EDN_BUF_H__
/* Maximum length in characters of a tab or control character expansion
of a single buffer character */
#define MAX_EXP_CHAR_LEN 20*4
class EdnBuf;
#include <etk/Buffer.h>
#include <EdnBufHistory.h>
#include <HighlightManager.h>
#include <etk/unicode.h>
rectStart rectStart
start ************* *************
********** * xxxx*xxxxxx *
* ******** xxxx*xxxxxxxxxxx*xxxxx
end *************** *************
rectEnd rectEnd
typedef struct {
bool selected; //!< True if the selection is active
bool rectangular; //!< True if the selection is rectangular
bool zeroWidth; //!< Width 0 selections aren't "real" selections, but they can be useful when creating rectangular selections from the keyboard.
int32_t start; //!< Pos. of start of selection, or if rectangular start of line containing it.
int32_t end; //!< Pos. of end of selection, or if rectangular end of line containing it.
int32_t rectStart; //!< Indent of left edge of rect. selection
int32_t rectEnd; //!< Indent of right edge of rect. selection
} selection;
typedef struct {
etk::Vector<colorInformation_ts> HLData;
int32_t posHLPass1;
int32_t posHLPass2;
class EdnBuf {
// TODO : set an iterator to acces at every data without knowin the system ...
// constructer
// destructer
// public function :
void getAll(etk::Vector<int8_t>& _text);
void setAll(etk::Vector<int8_t>& _text);
void getRange(int32_t _start, int32_t _end, etk::Vector<int8_t>& _output);
void getRange(int32_t _start, int32_t _end, etk::UString& _output);
bool DumpIn(etk::FSNode& _file);
bool DumpFrom(etk::FSNode& _file);
// replace with operator [] ...
int8_t operator[] (int32_t) const;
int32_t insert(int32_t _pos, etk::Vector<int8_t>& _insertText);
int32_t insert(int32_t _pos, etk::UString& _insertText);
int32_t Replace(int32_t _start, int32_t _end, etk::Vector<int8_t>& _insertText);
int32_t Replace(int32_t _start, int32_t _end, etk::UString& _insertText);
void remove(int32_t _start, int32_t _end);
int32_t Indent(void);
int32_t UnIndent(void);
void getLineText(int32_t _pos, etk::Vector<int8_t>& _text);
int32_t StartOfLine(int32_t _pos);
int32_t EndOfLine(int32_t _pos);
int32_t getExpandedChar(int32_t& _pos, int32_t _indent, etk::UChar _outUnicode[MAX_EXP_CHAR_LEN], uint32_t& _currentChar);
int32_t getExpandedChar(int32_t& _pos, int32_t _indent, char _outUTF8[MAX_EXP_CHAR_LEN], uint32_t& _currentChar);
int32_t ExpandCharacter(char _c, int32_t _indent, char _outUTF8[MAX_EXP_CHAR_LEN]); // TODO : remove
int32_t CharWidth(char _c, int32_t _indent); // TODO : rework this
int32_t CountDispChars(int32_t _lineStartPos, int32_t _targetPos);
int32_t CountForwardDispChars(int32_t _lineStartPos, int32_t _nChars);
int32_t CountLines(int32_t _startPos, int32_t _endPos);
int32_t CountLines(void);
int32_t CountLines(etk::Vector<int8_t>& _data);
int32_t CountForwardNLines(int32_t _startPos, int32_t _nLines);
int32_t CountBackwardNLines(int32_t _startPos, int32_t _nLines);
bool SearchForward(int32_t _startPos, etk::UString& _search, int32_t* _foundPos, int32_t* _foundPosEnd, bool _caseSensitive = true);
bool SearchBackward(int32_t _startPos, etk::UString& _search, int32_t* _foundPos, int32_t* _foundPosEnd, bool _caseSensitive = true);
bool SearchForward(int32_t _startPos, char _searchChar, int32_t* _foundPos);
bool SearchBackward(int32_t _startPos, char _searchChar, int32_t* _foundPos);
bool SelectAround(int32_t _startPos, int32_t& _beginPos, int32_t& _endPos);
// Buffer size system :
int32_t size(void) { return m_data.size(); };
int32_t NumberOfLines(void) { return m_nbLine; };
// -----------------------------------------
// selection remember...
// -----------------------------------------
bool SelectHasSelection(void);
void Select(int32_t _start, int32_t _end);
void Unselect(void);
void RectSelect(int32_t _start, int32_t _end, int32_t _rectStart, int32_t _rectEnd);
bool getSelectionPos(int32_t& _start, int32_t& _end, bool& _isRect, int32_t& _rectStart, int32_t& _rectEnd);
void getSelectionText(etk::Vector<int8_t>& _text);
void getSelectionText(etk::UString& _text);
void removeSelected(void);
int32_t ReplaceSelected(etk::Vector<int8_t>& _text);
int32_t ReplaceSelected(etk::UString& _text);
// current selection of the buffer
selection m_selectionList; //!< Selection area of the buffer
void updateSelection(int32_t _pos, int32_t _nDeleted, int32_t _nInserted);
// -----------------------------------------
// History section :
// -----------------------------------------
int32_t Undo(void);
int32_t Redo(void);
bool m_isUndoProcessing;
bool m_isRedoProcessing;
etk::Vector<EdnBufHistory*> m_historyUndo;
etk::Vector<EdnBufHistory*> m_historyRedo;
// -----------------------------------------
// hightlight section :
// -----------------------------------------
Highlight * m_Highlight; //!< internal link with the Highlight system
etk::Vector<colorInformation_ts> m_HLDataPass1; //!< colorisation position in the current buffer pass 1
void RegenerateHighLightAt(int32_t _pos, int32_t _nbDeleted, int32_t _nbAdded);
void generateHighLightAt(int32_t _pos, int32_t _endPos, int32_t _addinPos=0);
void CleanHighLight(void);
void findMainHighLightPosition(int32_t _startPos, int32_t _endPos, int32_t &_startId, int32_t &_stopId, bool _backPreviousNotEnded);
void setHLSystem(Highlight* _newHLSystem);
void HightlightGenerateLines(displayHLData_ts& _MData, int32_t _startPos, int32_t _nbLines);
colorInformation_ts* getElementColorAtPosition(displayHLData_ts& _MData, int32_t _pos);
colorInformation_ts* getElementColorAtPosition(int32_t _pos, int32_t &_starPos);
etk::Buffer m_data; //!< buffer of the data in the mode int8_t
void CountNumberOfLines(void);
int32_t m_nbLine; //!< Number of line in the biffer
// -----------------------------------------
// display property and charset ...
// -----------------------------------------
int32_t getTabDistance(void) { return m_tabDist; } ;
void setTabDistance(int32_t _tabDist) { m_tabDist = _tabDist; };
unicode::charset_te getCharsetType(void) { return m_charsetType; };
void setCharsetType(unicode::charset_te _newOne) { m_charsetType = _newOne; if (unicode::EDN_CHARSET_UTF8 == _newOne){m_isUtf8=true;} else {m_isUtf8=false;} };
bool getUTF8Mode(void) { return m_isUtf8; };
void setUTF8Mode(bool _newOne) { m_isUtf8 = _newOne; m_charsetType=unicode::EDN_CHARSET_UTF8; };
// Special mode of the buffer :
bool m_isUtf8; //!< true if we are in UTF8 mode == > if true the size of a char is 0, otherwise .. 1->4 ( TODO : not now)
unicode::charset_te m_charsetType; //!< if UTF8 mode is at false : the charset type of the buffer
// Local Tabulation policies
int32_t m_tabDist; //!< equiv. number of characters in a tab
bool m_useTabs; //!< True if buffer routines are allowed to use tabs for padding in rectangular operations
// -----------------------------------------
// Local function :
// -----------------------------------------
void findRectSelBoundariesForCopy(int32_t _lineStartPos, int32_t _rectStart, int32_t _rectEnd, int32_t *_selStart, int32_t *_selEnd);
char* getSelectionText(selection& _sel);
void removeSelected(selection& _sel);
void replaceSelected(selection& _sel, const char* _text);
void eventModification(int32_t _pos, int32_t _nInserted, etk::Vector<int8_t>& _deletedText);
int32_t LocalInsert(int32_t _pos, etk::Vector<int8_t> &_insertText);
int32_t LocalInsert(int32_t _pos, etk::UString &_insertText);
bool charMatch(char _first, char _second, bool _caseSensitive = true);