280 lines
9.3 KiB
280 lines
9.3 KiB
* @author Edouard DUPIN
* @copyright 2010, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
* @license GPL v3 (see license file)
#include <appl/debug.h>
#include <appl/global.h>
#include <appl/Highlight.h>
#include <exml/exml.h>
#include <ewol/resources/ResourceManager.h>
#undef __class__
#define __class__ "Highlight"
void appl::Highlight::parseRules(exml::Element* _child,
std::vector<HighlightPattern*>& _mListPatern,
int32_t _level) {
// Create the patern ...
HighlightPattern *myPattern = new HighlightPattern(m_paintingProperties);
// parse under Element
myPattern->parseRules(_child, _level);
// add element in the list
appl::Highlight::Highlight(const std::string& _xmlFilename, const std::string& _colorFile) :
m_typeName("") {
// keep color propertiy file :
m_paintingProperties = appl::GlyphPainting::keep(_colorFile);
exml::Document doc;
if (doc.load(_xmlFilename) == false) {
APPL_ERROR(" can not load file XML : " << _xmlFilename);
exml::Element* root = doc.getNamed("EdnLang");
if (NULL == root ) {
APPL_ERROR("(l ?) main node not find: \"EdnLang\" ...");
m_typeName = root->getAttribute("lang");
int32_t level1 = 0;
int32_t level2 = 0;
// parse all the elements :
for(int32_t iii = 0; iii < root->size(); ++iii) {
exml::Element* child = root->getElement(iii);
if (child == NULL) {
// trash here all that is not element ...
if (child->getValue() == "ext") {
std::string myData = child->getText();
if (myData.size()!=0) {
//APPL_INFO(PFX"(l %d) node fined : %s=\"%s\"", child->Row(), child->Value() , myData);
} else if (child->getValue() == "pass1") {
// get sub Nodes ...
for(int32_t jjj=0; jjj< child->size(); jjj++) {
exml::Element* passChild = child->getElement(jjj);
if (passChild == NULL) {
if (passChild->getValue() != "rule") {
APPL_ERROR("(l "<< passChild->getPos() << ") node not suported : \""<< passChild->getValue() << "\" must be [rule]" );
parseRules(passChild, m_listHighlightPass1, level1++);
} else if (child->getValue() == "pass2") {
// get sub Nodes ...
for(int32_t jjj=0; jjj< child->size(); jjj++) {
exml::Element* passChild = child->getElement(jjj);
if (passChild == NULL) {
if (passChild->getValue() != "rule") {
APPL_ERROR("(l "<< passChild->getPos() << ") node not suported : \""<< passChild->getValue() << "\" must be [rule]" );
parseRules(passChild, m_listHighlightPass2, level2++);
} else {
APPL_ERROR("(l "<< child->getPos() << ") node not suported : \""<< child->getValue() << "\" must be [ext,pass1,pass2]" );
appl::Highlight::~Highlight(void) {
int32_t i;
// clean all Element
for (esize_t iii = 0; iii < m_listHighlightPass1.size(); ++iii) {
if (m_listHighlightPass1[iii] != NULL) {
m_listHighlightPass1[iii] = NULL;
// clear the compleate list
// clear the compleate list
bool appl::Highlight::hasExtention(const std::string& _ext) {
for (int32_t iii=0; iii<m_listExtentions.size(); iii++) {
APPL_VERBOSE(" check : " << m_listExtentions[iii] << "=?=" << _ext);
if ( m_listExtentions[iii] == "*." + _ext
|| m_listExtentions[iii] == _ext) {
return true;
return false;
bool appl::Highlight::fileNameCompatible(const std::string& _fileName) {
std::string extention;
etk::FSNode file(_fileName);
if (true == file.fileHasExtention() ) {
extention = "*.";
extention += file.fileGetExtention();
} else {
extention = file.getNameFile();
APPL_DEBUG(" try to find : in \"" << file << "\" extention:\"" << extention << "\" ");
for (int32_t iii=0; iii<m_listExtentions.size(); iii++) {
if (extention == m_listExtentions[iii] ) {
return true;
return false;
void appl::Highlight::display(void) {
APPL_INFO("List of ALL Highlight : ");
for (int32_t iii=0; iii< m_listExtentions.size(); iii++) {
APPL_INFO(" Extention : " << iii << " : " << m_listExtentions[iii] );
// display all elements
for (int32_t iii=0; iii< m_listHighlightPass1.size(); iii++) {
APPL_INFO(" " << iii << " Pass 1 : " << m_listHighlightPass1[iii]->getName() );
// display all elements
for (int32_t iii=0; iii< m_listHighlightPass2.size(); iii++) {
APPL_INFO(" " << iii << " Pass 2 : " << m_listHighlightPass2[iii]->getName() );
/* TODO : Celui qui appelle suprime des element pour rien ... Enfin c'est pas très grave...
* Il suffirait juste de suprimer celui d'avant si il n'est pas terminer...
void appl::Highlight::parse(int64_t start,
int64_t stop,
std::vector<appl::HighlightInfo> &metaData,
int64_t addingPos,
etk::Buffer &buffer) {
if (0 > addingPos) {
addingPos = 0;
//APPL_DEBUG("Parse element 0 => " << m_listHighlightPass1.size() << " == > position search: (" << start << "," << stop << ")" );
int64_t elementStart = start;
int64_t elementStop = stop;
appl::HighlightInfo resultat;
while (elementStart<elementStop) {
//APPL_DEBUG("Parse element in the buffer id=" << elementStart);
//try to fond the HL in ALL of we have
for (int64_t jjj=0; jjj<m_listHighlightPass1.size(); jjj++){
enum resultFind ret = HLP_FIND_OK;
//APPL_DEBUG("Parse HL id=" << jjj << " position search: (" << start << "," << buffer.size() << ")" );
// Stop the search to the end (to get the end of the pattern)
ret = m_listHighlightPass1[jjj]->find(elementStart, buffer.size(), resultat, buffer);
if (HLP_FIND_ERROR != ret) {
//APPL_INFO("Find Pattern in the Buffer : (" << resultat.beginStart << "," << resultat.endStop << ")" );
// remove element in the current List where the current Element have a end inside the next...
int64_t kkk=addingPos;
while(kkk < metaData.size() ) {
if (metaData[kkk].beginStart <= resultat.endStop) {
// remove element
//APPL_INFO("Erase element=" << kkk);
metaData.erase(metaData.begin()+kkk, metaData.begin()+kkk+1);
// Increase the end of search
if (kkk < metaData.size()) {
// just befor the end of the next element
elementStop = metaData[kkk].beginStart-1;
} else {
// end of the buffer
elementStop = buffer.size();
} else {
// Not find == > exit the cycle :
// add curent element in the list ...
metaData.insert(metaData.begin()+addingPos, resultat);
//APPL_DEBUG("INSERT at "<< addingPos << " S=" << resultat.beginStart << " E=" << resultat.endStop );
// update the current research starting element: (set position at the end of the current element
elementStart = resultat.endStop-1;
// increment the position of insertion:
// We find a pattern == > Stop search for the current element
// Go to the next element (and search again ...).
* @brief second pass of the hightlight
void appl::Highlight::parse2(int64_t start,
int64_t stop,
std::vector<appl::HighlightInfo> &metaData,
etk::Buffer &buffer) {
//APPL_DEBUG("Parse element 0 => " << m_listHighlightPass2.size() << " == > position search: (" << start << "," << stop << ")" );
int64_t elementStart = start;
int64_t elementStop = stop;
appl::HighlightInfo resultat;
while (elementStart<elementStop) {
//APPL_DEBUG("Parse element in the buffer id=" << elementStart);
//try to fond the HL in ALL of we have
for (int64_t jjj=0; jjj<m_listHighlightPass2.size(); jjj++){
enum resultFind ret = HLP_FIND_OK;
//APPL_DEBUG("Parse HL id=" << jjj << " position search: (" << start << "," << buffer.size() << ")" );
// Stop the search to the end (to get the end of the pattern)
ret = m_listHighlightPass2[jjj]->find(elementStart, elementStop, resultat, buffer);
if (HLP_FIND_ERROR != ret) {
//APPL_INFO("Find Pattern in the Buffer : (" << resultat.beginStart << "," << resultat.endStop << ")" );
// add curent element in the list ...
elementStart = resultat.endStop-1;
// Exit current cycle
// Go to the next element (and search again ...).
appl::Highlight* appl::Highlight::keep(const std::string& _filename) {
//EWOL_INFO("KEEP : appl::Highlight : file : \"" << _filename << "\"");
appl::Highlight* object = static_cast<appl::Highlight*>(getManager().localKeep(_filename));
if (NULL != object) {
return object;
EWOL_INFO("CREATE : appl::Highlight : file : \"" << _filename << "\"");
// this element create a new one every time ....
object = new appl::Highlight(_filename, "THEME:COLOR:textViewer.json");
if (NULL == object) {
EWOL_ERROR("allocation error of a resource : ??Highlight??");
return NULL;
return object;
void appl::Highlight::release(appl::Highlight*& _object) {
if (NULL == _object) {
ewol::Resource* object2 = static_cast<ewol::Resource*>(_object);
_object = NULL;