[DEV] better version

This commit is contained in:
Edouard DUPIN 2019-12-09 23:33:34 +01:00
parent 23bf7ba7ad
commit dd37aae306
3 changed files with 232 additions and 192 deletions

View File

@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ RUN pip install python-dateutil
RUN pip install realog
RUN pip install python-magic
ADD src /application/

View File

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import dateutil.parser
import time
import json
import os
import sys
import datetime
@ -74,6 +75,7 @@ API_SAISON = "saison"
API_VIDEO = "video"
API_DATA = "data"
def add_type(_app, _name_api):
elem_blueprint = Blueprint(_name_api)
@ -241,7 +243,8 @@ def add_video(_app, _name_api):
class DataModel:
type_id = int
saison_id = int
saison = int
episode = int
group_id = int
name = str
description = str
@ -297,41 +300,98 @@ def add_video(_app, _name_api):
add_video(app, API_VIDEO)
import hashlib
import shutil
tmp_value = 0
#curl -F 'file=@Totally_Spies.mp4;type=application/octet-stream' -H 'transfer-encoding:chunked' -X POST -O; echo ;
@app.post('/data', stream=True)
async def handler(_request):
debug.info("request streaming " + str(_request));
async def streaming(_response):
debug.info("streaming " + str(_response));
total_size = 0
temporary_file = os.path.join(rest_config["tmp_data"], str(tmp_value) + ".tmp")
if not os.path.exists(rest_config["tmp_data"]):
if not os.path.exists(rest_config["data_media"]):
file_stream = open(temporary_file,"wb")
sha1 = hashlib.sha512()
while True:
body = await _request.stream.read()
if body is None:
debug.warning("empty body");
total_size += len(body)
debug.warning("body " + str(len(body)) + "/" + str(total_size))
print("SHA512: " + str(sha1.hexdigest()))
await _response.write('{"size":' + str(total_size) + ', "sha512":"' + str(sha1.hexdigest()) + '"}')
shutil.move(temporary_file, os.path.join(rest_config["data_media"], str(sha1.hexdigest())))
return response.stream(streaming, content_type='application/json')
def add_data(_app, _name_api):
elem_blueprint = Blueprint(_name_api)
@elem_blueprint.get('/' + _name_api, strict_slashes=True)
@doc.summary("Show saisons")
@doc.description("Display a listing of the resource.")
async def list(request):
return response.json(data_global_elements.get_interface(_name_api).gets())
@elem_blueprint.post('/' + _name_api, strict_slashes=True, stream=True)
@doc.summary("send new file data")
@doc.description("Create a new data file (associated with his sha512.")
#@doc.consumes(DataModel, location='body')#, required=True)
@doc.response_success(status=201, description='If successful created')
async def create(_request):
debug.info("request streaming " + str(_request));
args_with_blank_values = _request.headers
debug.info("List arguments: " + str(args_with_blank_values));
async def streaming(_response):
debug.info("streaming " + str(_response));
total_size = 0
temporary_file = os.path.join(rest_config["tmp_data"], str(tmp_value) + ".tmp")
if not os.path.exists(rest_config["tmp_data"]):
if not os.path.exists(rest_config["data_media"]):
file_stream = open(temporary_file,"wb")
sha1 = hashlib.sha512()
while True:
body = await _request.stream.read()
if body is None:
debug.warning("empty body");
total_size += len(body)
debug.verbose("body " + str(len(body)) + "/" + str(total_size))
print("SHA512: " + str(sha1.hexdigest()))
destination_filename = os.path.join(rest_config["data_media"], str(sha1.hexdigest()))
if os.path.isfile(destination_filename) == True:
answer_data = {
"size": total_size,
"sha512": str(sha1.hexdigest()),
"already_exist": True,
await _response.write(json.dumps(answer_data, sort_keys=True, indent=4))
shutil.move(temporary_file, destination_filename)
data_metafile = {
"sha512": str(sha1.hexdigest()),
"size": total_size,
'filename': _request.headers["filename"],
'mime-type': _request.headers["mime-type"],
tools.file_write_data(destination_filename + ".meta", json.dumps(data_metafile, sort_keys=True, indent=4))
answer_data = {
"size": total_size,
"sha512": str(sha1.hexdigest()),
"already_exist": True,
await _response.write(json.dumps(answer_data, sort_keys=True, indent=4))
return response.stream(streaming, content_type='application/json')
@elem_blueprint.get('/' + _name_api + '/<id:int>', strict_slashes=True)
@doc.summary("Show resources")
@doc.description("Display a listing of the resource.")
async def retrive(request, id):
value = data_global_elements.get_interface(_name_api).get(id)
if value != None:
return response.json(value)
raise ServerError("No data found", status_code=404)
add_data(app, API_DATA)
import hashlib
import shutil
if __name__ == "__main__":
debug.info("Start REST application: " + str(rest_config["host"]) + ":" + str(rest_config["port"]))

View File

@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ import sys
import hashlib
import requests # pip install requests
import realog.debug as debug
import magic
import json
class upload_in_chunks(object):
def __init__(self, filename, chunksize=1 + 13):
@ -41,40 +42,27 @@ class upload_in_chunks(object):
#result = requests.post("", data=upload_in_chunks(filename, chunksize=4096))
#print("result : " + str(result) + " " + result.text)#str(dir(result)))
static etk::String extractAndRemove(const etk::String& _inputValue, const char _startMark, const char _stopMark, etk::Vector<etk::String>& _values:
etk::String out;
bool inside=False;
etk::String insideData;
for (auto &it : _inputValue:
if inside == False
and it == _startMark:
inside = True;
elif inside == True
and it == _stopMark:
inside = False;
def extract_and_remove(_input_value, _start_mark, _stop_mark):
values = []
out = ""
inside = False
inside_data = ""
for it in _input_value:
if inside == False \
and it == _start_mark:
inside = True
elif inside == True \
and it == _stop_mark:
inside = False
inside_data = ""
elif inside == True:
insideData += it;
insideData += it
out += it;
out += it
return (out, values)
return out;
bool progressCall(const etk::String& _value:
return False;
void progressCallback(const etk::String& _value:
debug.info("plop " + _value);
def create_directory_of_file(_file):
path = os.path.dirname(_file)
@ -129,6 +117,7 @@ def calculate_sha512(_path):
def push_video_file(_path, _basic_key={}):
file_name, file_extension = os.path.splitext(_path);
debug.info("Send file: '" + file_name + "' with extention " + file_extension)
# internal file_extension ...
if file_extension == "sha512":
debug.verbose("file: '" + _path + "' sha512 extention ...")
@ -207,6 +196,7 @@ def push_video_file(_path, _basic_key={}):
debug.info("check file existance: sha='" + storedSha512 + "'");
# push only if the file exist
# TODO : Check the metadata updating ...
@ -227,176 +217,164 @@ def push_video_file(_path, _basic_key={}):
return False;
result = requests.post("", data=upload_in_chunks(_path, chunksize=4096))
print("result *********** : " + str(result) + " " + result.text)#str(dir(result)))
# Get the media
zeus::ProxyMedia media = _srv.get(mediaId).waitFor(echrono::seconds(2000)).get();
if media.exist() == False:
debug.error("get media error");
return False;
# TODO: if the media have meta data ==> this mean that the media already added before ...
mime = magic.Magic(mime=True)
mime_type = mime.from_file(_path)
headers_values = {'filename': _path, 'mime-type': mime_type}
result_send_data = requests.post("", headers=headers_values, data=upload_in_chunks(_path, chunksize=4096))
print("result *********** : " + str(result_send_data) + " " + result_send_data.text)
file_name = os.path.basename(file_name)
debug.info("Find file_name : '" + file_name + "'");
# Remove Date (XXXX) or other title
etk::Vector<etk::String> dates;
file_name = extractAndRemove(file_name, '(', ')', dates);
bool haveDate = False;
bool haveTitle = False;
for (auto &it: dates:
if it.size() == 0:
if it[0] == '0'
or it[0] == '1'
or it[0] == '2'
or it[0] == '3'
or it[0] == '4'
or it[0] == '5'
or it[0] == '6'
or it[0] == '7'
or it[0] == '8'
# Remove Date (XXXX) or other titreadsofarle
file_name, dates = extract_and_remove(file_name, '(', ')');
have_date = False
have_Title = False
for it in dates:
if len(it) == 0:
if it[0] == '0' \
or it[0] == '1' \
or it[0] == '2' \
or it[0] == '3' \
or it[0] == '4' \
or it[0] == '5' \
or it[0] == '6' \
or it[0] == '7' \
or it[0] == '8' \
or it[0] == '9':
# find a date ...
if haveDate == True:
debug.info(" '" + file_name + "'");
debug.error("Parse Date error : () : " + it + " ==> multiple date");
haveDate = True;
_basic_key.set("date", it);
if have_date == True:
debug.info(" '" + file_name + "'")
debug.error("Parse Date error : () : " + it + " ==> multiple date")
have_date = True
_basic_key["date"] = it
if haveTitle == True:
debug.info(" '" + file_name + "'");
debug.error("Parse Title error : () : " + it + " ==> multiple title");
haveTitle = True;
if have_Title == True:
debug.info(" '" + file_name + "'")
debug.error("Parse Title error : () : " + it + " ==> multiple title")
have_Title = True
# Other title
_basic_key.set("title2", it);
_basic_key.set["title2"] = it;
# remove unneeded date
if haveDate == False:
_basic_key.set("date", "");
if have_date == False:
_basic_key["date"] = ""
# remove unneeded title 2
if haveTitle == False:
_basic_key.set("title2", "");
if have_Title == False:
_basic_key["title2"] = ""
# Remove the actors [XXX YYY][EEE TTT]...
etk::Vector<etk::String> acthors;
file_name = extractAndRemove(file_name, '[', ']', acthors);
if acthors.size() > 0:
debug.info(" '" + file_name + "'");
etk::String actorList;
for (auto &itActor : acthors:
if actorList != "":
actorList += ";";
file_name, acthors = extract_and_remove(file_name, '[', ']');
if len(acthors) > 0:
debug.info(" '" + file_name + "'")
actor_list = []
for it_actor in acthors:
if actor_list != "":
actor_list += ";"
_basic_key["acthors"] = actor_list
actorList += itActor;
list_element_base = file_name.split('-')
_basic_key.set("acthors", actorList);
# remove file_extension
file_name = etk::String(file_name.begin(), file_name.begin() + file_name.size() - (file_extension.size()+1));
etk::Vector<etk::String> listElementBase = etk::split(file_name, '-');
etk::Vector<etk::String> listElement;
etk::String tmpStartString;
for (size_t iii=0; iii<listElementBase.size(); ++iii:
if listElementBase[iii][0] != 's'
and listElementBase[iii][0] != 'e':
if tmpStartString != "":
tmpStartString += '-';
tmpStartString += listElementBase[iii];
list_element = [];
tmp_start_string = "";
for iii in range(0,len(list_element_base)):
if list_element_base[iii][0] != 's' \
and list_element_base[iii][0] != 'e':
if tmp_start_string != "":
tmp_start_string += '-'
tmp_start_string += list_element_base[iii]
tmpStartString = "";
for (/* nothing to do */; iii<listElementBase.size(); ++iii:
tmp_start_string = ""
while iii<len(list_element_base):
iii += 1
if tmp_start_string != "":
if tmpStartString != "":
if listElement.size() == 1:
if len(list_element) == 1:
# nothing to do , it might be a film ...
_basic_key.set("title", etk::toString(listElement[0]));
_basic_key["title"] = list_element[0]
for (auto &itt : listElement:
debug.info(" " + itt);
if listElement.size() > 3
and listElement[1][0] == 's'
and listElement[2][0] == 'e':
if len(list_element) > 3 \
and list_element[1][0] == 's' \
and list_element[2][0] == 'e':
# internal formalisme ...
int32_t saison = -1;
int32_t episode = -1;
etk::String seriesName = listElement[0];
saison = -1;
episode = -1;
series_name = list_element[0];
_basic_key.set("series-name", etk::toString(seriesName));
etk::String fullEpisodeName = listElement[3];
for (int32_t yyy=4; yyy<listElement.size(); ++yyy:
fullEpisodeName += "-" + listElement[yyy];
_basic_key["series-name"] = series_name
full_episode_name = list_element[3]
for yyy in range(4, len(list_element)):
full_episode_name += "-" + list_element[yyy]
_basic_key.set("title", etk::toString(fullEpisodeName));
if etk::String(&listElement[1][1]) == "XX":
_basic_key["title"] = full_episode_name
if list_element[1][1:] == "XX":
# saison unknow ... ==> nothing to do ...
saison = etk::string_to_int32_t(&listElement[1][1]);
saison = int(list_element[1][1:]);
if etk::String(&listElement[2][1]) == "XX":
if list_element[2][1:] == "XX":
# episode unknow ... ==> nothing to do ...
episode = etk::string_to_int32_t(&listElement[2][1]);
_basic_key.set("episode", etk::toString(episode));
episode = int(list_element[2][1:]);
_basic_key["episode"] = episode
debug.info("Find a internal mode series: :");
debug.info(" origin : '" + file_name + "'");
etk::String saisonPrint = "XX";
etk::String episodePrint = "XX";
saisonPrint = "XX";
episodePrint = "XX";
if saison < 0:
# nothing to do
elif saison < 10:
saisonPrint = "0" + etk::toString(saison);
_basic_key.set("saison", etk::toString(saison));
saisonPrint = "0" + str(saison)
_basic_key["saison"] = str(saison)
saisonPrint = etk::toString(saison);
_basic_key.set("saison", etk::toString(saison));
saisonPrint = str(saison)
_basic_key["saison"] = str(saison)
if episode < 0:
# nothing to do
elif episode < 10:
episodePrint = "0" + etk::toString(episode);
_basic_key.set("episode", etk::toString(episode));
episodePrint = "0" + str(episode);
_basic_key["episode"] = str(episode)
episodePrint = etk::toString(episode);
_basic_key.set("episode", etk::toString(episode));
episodePrint = str(episode);
_basic_key["episode"] = str(episode)
debug.info(" ==> '" + seriesName + "-s" + saisonPrint + "-e" + episodePrint + "-" + fullEpisodeName + "'");
debug.info(" ==> '" + series_name + "-s" + saisonPrint + "-e" + episodePrint + "-" + full_episode_name + "'");
# send all meta data:
zeus::FutureGroup group;
for (auto &itKey : _basic_key:
if itKey.second != "":
APPL_WARNING("Set metaData: " + itKey.first + " : " + itKey.second);
result_send_data_json = json.loads(result_send_data.text)
debug.info("pared meta data: " + json.dumps(_basic_key, sort_keys=True, indent=4))
data_model = {
"type_id": _basic_key["type"],
"sha512": result_send_data_json["sha512"],
"saison": _basic_key["saison"],
"episode": _basic_key["episode"],
"group_name": _basic_key["series-name"],
#"group_id": int,
"name": _basic_key["title"],
"description": None,
# creating time
"date": _basic_key["date"],
"actors": _basic_key["acthors"],
# number of second
"time": None,
result_send_data = requests.post("", data=json.dumps(data_model, sort_keys=True, indent=4))
print("result *********** : " + str(result_send_data) + " " + result_send_data.text)
group.add(media.setMetadata(itKey.first, itKey.second));
return True;
return True
def install_video_path( _path, _basic_key = {}):