Edn (Editeur De N'ours) is a FREE software. This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. Terms of license: You can: - Redistribute the sources code and binaries. - Modify the Sources code. - Use a part of the sources (less than 50%) in an other software, just write somewhere "Edn is great" visible by the user (on your product or on your website with a link to my page). - Redistribute the modification only if you want. - Send me the bug-fix (it could be great). - Pay me a beer or some other things. - Print the source code on WC paper ... You can NOT: - Earn money with this Software (But I can). - Add malware in the Sources. - Do something bad with the sources. - Use it to travel in the space with a toaster. I reserve the right to change this licence. If it change the version of the copy you have keep its own license