1359 lines
36 KiB
1359 lines
36 KiB
* @file BufferText.cpp
* @brief Editeur De N'ours : Text Buffer (edit only ASCII text File) (header)
* @author Edouard DUPIN
* @date 19/01/2011
* @par Project
* Edn
* @par Copyright
* Copyright 2010 Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* Licence summary :
* You can modify and redistribute the sources code and binaries.
* You can send me the bug-fix
* You can not earn money with this Software (if the source extract from Edn
* represent less than 50% of original Sources)
* Term of the licence in in the file licence.txt.
#include "tools_debug.h"
#include "tools_globals.h"
#include "ClipBoard.h"
#include "BufferText.h"
#include "toolsMemory.h"
#include "Edn.h"
#include "RegExp.h"
#undef __class__
#define __class__ "BufferText"
const uint32_t nbLineAllocatedInBase = 300;
extern "C"
const char * g_pointerForTheDisplayLine[] = {"%1d", "%2d","%3d","%4d","%5d","%6d","%7d","%8d","%9d","%d"};
* @brief
* @param[in,out] ---
* @return ---
void BufferText::BasicInit(void)
// set the first element that is displayed
m_displayStartBufferPos = 0;
// set the number of the lineNumber;
m_nbColoneForLineNumber = 1;
// init the link with the buffer manager
myColorManager = ColorizeManager::getInstance();
// Init Selection mode :
// new mode :
m_cursorPos = 0;
m_cursorPreferredCol = -1;
m_cursorOn = true;
m_displayStart.x = 0;
m_displayStart.y = 0;
m_displaySize.x = 200;
m_displaySize.y = 20;
* @brief
* @param[in,out] ---
* @return ---
void BufferText::NameChange(void)
// Find HL system
//EDN_DEBUG("check name change");
if (true == HighlightManager::getInstance()->Exist(m_fileName)) {
Highlight * myHL = HighlightManager::getInstance()->Get(m_fileName);
// Set the new HL
if (NULL != myHL) {
* @brief
* @param[in,out] ---
* @return ---
* @brief
* @param[in,out] ---
* @return ---
BufferText::BufferText(Edn::File &fileName) : Buffer(fileName)
EDN_INFO("Add Data from file(" << GetFileName() << ")");
FILE * myFile = NULL;
// try to open the file. if not existed, new file
myFile = fopen(fileName.GetCompleateName().c_str(), "r");
if (NULL != myFile) {
// close the input file
} else {
// fichier inexistant... creation d'un nouveaux
EDN_WARNING("No File ==> created a new one(" << GetFileName() << ")");
* @brief
* @param[in,out] ---
* @return ---
void BufferText::Save(void)
EDN_INFO("Save File : \"" << GetFileName() << "\"" );
FILE * myFile = NULL;
myFile = fopen(GetFileName().GetCompleateName().c_str(), "w");
if (NULL != myFile) {
* @brief
* @param[in,out] ---
* @return ---
void BufferText::SelectionStart(void)
// start a nex selection
void BufferText::SelectionEnd(void)
void BufferText::SelectionCheckMode(void)
if (true == globals::IsSetCtrl() ) {
} else {
* @brief
* @param[in,out] ---
* @return ---
void BufferText::GetInfo(infoStatBuffer_ts &infoToUpdate)
* @brief
* @param[in,out] ---
* @return ---
void BufferText::SetLineDisplay(uint32_t lineNumber)
void BufferText::DrawLineNumber(DrawerManager &drawer, int32_t lineNumber)
int32_t letterHeight = Display::GetFontHeight();
int32_t positionY = letterHeight * (lineNumber - m_displayStart.y - 1);
char tmpLineNumber[50];
sprintf(tmpLineNumber, g_pointerForTheDisplayLine[m_nbColoneForLineNumber-1], lineNumber);
drawer.Text(myColorManager->Get(COLOR_CODE_LINE_NUMBER), 1, positionY, tmpLineNumber);
* @brief Update internal data of the pointer to display
* @param[in,out] ---
* @return ---
void BufferText::UpdatePointerNumber(void)
// get the number of line in the buffer
int32_t maxNumberLine = m_EdnBuf.NumberOfLines();
//int32_t maxNumberLine = 2096;
if (10 > maxNumberLine) { m_nbColoneForLineNumber = 1;
} else if (100 > maxNumberLine) { m_nbColoneForLineNumber = 2;
} else if (1000 > maxNumberLine) { m_nbColoneForLineNumber = 3;
} else if (10000 > maxNumberLine) { m_nbColoneForLineNumber = 4;
} else if (100000 > maxNumberLine) { m_nbColoneForLineNumber = 5;
} else if (1000000 > maxNumberLine) { m_nbColoneForLineNumber = 6;
} else if (1000000 > maxNumberLine) { m_nbColoneForLineNumber = 7;
} else if (10000000 > maxNumberLine) { m_nbColoneForLineNumber = 8;
} else if (100000000 > maxNumberLine) { m_nbColoneForLineNumber = 9;
} else { m_nbColoneForLineNumber = 10;
* @brief Display a single line
* @param[in,out] ---
* @return ---
void BufferText::DrawLine(DrawerManager &drawer, int32_t lineNumber, int32_t startPos, int32_t endPos, int32_t selStartPos, int32_t selEndPos)
int32_t letterHeight = Display::GetFontHeight();
int32_t letterWidth = Display::GetFontWidth();
int32_t positionY = letterHeight * (lineNumber - m_displayStart.y - 1);
int32_t idX = 0;
int32_t pixelX = m_nbColoneForLineNumber*letterWidth + 3;
Colorize * myColorNormal = myColorManager->Get("normal");
Colorize * myColorSelected = myColorManager->Get("SelectedText");
Colorize * selectColor = NULL;
colorInformation_ts * HLColor = NULL;
// Regenerate the colorizing if necessary ...
displayHLData_ts myDisplayLocalSyntax;
m_EdnBuf.HightlightGenerateLines(myDisplayLocalSyntax, startPos, 1);
// clean the current Line
drawer.Rectangle(myColorManager->Get(COLOR_CODE_BASIC_BG), 0, positionY, drawer.GetWidth(), letterHeight);
DrawLineNumber(drawer, lineNumber);
bool selHave = selStartPos == -1 ? false : true;
char displayChar[MAX_EXP_CHAR_LEN];
memset(displayChar, 0, sizeof(char)*MAX_EXP_CHAR_LEN);
int32_t iii;
for (iii=startPos; iii<endPos; ) {
uint32_t currentChar;
int32_t savePositionForCursor = iii;
int32_t displaywidth = m_EdnBuf.GetExpandedChar(iii, idX, displayChar, currentChar);
selectColor = myColorNormal;
//kwow size to display
int32_t widthToDisplay;
char * tmpDisplayOfset;
bool inTheScreen = true;
if (m_displayStart.x <= idX) {
// Normal display
tmpDisplayOfset = displayChar;
widthToDisplay = displaywidth;
} else if (m_displayStart.x < idX + displaywidth) {
// special case of partial display :
widthToDisplay = idX + displaywidth - m_displayStart.x;
tmpDisplayOfset = displayChar + (displaywidth-widthToDisplay);
} else {
// Out of range ...
widthToDisplay = displaywidth;
tmpDisplayOfset = displayChar;
inTheScreen = false;
if (true==inTheScreen) {
HLColor = m_EdnBuf.GetElementColorAtPosition(myDisplayLocalSyntax, savePositionForCursor);
if (NULL != HLColor) {
if (NULL != HLColor->patern) {
selectColor = HLColor->patern->GetColor();
// If user want to display space char : overwrite curent color
if( ' ' == currentChar
&& true == globals::IsSetDisplaySpaceChar() )
//selectColor = myColorSelected;
//SpaceText(color_ts & SelectColor, int32_t x, int32_t y,int32_t nbChar)
if( true == selHave
&& selStartPos <= iii
&& selEndPos > iii)
drawer.SpaceText(myColorSelected->GetBG(), pixelX ,positionY , 1);
} else if (true == selectColor->HaveBg()) {
drawer.SpaceText(selectColor->GetBG(), pixelX ,positionY , 1);
} else {
drawer.SpaceText(myColorManager->Get(COLOR_CODE_SPACE), pixelX ,positionY , 1);
} else if( '\t' == currentChar
&& true == globals::IsSetDisplaySpaceChar() )
if( true == selHave
&& selStartPos <= iii
&& selEndPos > iii)
drawer.SpaceText(myColorSelected->GetBG(), pixelX ,positionY , strlen(tmpDisplayOfset));
} else if (true == selectColor->HaveBg()) {
drawer.SpaceText(selectColor->GetBG(), pixelX ,positionY , strlen(tmpDisplayOfset));
} else {
drawer.SpaceText(myColorManager->Get(COLOR_CODE_TAB), pixelX ,positionY , strlen(tmpDisplayOfset));
} else {
if( true == selHave
&& selStartPos <= iii
&& selEndPos > iii)
selectColor = myColorSelected;
if (currentChar <= 0x7F) {
drawer.Text(selectColor, pixelX ,positionY, tmpDisplayOfset);
} else {
drawer.Text(selectColor, pixelX ,positionY, displayChar);
// display cursor :
if (m_cursorPos == savePositionForCursor) {
// display the cursor:
if (true == m_cursorOn) {
drawer.Cursor(pixelX, positionY+letterHeight);
//m_cursorOn = false;
} else {
m_cursorOn = true;
if (true==inTheScreen) {
pixelX += widthToDisplay*letterWidth;
idX += displaywidth;
// special case : the cursor is at the end of the buffer...
if (m_cursorPos == iii) {
// display the cursor:
if (true == m_cursorOn) {
drawer.Cursor(pixelX, positionY+letterHeight);
//m_cursorOn = false;
} else {
m_cursorOn = true;
* @brief Display the curent buffer with all the probematic imposed by the xharset and the user contraint.
* @param[in,out] drawer the basic user drawer of EDN.
* @return
int32_t BufferText::Display(DrawerManager &drawer)
int32_t letterHeight = Display::GetFontHeight();
int32_t letterWidth = Display::GetFontWidth();
// Update the total of line to display in the buffer
// update the number of element that can be displayed
m_displaySize.x = (drawer.GetWidth()/letterWidth) + 1 - m_nbColoneForLineNumber;
m_displaySize.y = (drawer.GetHeight()/letterHeight) + 1;
EDN_INFO("main DIPLAY " << m_displaySize.x << " char * " << m_displaySize.y << " char");
int32_t selStart, selEnd, selRectStart, selRectEnd;
bool selIsRect;
bool selHave = m_EdnBuf.GetSelectionPos(SELECTION_PRIMARY, selStart, selEnd, selIsRect, selRectStart, selRectEnd);
if (false == selHave){
selStart = -1;
selEnd = -1;
GTimeVal timeStart;
int32_t lineStartPos=m_displayStartBufferPos;
int32_t lineEndPos=-1;
int32_t lineIdStart = m_displayStart.y + 1;
int32_t lineIdEnd = m_displayStart.y + m_displaySize.y;
EDN_DEBUG("lineIdStart=" << lineIdStart << " lineIdEnd=" << lineIdEnd );
int32_t iii;
for (iii=lineIdStart; iii<lineIdEnd+1 ; iii++) {
lineEndPos = m_EdnBuf.EndOfLine(lineStartPos);
DrawLine(drawer, iii, lineStartPos, lineEndPos, selStart+1, selEnd+1);
lineStartPos = lineEndPos+1;
if (lineStartPos >= m_EdnBuf.Size()+1) {
// Need to clean the end of windows (sometimes)...
if (iii<lineIdEnd+1) {
int32_t positionY = letterHeight * (iii - m_displayStart.y - 1);
drawer.Rectangle(myColorManager->Get(COLOR_CODE_BASIC_BG), 0, positionY, drawer.GetWidth(), letterHeight*(lineIdEnd+1-iii) );
GTimeVal timeStop;
EDN_DEBUG("Display Generation = " << timeStop.tv_usec - timeStart.tv_usec << " micro-s ==> " << (timeStop.tv_usec - timeStart.tv_usec)/1000. << "ms");
return ERR_NONE;
void BufferText::GetMousePosition(int32_t width, int32_t height, int32_t &x, int32_t &y)
x = (width - 3) / Display::GetFontWidth() - m_nbColoneForLineNumber;
y = height / Display::GetFontHeight();
if (x < 0) {
x = 0;
x += m_displayStart.x;
y += m_displayStart.y;
//EDN_DEBUG("BufferText::GetMousePosition(" << width << "," << height << "); ==> (" << x << "," << y << ")" );
* @brief
* @param[in,out] ---
* @return ---
// TODO : Simplify selection ....
void BufferText::MouseEvent(int32_t width, int32_t height)
if (true == globals::IsSetShift() ) {
MouseSelectFromCursorTo(width, height);
} else {
int32_t posX, posY;
// Get the caracter mouse position
GetMousePosition(width, height, posX, posY);
// find the current selected line :
int32_t newPos = m_EdnBuf.CountForwardNLines(0, posY);
// Get the display char position
newPos = m_EdnBuf.CountForwardDispChars(newPos, posX);
// move the cursor
// if a preferred column wasn't aleady established, establish it
if (m_cursorPreferredCol < 0) {
m_cursorPreferredCol = posX;
* @brief
* @param[in,out] ---
* @return ---
* @todo : Set the move up and DOWN...
// TODO : Simplify selection ....
void BufferText::MouseSelectFromCursorTo(int32_t width, int32_t height)
int32_t posX, posY;
// Get the caracter mouse position
GetMousePosition(width, height, posX, posY);
int32_t selStart, selEnd, selRectStart, selRectEnd;
bool selIsRect;
int32_t selHave = m_EdnBuf.GetSelectionPos(SELECTION_PRIMARY, selStart, selEnd, selIsRect, selRectStart, selRectEnd);
//EDN_DEBUG("BufferText:: " << selHave << " = BufGetSelectionPos(SELECTION_PRIMARY," << selStart << "," << selEnd << "," << selIsRect << "," << selRectStart << "," << selRectEnd << ");" );
int32_t rememberCursorPos = m_cursorPos;
// find the current selected line :
int32_t newPos = m_EdnBuf.CountForwardNLines(0, posY);
// Get the display char position
newPos = m_EdnBuf.CountForwardDispChars(newPos, posX);
// move the cursor
// if a preferred column wasn't aleady established, establish it
if (m_cursorPreferredCol < 0) {
m_cursorPreferredCol = posX;
if (false == selHave) {
m_EdnBuf.Select(SELECTION_PRIMARY, rememberCursorPos, m_cursorPos);
} else {
if (rememberCursorPos == selStart) {
m_EdnBuf.Select(SELECTION_PRIMARY, m_cursorPos, selEnd);
} else {
m_EdnBuf.Select(SELECTION_PRIMARY, selStart, m_cursorPos);
* @brief double click : select the data around the selection
* @param[in,out] ---
* @return ---
void BufferText::MouseEventDouble(void)
int32_t beginPos, endPos;
if (true == m_EdnBuf.SelectAround(m_cursorPos, beginPos, endPos)) {
m_EdnBuf.Select(SELECTION_PRIMARY, beginPos, endPos);
m_cursorPos = endPos;
// no else
* @brief triple click select all the line
* @param[in,out] ---
* @return ---
void BufferText::MouseEventTriple(void)
m_EdnBuf.Select(SELECTION_PRIMARY, m_EdnBuf.StartOfLine(m_cursorPos), m_EdnBuf.EndOfLine(m_cursorPos));
m_cursorPos = m_EdnBuf.EndOfLine(m_cursorPos);
void BufferText::RemoveLine(void)
int32_t start = m_EdnBuf.StartOfLine(m_cursorPos);
int32_t stop = m_EdnBuf.EndOfLine(m_cursorPos);
m_EdnBuf.Remove(start, stop+1);
void BufferText::SelectAll(void)
m_EdnBuf.Select(SELECTION_PRIMARY, 0, m_EdnBuf.Size());
m_cursorPos = m_EdnBuf.Size();
void BufferText::SelectNone(void)
* @brief
* @param[in,out] ---
* @return ---
void BufferText::ScrollDown(void)
* @brief
* @param[in,out] ---
* @return ---
void BufferText::ScrollUp(void)
* @brief
* @param[in,out] ---
* @return ---
void BufferText::MoveUpDown(int32_t ofset)
if (ofset >= 0) {
int32_t nbLine = m_EdnBuf.NumberOfLines();
if (m_displayStart.y+ofset+3 > nbLine) {
m_displayStart.y = nbLine-3;
} else {
m_displayStart.y += ofset;
m_displayStartBufferPos = m_EdnBuf.CountForwardNLines(0, m_displayStart.y);
} else {
ofset *= -1;
if (m_displayStart.y < ofset) {
m_displayStart.y = 0;
m_displayStartBufferPos = 0;
} else {
m_displayStart.y -= ofset;
m_displayStartBufferPos = m_EdnBuf.CountForwardNLines(0, m_displayStart.y);
void BufferText::SetInsertPosition(int32_t newPos, bool insertChar)
int32_t SelectionStart, SelectionEnd, SelectionRectStart, SelectionRectEnd;
bool SelectionIsRect;
bool haveSelectionActive = m_EdnBuf.GetSelectionPos(SELECTION_PRIMARY, SelectionStart, SelectionEnd, SelectionIsRect, SelectionRectStart, SelectionRectEnd);
int32_t rememberCursorPos = m_cursorPos;
//EDN_DEBUG("newPos=" << newPos);
// unselect buffer:
/* make sure new position is ok, do nothing if it hasn't changed */
if (newPos != m_cursorPos) {
if (newPos < 0){
newPos = 0;
if (newPos > m_EdnBuf.Size()) {
newPos = m_EdnBuf.Size();
m_cursorPos = newPos;
m_cursorPreferredCol = -1;
// Force the cursor display
m_cursorOn = true;
// special case when insert char ...
if (true == insertChar) {
if( false == haveSelectionActive
&& true == globals::IsSetShift() )
// new selection
m_EdnBuf.Select(SELECTION_PRIMARY, rememberCursorPos, m_cursorPos);
} else if( true == globals::IsSetShift()
&& true == haveSelectionActive)
// update selection
if (rememberCursorPos == SelectionStart) {
m_EdnBuf.Select(SELECTION_PRIMARY, m_cursorPos, SelectionEnd);
} else {
m_EdnBuf.Select(SELECTION_PRIMARY, SelectionStart, m_cursorPos);
bool BufferText::TextDMoveUp(int32_t offset)
int32_t lineStartPos, column, prevLineStartPos, newPos;
// Find the position of the start of the line.
lineStartPos = m_EdnBuf.StartOfLine(m_cursorPos);
// check if we can go up ...
if (lineStartPos == 0) {
return false;
// Decide what column to move to, if there's a preferred column use that
if (m_cursorPreferredCol >= 0) {
column = m_cursorPreferredCol;
} else {
column = m_EdnBuf.CountDispChars(lineStartPos, m_cursorPos);
// Get the previous line
prevLineStartPos = m_EdnBuf.CountBackwardNLines(lineStartPos, offset);
//EDN_INFO("Move Line UP result : prevLineStartPos=" << prevLineStartPos);
// Get the display char position
newPos = m_EdnBuf.CountForwardDispChars(prevLineStartPos, column);
//EDN_INFO("Move to colomn : column=" << column << " newPos=" << newPos);
// move the cursor
// if a preferred column wasn't aleady established, establish it
if (m_cursorPreferredCol < 0) {
m_cursorPreferredCol = column;
return true;
bool BufferText::TextDMoveDown(int32_t offset)
int32_t lineStartPos, column, nextLineStartPos, newPos;
// check if we are not at the end of Buffer
if (m_cursorPos == m_EdnBuf.Size() ) {
return false;
// Find the position of the start of the line.
lineStartPos = m_EdnBuf.StartOfLine(m_cursorPos);
if (m_cursorPreferredCol >= 0) {
column = m_cursorPreferredCol;
} else {
column = m_EdnBuf.CountDispChars(lineStartPos, m_cursorPos);
// get the next line :
nextLineStartPos = m_EdnBuf.CountForwardNLines(lineStartPos, offset);
//EDN_INFO("Move Line DOWN result : nextLineStartPos=" << nextLineStartPos);
// Get the display char position
newPos = m_EdnBuf.CountForwardDispChars(nextLineStartPos, column);
//EDN_INFO("Move to colomn : column=" << column << " newPos=" << newPos);
// if a preferred column wasn't aleady established, establish it
if (m_cursorPreferredCol < 0) {
m_cursorPreferredCol = column;
return true;
* @brief
* @param[in,out] ---
* @return ---
void BufferText::cursorMove(int32_t gtkKey)
bool needUpdatePosition = true;
// check selection event ...
if (true == globals::IsSetShift() ) {
if ( CURSOR_MODE_NORMAL == cursorMode) {
} else {
} else {
switch(gtkKey) {
# ifdef USE_GTK_VERSION_3_0
case GDK_KEY_Left:
# elif defined( USE_GTK_VERSION_2_0)
case GDK_Left:
# endif
//EDN_INFO("keyEvent : <LEFT>");
if (m_cursorPos > 0) {
SetInsertPosition(m_cursorPos - 1);
# ifdef USE_GTK_VERSION_3_0
case GDK_KEY_Right:
# elif defined( USE_GTK_VERSION_2_0)
case GDK_Right:
# endif
//EDN_INFO("keyEvent : <RIGHT>");
if (m_cursorPos < m_EdnBuf.Size() ) {
SetInsertPosition(m_cursorPos + 1);
# ifdef USE_GTK_VERSION_3_0
case GDK_KEY_Up:
# elif defined( USE_GTK_VERSION_2_0)
case GDK_Up:
# endif
//EDN_INFO("keyEvent : <UP>");
# ifdef USE_GTK_VERSION_3_0
case GDK_KEY_Down:
# elif defined( USE_GTK_VERSION_2_0)
case GDK_Down:
# endif
//EDN_INFO("keyEvent : <DOWN>");
// check if we have enought line ...
# ifdef USE_GTK_VERSION_3_0
case GDK_KEY_Page_Up:
# elif defined( USE_GTK_VERSION_2_0)
case GDK_Page_Up:
# endif
//EDN_INFO("keyEvent : <PAGE-UP>");
# ifdef USE_GTK_VERSION_3_0
case GDK_KEY_Page_Down:
# elif defined( USE_GTK_VERSION_2_0)
case GDK_Page_Down:
# endif
//EDN_INFO("keyEvent : <PAGE-DOWN>");
# ifdef USE_GTK_VERSION_3_0
case GDK_KEY_Begin:
# elif defined( USE_GTK_VERSION_2_0)
case GDK_Begin:
# endif
//EDN_INFO("keyEvent : <Start of line>");
SetInsertPosition(m_EdnBuf.StartOfLine(m_cursorPos) );
# ifdef USE_GTK_VERSION_3_0
case GDK_KEY_End:
# elif defined( USE_GTK_VERSION_2_0)
case GDK_End:
# endif
//EDN_INFO("keyEvent : <End of line>");
SetInsertPosition(m_EdnBuf.EndOfLine(m_cursorPos) );
//LastUpDownCursorPosition = -1;
needUpdatePosition = false;
if ( true == needUpdatePosition) {
* @brief
* @param[in,out] ---
* @return ---
void BufferText::UpdateWindowsPosition(bool centerPage)
if (centerPage == false) {
// Display position (Y mode):
//EDN_INFO("BufferText::UpdateWindowsPosition() m_displayStart(" << m_displayStart.x << "," << m_displayStart.y << ") m_displaySize(" << m_displaySize.x << "," <<m_displaySize.y << ")");
position_ts cursorPosition;
cursorPosition.y = m_EdnBuf.CountLines(0, m_cursorPos);
int32_t lineStartPos = m_EdnBuf.StartOfLine(m_cursorPos);
cursorPosition.x = m_EdnBuf.CountDispChars(lineStartPos, m_cursorPos);
//EDN_INFO("BufferText::UpdateWindowsPosition() curent cursor position : (" << cursorPosition.x << "," << cursorPosition.y << ")");
if (m_displayStart.y > (int32_t)cursorPosition.y - globals::getNbLineBorder() ) {
m_displayStart.y = cursorPosition.y - globals::getNbLineBorder();
if (m_displayStart.y < 0) {
m_displayStart.y = 0;
} else if (m_displayStart.y + m_displaySize.y <= (int32_t)cursorPosition.y + globals::getNbLineBorder() ) {
m_displayStart.y = cursorPosition.y - m_displaySize.y + globals::getNbLineBorder() + 1;
// Display position (X mode):
//EDN_INFO("cursorPosition X : " << cursorPosition.y << " windows " << m_displayStart.y << "=>" << m_displayStart.x + m_displaySize.x);
if (m_displayStart.x > cursorPosition.x - globals::getNbColoneBorder() ) {
m_displayStart.x = cursorPosition.x - globals::getNbColoneBorder();
if (m_displayStart.x < 0) {
m_displayStart.x = 0;
} else if (m_displayStart.x + m_displaySize.x <= cursorPosition.x + globals::getNbColoneBorder() ) {
m_displayStart.x = cursorPosition.x - m_displaySize.x + globals::getNbColoneBorder() + 1;
//update the buffer position ID :
m_displayStartBufferPos = m_EdnBuf.CountForwardNLines(0, m_displayStart.y);
} else {
// center the line at the middle of the screen :
position_ts cursorPosition;
//EDN_DEBUG(" -------------------------------------------------");
cursorPosition.y = m_EdnBuf.CountLines(0, m_cursorPos);
//EDN_DEBUG(" cursor position : " << m_cursorPos << " ==> ligne=" << cursorPosition.y);
cursorPosition.x = 0;
m_displayStart.x = 0;
//EDN_DEBUG(" display size : " << m_displaySize.y);
m_displayStart.y = cursorPosition.y - m_displaySize.y/2;
m_displayStart.y = edn_max(m_displayStart.y, 0);
m_displayStartBufferPos = m_EdnBuf.CountForwardNLines(0, m_displayStart.y);
//EDN_DEBUG(" display start : " << m_displayStart.x << "x" << m_displayStart.y);
//EDN_DEBUG(" -------------------------------------------------");
* @brief
* @param[in,out] ---
* @return ---
void BufferText::AddChar(char * UTF8data)
int32_t SelectionStart, SelectionEnd, SelectionRectStart, SelectionRectEnd;
bool SelectionIsRect;
bool haveSelectionActive = m_EdnBuf.GetSelectionPos(SELECTION_PRIMARY, SelectionStart, SelectionEnd, SelectionIsRect, SelectionRectStart, SelectionRectEnd);
int32_t size=strlen(UTF8data);
bool actionDone = false;
if (1==size) {
if (UTF8data[0] == 0x09) {
if (false == haveSelectionActive) {
Edn::VectorType<int8_t> tmpVect;
m_EdnBuf.Insert(m_cursorPos, tmpVect);
SetInsertPosition(m_cursorPos+1, true);
} else {
// Indent depend of the multiline in the selection ...
// count the number of line :
int32_t nbSelectedLines = m_EdnBuf.CountLines(SelectionStart, SelectionEnd);
if (0 == nbSelectedLines) {
Edn::VectorType<int8_t> tmpVect;
m_EdnBuf.ReplaceSelected(SELECTION_PRIMARY, tmpVect);
SetInsertPosition(SelectionStart+tmpVect.Size(), true);
} else {
if (true == globals::IsSetShift() ) {
m_cursorPos = m_EdnBuf.UnIndent(SELECTION_PRIMARY);
} else {
m_cursorPos = m_EdnBuf.Indent(SELECTION_PRIMARY);
actionDone = true;
} else if (UTF8data[0] == '\n') {
Edn::VectorType<int8_t> tmpVect;
if (true == globals::IsSetShift()) {
} else {
// if Auto indent Enable ==> we get the start of the previous line and add it to tne new one
if (true == globals::IsSetAutoIndent() ) {
int32_t l_lineStart;
// Get the begin of the line or the begin of the line befor selection
if (false == haveSelectionActive) {
l_lineStart = m_EdnBuf.StartOfLine(m_cursorPos);
} else {
l_lineStart = m_EdnBuf.StartOfLine(SelectionStart);
// add same characters in the temporar buffer
for (int32_t kk=l_lineStart; kk<m_cursorPos; kk++) {
if (' ' == m_EdnBuf[kk]) {
tmpVect.PushBack(' ');
} else if('\t' == m_EdnBuf[kk]) {
} else {
// Set temporary buffer in the real buffer
if (false == haveSelectionActive) {
m_EdnBuf.Insert(m_cursorPos, tmpVect);
SetInsertPosition(m_cursorPos+tmpVect.Size(), true);
} else {
m_EdnBuf.ReplaceSelected(SELECTION_PRIMARY, tmpVect);
SetInsertPosition(SelectionStart+tmpVect.Size(), true);
actionDone = true;
} else if (UTF8data[0] == 0x7F ) {
//EDN_INFO("keyEvent : <Suppr> pos=" << m_cursorPos);
if (false == haveSelectionActive) {
m_EdnBuf.Remove(m_cursorPos, m_cursorPos+1);
} else {
SetInsertPosition(SelectionStart, true);
actionDone = true;
} else if (UTF8data[0] == 0x08) {
//EDN_INFO("keyEvent : <Del> pos=" << m_cursorPos);
if (false == haveSelectionActive) {
m_EdnBuf.Remove(m_cursorPos-1, m_cursorPos);
SetInsertPosition(m_cursorPos-1, true);
} else {
SetInsertPosition(SelectionStart, true);
actionDone = true;
if (false == actionDone) {
if (true == m_EdnBuf.GetUTF8Mode()) {
Edn::VectorType<int8_t> tmpVect;
int32_t localOfset = strlen(UTF8data);
tmpVect.PushBack((int8_t*)UTF8data, localOfset);
if (false == haveSelectionActive) {
m_EdnBuf.Insert(m_cursorPos, tmpVect);
SetInsertPosition(m_cursorPos+localOfset, true);
} else {
m_EdnBuf.ReplaceSelected(SELECTION_PRIMARY, tmpVect);
SetInsertPosition(SelectionStart+localOfset, true);
} else {
// convert in the Good ISO format :
char output_ISO;
convertUtf8ToIso(m_EdnBuf.GetCharsetType(), UTF8data, output_ISO);
//printf(" insert : \"%s\"==> 0x%08x=%d ", UTF8data, (unsigned int)output_ISO, (int)output_ISO);
Edn::VectorType<int8_t> tmpVect;
if (false == haveSelectionActive) {
m_EdnBuf.Insert(m_cursorPos, tmpVect);
SetInsertPosition(m_cursorPos+1, true);
} else {
m_EdnBuf.ReplaceSelected(SELECTION_PRIMARY, tmpVect);
SetInsertPosition(SelectionStart+1, true);
int32_t BufferText::FindLine(Edn::String &data)
if ( 0 == data.Size()) {
EDN_WARNING("no search data");
return 0;
EDN_INFO("Search data line : \"" << data << "\"");
Edn::VectorType<int8_t> mVectSearch;
mVectSearch = data.GetVector();
//EDN_INFO("search data Forward : startSearchPos=" << startSearchPos );
int32_t foundPos;
bool findSomething = m_EdnBuf.SearchForward(0, mVectSearch, &foundPos, true);
// if find data :
if (true == findSomething) {
return m_EdnBuf.CountLines(0, foundPos);
} else {
return 0;
void BufferText::JumpAtLine(int32_t newLine)
int32_t positionLine = m_EdnBuf.CountForwardNLines(0, newLine);
EDN_DEBUG("jump at the line : " << newLine );
* @brief Get the current line (to know where to jump)
* @param ---
* @return Return the current line number
int32_t BufferText::GetCurrentLine(void)
return m_EdnBuf.CountLines(0, m_cursorPos);
void BufferText::Search(Edn::String &data, bool back, bool caseSensitive, bool wrap, bool regExp)
EDN_INFO("Search data : \"" << data << "\"");
int32_t SelectionStart, SelectionEnd, SelectionRectStart, SelectionRectEnd;
bool SelectionIsRect;
bool haveSelectionActive = m_EdnBuf.GetSelectionPos(SELECTION_PRIMARY, SelectionStart, SelectionEnd, SelectionIsRect, SelectionRectStart, SelectionRectEnd);
int32_t startSearchPos = m_cursorPos;
if (true == haveSelectionActive) {
if (false == back) {
startSearchPos = SelectionEnd;
} else {
startSearchPos = SelectionStart;
if ( 0 == data.Size()) {
EDN_WARNING("no search data");
Edn::VectorType<int8_t> mVectSearch;
mVectSearch = data.GetVector();
if (false == back) {
//EDN_INFO("search data Forward : startSearchPos=" << startSearchPos );
int32_t foundPos;
bool findSomething = m_EdnBuf.SearchForward(startSearchPos, mVectSearch, &foundPos, caseSensitive);
if( false == findSomething
&& true == wrap)
//EDN_INFO("WrapMode !!! 0 ==> end");
findSomething = m_EdnBuf.SearchForward(0, mVectSearch, &foundPos, caseSensitive);
// if find data :
if (true == findSomething) {
// select new position
int32_t endSelectionPos = foundPos+mVectSearch.Size();
m_EdnBuf.Select(SELECTION_PRIMARY, foundPos, endSelectionPos);
} else {
//EDN_INFO("search data Backward : " << data.GetDirectPointer() );
int32_t foundPos;
bool findSomething = m_EdnBuf.SearchBackward(startSearchPos, mVectSearch, &foundPos, caseSensitive);
if( false == findSomething
&& true == wrap)
//EDN_INFO("WrapMode !!! end ==> 0");
findSomething = m_EdnBuf.SearchBackward(m_EdnBuf.Size(), mVectSearch, &foundPos, caseSensitive);
// if find data :
if (true == findSomething) {
// select new position
int32_t endSelectionPos = foundPos+mVectSearch.Size();
m_EdnBuf.Select(SELECTION_PRIMARY, foundPos, endSelectionPos);
// NOTE : Need to be use in the highligner and the current buffer when we select Regular Expression ...
// Test avec le truc de regExp :
char * myBuf = m_EdnBuf.GetRange(0, m_EdnBuf.Size());
regexp *compiledRE;
char *compileMsg;
compiledRE = CompileRE(data.GetDirectPointer(), &compileMsg, REDFLT_STANDARD);
if (compiledRE == NULL) {
EDN_ERROR("RegExpression : \"" << data.GetDirectPointer() << "\" error named : \"" << compileMsg << "\"" );
} else {
EDN_DEBUG("RegExpression : \"" << data.GetDirectPointer() << "\" OK ... ");
if (true == ExecRE(compiledRE, NULL, myBuf, NULL, false, '\0', '\0', NULL, NULL)) {
EDN_INFO(" ==> top_branch=" << compiledRE->top_branch << "; extentpBW=" << (int32_t)(compiledRE->extentpBW - myBuf) << "; extentpFW=" << (int32_t)(compiledRE->extentpFW - myBuf));
} else {
EDN_INFO(" ==> not fined ... ");
// free copy of buffer ...
if (myBuf != NULL) {
void BufferText::Replace(Edn::String &data)
int32_t SelectionStart, SelectionEnd, SelectionRectStart, SelectionRectEnd;
bool SelectionIsRect;
bool haveSelectionActive = m_EdnBuf.GetSelectionPos(SELECTION_PRIMARY, SelectionStart, SelectionEnd, SelectionIsRect, SelectionRectStart, SelectionRectEnd);
if (true == haveSelectionActive) {
// Replace Data :
Edn::VectorType<int8_t> myData = data.GetVector();
m_EdnBuf.ReplaceSelected(SELECTION_PRIMARY, myData);
SetInsertPosition(SelectionStart + myData.Size());
* @brief request a copy of the selection in the named clipBoard ID
* @param[in] clipboardID Id of the buffer we want to get data [0..10] (0 copy normal / 10 middle button)
* @return ---
void BufferText::Copy(int8_t clipboardID)
Edn::VectorType<int8_t> mVect;
// get the curent selected data
if (true == m_EdnBuf.SelectHasSelection(SELECTION_PRIMARY) ) {
m_EdnBuf.GetSelectionText(SELECTION_PRIMARY, mVect);
// copy data in the click board :
ClipBoard::Set(clipboardID, mVect);
* @brief Request a copy and a remove of the curent selection in the named clipBoard ID
* @param[in] clipboardID Id of the buffer we want to get data [0..10] (0 copy normal / 10 middle button)
* @return ---
void BufferText::Cut(int8_t clipboardID)
int32_t SelectionStart, SelectionEnd, SelectionRectStart, SelectionRectEnd;
bool SelectionIsRect;
bool haveSelectionActive = m_EdnBuf.GetSelectionPos(SELECTION_PRIMARY, SelectionStart, SelectionEnd, SelectionIsRect, SelectionRectStart, SelectionRectEnd);
// copy data
// remove data :
if (true == haveSelectionActive ) {
m_cursorPos = SelectionStart;
* @brief request the past of a specific clipboard on the curent position or selection
* @param[in] clipboardID Id of the buffer we want to get data [0..10] (0 copy normal / 10 middle button)
* @return ---
void BufferText::Paste(int8_t clipboardID)
Edn::VectorType<int8_t> mVect;
// copy data from the click board :
ClipBoard::Get(clipboardID, mVect);
int32_t SelectionStart, SelectionEnd, SelectionRectStart, SelectionRectEnd;
bool SelectionIsRect;
bool haveSelectionActive = m_EdnBuf.GetSelectionPos(SELECTION_PRIMARY, SelectionStart, SelectionEnd, SelectionIsRect, SelectionRectStart, SelectionRectEnd);
if (true == haveSelectionActive ) {
// replace data
m_EdnBuf.ReplaceSelected(SELECTION_PRIMARY, mVect );
m_cursorPos = SelectionStart + mVect.Size();
} else {
// insert data
m_EdnBuf.Insert(m_cursorPos, mVect);
m_cursorPos += mVect.Size();
void BufferText::Undo(void)
int32_t newPos = m_EdnBuf.Undo();
if (newPos >= 0) {
SetInsertPosition(newPos, true);
void BufferText::Redo(void)
int32_t newPos = m_EdnBuf.Redo();
if (newPos >= 0) {
SetInsertPosition(newPos, true);
void BufferText::SetCharset(charset_te newCharset)