## QSimpleUpdater QSimpleUpdater is an implementation of an auto-updating system to be used with Qt projects. QSimpleUpdater is **free and open source [LGPL software](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html)**, which means that you can use it for both open source and proprietary applications. ## Using QSimpleUpdater 1. Copy the QSimpleUpdater folder in your "3rd-party" folder. 2. Include the QSimpleUpdater project include (pri) file using the include() function. 3. That's all! Check the example project as a reference for your project. #### Running the example project 1. Navigate to the Example folder and open example.pro with [Qt Creator](http://qt-project.org/wiki/Category:Tools::QtCreator). 2. Compile the project and play with it :) ## Donate Donate [Bitcoins](http://bitcoin.org) to the project to keep it going! > 1BdxESMayJAengjAkjipMwfWkiqZUztyhU ## Useful Links + [Project website](http://alex-97.github.io/QSimpleUpdater) + [OpenHub Project](http://openhub.net/p/qsimpleupdater) + [Contact developer](mailto:alex.racotta@gmail.com)