/** * @author Edouard DUPIN * * @copyright 2010, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved * * @license GPL v3 (see license file) */ #include #include #include #include #include #undef __class__ #define __class__ "Buffer" const char* const appl::Buffer::eventIsModify = "edn-is-modify"; const char* const appl::Buffer::eventIsSave = "edn-is-save"; const char* const appl::Buffer::eventSelectChange = "edn-select-change"; const char* const appl::Buffer::eventChangeName = "edn-buffer-name-change"; appl::Buffer::Iterator& appl::Buffer::Iterator::operator++ () { m_value = u32char::Null; if (m_current < 0) { m_current = 0; return *this; } if (m_data != NULL) { if (m_current < m_data->m_data.size() ) { int8_t nbChar = utf8::theoricLen(m_data->m_data[m_current]); if (nbChar != 0) { m_current+=nbChar; } else { m_current++; } } if (m_current >= m_data->m_data.size()) { m_current = m_data->m_data.size(); } } return *this; } appl::Buffer::Iterator& appl::Buffer::Iterator::operator-- () { m_value = u32char::Null; if (m_data != NULL) { if (m_current > 0) { int32_t iii = -1; while( utf8::theoricFirst(m_data->m_data[m_current+iii]) == false && iii >= -6 && m_current-iii>0) { --iii; }; m_current += iii; } else { m_current = -1; } return *this; } else { m_current = -1; } return *this; } char32_t appl::Buffer::Iterator::operator* () { if (m_value != u32char::Null) { return m_value; } if (m_data == NULL) { APPL_ERROR("request an element that iterator not link"); return m_value; } if ( m_current < 0 || m_current >= m_data->m_data.size()) { APPL_ERROR("request an element out of bounding !!! 0 <= " << m_current << " < " << m_data->m_data.size()); return m_value; } char tmpVal[5]; memset(tmpVal, 0, sizeof(tmpVal)); tmpVal[0] = m_data->m_data[m_current]; int8_t nbChar = utf8::theoricLen(tmpVal[0]); for (int32_t iii=1; iiim_data.size(); ++iii) { tmpVal[iii] = m_data->m_data[m_current+iii]; } // transform ... m_value = utf8::convertChar32(tmpVal); return m_value; } appl::Buffer::Iterator appl::Buffer::position(int64_t _pos) { return appl::Buffer::Iterator(this, _pos); } appl::Buffer::Iterator appl::Buffer::begin() { return position(0); } appl::Buffer::Iterator appl::Buffer::end() { // TODO : chek the validity of the char ... return position( m_data.size() ); } appl::Buffer::Iterator appl::Buffer::cursor() { if (m_cursorPos<= 0) { return begin(); } return position( m_cursorPos ); } appl::Buffer::Iterator appl::Buffer::selectStart() { return position( getStartSelectionPos() ); } appl::Buffer::Iterator appl::Buffer::selectStop() { return position( getStopSelectionPos() ); } appl::Buffer::Buffer() : m_hasFileName(false), m_fileName(""), m_isModify(false), m_cursorPos(0), m_cursorSelectPos(-1), m_cursorPreferredCol(-1), m_nbLines(1), m_highlight(NULL) { addObjectType("appl::Buffer"); static int32_t bufferBaseId = 0; m_fileName = "No Name " + std::to_string(bufferBaseId); bufferBaseId++; addEventId(eventIsModify); addEventId(eventIsSave); addEventId(eventSelectChange); addEventId(eventChangeName); } appl::Buffer::~Buffer() { } bool appl::Buffer::loadFile(const std::string& _name) { APPL_DEBUG("Convert filename :'" << _name << "'"); etk::FSNode file(_name); std::string name = file.getName(); APPL_INFO("Load file : '" << name << "'"); m_fileName = name; m_hasFileName = true; m_isModify = true; m_cursorPos = 0; setHighlightType(""); m_nbLines = 0; if (m_data.dumpFrom(m_fileName) == true ) { countNumberofLine(); tryFindHighlightType(); m_isModify = false; return true; } return false; } void appl::Buffer::setFileName(const std::string& _name) { APPL_DEBUG("Convert filename :'" << _name << "'"); etk::FSNode file(_name); std::string name = file.getName(); if (m_fileName == name) { return; } m_fileName = name; m_hasFileName = true; generateEventId(eventChangeName); setModification(true); } bool appl::Buffer::storeFile() { if (m_data.dumpIn(m_fileName) == true) { APPL_INFO("saving file : " << m_fileName); setModification(false); return true; } return false; } void appl::Buffer::setModification(bool _status) { if (m_isModify == _status) { return; } m_isModify = _status; if (m_isModify == true) { generateEventId(eventIsModify); } else { generateEventId(eventIsSave); } } // TODO : Naming error void appl::Buffer::countNumberofLine() { m_nbLines = 1; for (Iterator it = begin(); (bool)it == true; ++it) { if (*it == u32char::Return) { ++m_nbLines; } } } appl::Buffer::Iterator appl::Buffer::getStartLine(const appl::Buffer::Iterator& _pos) { appl::Buffer::Iterator startPos; if (false == searchBack(_pos, u32char::Return, startPos)) { return begin(); } // note search will return the position of \n ==> the lione start just after ... return startPos+1; } appl::Buffer::Iterator appl::Buffer::getEndLine(const appl::Buffer::Iterator& _pos) { appl::Buffer::Iterator endPos; if (false == search(_pos, u32char::Return, endPos)) { endPos = end(); } // Note the line end at the \n return endPos; } bool appl::Buffer::search(const appl::Buffer::Iterator& _pos, const char32_t& _search, appl::Buffer::Iterator& _result) { // move in the string for (Iterator it = _pos; (bool)it == true; ++it) { if (*it == _search) { _result = it; return true; } } _result = end(); return false; } bool appl::Buffer::searchBack(const appl::Buffer::Iterator& _pos, const char32_t& _search, appl::Buffer::Iterator& _result) { // move in the string for (Iterator it = _pos - 1; (bool)it == true; --it) { //APPL_DEBUG("compare : " << *it << " ?= " << _search); if (*it == _search) { //APPL_DEBUG("find : " << (int32_t)it); _result = it; return true; } } _result = begin(); return false; } bool appl::Buffer::search(const appl::Buffer::Iterator& _pos, const std::u32string& _search, appl::Buffer::Iterator& _result, bool _caseSensitive) { if (_search.size() <= 0 ) { return false; } if (_caseSensitive == true) { // move in the string for (Iterator it = _pos; (bool)it == true; ++it) { if (*it == _search[0]) { // find the first char ==> check next... bool find = true; Iterator tmp = it; for (size_t iii=0; iii<_search.size(); ++iii) { if (*tmp != _search[iii]) { find = false; break; } ++tmp; if ((bool)tmp == false) { if (iii != _search.size()-1) { find = false; } break; } } if (find == true) { _result = it; return true; } } } } else { char32_t firstElement = tolower(_search[0]); // move in the string for (Iterator it = _pos; (bool)it == true; ++it) { if (tolower(*it) == firstElement) { // find the first char ==> check next... bool find = true; Iterator tmp = it; for (size_t iii=0; iii<_search.size(); ++iii) { if (tolower(*tmp) != tolower(_search[iii])) { find = false; break; } ++tmp; if ((bool)tmp == false) { if (iii != _search.size()-1) { find = false; } break; } } if (find == true) { _result = it; return true; } } } } _result = end(); return false; } bool appl::Buffer::searchBack(const appl::Buffer::Iterator& _pos, const std::u32string& _search, appl::Buffer::Iterator& _result, bool _caseSensitive) { if (_search.size() <= 0 ) { return false; } char32_t lastElement = _search[_search.size()-1]; if (_caseSensitive == true) { // move in the string for (Iterator it = _pos - 1; (bool)it == true; --it) { //APPL_DEBUG("compare : " << *it << " ?= " << _search); if (*it == lastElement) { // find the last char ==> check previous... bool find = true; _result = it; for (int64_t iii=_search.size()-1; iii>=0; --iii) { if (*_result != _search[iii]) { find = false; break; } --_result; if ((bool)_result == false) { if (iii != 0) { find = false; } break; } } if (find == true) { _result++; return true; } } } } else { lastElement = tolower(lastElement); // move in the string for (Iterator it = _pos - 1; (bool)it == true; --it) { //APPL_DEBUG("compare : " << *it << " ?= " << _search); if (tolower(*it) == lastElement) { // find the last char ==> check previous... bool find = true; _result = it; for (int64_t iii=_search.size()-1; iii>=0; --iii) { if (tolower(*_result) != tolower(_search[iii])) { find = false; break; } --_result; if ((bool)_result == false) { if (iii != 0) { find = false; } break; } } if (find == true) { _result++; return true; } } } } _result = begin(); return false; } void appl::Buffer::moveCursor(int64_t _pos) { m_cursorPreferredCol = -1; APPL_VERBOSE("move cursor : " << _pos << "/" << m_data.size()); // selecting mode ... if (m_selectMode == true) { if (m_cursorSelectPos == -1) { m_cursorSelectPos = m_cursorPos; if (m_cursorSelectPos < 0) { m_cursorSelectPos = 0; } } //APPL_DEBUG("Select : " << m_cursorSelectPos << " ==> " << _pos); m_cursorPos = _pos; if (m_cursorPos == m_cursorSelectPos) { m_cursorSelectPos = -1; } generateEventId(eventSelectChange); return; } // move mode m_cursorPos = _pos; m_cursorSelectPos = -1; generateEventId(eventSelectChange); } bool appl::Buffer::getPosAround(const appl::Buffer::Iterator& _startPos, appl::Buffer::Iterator &_beginPos, appl::Buffer::Iterator &_endPos) { char32_t currentValue = *position(_startPos); _beginPos = begin(); _endPos = end(); if ( currentValue == u32char::Tabulation || currentValue == u32char::Space) { APPL_DEBUG("select spacer"); // Search back for (Iterator it = --position(_startPos); (bool)it == true; --it) { currentValue = *it; if ( currentValue != u32char::Tabulation && currentValue != u32char::Space) { _beginPos = ++it; break; } } // Search forward for (Iterator it = position(_startPos); (bool)it == true; ++it) { currentValue = *it; if ( currentValue != u32char::Tabulation && currentValue != u32char::Space) { _endPos = it; break; } } return true; } else if( u32char::isSpecialChar(currentValue) == false || currentValue == '_') { APPL_DEBUG("select normal Char"); // Search back for (Iterator it = --position(_startPos); (bool)it == true; --it) { currentValue = *it; if ( currentValue != '_' && u32char::isSpecialChar(currentValue) == true) { _beginPos = ++it; break; } } // Search forward for (Iterator it = position(_startPos); (bool)it == true; ++it) { currentValue = *it; if ( currentValue != '_' && u32char::isSpecialChar(currentValue) == true) { _endPos = it; break; } } return true; } else { APPL_DEBUG("select same char"); char32_t comparechar = currentValue; // Search back for (Iterator it = --position(_startPos); (bool)it == true; --it) { currentValue = *it; if (comparechar != currentValue) { _beginPos = ++it; break; } } // Search forward for (Iterator it = position(_startPos); (bool)it == true; ++it) { currentValue = *it; if (comparechar != currentValue) { _endPos = it; break; } } return true; } _beginPos = begin(); _endPos = begin(); return false; } void appl::Buffer::setSelectionPos(const appl::Buffer::Iterator& _pos) { m_cursorSelectPos = _pos; generateEventId(eventSelectChange); } void appl::Buffer::unSelect() { m_cursorSelectPos = -1; generateEventId(eventSelectChange); } static const char *ControlCodeTable[32] = { "NUL", "soh", "stx", "etx", "eot", "enq", "ack", "bel", "bs", "ht", "nl", "vt", "np", "cr", "so", "si", "dle", "dc1", "dc2", "dc3", "dc4", "nak", "syn", "etb", "can", "em", "sub", "esc", "fs", "gs", "rs", "us"}; void appl::Buffer::expand(int32_t& _indent, const char32_t& _value, std::u32string& _out) const { _out.clear(); int32_t tabDist = 4; if (_value == u32char::Tabulation) { int32_t nSpaces = tabDist - (_indent % tabDist); for (int32_t iii=0; iii"; return; } if (_value == u32char::Return) { // nothing to display... _out += u32char::Return; return; } if (_value <= 31) { _out += '<'; const char * tmp = ControlCodeTable[_value]; while (*tmp!='\0') { _out += *tmp; tmp++; } _out += '>'; return; } if (_value == u32char::Delete) { _out += U""; return; } // nothing to do ... _out += _value; //APPL_DEBUG("plop : " << _out); } appl::Buffer::Iterator appl::Buffer::countForwardNLines(const appl::Buffer::Iterator& _startPos, int32_t _nLines) { char32_t value; int32_t lineCount = 0; //APPL_INFO("startPos=" << startPos << " nLines=" << nLines); for (Iterator it = position(_startPos); (bool)it == true; ++it) { value = *it; if (value == u32char::Return) { lineCount++; if (lineCount == _nLines) { //APPL_INFO(" == > (1) at position=" << myPosIt.Position()+1 ); return ++it; } } } //APPL_INFO(" == > (2) at position=" << myPosIt.Position() ); return end(); } appl::Buffer::Iterator appl::Buffer::countBackwardNLines(const appl::Buffer::Iterator& _startPos, int32_t _nLines) { //APPL_INFO("startPos=" << startPos << " nLines=" << nLines); char32_t value; int32_t lineCount = 0; for (Iterator it = --position(_startPos); (bool)it == true; --it) { value = *it; if (value == u32char::Return) { lineCount++; if (lineCount >= _nLines) { //APPL_INFO(" == > (1) at position=" << myPosIt.Position()+1 ); return ++it; } } } //APPL_INFO(" == > (2) at position=0"); return begin(); } bool appl::Buffer::copy(std::string& _data) { _data.clear(); if (hasTextSelected() == true) { int32_t startPos = getStartSelectionPos(); int32_t endPos = getStopSelectionPos(); for (Iterator it = position(startPos); it != position(endPos) && (bool)it == true; ++it) { _data += *it; } return true; } return false; } void appl::Buffer::copy(std::string& _data, const appl::Buffer::Iterator& _pos, const appl::Buffer::Iterator& _posEnd) { _data.clear(); for (Iterator it = _pos; it != _posEnd && (bool)it == true; ++it) { _data += *it; } } bool appl::Buffer::write(const std::string& _data, const appl::Buffer::Iterator& _pos) { int64_t position = (int64_t)_pos; if (position < 0){ position = 0; } APPL_VERBOSE("write at pos: " << (int64_t)_pos << " ==> " << position << " data : " << _data); m_data.insert(position, (int8_t*)(_data.c_str()), _data.size()); if (m_cursorPos < 0) { m_cursorPos = 0; } regenerateHighLightAt(position, 0, _data.size()); m_selectMode = false; moveCursor(position+_data.size()); countNumberofLine(); // TODO : use more intelligent counter setModification(true); return true; } bool appl::Buffer::replace(const std::string& _data, const appl::Buffer::Iterator& _pos, const appl::Buffer::Iterator& _posEnd) { int64_t position = (int64_t)_pos; if (position < 0){ position = 0; } m_data.replace(position, (int64_t)_posEnd-(int64_t)_pos, (int8_t*)(_data.c_str()), _data.size()); regenerateHighLightAt(position, (int64_t)_posEnd-(int64_t)_pos, _data.size()); m_selectMode = false; moveCursor(position+_data.size()); countNumberofLine(); // TODO : use more intelligent counter setModification(true); return true; } void appl::Buffer::removeSelection() { if (hasTextSelected() == false) { return; } int64_t startPos = getStartSelectionPos(); int64_t endPos = getStopSelectionPos(); m_data.remove(startPos, endPos-startPos); regenerateHighLightAt(startPos, endPos-startPos, 0); m_selectMode = false; moveCursor(startPos); countNumberofLine(); // TODO : use more intelligent counter setModification(true); } void appl::Buffer::tryFindHighlightType() { etk::FSNode file(m_fileName); std::string type = appl::highlightManager::getTypeExtention(file.fileGetExtention()); if (type.size() == 0) { return; } APPL_DEBUG("Find extention type: " << type); setHighlightType(type); } void appl::Buffer::setHighlightType(const std::string& _type) { m_highlightType = ""; cleanHighLight(); m_highlight.reset(); std::string resourceName = appl::highlightManager::getFileWithTypeType(_type); if (resourceName == "") { return; } m_highlightType = _type; m_highlight = appl::Highlight::keep(resourceName); generateHighLightAt(0, m_data.size()); } void appl::Buffer::regenerateHighLightAt(int64_t _pos, int64_t _nbDeleted, int64_t _nbAdded) { // prevent ERROR... if (NULL == m_highlight) { return; } // prevent No data Call if ( _nbDeleted == 0 && _nbAdded == 0) { return; } // normal case //APPL_INFO("(pos="<" << stopId); } } else if (stopId == -1) { //APPL_DEBUG("3 * Erase " << startId+1 << "-> end"); m_HLDataPass1.erase(m_HLDataPass1.begin()+startId+1, m_HLDataPass1.end()); stopId = -1; } else { int32_t currentSize = m_HLDataPass1.size(); //APPL_DEBUG("4 * Erase " << startId+1 << "->" << stopId << " in " << currentSize << " elements" ); m_HLDataPass1.erase(m_HLDataPass1.begin()+startId+1, m_HLDataPass1.begin()+stopId); if (stopId == currentSize-1) { stopId = -1; } } //APPL_DEBUG("new size=" << (int32_t)m_HLDataPass1.size()-1); // update position after the range position : int64_t elemStart; if (startId == -1) { elemStart = 0; } else { elemStart = startId+1; } for (int64_t iii = elemStart; iii < m_HLDataPass1.size(); ++iii) { //APPL_DEBUG("move element=" << i); m_HLDataPass1[iii].beginStart += _nbAdded - _nbDeleted; m_HLDataPass1[iii].beginStop += _nbAdded - _nbDeleted; m_HLDataPass1[iii].endStart += _nbAdded - _nbDeleted; m_HLDataPass1[iii].endStop += _nbAdded - _nbDeleted; } //Regenerate Element inside range if ( startId == -1 && stopId == -1) { //APPL_DEBUG("******* Regenerate ALL"); generateHighLightAt(0, m_data.size()); } else if(-1 == startId) { //APPL_DEBUG("******* Regenerate START"); generateHighLightAt(0, m_HLDataPass1[0].beginStart, 0); } else if(-1 == stopId) { //APPL_DEBUG("******* Regenerate STOP"); generateHighLightAt(m_HLDataPass1[m_HLDataPass1.size() -1].endStop, m_data.size(), m_HLDataPass1.size()); } else { //APPL_DEBUG("******* Regenerate RANGE"); generateHighLightAt(m_HLDataPass1[startId].endStop, m_HLDataPass1[startId+1].beginStart, startId+1); } } void appl::Buffer::findMainHighLightPosition(int64_t _startPos, int64_t _endPos, int64_t& _startId, int64_t& _stopId, bool _backPreviousNotEnded) { _startId = -1; _stopId = -1; /* rules to start stop: HighLight data ---- remove area **** Start pos S End pos E Some Case : ----------- ------------ ------------- ---------- S **** E ----------- ------------ ------------- ---------- S ********** E ----------- ------------ ------------- ---------- S **** E ----------- ------------ ------------- ---------- S ********* E ----------- ------------ ------------- ---------- S ********************* E ----------- ------------ ------------- ---------- S ************************ E ----------- ------------ ------------- ---------- S ***************** E ----------- ------------ ------------- ---------- S *************** E ----------- ------------ S *************** E=-1 ------------ ------------- ---------- S=-1 *************** E */ for (int32_t iii = 0; iii < m_HLDataPass1.size(); ++iii) { if (m_HLDataPass1[iii].endStop > _startPos) { break; } _startId = iii; } // go back while the previous element is not eneded if (_backPreviousNotEnded == true) { for (int64_t iii = _startId; iii >= 0; --iii) { if (m_HLDataPass1[iii].notEnded == false) { break; } _startId = iii-1; } } int64_t elemStart; if(_startId == -1) { elemStart = 0; } else { elemStart = _startId+1; } for (int32_t iii = elemStart; iii < m_HLDataPass1.size(); ++iii) { if (m_HLDataPass1[iii].beginStart > _endPos) { _stopId = iii; break; } } } void appl::Buffer::generateHighLightAt(int64_t _pos, int64_t _endPos, int64_t _addingPos) { if (NULL == m_highlight) { return; } //APPL_DEBUG("area : ("<parse(_pos, _endPos, m_HLDataPass1, _addingPos, m_data); } void appl::Buffer::cleanHighLight() { // remove all element in the list... m_HLDataPass1.clear(); } appl::HighlightInfo* appl::Buffer::getElementColorAtPosition(int64_t _pos, int64_t &_starPos) { int32_t start = etk_max(0, _starPos-1); for (int32_t iii = start; iii < m_HLDataPass1.size(); ++iii) { _starPos = iii; if ( m_HLDataPass1[iii].beginStart <= _pos && m_HLDataPass1[iii].endStop > _pos) { return &m_HLDataPass1[iii]; } if(m_HLDataPass1[iii].beginStart > _pos) { return NULL; } } return NULL; } void appl::Buffer::hightlightGenerateLines(appl::DisplayHLData& _MData, const appl::Buffer::Iterator& _HLStart, int64_t _nbLines) { _MData.posHLPass1 = 0; _MData.posHLPass2 = 0; if (NULL == m_highlight) { return; } //int64_t timeStart = ewol::getTime(); appl::Buffer::Iterator HLStartLine = getStartLine(_HLStart); int64_t HLStartPos = (int64_t)HLStartLine; _MData.HLData.clear(); int64_t HLStop = (int64_t)countForwardNLines(HLStartLine, _nbLines); int64_t startId = 0; int64_t stopId = 0; // find element previous findMainHighLightPosition(_HLStart, HLStop, startId, stopId, true); //APPL_DEBUG("List of section between : "<< startId << " & " << stopId); int64_t endSearch = stopId+1; if (stopId == -1) { endSearch = m_HLDataPass1.size(); } int64_t kkk; for (kkk = etk_max(startId, 0); kkk < endSearch; ++kkk) { // empty section : if (kkk == 0) { if (HLStartPos < m_HLDataPass1[kkk].beginStart) { APPL_VERBOSE(" == > (empty section 1 ) kkk=" << kkk << " start=" << HLStartPos << " stop=" << m_HLDataPass1[kkk].beginStart ); m_highlight->parse2(HLStartPos, m_HLDataPass1[kkk].beginStart, _MData.HLData, m_data); } // else : nothing to do ... } else { APPL_VERBOSE(" == > (empty section 2 ) kkk=" << kkk << " start=" << m_HLDataPass1[kkk-1].endStop << " stop=" << m_HLDataPass1[kkk].beginStart ); m_highlight->parse2(m_HLDataPass1[kkk-1].endStop, m_HLDataPass1[kkk].beginStart, _MData.HLData, m_data); } // under section : //APPL_DEBUG(" == > (under section ) k="< (empty section 3 ) kkk=" << kkk << " start=" << m_HLDataPass1[kkk-1].endStop << " stop=" << HLStop ); m_highlight->parse2(m_HLDataPass1[kkk-1].endStop, HLStop, _MData.HLData, m_data); } else { APPL_VERBOSE(" == > (empty section 4 ) kkk=" << kkk << " start=0 stop=" << HLStop ); m_highlight->parse2(0, HLStop, _MData.HLData, m_data); } } /* int64_t timeStop = ewol::getTime(); APPL_DEBUG("Display 2nd pass = " << (timeStop-timeStart)/1000.0f << " milli-second"); */ } appl::HighlightInfo* appl::Buffer::getElementColorAtPosition(appl::DisplayHLData& _MData, int64_t _pos) { int64_t start = etk_max(0, _MData.posHLPass2-1); for (int64_t iii=start; iii<(int32_t)_MData.HLData.size(); iii++) { _MData.posHLPass2 = iii; if( _MData.HLData[iii].beginStart <= _pos && _MData.HLData[iii].endStop > _pos) { return &_MData.HLData[iii]; } if(_MData.HLData[iii].beginStart > _pos) { return getElementColorAtPosition(_pos, _MData.posHLPass1); } } return getElementColorAtPosition(_pos, _MData.posHLPass1); } uint32_t appl::Buffer::getCursorLinesId() { if (m_data.size() == 0) { return 0; } uint32_t line = 0; for (Iterator it = begin(); (bool)it == true && it <= cursor(); ++it) { if (*it == u32char::Return) { ++line; } } return line; }