/** * @author Edouard DUPIN * * @copyright 2010, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved * * @license GPL v3 (see license file) */ #include #include #include #include #undef __class__ #define __class__ "WorkerCloseFile" const char* appl::WorkerCloseFile::eventCloseDone = "close-file-done"; static const char* s_saveAsValidate = "save-as-validate"; static const char* s_saveValidate = "save-validate"; static const char* s_closeValidate = "close-validate"; static const char* s_saveAsDone = "save-as-done"; appl::WorkerCloseFile::WorkerCloseFile(const std::string& _bufferName) : m_bufferName(_bufferName), m_buffer(NULL), m_worker(NULL), m_bufferManager(NULL) { addObjectType("appl::WorkerCloseFile"); addEventId(eventCloseDone); // load buffer manager: m_bufferManager = appl::BufferManager::keep(); if (m_bufferManager == NULL) { APPL_ERROR("can not call unexistant buffer manager ... "); autoDestroy(); return; } if (m_bufferName == "") { // need to find the curent file ... appl::Buffer* tmpp = m_bufferManager->getBufferSelected(); if (tmpp == NULL) { APPL_ERROR("No selected buffer now ..."); autoDestroy(); return; } m_bufferName = tmpp->getFileName(); } if (m_bufferManager->exist(m_bufferName) == false) { APPL_ERROR("Try to close an non-existant file :" << m_bufferName); autoDestroy(); return; } m_buffer = m_bufferManager->get(m_bufferName); if (m_buffer == NULL) { APPL_ERROR("Error to get the buffer : " << m_bufferName); autoDestroy(); return; } if (m_buffer->isModify() == false) { generateEventId(eventCloseDone); m_buffer->removeObject(); return; } ewol::widget::StdPopUp* tmpPopUp = new ewol::widget::StdPopUp(); if (tmpPopUp == NULL) { APPL_ERROR("Can not create a simple pop-up"); return; } tmpPopUp->setTitle("Close un-saved file:"); tmpPopUp->setComment("The file named : \"" + m_buffer->getFileName() + "\" is curently modify.
If you don't saves these modifications,
they will be definitly lost..."); ewol::Widget* bt = NULL; if (m_buffer->hasFileName() == true) { bt = tmpPopUp->addButton("Save", true); if (bt != NULL) { bt->registerOnEvent(this, "pressed", s_saveValidate); } } bt = tmpPopUp->addButton("Save As", true); if (bt != NULL) { bt->registerOnEvent(this, "pressed", s_saveAsValidate); } bt = tmpPopUp->addButton("Close", true); if (bt != NULL) { bt->registerOnEvent(this, "pressed", s_closeValidate); } tmpPopUp->addButton("Cancel", true); tmpPopUp->setRemoveOnExternClick(true); ewol::widget::Windows* tmpWindows = ewol::getContext().getWindows(); if (tmpWindows == NULL) { APPL_ERROR("Error to get the windows."); autoDestroy(); return; } tmpWindows->popUpWidgetPush(tmpPopUp); } appl::WorkerCloseFile::~WorkerCloseFile() { appl::BufferManager::release(m_bufferManager); } void appl::WorkerCloseFile::onReceiveMessage(const ewol::object::Message& _msg) { if (m_bufferManager == NULL) { // nothing to do in this case ==> can do nothing ... return; } APPL_DEBUG("have message : " << _msg); if (_msg.getMessage() == s_saveAsValidate) { m_worker = new appl::WorkerSaveFile(m_bufferName); if (m_worker != NULL) { m_worker->registerOnEvent(this, appl::WorkerSaveFile::eventSaveDone, s_saveAsDone); } } else if (_msg.getMessage() == s_saveValidate) { if (m_buffer == NULL) { APPL_ERROR("Error to get the buffer : oldName=" << m_bufferName); autoDestroy(); return; } if (m_buffer->storeFile() == false) { ewol::widget::Windows* tmpWindows = ewol::getContext().getWindows(); if (tmpWindows == NULL) { return; } tmpWindows->displayWarningMessage("We can not save the file :
" + m_buffer->getFileName() + ""); } else { generateEventId(eventCloseDone); } } else if ( _msg.getMessage() == s_closeValidate || _msg.getMessage() == s_saveAsDone) { if (m_buffer == NULL) { APPL_ERROR("Error to get the buffer : " << m_bufferName); autoDestroy(); return; } generateEventId(eventCloseDone); m_buffer->removeObject(); } } void appl::WorkerCloseFile::onObjectRemove(ewol::Object* _removeObject) { if (_removeObject == m_worker) { m_worker = NULL; APPL_VERBOSE("AutoRemove After closing sub widget ..."); autoDestroy(); } else if (_removeObject == m_bufferManager) { m_bufferManager = NULL; autoDestroy(); } else if (_removeObject == m_buffer) { m_buffer = NULL; autoDestroy(); } }