/** * @author Edouard DUPIN * * @copyright 2010, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved * * @license GPL v3 (see license file) */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #undef __class__ #define __class__ "TextViewer" #define tic() \ int64_t startTime = ewol::getTime(); #define toc(comment) \ int64_t endTime = ewol::getTime(); \ int64_t processTimeLocal = (endTime - startTime); \ APPL_DEBUG(comment << (float)((float)processTimeLocal / 1000.0) << "ms"); static const char* const appl_Buffer_eventIsModify = "buffer-is-modify"; static const char* const appl_Buffer_eventSelectChange = "buffer-select-change"; appl::TextViewer::TextViewer() : m_insertMode(false) { addObjectType("appl::TextViewer"); setCanHaveFocus(true); setLimitScrolling(0.2); setSingleFinger(false); // load buffer manager: m_bufferManager = appl::BufferManager::create(); m_pluginManager = appl::textPluginManager::create(); m_viewerManager = appl::ViewerManager::create(); // load color properties m_paintingProperties = appl::GlyphPainting::create("THEME:COLOR:textViewer.json"); // get all id properties ... m_colorBackground = m_paintingProperties->request("CODE_basicBackgroung"); m_colorSpace = m_paintingProperties->request("CODE_space"); m_colorTabulation = m_paintingProperties->request("CODE_tabulation"); m_colorCursor = m_paintingProperties->request("CODE_cursor"); m_colorLineNumber = m_paintingProperties->request("CODE_lineNumber"); m_colorSelection = m_paintingProperties->request("SelectedText"); m_colorNormal = m_paintingProperties->request("normal"); } void appl::TextViewer::init(const std::string& _fontName, int32_t _fontSize) { ewol::widget::WidgetScrolled::init(); m_displayText.setFont(_fontName, _fontSize); m_pluginManager->connect(*this); // last created has focus ... setCurrentSelect(); signalShortcut.bind(shared_from_this(), &appl::TextViewer::onCallbackShortCut); /* registerMultiCast(ednMsgBufferId); registerMultiCast(ednMsgGuiFind); registerMultiCast(ednMsgGuiReplace); registerMultiCast(appl::MsgSelectGotoLine); registerMultiCast(appl::MsgSelectGotoLineSelect); */ if (m_bufferManager != nullptr) { m_bufferManager->signalSelectFile.bind(shared_from_this(), &appl::TextViewer::onCallbackselectNewFile); } } appl::TextViewer::~TextViewer() { m_pluginManager->disconnect(*this); } void appl::TextViewer::onCallbackShortCut(const std::string& _value) { if (m_pluginManager->onReceiveShortCut(*this, _value) == true) { return; } } void appl::TextViewer::onCallbackselectNewFile(const std::string& _value) { if (isSelectedLast() == false) { return; } // reset scroll: if (m_buffer != nullptr) { m_buffer->signalUnBindAll(shared_from_this()); bool needAdd = true; auto it = m_drawingRemenber.begin(); while (it != m_drawingRemenber.end()) { std::shared_ptr tmpBuff = it->first.lock(); if (tmpBuff == nullptr) { it = m_drawingRemenber.erase(it); continue; } if (tmpBuff == m_buffer) { it->second = m_originScrooled; APPL_VERBOSE("store origin : " << m_originScrooled); needAdd = false; break; } ++it; } if (needAdd == true) { m_drawingRemenber.push_back(std::make_pair(std::weak_ptr(m_buffer), m_originScrooled)); APPL_VERBOSE("Push origin : " << m_originScrooled); } } m_originScrooled = vec2(0,0); if (m_bufferManager != nullptr) { m_buffer = m_bufferManager->get(_value); m_bufferManager->setBufferSelected(m_buffer); if (m_buffer != nullptr) { m_buffer->signalIsModify.bind(shared_from_this(), &appl::TextViewer::onCallbackIsModify); m_buffer->signalSelectChange.bind(shared_from_this(), &appl::TextViewer::onCallbackSelectChange); for (auto element : m_drawingRemenber) { if (element.first.lock() == m_buffer) { m_originScrooled = element.second; APPL_VERBOSE("retrive origin : " << m_originScrooled); // TODO : Check if this element is not out of the display text ... break; } } } } markToRedraw(); return; } std::string appl::TextViewer::getBufferPath() { if (m_buffer == nullptr) { return ""; } std::string filename = m_buffer->getFileName(); size_t pos = filename.rfind('/'); if (pos == std::string::npos) { return ""; } return std::string(filename, 0, pos); } void appl::TextViewer::changeZoom(float _range) { m_displayText.setFontSize(m_displayText.getSize() + _range); markToRedraw(); } bool appl::TextViewer::calculateMinSize() { m_minSize.setValue(50,50); return true; } void appl::TextViewer::onDraw() { m_displayDrawing.draw(); m_displayText.draw(); WidgetScrolled::onDraw(); } void appl::TextViewer::onRegenerateDisplay() { if (false == needRedraw()) { return; } //tic(); // For the scrooling windows m_displayDrawing.clear(); m_displayText.clear(); // reset the background : m_displayDrawing.setPos(vec3(0, 0, 0)); m_displayDrawing.setColor((*m_paintingProperties)[m_colorBackground].getForeground()); m_displayDrawing.rectangleWidth(m_size); if (m_buffer == nullptr) { m_maxSize.setX(256); m_maxSize.setY(256); m_displayText.setTextAlignement(10, m_size.x()-20, ewol::compositing::alignLeft); m_displayText.setRelPos(vec3(10, 0, 0)); std::string tmpString("
\n" "\n" " \n" " edn - Editeur De N'ours\n" " \n" "\n" "
\n" "
\n" "\n" " \n" " No Buffer Availlable to display\n" " \n" "\n"); m_displayText.setPos(vec3(0.0f, m_size.y(), 0.0f) ); m_displayText.forceLineReturn(); m_displayText.printDecorated(tmpString); // call the herited class... WidgetScrolled::onRegenerateDisplay(); return; } // normal displa of the buffer : vec3 tmpCursorPosition(0, 0, -1); float tmpCursorLenght = -1.0; // real display ... m_displayText.setColor(etk::Color<>(0, 0, 0, 255)); float countNbLine = 1; int32_t countColomn = 0; // the siplay string : std::u32string stringToDisplay; appl::Buffer::Iterator selectPosStart = m_buffer->begin(); appl::Buffer::Iterator selectPosStop = m_buffer->begin(); if (m_buffer->hasTextSelected() == true) { selectPosStart = m_buffer->selectStart(); selectPosStop = m_buffer->selectStop(); } m_displayText.setPos(vec3(-m_originScrooled.x(), m_size.y()+m_originScrooled.y(), 0)); m_displayText.forceLineReturn(); appl::Buffer::Iterator startingIt = m_buffer->begin(); int64_t startLineId = 0; if (m_size.y() < m_displayText.getPos().y()) { for (startingIt = m_buffer->begin(); (bool)startingIt == true; ++startingIt) { if (*startingIt == u32char::Return) { ++startLineId; m_displayText.forceLineReturn(); if (m_size.y() >= m_displayText.getPos().y()) { ++startingIt; break; } } } } // Display line number : m_lastOffsetDisplay = 0; vec3 tmpLetterSize = m_displayText.calculateSize((char32_t)'A'); { int32_t nbLine = m_buffer->getNumberOfLines(); float nbLineCalc = nbLine; int32_t nbChar = 0; while (nbLineCalc >= 1.0f) { ++nbChar; nbLineCalc /= 10.0f; } m_lastOffsetDisplay = tmpLetterSize.x() * (float)nbChar + 1.0f; m_displayText.setFontItalic((*m_paintingProperties)[m_colorLineNumber].getItalic()); m_displayText.setFontBold((*m_paintingProperties)[m_colorLineNumber].getBold()); m_displayText.setColorBg((*m_paintingProperties)[m_colorLineNumber].getBackground()); m_displayText.setColor((*m_paintingProperties)[m_colorLineNumber].getForeground()); m_displayText.setClippingMode(false); vec3 startWriteRealPosition = m_displayText.getPos(); m_displayText.setPos(vec3(0.0f, startWriteRealPosition.y(), 0.0f)); for (int32_t iii=startLineId; iiihightlightGenerateLines(displayLocalSyntax, startingIt, (m_size.y()/tmpLetterSize.y()) + 5); float maxSizeX = 0; appl::HighlightInfo * HLColor = nullptr; bool DisplayCursorAndSelection = isSelectedLast(); appl::Buffer::Iterator it; for (it = startingIt; (bool)it == true; ++it) { if (it == m_buffer->cursor()) { // need to display the cursor : tmpCursorPosition = m_displayText.getPos(); tmpCursorLenght = 0.0f; } //APPL_DEBUG("display element '" << currentValue << "'at pos : " << m_displayText.getPos() ); //APPL_DEBUG(" element size : " << iii << " : " << bufferElementSize); if (*it == u32char::Return) { countNbLine += 1; countColomn = 0; maxSizeX = std::max(m_displayText.getPos().x(), maxSizeX); // Display the end line position only if we have the focus ... if (DisplayCursorAndSelection == true) { if (it >= selectPosStart && it < selectPosStop) { ewol::compositing::Drawing& draw = m_displayText.getDrawing(); draw.setColor(etk::Color<>(0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF)); draw.setPos(m_displayText.getPos() + tmpLetterSize/4.0f); draw.rectangle(m_displayText.getPos() + tmpLetterSize*3.0f/4.0f); } } if (tmpCursorLenght == 0.0f) { tmpCursorLenght = tmpLetterSize.x(); } m_displayText.forceLineReturn(); m_displayText.setPos(vec3(-m_originScrooled.x()+m_lastOffsetDisplay, m_displayText.getPos().y(), 0.0f)); if (m_displayText.getPos().y() < -20.0f ) { break; } continue; } HLColor = m_buffer->getElementColorAtPosition(displayLocalSyntax, (int64_t)it); bool haveBackground = false; if ( HLColor != nullptr && HLColor->patern != nullptr) { m_displayText.setColor(HLColor->patern->getColorGlyph().getForeground()); m_displayText.setColorBg(HLColor->patern->getColorGlyph().getBackground()); haveBackground = HLColor->patern->getColorGlyph().haveBackground(); m_displayText.setFontItalic(HLColor->patern->getColorGlyph().getItalic()); m_displayText.setFontBold(HLColor->patern->getColorGlyph().getBold()); } else { m_displayText.setFontItalic((*m_paintingProperties)[m_colorNormal].getItalic()); m_displayText.setFontBold((*m_paintingProperties)[m_colorNormal].getBold()); m_displayText.setColorBg((*m_paintingProperties)[m_colorNormal].getBackground()); m_displayText.setColor((*m_paintingProperties)[m_colorNormal].getForeground()); } if (haveBackground == false) { if (*it == u32char::Space) { m_displayText.setColorBg((*m_paintingProperties)[m_colorSpace].getForeground()); } else if (*it == u32char::Tabulation) { m_displayText.setColorBg((*m_paintingProperties)[m_colorTabulation].getForeground()); } } m_buffer->expand(countColomn, *it, stringToDisplay); // Display selection only if we have the focus ... if (DisplayCursorAndSelection == true) { if (it >= selectPosStart && it < selectPosStop) { m_displayText.setColor((*m_paintingProperties)[m_colorSelection].getForeground()); m_displayText.setColorBg((*m_paintingProperties)[m_colorSelection].getBackground()); } } //APPL_DEBUG("display : '" << currentValue << "' == > '" << stringToDisplay << "'"); m_displayText.print(stringToDisplay); if (tmpCursorLenght == 0.0f) { tmpCursorLenght = m_displayText.getPos().x()-tmpCursorPosition.x(); } countColomn += stringToDisplay.size(); } if (it == m_buffer->cursor()) { tmpCursorPosition = m_displayText.getPos(); tmpCursorLenght = 5; } maxSizeX = std::max(m_displayText.getPos().x(), maxSizeX); // Display cursor only if we have the focus ... if ( tmpCursorPosition.z() != -1 && getFocus() == true) { // display the cursor: //APPL_DEBUG("display cursor at position : " << tmpCursorPosition); m_displayText.setPos(tmpCursorPosition); if (m_buffer->hasTextSelected() == true) { m_displayText.setColorBg((*m_paintingProperties)[m_colorCursor].getForeground()); m_displayText.printCursor(false); } else { if (m_insertMode == true) { m_displayText.setColorBg((*m_paintingProperties)[m_colorSelection].getBackground()); } else { m_displayText.setColorBg((*m_paintingProperties)[m_colorCursor].getForeground()); } m_displayText.printCursor(m_insertMode, tmpCursorLenght); } } // set maximum size (X&Y) : { vec3 tmpLetterSize = m_displayText.calculateSize((char32_t)'A'); int64_t nbLines = m_buffer->getNumberOfLines(); m_maxSize.setX(maxSizeX+m_originScrooled.x()); m_maxSize.setY((float)nbLines*tmpLetterSize.y()); } //toc("Display time : "); // call the herited class... WidgetScrolled::onRegenerateDisplay(); } bool appl::TextViewer::onEventEntry(const ewol::event::Entry& _event) { if (m_buffer == nullptr) { return false; } // First call plugin if (m_pluginManager->onEventEntry(*this, _event) == true) { markToRedraw(); return true; } // just forward event == > manage directly in the buffer if (_event.getType() == ewol::key::keyboardChar) { //APPL_DEBUG("KB EVENT : \"" << UTF8_data << "\" size=" << strlen(UTF8_data) << "type=" << (int32_t)typeEvent); if (_event.getStatus() != ewol::key::statusDown) { return false; } char32_t localValue = _event.getChar(); if (localValue == u32char::Return) { if (true == _event.getSpecialKey().getShift()) { localValue = u32char::CarrierReturn; } } else if (localValue == u32char::Suppress ) { //APPL_INFO("keyEvent : pos=" << m_cursorPos); if (m_buffer->hasTextSelected()) { remove(); } else { appl::Buffer::Iterator pos = m_buffer->cursor(); appl::Buffer::Iterator posEnd = pos; ++posEnd; replace("", pos, posEnd); } return true; } else if (localValue == u32char::Delete) { //APPL_INFO("keyEvent : pos=" << m_cursorPos); if (m_buffer->hasTextSelected()) { remove(); } else { appl::Buffer::Iterator pos = m_buffer->cursor(); appl::Buffer::Iterator posEnd = pos; --pos; replace("", pos, posEnd); } return true; } m_buffer->setSelectMode(false); // normal adding char ... char output[5]; output[0] = '0'; u32char::convertUtf8(localValue, output); if ( m_buffer->hasTextSelected() == false && _event.getSpecialKey().getInsert() == true) { appl::Buffer::Iterator pos = m_buffer->cursor(); appl::Buffer::Iterator posEnd = pos; ++posEnd; replace(output, pos, posEnd); //TODO : choisce UTF ... replace(localValue, pos, posEnd); } else { std::string myString = output; write(myString); } return true; } // move events ... if (_event.getStatus() == ewol::key::statusDown) { // selection when shift is set: m_buffer->setSelectMode(_event.getSpecialKey().getShift()); // check selection event ... switch(_event.getType()) { case ewol::key::keyboardInsert: m_insertMode = m_insertMode==true?false:true; markToRedraw(); break; case ewol::key::keyboardLeft: //APPL_INFO("keyEvent : "); moveCursorLeft(); break; case ewol::key::keyboardRight: //APPL_INFO("keyEvent : "); moveCursorRight(); break; case ewol::key::keyboardUp: //APPL_INFO("keyEvent : "); moveCursorUp(1); break; case ewol::key::keyboardDown: //APPL_INFO("keyEvent : "); moveCursorDown(1); break; case ewol::key::keyboardPageUp: //APPL_INFO("keyEvent : "); moveCursorUp(15); // TODO : Set the real number of line ... break; case ewol::key::keyboardPageDown: //APPL_INFO("keyEvent : "); moveCursorDown(15); // TODO : Set the real number of line ... break; case ewol::key::keyboardStart: //APPL_INFO("keyEvent : "); moveCursorLeft(moveEnd); break; case ewol::key::keyboardEnd: //APPL_INFO("keyEvent : "); moveCursorRight(moveEnd); break; default: break; } return true; } return false; } bool appl::TextViewer::onEventInput(const ewol::event::Input& _event) { if ( _event.getId() != 0 && _event.getStatus() == ewol::key::statusDown) { keepFocus(); } //tic(); if (m_buffer == nullptr) { return false; } // First call the scrolling widget : if (ewol::widget::WidgetScrolled::onEventInput(_event) == true) { markToRedraw(); return true; } APPL_VERBOSE("event : " << _event); // Second call plugin if (m_pluginManager->onEventInput(*this, _event) == true) { markToRedraw(); return true; } APPL_VERBOSE("event2 : " << _event); vec2 relativePos = relativePosition(_event.getPos()); // offset for the lineNumber: relativePos -= vec2(m_lastOffsetDisplay, 0); // offset for the scrolling: relativePos += vec2(m_originScrooled.x(), -m_originScrooled.y()); // invert for the buffer event ... relativePos.setY(m_size.y()-relativePos.y()); if (relativePos.x()<0) { relativePos.setX(0); } if ( _event.getId() == 12 && _event.getStatus() == ewol::key::statusSingle) { APPL_TODO("RAT5 SAVE button ==> TODO implement"); // Rat5 save event //sendMultiCast(ednMsgGuiSave, "current"); return true; } // just forward event == > manage directly in the buffer if (_event.getId() == 1) { // mouse selection : //if (_event.getType() == ewol::key::typeMouse) { if (_event.getStatus() == ewol::key::statusDown) { //if (_event.getSpecialKey().isSetShift() == false) { appl::Buffer::Iterator newPos = getMousePosition(relativePos); m_buffer->setSelectMode(false); moveCursor(newPos); m_buffer->setSelectMode(true); markToRedraw(); return true; //} } else if (_event.getStatus() == ewol::key::statusUp) { appl::Buffer::Iterator newPos = getMousePosition(relativePos); moveCursor(newPos); m_buffer->setSelectMode(false); // Copy selection : std::string value; m_buffer->copy(value); if (value.size() != 0) { ewol::context::clipBoard::set(ewol::context::clipBoard::clipboardSelection, value); } markToRedraw(); return true; } //} if (_event.getStatus() == ewol::key::statusSingle) { if ( _event.getType() == ewol::key::typeMouse || _event.getType() == ewol::key::typeFinger) { appl::Buffer::Iterator newPos = getMousePosition(relativePos); moveCursor(newPos); markToRedraw(); return true; } } else if (_event.getStatus() == ewol::key::statusDouble) { mouseEventDouble(); // Copy selection : std::string value; m_buffer->copy(value); if (value.size() != 0) { ewol::context::clipBoard::set(ewol::context::clipBoard::clipboardSelection, value); } markToRedraw(); return true; } else if (_event.getStatus() == ewol::key::statusTriple) { mouseEventTriple(); // Copy selection : std::string value; m_buffer->copy(value); if (value.size() != 0) { ewol::context::clipBoard::set(ewol::context::clipBoard::clipboardSelection, value); } markToRedraw(); return true; } else if (_event.getStatus() == ewol::key::statusMove) { if (m_buffer->getSelectMode() == true) { //int64_t timeStart = ewol::getTime(); appl::Buffer::Iterator newPos = getMousePosition(relativePos); //int64_t timeMedium1 = ewol::getTime(); moveCursor(newPos); //int64_t timeMedium2 = ewol::getTime(); markToRedraw(); /* int64_t timeStop = ewol::getTime(); APPL_DEBUG("Display selection=" << (timeStop-timeStart)/1000.0f << " ms"); APPL_DEBUG(" 1=" << (timeMedium1-timeStart)/1000.0f << " ms"); APPL_DEBUG(" 2=" << (timeMedium2-timeMedium1)/1000.0f << " ms"); */ return true; } } } else if (2 == _event.getId()) { if (ewol::key::statusSingle == _event.getStatus()) { appl::Buffer::Iterator newPos = getMousePosition(relativePos); moveCursor(newPos); ewol::context::clipBoard::request(ewol::context::clipBoard::clipboardSelection); markToRedraw(); return true; } } return false; } void appl::TextViewer::mouseEventDouble() { //m_selectMode = false; appl::Buffer::Iterator beginPos, endPos; if (true == m_buffer->getPosAround(m_buffer->cursor(), beginPos, endPos)) { moveCursor(endPos); m_buffer->setSelectionPos(beginPos); } } void appl::TextViewer::mouseEventTriple() { //m_selectMode = false; moveCursor(m_buffer->getEndLine(m_buffer->cursor())); m_buffer->setSelectionPos(m_buffer->getStartLine(m_buffer->cursor())); } // TODO : optimise this with retaine the display position buffer and his position in the real view ... appl::Buffer::Iterator appl::TextViewer::getMousePosition(const vec2& _relativePos) { char32_t currentValue; vec3 positionCurentDisplay(0,0,0); vec3 tmpLetterSize = m_displayText.calculateSize((char32_t)'A'); int32_t countColomn = 0; std::u32string stringToDisplay; m_displayText.clear(); m_displayText.forceLineReturn(); positionCurentDisplay = m_displayText.getPos(); for (appl::Buffer::Iterator it = m_buffer->begin(); (bool)it == true; ++it) { currentValue = *it; if (currentValue == u32char::Return) { m_displayText.forceLineReturn(); countColomn = 0; } else { if (-_relativePos.y() >= positionCurentDisplay.y()) { m_buffer->expand(countColomn, currentValue, stringToDisplay); for (size_t kkk=0; kkk=" << positionCurentDisplay.y()); m_displayText.printChar(stringToDisplay[kkk]); ++countColomn; } } } } if (-_relativePos.y() >= positionCurentDisplay.y()) { if (-_relativePos.y() < positionCurentDisplay.y()+tmpLetterSize.y()) { APPL_VERBOSE("line position : '" << (char)(*it) << "' = '" << stringToDisplay << "' n=" << countColomn << " " <= positionCurentDisplay.x() && _relativePos.x() < m_displayText.getPos().x() ) { APPL_VERBOSE("find ..."); return it; } } else { // previous line ... return --it; } } positionCurentDisplay = m_displayText.getPos(); } return m_buffer->end(); } void appl::TextViewer::onEventClipboard(enum ewol::context::clipBoard::clipboardListe _clipboardID) { if (m_buffer != nullptr) { std::string data = ewol::context::clipBoard::get(_clipboardID); write(data); } markToRedraw(); } void appl::TextViewer::onCallbackIsModify() { markToRedraw(); } void appl::TextViewer::onCallbackSelectChange() { markToRedraw(); } void appl::TextViewer::onGetFocus() { showKeyboard(); APPL_INFO("Focus - In"); setCurrentSelect(); markToRedraw(); } void appl::TextViewer::onLostFocus() { hideKeyboard(); APPL_INFO("Focus - out"); markToRedraw(); } void appl::TextViewer::setFontSize(int32_t _size) { m_displayText.setFontSize(_size); setScrollingSize(_size*3.0*1.46); // 1.46 is a magic number ... } void appl::TextViewer::setFontName(const std::string& _fontName) { m_displayText.setFontName(_fontName); } // TODO : Update process time ==> a little expensive (2->4ms) in end of file void appl::TextViewer::updateScrolling() { if (m_buffer == nullptr) { return; } vec2 realCursorPosition(0,0); uint32_t lineId = m_buffer->getCursorLinesId(); m_displayText.clear(); m_displayText.forceLineReturn(); float lineSize = -m_displayText.getPos().y(); for (size_t iii=0; iiigetStartLine(m_buffer->cursor()), m_buffer->cursor())); APPL_VERBOSE("position=" << realCursorPosition << " scrool=" << m_originScrooled << " size" << m_size); if (realCursorPosition.x() < m_originScrooled.x()+lineSize*2.0f) { m_originScrooled.setX(realCursorPosition.x()-lineSize*2.0f); } else if (realCursorPosition.x() > m_originScrooled.x()+(m_size.x()-m_lastOffsetDisplay)-lineSize*2.0f-10) { m_originScrooled.setX(realCursorPosition.x()-(m_size.x()-m_lastOffsetDisplay)+lineSize*2.0f+10); } if (realCursorPosition.y() < m_originScrooled.y()+lineSize*2.0f) { m_originScrooled.setY(realCursorPosition.y()-lineSize*2.0f); } else if (realCursorPosition.y() > m_originScrooled.y()+m_size.y()-lineSize*2.0f) { m_originScrooled.setY(realCursorPosition.y()-m_size.y()+lineSize*2.0f); } m_originScrooled.setMax(vec2(0,0)); // TODO : Limit min position too ... } bool appl::TextViewer::moveCursor(const appl::Buffer::Iterator& _pos) { if (m_buffer == nullptr) { return false; } markToRedraw(); if (m_pluginManager->onCursorMove(*this, _pos) == true) { updateScrolling(); return true; } m_buffer->moveCursor((int64_t)_pos); updateScrolling(); return true; } bool appl::TextViewer::write(const std::string& _data) { if (m_buffer == nullptr) { return false; } if (m_buffer->hasTextSelected() == true) { return replace(_data); } return write(_data, m_buffer->cursor()); } bool appl::TextViewer::write(const std::string& _data, const appl::Buffer::Iterator& _pos) { if (m_buffer == nullptr) { return false; } markToRedraw(); if (m_pluginManager->onWrite(*this, _pos, _data) == true) { // no call of the move cursor, because pluging might call theses function to copy and cut data... updateScrolling(); return true; } bool ret = m_buffer->write(_data, _pos); m_pluginManager->onCursorMove(*this, m_buffer->cursor()); updateScrolling(); return ret; } bool appl::TextViewer::replace(const std::string& _data, const appl::Buffer::Iterator& _pos, const appl::Buffer::Iterator& _posEnd) { if (m_buffer == nullptr) { return false; } markToRedraw(); if (m_pluginManager->onReplace(*this, _pos, _data, _posEnd) == true) { // no call of the move cursor, because pluging might call theses function to copy and cut data... updateScrolling(); return true; } bool ret = m_buffer->replace(_data, _pos, _posEnd); m_pluginManager->onCursorMove(*this, m_buffer->cursor()); updateScrolling(); return ret; } bool appl::TextViewer::replace(const std::string& _data) { if (m_buffer == nullptr) { return false; } if (m_buffer->hasTextSelected() == false) { return write(_data); } return replace(_data, m_buffer->selectStart(), m_buffer->selectStop()); } void appl::TextViewer::remove() { if (m_buffer == nullptr) { return; } if (m_buffer->hasTextSelected() == false) { // nothing to do ... return; } markToRedraw(); if (m_pluginManager->onRemove(*this, m_buffer->selectStart(), m_buffer->selectStop()) == true) { return; } m_buffer->removeSelection(); m_pluginManager->onCursorMove(*this, m_buffer->cursor()); } void appl::TextViewer::moveCursorRight(appl::TextViewer::moveMode _mode) { if (m_buffer == nullptr) { return; } markToRedraw(); appl::Buffer::Iterator it; switch (_mode) { default: case moveLetter: it = m_buffer->cursor(); ++it; moveCursor(it); break; case moveWord: // TODO : ... break; case moveEnd: it = m_buffer->getEndLine(m_buffer->cursor()); moveCursor(it); break; } } void appl::TextViewer::moveCursorLeft(appl::TextViewer::moveMode _mode) { if (m_buffer == nullptr) { return; } markToRedraw(); appl::Buffer::Iterator it; switch (_mode) { default: case moveLetter: it = m_buffer->cursor(); --it; moveCursor(it); break; case moveWord: // TODO : ... break; case moveEnd: it = m_buffer->getStartLine(m_buffer->cursor()); moveCursor(it); break; } } void appl::TextViewer::moveCursorUp(uint32_t _nbLine) { if (m_buffer == nullptr) { return; } markToRedraw(); // find the position of the start of the line. appl::Buffer::Iterator lineStartPos = m_buffer->getStartLine(m_buffer->cursor()); // check if we can go up ... if (lineStartPos == m_buffer->begin()) { return; } // Decide what column to move to, if there's a preferred column use that if (m_buffer->getFavoriteUpDownPos() < 0) { m_buffer->setFavoriteUpDownPos(getScreenSize(lineStartPos, m_buffer->cursor())); } // get the previous line appl::Buffer::Iterator prevLineStartPos = m_buffer->countBackwardNLines(lineStartPos-1, _nbLine); //APPL_INFO("Move line UP result : prevLineStartPos=" << prevLineStartPos); // get the display char position appl::Buffer::Iterator newPos = getPosSize(prevLineStartPos, m_buffer->getFavoriteUpDownPos()); //APPL_INFO("Move to colomn : column=" << column << " newPos=" << newPos); float posStore = m_buffer->getFavoriteUpDownPos(); moveCursor(newPos); m_buffer->setFavoriteUpDownPos(posStore); } void appl::TextViewer::moveCursorDown(uint32_t _nbLine) { if (m_buffer == nullptr) { return; } markToRedraw(); // check if we are not at the end of Buffer if (m_buffer->cursor() == m_buffer->end() ) { return; } // find the position of the start of the line. appl::Buffer::Iterator lineStartPos = m_buffer->getStartLine(m_buffer->cursor()); if (m_buffer->getFavoriteUpDownPos() < 0) { m_buffer->setFavoriteUpDownPos(getScreenSize(lineStartPos, m_buffer->cursor())); } // get the next line : appl::Buffer::Iterator nextLineStartPos = m_buffer->countForwardNLines(lineStartPos, _nbLine); //APPL_INFO("Move line DOWN result : nextLineStartPos=" << nextLineStartPos); // get the display char position appl::Buffer::Iterator newPos = getPosSize(nextLineStartPos, m_buffer->getFavoriteUpDownPos()); //APPL_INFO("Move to colomn : column=" << column << " newPos=" << newPos); float posStore = m_buffer->getFavoriteUpDownPos(); moveCursor(newPos); m_buffer->setFavoriteUpDownPos(posStore); } // TODO : Rename ... appl::Buffer::Iterator appl::TextViewer::getPosSize(const appl::Buffer::Iterator& _startLinePos, float _distance) { char32_t currentValue; int32_t countColomn = 0; std::u32string stringToDisplay; m_displayText.clear(); m_displayText.forceLineReturn(); for (appl::Buffer::Iterator it = _startLinePos; (bool)it == true; ++it) { currentValue = *it; m_buffer->expand(countColomn, currentValue, stringToDisplay); for (size_t kkk=0; kkk= _distance) { return it; } countColomn += stringToDisplay.size(); } return m_buffer->end(); } // TODO : Rename ... float appl::TextViewer::getScreenSize(const appl::Buffer::Iterator& _startLinePos, const appl::Buffer::Iterator& _stopPos) { float ret = 0; char32_t currentValue; int32_t countColomn = 0; std::u32string stringToDisplay; m_displayText.clear(); for (appl::Buffer::Iterator it = _startLinePos; (bool)it == true && it <= _stopPos; ++it) { currentValue = *it; //APPL_DEBUG("parse : " << currentValue); m_buffer->expand(countColomn, currentValue, stringToDisplay); for (size_t kkk=0; kkksetViewerSelected(std::dynamic_pointer_cast(shared_from_this()), m_buffer); } } bool appl::TextViewer::isSelectedLast() { if (m_viewerManager != nullptr) { return m_viewerManager->isLastSelected(std::dynamic_pointer_cast(shared_from_this())); } return false; }