/** ******************************************************************************* * @file CodeView.cpp * @brief Editeur De N'ours : Code Viewer Widget * This is an abstraction * @author Edouard DUPIN * @date 05/01/2011 * @par Project * Edn * * @par Copyright * Copyright 2010 Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY. * * Licence summary : * You can modify and redistribute the sources code and binaries. * You can send me the bug-fix * You can not earn money with this Software (if the source extract from Edn * represent less than 50% of original Sources) * Term of the licence in in the file licence.txt. * ******************************************************************************* */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #undef __class__ #define __class__ "CodeView" CodeView::CodeView(void) { m_label = "CodeView is disable ..."; m_fontNormal = -1; m_fontBold = -1; m_fontItalic = -1; m_fontBoldItalic = -1; m_fontSize = 15; m_bufferID = -1; m_buttunOneSelected = false; m_lineNumberList.Clear(); m_textColorFg = etk::color::black; m_textColorBg = etk::color::black; m_textColorBg.alpha = 0x40; SetCanHaveFocus(true); RegisterMultiCast(ednMsgBufferId); RegisterMultiCast(ednMsgGuiCopy); RegisterMultiCast(ednMsgGuiPaste); RegisterMultiCast(ednMsgGuiCut); RegisterMultiCast(ednMsgGuiRedo); RegisterMultiCast(ednMsgGuiUndo); RegisterMultiCast(ednMsgGuiRm); RegisterMultiCast(ednMsgGuiSelect); RegisterMultiCast(ednMsgGuiChangeCharset); RegisterMultiCast(ednMsgGuiFind); RegisterMultiCast(ednMsgGuiReplace); SetLimitScrolling(0.2); } CodeView::~CodeView(void) { } /** * @brief Check if the number of reference buffer is good or not ... * @param[in] bufferID id of the current Buffer that needed to have a reference * @return --- */ void CodeView::UpdateNumberOfLineReference(int32_t bufferID) { Vector2D tmpCoord; tmpCoord.x = 0; tmpCoord.y = 0; if (m_lineNumberList.Size()<=bufferID) { // update the number of elements : for (int32_t iii=m_lineNumberList.Size(); iii <= bufferID; iii++) { // add start line at 0 : m_lineNumberList.PushBack(tmpCoord); } } } bool CodeView::CalculateMinSize(void) { m_minSize.x = 50; m_minSize.y = 50; return true; } void CodeView::CalculateMaxSize(void) { m_maxSize.x = 2048; int32_t letterHeight = ewol::GetHeight(m_fontNormal); m_maxSize.y = BufferManager::Get(m_bufferID)->GetNumberOfLine() * letterHeight; } void CodeView::OnDraw(ewol::DrawProperty& displayProp) { m_OObjectsColored.Draw(); m_OObjectTextNormal.Draw(); m_OObjectTextBold.Draw(); m_OObjectTextItalic.Draw(); m_OObjectTextBoldItalic.Draw(); WidgetScrooled::OnDraw(displayProp); } void CodeView::OnRegenerateDisplay(void) { if (true == NeedRedraw()) { int64_t startTime = ewol::GetTime(); // For the scrooling windows CalculateMaxSize(); // clean internal elements ... m_OObjectTextNormal.SetFontID(m_fontNormal); m_OObjectTextBold.SetFontID(m_fontBold); m_OObjectTextItalic.SetFontID(m_fontItalic); m_OObjectTextBoldItalic.SetFontID(m_fontBoldItalic); m_OObjectTextNormal.Clear(); m_OObjectTextBold.Clear(); m_OObjectTextItalic.Clear(); m_OObjectTextBoldItalic.Clear(); m_OObjectsColored.Clear(); if(true == BufferManager::Get(m_bufferID)->NeedToUpdateDisplayPosition() ) { Vector2D borderWidth = BufferManager::Get(m_bufferID)->GetBorderSize(); bool centerRequested = false; Vector2D currentPosition = BufferManager::Get(m_bufferID)->GetPosition(m_OObjectTextNormal.GetFontID(), centerRequested); SetScrollingPositionDynamic(borderWidth, currentPosition, centerRequested); } // else : nothing to do ... // generate the objects : BufferManager::Get(m_bufferID)->Display(m_OObjectTextNormal, m_OObjectTextBold, m_OObjectTextItalic, m_OObjectTextBoldItalic, m_OObjectsColored, m_originScrooled.x, m_originScrooled.y, m_size.x, m_size.y); // set the current size of the windows SetMaxSize(BufferManager::Get(m_bufferID)->GetMaxSize()); int64_t stopTime = ewol::GetTime(); APPL_DEBUG("Display Code Generation = " << stopTime - startTime << " micro-s"); // call the herited class... WidgetScrooled::OnRegenerateDisplay(); } } bool CodeView::OnEventKb(ewol::eventKbType_te typeEvent, uniChar_t unicodeData) { //APPL_DEBUG("KB EVENT : \"" << UTF8_data << "\" size=" << strlen(UTF8_data) << "type=" << (int32_t)typeEvent); if (typeEvent == ewol::EVENT_KB_TYPE_DOWN) { BufferManager::Get(m_bufferID)->AddChar(unicodeData); MarkToRedraw(); } return true; } bool CodeView::OnEventKbMove(ewol::eventKbType_te typeEvent, ewol::eventKbMoveType_te moveTypeEvent) { if (typeEvent == ewol::EVENT_KB_TYPE_DOWN) { BufferManager::Get(m_bufferID)->cursorMove(moveTypeEvent); MarkToRedraw(); } return true; } /** * @brief Event on a past event ==> this event is asynchronous due to all system does not support direct getting datas * @note : need to have focus ... * @param[in] mode Mode of data requested * @return --- */ void CodeView::OnEventClipboard(ewol::clipBoard::clipboardListe_te clipboardID) { BufferManager::Get(m_bufferID)->Paste(clipboardID); MarkToRedraw(); } /** * @brief Event on an input of this Widget * @param[in] type Type of the input (ewol::INPUT_TYPE_MOUSE/ewol::INPUT_TYPE_FINGER ...) * @param[in] IdInput Id of the current Input (PC : left=1, right=2, middle=3, none=0 / Tactil : first finger=1 , second=2 (only on this widget, no knowledge at ouside finger)) * @param[in] typeEvent ewol type of event like EVENT_INPUT_TYPE_DOWN/EVENT_INPUT_TYPE_MOVE/EVENT_INPUT_TYPE_UP/EVENT_INPUT_TYPE_SINGLE/EVENT_INPUT_TYPE_DOUBLE/... * @param[in] pos Absolute position of the event * @return true the event is used * @return false the event is not used */ bool CodeView::OnEventInput(ewol::inputType_te type, int32_t IdInput, ewol::eventInputType_te typeEvent, Vector2D pos) { Vector2D relativePos = RelativePosition(pos); // corection for the openGl abstraction relativePos.y = m_size.y - relativePos.y; if (m_bufferID < 0) { return false; } if (true == WidgetScrooled::OnEventInput(type, IdInput, typeEvent, pos)) { ewol::widgetManager::FocusKeep(this); // nothing to do ... done on upper widget ... return true; } if (1 == IdInput) { #ifndef __MODE__Touch if (ewol::EVENT_INPUT_TYPE_DOWN == typeEvent) { m_buttunOneSelected = true; ewol::widgetManager::FocusKeep(this); BufferManager::Get(m_bufferID)->MouseEvent(m_fontNormal, relativePos.x+m_originScrooled.x, relativePos.y+m_originScrooled.y); MarkToRedraw(); } else if (ewol::EVENT_INPUT_TYPE_UP == typeEvent) { m_buttunOneSelected = false; BufferManager::Get(m_bufferID)->Copy(ewol::clipBoard::CLIPBOARD_SELECTION); MarkToRedraw(); } else #endif if (ewol::EVENT_INPUT_TYPE_SINGLE == typeEvent) { #ifdef __MODE__Touch ewol::widgetManager::FocusKeep(this); BufferManager::Get(m_bufferID)->MouseEvent(m_fontNormal, relativePos.x+m_originScrooled.x, relativePos.y+m_originScrooled.y); MarkToRedraw(); #else // nothing to do ... #endif } else if (ewol::EVENT_INPUT_TYPE_DOUBLE == typeEvent) { BufferManager::Get(m_bufferID)->MouseEventDouble(); MarkToRedraw(); } else if (ewol::EVENT_INPUT_TYPE_TRIPLE == typeEvent) { BufferManager::Get(m_bufferID)->MouseEventTriple(); MarkToRedraw(); } else if (ewol::EVENT_INPUT_TYPE_MOVE == typeEvent) { if (true == m_buttunOneSelected) { int xxx, yyy; xxx = relativePos.x; yyy = relativePos.y; if (xxx<0) { xxx = 0; } if (yyy<0) { yyy = 0; } //APPL_INFO("mouse-motion BT1 %d, %d", xxx, yyy); BufferManager::Get(m_bufferID)->MouseSelectFromCursorTo(m_fontNormal, xxx+m_originScrooled.x, yyy+m_originScrooled.y); MarkToRedraw(); } } } else if (2 == IdInput) { if (ewol::EVENT_INPUT_TYPE_SINGLE == typeEvent) { BufferManager::Get(m_bufferID)->MouseEvent(m_fontNormal, relativePos.x+m_originScrooled.x, relativePos.y+m_originScrooled.y); ewol::clipBoard::Request(ewol::clipBoard::CLIPBOARD_SELECTION); ewol::widgetManager::FocusKeep(this); } } return true; } /** * @brief Receive a message from an other EObject with a specific eventId and data * @param[in] CallerObject Pointer on the EObject that information came from * @param[in] eventId Message registered by this class * @param[in] data Data registered by this class * @return --- */ void CodeView::OnReceiveMessage(ewol::EObject * CallerObject, const char * eventId, etk::UString data) { ewol::WidgetScrooled::OnReceiveMessage(CallerObject, eventId, data); APPL_DEBUG("Extern Event : " << CallerObject << " type : " << eventId << " data=\"" << data << "\""); if(eventId == ednMsgBufferId) { //keep the reference of the display offset : if( m_bufferID >=0 && m_bufferID < m_lineNumberList.Size()) { m_lineNumberList[m_bufferID] = m_originScrooled; } int32_t bufferID = 0; sscanf(data.c_str(), "%d", &bufferID); APPL_INFO("Select a new Buffer ... " << bufferID); // set the new buffer ID m_bufferID = bufferID; // update the start display position... UpdateNumberOfLineReference(m_bufferID); // set back if needed the display position ... if( m_bufferID >=0 && m_bufferID < m_lineNumberList.Size()) { m_originScrooled = m_lineNumberList[m_bufferID]; } } else if (eventId == ednMsgGuiCopy) { BufferManager::Get(m_bufferID)->Copy(ewol::clipBoard::CLIPBOARD_STD); } else if (eventId == ednMsgGuiCut) { BufferManager::Get(m_bufferID)->Cut(ewol::clipBoard::CLIPBOARD_STD); } else if (eventId == ednMsgGuiPaste) { ewol::clipBoard::Request(ewol::clipBoard::CLIPBOARD_STD); } else if (eventId == ednMsgGuiUndo) { BufferManager::Get(m_bufferID)->Undo(); } else if (eventId == ednMsgGuiRedo) { BufferManager::Get(m_bufferID)->Redo(); } else if (eventId == ednMsgGuiRm) { // data : "Word" "Line" "Paragraph" if (data == "Word") { APPL_WARNING(" on event " << eventId << " data=\"" << data << "\" ==> not coded" ); } else if (data == "Line") { BufferManager::Get(m_bufferID)->RemoveLine(); } else if (data == "Paragraph") { APPL_WARNING(" on event " << eventId << " data=\"" << data << "\" ==> not coded" ); } else { APPL_ERROR(" on event " << eventId << " unknow data=\"" << data << "\"" ); } } else if (eventId == ednMsgGuiSelect) { // data : "ALL" "NONE" if (data == "ALL") { BufferManager::Get(m_bufferID)->SelectAll(); } else if (data == "NONE") { BufferManager::Get(m_bufferID)->SelectNone(); } else { APPL_ERROR(" on event " << eventId << " unknow data=\"" << data << "\"" ); } } else if (eventId == ednMsgGuiChangeCharset) { // data : "UTF-8" "ISO-8859-1" "ISO-8859-15" if (data == "UTF-8") { BufferManager::Get(m_bufferID)->SetCharset(unicode::EDN_CHARSET_UTF8); } else if (data == "ISO-8859-1") { BufferManager::Get(m_bufferID)->SetCharset(unicode::EDN_CHARSET_ISO_8859_1); } else if (data == "ISO-8859-15") { BufferManager::Get(m_bufferID)->SetCharset(unicode::EDN_CHARSET_ISO_8859_15); } else { APPL_ERROR(" on event " << eventId << " unknow data=\"" << data << "\"" ); } } else if (eventId == ednMsgGuiFind) { etk::UString myDataString; SearchData::GetSearch(myDataString); if (data == "Next") { BufferManager::Get(m_bufferID)->Search(myDataString, false, SearchData::GetCase(), SearchData::GetWrap(), SearchData::GetRegExp() ); } else if (data == "Previous") { BufferManager::Get(m_bufferID)->Search(myDataString, true, SearchData::GetCase(), SearchData::GetWrap(), SearchData::GetRegExp() ); } } else if (eventId == ednMsgGuiReplace) { etk::UString myDataString; SearchData::GetReplace(myDataString); if (data == "Normal") { BufferManager::Get(m_bufferID)->Replace(myDataString); } else if (data == "All") { } } /* switch (id) { case APPL_MSG__CURRENT_GOTO_LINE: if (dataID<0) { dataID = 0; } BufferManager::Get(m_bufferID)->JumpAtLine(dataID); break; case APPL_MSG__CURRENT_SET_CHARSET: BufferManager::Get(m_bufferID)->SetCharset((unicode::charset_te)dataID); break; } */ // Force redraw of the widget MarkToRedraw(); } void CodeView::OnGetFocus(void) { /* ewol::widgetMessageMultiCast::Send(GetWidgetId(), ednMsgBufferId, m_bufferID); */ ewol::KeyboardShow(ewol::KEYBOARD_MODE_CODE); APPL_INFO("Focus - In"); } void CodeView::OnLostFocus(void) { ewol::KeyboardHide(); APPL_INFO("Focus - out"); } void CodeView::SetFontSize(int32_t size) { m_fontSize = size; SetScrollingSize(m_fontSize*3.0*1.46); // 1.46 is a magic nmber ... } void CodeView::SetFontNameNormal(etk::UString fontName) { int32_t fontID = ewol::LoadFont(fontName, m_fontSize); if (fontID >= 0) { m_fontNormal = fontID; } } void CodeView::SetFontNameBold(etk::UString fontName) { int32_t fontID = ewol::LoadFont(fontName, m_fontSize); if (fontID >= 0) { m_fontBold = fontID; } } void CodeView::SetFontNameItalic(etk::UString fontName) { int32_t fontID = ewol::LoadFont(fontName, m_fontSize); if (fontID >= 0) { m_fontItalic = fontID; } } void CodeView::SetFontNameBoldItalic(etk::UString fontName) { int32_t fontID = ewol::LoadFont(fontName, m_fontSize); if (fontID >= 0) { m_fontBoldItalic = fontID; } }