
80 lines
1.5 KiB

Makefile :
$ ==> End of line
^ ==> ???
P1 Comment
P1 Assignement
^( *| [ \t]*)[A-Za-z0-9_+][^ \t]*[ \t]*(\+|:)?=
P1 Dependency Line
^( *| [ \t]*)(.DEFAULT|.DELETE_ON_ERROR|.EXPORT_ALL_VARIABLES.IGNORE|.INTERMEDIATE|.PHONY|.POSIX|.PRECIOUS|.SECONDARY|.SILENT|.SUFFIXES)*(([A-Za-z0-9./$(){} _@^<*?%+-]*(\\\n)){,8}[A-Za-z0-9./$(){} _@^<*?%+-]*)::?
P1 Macro
P1 Internal Macro
P1 Include
^( *| [ \t]*)include[ \t]
P1 Exports
^( *| [ \t]*)<export|unexport>[ \t]
P2 Conditionals
^( *| [ \t]*)<ifeq|ifneq>[ \t]
P2 Conditionals ifdefs
^( *| [ \t]*)<ifdef|ifndef>[ \t]
P2 Conditional Ends
^( *| [ \t]*)<else|endif>
P2 vpath
^( *| [ \t]*)<vpath>[ \t]
P2 define
^( *| [ \t]*)<define>[ \t]
P2 define Ends
^( *| [ \t]*)<endef>
$ ==> End of line
^ ==> ???
P1 Comment
\< !--
--\ >
P1 ignored section
P1 declaration
P1 doctype
error : \]
p1 processing instruction
P1 cdata
P1 element declaration
P1 entity declaration
p1 notation
P1 attribute declaration
P1 element
P1 entity
P1 marked section
P2 internal subset delims